Choosing a course
The University of Adelaide has a wide range of subject areas open to Study Abroad and Exchange students.
Summer School and Winter School
Study Abroad and Exchange students can choose to study one or two courses in intensive mode during Summer School or Winter School.
View the Summer and Winter School page for more information.
Semester length study
Study Abroad and Exchange students can study for one or two semesters, commencing in semester 1 (February – July) or semester 2 (July – November).
Whether students study for one semester or two semesters with us*, it is a student visa requirement that they study full-time. A standard full-time workload per semester is considered to be:
- 4 courses (12 units - 100% of a full-time semester load) OR
- 3 courses (9 units - 75% of a full-time semester load)
Note: 12 units = 60 UK credits= 30 ECTS = 15 US credits
*For Semester 2, 2025 entry, we are only in a position to accept single semester length applications due to our merger with the University of South Australia. Full year Exchange or Study Abroad will not be possible.
Undergraduate (UG) & postgraduate (PG) courses
- Undergraduate courses are for students currently studying a Bachelor degree at their home institution.
- Postgraduate courses are for students who have completed an undergraduate qualification and are continuing their studies by completing an Award such as a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters Degree, PhD or Doctorate at their home institution.
- All courses have a course code, which includes 4-digit numbers. These numbers indicate the course level:
- 1000 to 3999 – Undergraduate courses (e.g the second year course International Business II has a code of INTBUS 2500)
- 4000 – Honours courses. Honours courses are not currently offered to Study Abroad or Exchange students.
- 5000 to 7999 – Postgraduate courses
It is not possible to choose a combination of undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Course availability
Unavailable courses are not offered to Study Abroad or Exchange students.
Some courses may have pre-requisites, limited availability or may require pre-approval by the School/Faculty. Students should ensure that they have appropriate academic background.
Unavailable courses
- Courses with a course code ending in RG (e.g. FOOD SC 2501RG) are not available
- Courses with a course code ending in NA (e.g. COMMLAW 1004NA) are not available
- Courses with a course code ending UAC (e.g. ACCTING 1002UAC) are not available.
Checking course availability
To check if a course you have selected is available to Study Abroad or Exchange students, visit the Course Outline list, navigate to study area that you are interested in, then select the course that you are interested in and click on the 'General Course Information' drop-down menu. This is also where you can find any pre-requisites or restrictions.
Course approval
Some courses have pre-requisites and require you to submit course descriptions (syllabi) of courses you have studied in the same subject area at your home university. Admission into these courses cannot be guaranteed.
You will need to provide course descriptions (in English) for courses chosen from the following study areas:
- Criminology
- Education
- Health Sciences
- Languages
- Law
- MBA (Executive Master of Business Administration)
- Media
- Music
- Sciences
Your home university will be able to provide course descriptions to you. You will need to gather this information, save them as PDF documents and submit them with your application.
Please ensure that your course descriptions contain detailed information of the course content you were taught. It is important to clearly articulate this information so that the lecturers of our courses are able to determine if you have the required academic background to be admitted.
You will not be assessed for entry into the above course areas unless you submit the course descriptions.
Please refer below to confirm that your discipline is available.
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Please refer to restricted and unavailable courses above.
Courses from the following study areas require additional approval from the Faculty of Arts Business, Law and Economics: Criminology, Education, Languages, Media and Music.
Business, Law, and Economics
Please refer to restricted and unavailable courses above.
Law: Law School applicants must be Law students in their home institution. Students may enrol into all PG OR all LLB Law courses. Students may not choose a combination of PG and LLB enrolments during their study at the Adelaide Law School.
Law: Law School applicants must be Law students in their home institution.
MBA: MBA courses offered in the Executive Master of Business Administration program will require a minimum of two years full-time work experience in a managerial role (substantiated by a current CV or resume outlining managerial roles and achievements) and a completed Bachelor degree. MBA classes are run on a trimester basis and held in the evenings with some classes running intensively on weekends. As part of the application process prospective students will be required to participate in a Zoom or Skype conversation with the MBA Director if a face-to-face appointment is not possible. For more information please contact
Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences
Health and Medical Sciences
Please refer to restricted and unavailable courses above.
Undergraduate Disciplines
Anatomical Sciences
ANAT SCHealth Sciences
HLTH SCPaediatrics
PSYCHOLPublic Health
PUB HLTHPostgraduate Disciplines Public Health
PUB HLTHMost courses within the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences require additional approval.
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology
Engineering and Technology
Please refer to restricted and unavailable courses above.
Postgraduate Disciplines Applied Mathematics
APP MTHArchitecture
ARCHBiomedical Engineering
BIOMENGBioprocess Engineering
BIOPRENGChemical Engineering
CHEM ENGComputer Science
COMP SCIConstruction Management
CONMGMTElectrical & Electronic Engineering
ELEC ENGEngineering
ENGEnviromental Engineering
ENV ENGLandscape Architecture
LARCHMaterials Engineering
MAT ENGMaths & Computer Science
MATHSMechanical Engineering
MECH ENGMining Engineering
MININGPetroleum Engineering
PETROENGPetroleum Geology and Geophysics
PROPPure Mathematics
Please refer to restricted and unavailable courses above.
Undergraduate Disciplines Agribusiness
AGRIBUSAgriculture & Natural Resource
AGRONOMYAnimal Behaviour
AN BEHAVAnimal Science
ANIML SCApplied Data Analytics
APP DATABiochemistry
CHEMEnvironmental Biology
ENV BIOLFood Science
FOOD SCGenetics
PHYSICSPlant Science
SCIENCESoil & Water
STEMVet Sciences
VET SCVeterinary Technology
VET TECHViticulture
VITICULTMost Science courses require additional approval from the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology.
It may be possible to incorporate an Internship experience into your Exchange or Study Abroad Program. The University of Adelaide has a well equipped Internships Office to help facilitate students expanding their skills outside of the classroom. To learn more, visit the Student Internships website.
The following Internship courses are available to Exchange and Study Abroad students:
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics:
- ABLEINT 2001 - ABLE Internship Level II
- ABLEINT 3001 - ABLE Internship Level III
- ABLEINT 7001 - ABLE Internship Postgraduate
- POLIS3107- International Relations Internship
Faculty of Science Engineering and Technology:
Do note, Students will be supported in securing a suitable internship which aligns with their major or specialisation; and professional interests. Students are required to demonstrate a positive attitude and commitment during the internship process and must present to the Internships Office with a professional resume and transcript. The Internships Office will liaise with the student and potential host organisations who will usually require the student to formally apply and participate in an internship interview process, prior to being offered an internship. To avoid a delay in this process, students are advised get in touch as early as possible as it takes time to finalise internship arrangements. Students won’t be able to do an internship course if they enrol less than 1 month prior to semester commencement.