Curnamona Cube AuScope Seismic Array - Mawson Geo Centre

Flinders Ranges vista

The AuScope Earth Imaging team, led by Professor Graham Heinson and Ben Kay from The University of Adelaide, Mawson Geo Centre, is deploying 138 NCRIS enabled seismometers in the CurnamonaCube Project area.

Professor Heinson, Mawson Geo Centre Director, notes: The team in the field are led by Ben Kay (for helicopter deployments) and Goran Boren (for car deployments), with Michelle Galea, Ilaria Tarasenko, Erin Tuohino and Jianli Zhi. The helicopter deployments were enabled by our long-time collaborating partner Helifarm. Thanks to Havilah Resources for their in-kind operational support out of the Kalkaroo exploration camp, and all the Traditional Owners and landholders who make these types of surveys possible. The project is funded by AuScope and will be completed with magnetotelluric (MT) deployments in July and August in NSW and the southern part of the Curnamona Province in SA.


Tagged in ISER, geoscience, mawson geo