Masterclass on Saul Bellow with Alan Lelchuk

Saul Bellow

Image: Keith Botsford, Wikipedia Commons

This masterclass will focus on how the writing of Saul Bellow profoundly changed the course of American literature, ending the long influence of Hemingway with his macho heroes and spare writing style, and replacing it with a more complex protagonist. The class will include detailed examination of the stylistics techniques used in Augie March and will explore the way this led to a more open cannon and future for American literature.

Saul Bellow was one of America's greatest writers, exerting a considerable influence on American letters and challenging the dominance of the laconic style made popular by writers like Hemmingway. Eminent writer Alan Lelchuk (Dartmouth College), of Searching for Wallenberg (2015) fame, will examine the ongoing influence of Bellow's work through close readings of his texts in a masterclass hosted by the JMCCCP. Download the flyer for more information.

Tagged in masterclass, Alan Lelchuk