Fortescue Future Industries, Sparc Technologies and the University of Adelaide partner to tackle the future of clean energy

Hydrogen JRC

Sparc Technologies Ltd (ASX: SPN) has entered into binding agreements with global green energy company Fortescue Future Industries Pty Ltd (an entity of Fortescue Metals Group Ltd ASX: FMG) and the University of Adelaide, forming the Sparc Hydrogen Pty Ltd Joint Venture (Sparc Hydrogen).

Sparc Hydrogen is seeking to deliver a unique process with the aim of producing commercially viable green hydrogen via photocatalysis (the Sparc Green Hydrogen Project). The green hydrogen technology has been developed by the University of Adelaide’s Professor Greg Metha and team, and Flinders University.

University of Adelaide Executive Director, Innovation and Commercial, Dr Stephen Rodda said the joint venture was a "perfect example of the University of Adelaide's internationally regarded research being put on a path to achieving a significant commercial outcome".

“The University of Adelaide is committed to partnering with industry to support the transfer and development of new technologies. This is a priority activity for the University. We have a long-standing track record of successful partnerships and we will continue to invest in them long into the future,’’ he said.

“Critical to the success of any partnership is the alignment of goals and objectives. Sparc and FFI are clearly committed to the partnership, we are aligned in what we want to achieve, and they are investing the resources required to give this technology every chance to succeed.”

The Sparc Green Hydrogen Project will seek to further develop a process known as Thermo-Photocatalysis, which employs the sun’s radiation and thermal properties to convert water into hydrogen and oxygen. Adopting this process to produce green hydrogen means that renewable energy from wind farms and/or photovoltaic solar panels and expensive electrolysers are not needed for this particular approach. As such, capital and operating expenditure is anticipated to be significantly lower than electrolysis and other forms of hydrogen production currently in use. This technology can potentially be adopted remotely and for onsite use, reducing the reliance on long distance hydrogen transportation or electricity transmission.

University of Adelaide Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Peter Hoj, said: “We are proud to be the leading university involved in this venture, applying our research and innovation in responding to one of the great challenges of our times: the development of green energy solutions for our planet.”

Media contact:
Dr Stephen Rodda, Executive Director – Innovation and Commercial, The University of Adelaide. Mobile: +61 (0)403 369 591, Email:

Elisa Black, Acting Director – Media and Communications, The University of Adelaide. Mobile: +61 (0)466 460 959, Email:

This article was first published on the University of Adelaide Newsroom, Feb 3, 2022.

Tagged in Sparc, innovation, hydrogen, CET