Arts & Music

2025 courses

Each course will be hyperlinked from 2nd December 2024 to their respective 2025 Course Planner which provides further information including a course description, assessment, contact hours and timetabling. 

Arts & Music

3D Imaging (MDIA 1017) Semester 1
Approaches to Culture (CULTST 1001)** Semester 1
Argument and Critical Thinking (PHIL 1101) Semester 1
Asia and the World (ASIA 1103) Semester 2
Australian Indigenous Languages (Kaurna focus) I (LING 1053)^^ Semester 1
Beginning Shakespeare (ENGL 1109) Semester 2
Chinese IA (CHIN 1001)** Semester 1
Chinese IB (CHIN 1002)^^ Semester 2
Creative Writing: The Essentials (CRWR 1001) Semester 1
Crime and Criminal Justice (CRIM 1002) Semester 1
Design Fundamentals (MDIA 1018)** Semester 1
Digital Platforms (MDIA 1007)** Semester 1
Economy, Environment and Place (GEOG 1103) Semester 2
Empires in World History (HIST 1108) Semester 1
Explaining Crime and Deviance (CRIM 1001) Semester 2
Foundations of News (MDIA 1021)^^ Semester 2
Beginners French A (FREN 1002)** Semester 1 or Semester 2
Beginners French B (FREN 1003)** Semester 2
From Elvis to YouTube I (MUSGEN 1003)** Semester 1
Gender and Work in a Changing World (GEND 1107) Semester 2
Globalisation, Justice and a Crowded Planet (GEOG 1101)^^ Semester 2
Beginners German A (GERM 1002)^^ Semester 1 or Semester 2
Beginners German B (GERM 1003)^^ Semester 2
Hollywood Film (FILM 1006) Semester 2
Image and Brand (MDIA 1019)^^ Semester 2 
Introduction to Ancient Greek and Roman History (CLAS 1003)^^ Semester 2
People, Cultures, Societies: Doing Anthropology (ANTH 1104)^^ Semester 2
Introduction to Asian Cultures (ASIA 1104) Semester 1
Introduction to Australian Politics (POLIS 1106)^^ Semester 1
Introduction to Comparative Politics (POLIS 1104) Semester 1
Introduction to English Literature (ENGL 1101)^^ Semester 1
Introduction to Film Studies (FILM 1005)** Semester 1
Introduction to Gender Studies (GEND 1106) Semester 1
Introduction to Global Politics (POLIS 1102) Semester 2
Introduction to International Development (DEVT 1001) Semester 1
Sustainability and Society (GEOG 1104)^^ Semester 1
Introduction to Language in Culture and Society (LING 1102) Semester 2
Introduction to Logic (PHIL 1110) Semester 2
Introduction to Sociology (SOCI 1003) Semester 1
Introduction to Virtual Reality Design (MDIA 1022)** Semester 2
Jazz History (MUSJAZZ 1010)** Semester 2
Beginners Spanish A (SPAN 1003)** Semester 1
Beginners Spanish B (SPAN 1004)** Semester 2
Japanese IA (JAPN 1001) Semester 1
Japanese IB (JAPN 1002) Semester 2
Key Concepts in Media (MDIA 1002)^^ Semester 1
Media Professions and Identities (MDIA 1020) Semester 2
Mind and World (PHIL 1102)** Semester 1
Morality, Society and the Individual (PHIL 1103) Semester 2
Musics of the World (MUSGEN 1004)** Semester 2
Music Technology Foundations (MUSONIC 1000) Semester 1 or Semester 2
Music Professional Development IA (MUSGEN 1201) Semester 1
Physical Geography and Human Environmental Impacts (GEOG 1102)^^ Semester 1
Revolutions That Changed the World (HIST 1109) Semester 2
Screen and Sound Industries (MDIA 1015) Semester 1
Social Problems (SOCI 1004) Semester 2
Sonic Arts in Practice 1 (MUSONIC 1300) Semester 2
Sound and Media (MUSONIC 1010)** Semester 2
Superheroes: Cinema and Comics (MDIA 1016) Semester 2
Writing and Composition (ENGL 1112) Semester 2
The Wonder of Language: An Intro to Linguistics (LING 1101) Semester 1

^^This subject has been determined by SACE to have a significant overlap with a SACE Stage 2 subject of similar topic (precluded combination). 

**This subject has not been previously approved by SACE. Approval request will be submitted during the enrolment process.