News: grants
FAME Sustainability Grants recipients

FAME Sustainability Accelerate or Initiate grants - Strategic investment by the University of Adelaide.
IMER celebrates ARC grant successes

The Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources (IMER) – Modern Energy Systems has secured two large ARC Linkage projects, and a Discovery Project in the most recently announced round of ARC grant funding.
ADI research grant success for Prof Graham Heinson

Congratulations to Professor Graham Heinson, Director of the Mawson Geo Centre and Deputy Director of the Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources (IMER) at the University of Adelaide, in being a research partner on two South Australian Government Accelerated Discovery Initiative (ADI) grants.
[Read more about ADI research grant success for Prof Graham Heinson]
Data tools game-changer for mining and exploration

Research scientists and industry are joining together to develop and commercialise new tools using cutting-edge digital technologies including machine learning that they say will be a game-changer for mining and exploration.
[Read more about Data tools game-changer for mining and exploration]