
Founded in 1874, the University of Adelaide is a world-class tertiary education and research institution committed to delivering high quality and distinct learning, teaching and research experiences.

The University of Adelaide is governed by its Council which is established by the University of Adelaide Act 1971.

Council is chaired by the Chancellor and advised by its standing committees, namely the Academic Board; Convenors' Committee; Council Selection Committee; Finance Committee; People and Culture Committee; Risk Committee and the Special Degrees Committee.

There are also a number of management committees in the University advising the Vice-Chancellor and President or other senior managers.


The University of Adelaide is governed by its Council which is established by the University of Adelaide Act 1971.

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Listing of Council Standing Committees, and management and advisory committees. Includes templates and guidelines for committees.

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Governance statement

This entry contains the University of Adelaide Governance Statement as approved by Council.

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