GeoEnergy Research

About us

The Earth’s subsurface plays an important role in the energy transition as a source of many necessary resources, and as a location for the safe and economic storage of energy and emissions. 

Women working at the drill core library

The University of Adelaide boasts one of Australia’s best research and teaching teams in the field of GeoEnergy, with a focus on fundamental and applied science and engineering research. 

We have a long history of academic expertise in subsurface energy and CO2 sequestration geoscience and engineering, and in working with government and industry to accelerate and de-risk development. 



Our experts in GeoEnergy research span disciplines including mining, petroleum and mechanical engineering, and the Earth sciences.

Our expertise is focused on topics such as: rock and fracture mechanics, active monitoring, reservoir simulation, gas-water-rock interactions, robotics and automation, standards and regulation, geophysics, structural geology, seismic hazard and risk, sedimentology, thermochronology, salt tectonics, geochemistry and data analytics.

Approaches span theoretical, numerical, experimental, field, modelling and simulations. Improved understanding of the geological subsurface, how water and gases flow through the subsurface, and how rocks respond to changes in pressure, temperature and fluid flow, are key areas of focus.

Scientists checking data at a lab


Key laboratory facilities include:

Our team is developing detailed descriptions of the research projects currently under way, and we will describe these here soon.

Geoscientists doing fieldwork

Industry training and collaboration

We provide research services and short courses to industry and would love to help your business develop the key competencies you need.

  1. Energy transition courses: Fundamentals in future energy industries that interact with the subsurface.
  2. Sedimentary basin courses: Everything you need to know to explore or operate in the geological basin of your interest.
  3. Specialisation courses: Learn enough about specialist subjects to understand and act on information.