International Women's Day 2024

International Women’s Day brings the opportunity to share and celebrate the incredible contributions of our ISER team members and affiliates who have made a significant impact within their roles. Their dedication, expertise, and passion drive ISER’s success every day. Today, we would like to acknowledge and share the achievements of ISER affiliates Jennifer Burgess, Phoebe Chilman, and Jessica Stanhope as they continue to have a significant impact in their chosen careers.

Jennifer Burgess is the Institute Manager and Assistant Director, Defence and Security. Jennifer guides change towards higher performance by working with stakeholders, understanding, and analysing perspectives to inform problem-solving and decision.
Her vision is to create an environment that energises people, fosters collaboration and activity, to do phenomenal work in support of the defence of Australia and its national interests. Her work aligns with ISER’s mission in two ways: a) with the mitigation of supply chain risks through multi-use technologies such as cyber, AI, and quantum technologies; and b) with complementary concepts, such as human security and national security, both seeking protection for the planet and its people.

Phoebe Chilman presenting at an EMRSO school workshop with their hydrogen fuel cell cars.
Phoebe Chilman is the Program Coordinator of the Energy, Mining and Resources School Outreach (EMRSO) program at the University of Adelaide. She plays a pivotal role in shaping the career aspirations of secondary school students across South Australia. Over 5,000 students have enjoyed participating in hands-on workshops and bespoke on-campus events organised by Phoebe in collaboration with academic experts and industry networks.
“One of the most fulfilling aspects of my role is witnessing the direct impact of the EMRSO program with future students, empowering them to become catalysts for change… “Knowing that the EMRSO program has had even the slightest influence on a student’s career trajectory is the most rewarding aspect of my role and one that will never grow old!”Phoebe Chilman
The EMRSO program was formed as a partnership between the University of Adelaide and industry, including BHP, Iluka Resources, Santos, and the Department for Energy and Mining, to excite future students about the study and career opportunities in the sector and establish a sustainable graduate pipeline for the industry.

Jessica Stanhope is a lecturer in physiotherapy and leads the Environmental Allied Health Group. The research centres on green space exposure and health outcomes, with recommendations for public health and clinical practice. Their research also combines different research approaches, including social science, epidemiology, exposure science, microbiology and ecology.
“What I enjoy most about my role, particularly the green space research, is working with and learning from wonderful people from different disciples. I’ve only worked in this field for the last few years, but my work has already influenced policy and practice, led to improvements in the conduct of research in this field, and been used to advocate for the protection of nature.”Jessica Stanhope
The Environmental Allied Health Group aligns with ISER as their research relates to people having good quality green spaces near where they live, work and play, recommending that we protect and restore biodiversity, particularly in urban areas.