FAME Sustainability
The FAME (Foci And Magnets for Excellence) Sustainability Strategy is aimed at developing and accelerating solutions that deliver sustainability, equity and prosperity for the planet and its people, underpinned by breakthrough research.
Our research across the University’s Faculties and Research Institutes can drive the agenda outlined in the FAME Sustainability Strategy, under five research missions (RMs) :
Sustainability Strategy (booklet)

Other sustainability initiatives
In addition to FAME Sustainability Strategy, ISER is also supporting these other initiatives
- Here for Good - University of Adelaide's Sustainability Strategy
- PhD Internship at Catholic Education South Australia (CESA)
- Collaboration with Danish and Romanian embassies
- Global Sustainable Development Congress
- William & Mary University visit
- Institute of Australian Geographers (IAG) Conference
- Survey of older South Australians to assess their perception of environmental sustainability