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Students to benefit from SACOME membership

A group of 80 science and engineering students at the University of Adelaide will benefit from membership of the South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy (SACOME) thanks to the generosity of the Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources and SACOME.
[Read more about Students to benefit from SACOME membership]
2019 IMER Annual Report

The 2019 IMER annual report is now available to download.
Peter Dowd elected President of the IAMG

Professor Peter Dowd, Director of the ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Integrated Operations for Complex Resources, has been elected President of the International Association for the Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG) for a four-year term commencing September 2020.
Dr Michael Gibbard receives prestigous IEEE award

Congratulations to Dr Michael Gibbard, who has received the IEEE Power Engineering Society’s Prabha S. Kundar Power System Dynamics and Control Award for 2020, for his extraordinary contributions to the theory and software tools for small-signal stability analysis and power system control.
[Read more about Dr Michael Gibbard receives prestigous IEEE award]
Carl Spandler to present online professorial lecture

In the first online Professorial Lecture, newly appointed Associate Professor Carl Spandler from Earth Sciences will discuss, 'Unearthing rare earths: Why mining critical metals is vital to our future, and why Australia is well placed to profit'. The event will be live streamed via Zoom on Monday, 29 June at 6 pm. More information and to register.
[Read more about Carl Spandler to present online professorial lecture]
Transforming the heavy industrial sector to a low carbon future

Companies are invited to partner in a new proposal to the Australian Government to form a Heavy Industry Low-carbon Transition Cooperative Research Centre (HILT CRC) to expedite the decarbonisation of Australia’s heavy industrial processes and produce materials vital to the local and global economies at lower costs and in more sustainable ways. Prospectus now available.
[Read more about Transforming the heavy industrial sector to a low carbon future]
CEEC welcomes world-class mineral and energy research institute as a new sponsor

A new sponsorship partnership between the Coalition for Energy Efficient Comminution (CEEC) and the University of Adelaide’s Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources (IMER) will enhance greater opportunities for innovation in the resources sector.
[Read more about CEEC welcomes world-class mineral and energy research institute as a new sponsor]
HiTeMP-2 Forum consolidated as a globally unique event addressing carbon emissions in heavy industry
Following the success of HiTeMP-1 Forum in 2018, and despite the very significant disruptions caused by the COVID19 pandemic, HiTeMP-2 consolidated this Forum’s position as a globally unique and leading event in engaging international specialists from industry, research, government and community organisations to chart the path for the heavy industrial sector to transition to the new, low-carbon economic future.
HiTeMP-2 Forum: Be part of the conversation to transition high temperature minerals processing to zero carbon emissions

Professor Gus Nathan, Director of the Centre for Energy Technology at the University of Adelaide and Convenor of the 2020 HiTEMP-2 Forum on Zero Carbon High Temperature Minerals Processing discusses the upcoming Forum to be held at the International Wine Centre, Adelaide, March 16-18. He explains why heavy industries such as iron/steel, alumina/aluminium, cement, lime and copper are coming together to solve the issue of carbon emissions in high temperature minerals processing.
International forum to forge new pathways in zero carbon high temperature mineral processing

After the success of the inaugural High Temperature Minerals Processing Forum (HiTeMP) held in 2018, delegates from around the world will once again converge on Adelaide for HiTeMP-2, to be held March 16-18, 2020 at the National Wine Centre, Adelaide.