The 30 day ISO Wellness Challenge

The last couple of months have brought some perplexing and intriguing times. We’ve spent a lot of time in our homes. Our work lives have been turned upside down and we’ve had to change and re-think the way that we work. This has also had huge implications on our private lives and the struggle to find balance has been felt by most.
Now that the COVID-19 restrictions in South Australia are starting to ease and we are getting used to our reality, we can now reflect and focus on ourselves, our families and our collective lives. We can think about what changes have been beneficial and what we’ve found hard.
While we are still spending a lot of time at home as we slowly transition back on to campus, we challenge you to take part in our 30 day iso wellness challenge. Here we have listed 30 wellbeing activities for finding balance, enjoyment and fulfilment in our new reality.
1. Invest in your professional development
As an employee of the University, there are many free resources that allow you to invest in your own professional development. Take a look at LinkedIn Learning to see if there are any courses that may interest you or check out one of AdelaideX's Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
2. Support something local
We need to invest in the community to keep small businesses afloat. Help those trying to get back on their feet by ordering a takeaway, purchasing something from a local shop, getting your haircut at the local barber, drinking a local wine… anything you can do to start getting local businesses back on track.
3. Brighten up your house with some fresh flowers
With a lot of time spent at home, we can try to make our homes as bright and happy as possible. Visit the florist and buy yourself or your family some flowers or venture out into your garden and pick some.
4. Go for a walk around the block
Step away from your computer and get yourself some fresh air. Take a 20-minute walk around the block.
5. Drink more water
Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water today and see how good it makes you feel.
6. Compliment one of your co-workers
Brighten someone's day with an unexpected compliment.
7. Try yoga or meditation
If you’re feeling a little stressed and tense or maybe you’ve been sitting in your chair for too long, take some time out for yoga or meditation to get yourself back on track. Try this free yoga YouTube Channel: Yoga with Adriene. Here you will find a routine for every occasion.
If yoga is not your thing, try some meditation with these free apps:
- Headspace – Apple Store & Google Play
- Calm – Apple Store & Google Play
- Insight Timer – Apple Store & Google Play
8. Turn your computer off in the evenings
Establishing work/life boundaries is important when working from home. At the end of your working day. Turn off your computer and do not open it again until the next morning when your working day starts.
9. Clean out your closet
There's no better time to Marie Kondo your closet. Go through your clothes and donate the things that you no longer need to charity.
10. Do 20 squats
Challenge yourself to a little bit of resistance exercise. If 20 is too easy for you, try 40.
11. Try a new recipe
Now is a good time to build up your cooking repertoire. Ask a colleague or a friend for a recipe that they recommend and then compare notes. If you're looking for inspiration check out local Adelaide girl, Leah Itsines for recipe ideas. Or check out the Learning Enhancement & Innovation Cookbook made up of all the entries in our 2019 LEI bake off competitions.
12. Don’t hit the snooze button
When working from home, it's easy to get into the habit of just rolling out of bed and turning on your computer. It's time to break this habit. Set an alarm, get up when the alarm goes off and then start your morning routine so you don't feel rushed
13. Review your Annual Leave
Now more than ever, you should consider taking off a day or two. It's important to take some time out to spend time with your family or your pets or even just a day to yourself.
14. Share your thoughts on isolation
For historical & therapeutic purposes, write a letter to yourself about your current situation, thoughts, feelings, changes etc about isolation and the pandemic. This will be something that you can reflect on in the future as 2020 will be a year that we always remember.
15. Take a personality test
Get to know yourself a little better. Take this free personality test and see if you align with your assigned personality type. Compare with your colleagues and get to know each other a little better.
16. Declutter your laptop/PC
Remove documents that you've saved to your desktop to clear up a bit of space. Move things onto the cloud so they are still easily accessible, if needed.
17. Plant some vegetables or herbs and take care of them daily
There’s nothing more satisfying than growing your own vegetables. This can go hand in hand with trying a new recipe. You can start cooking with produce grown from your very own garden. If you’re not a green thumb or you’re low on space, try some herbs to start. For tips on what to plant now, check out The Diggers Club.
18. Pick up an old hobby
It’s time to remind ourselves of the things that we really love doing. As life gets in the way, we tend to ignore some of the simple things that bring us joy. Start reading that novel that you’ve put aside, playing that musical instrument, cleaning the dust off that sewing machine, or pulling out those scrapbooking supplies. Do whatever that thing it is that brings you joy!
19. Re-connect with a work colleague
Re-connect with someone that you haven't spoken to in a while and let them know that you haven’t forgotten about them. Send an email and check in, send a slack, schedule in a zoom meeting.
20. Clean out your freezer
Another chore that we tend to put off. Clean out the freezer, chuck out those bread ends that you’ve never going to eat or dig out those frozen berries at the bottom of the freezer and make yourself a smoothie. You may discover some items that you forgot were there. Maybe a nice curry that you can heat up for lunch.
21. Plan a staycation in South Australia
After the devastating fires at the start of the year followed by COVID-19 restrictions, the tourism industry in South Australia has seen some very tough times. Now that some of our travel restrictions have been eased within the state, it’s time to plan your next stayaction. Find some South Australian inspiration here.
22. Think about what you can do for the environment
Being in isolation has really highlighted the impact that we all have on the environment and how some small changes can make such a big difference if we all do them. Take some time to think about your impact on the environment and what you can continue to do going forward. Maybe it’s time to take your iso bottles to collect your recycling refund or think about ways that you can reduce your waste, like stop using single use plastics.
23. Make your bed everyday
There’s no feeling like getting into a freshly made bed in the evening after a big day. Take the time in the morning to make your bed every day, future you will be thankful for your efforts.
24. Plan your next room renovation/ DIY job
We’ve spent the last couple of months in isolation and the things that need to be fixed around the house are a lot more evident. Now that the long lineups are starting to ease up at Bunnings, it’s time to fix that leaking tap or plan that next room renovation.
25. Review your finances
Being in isolation is a great opportunity to reflect on your finances. Maybe you’ve saved more money than you realise by not buying lunch every day or dining out often. This is the perfect time to start a new budget and plan for the future. And while you’re thinking about the future, you should also review your superannuation and contributions.
26. Delete apps off your phone that you no longer use
It’s time to give your phone a spring clean. Clear up some space on your device by deleting those apps that you no longer use anymore.
27. Clean out your purse or wallet
When was the last time you cleaned out your wallet or purse? It’s time to throw out those old receipts and create some more space. You might even get lucky and find some cash you forgot you had.
28. Get to know the PVC-SL Portfolio
Familiarise yourself with the new Learning and Teaching website and the newly migrated Learning Enhancement & Innovation blog – The Learning Cog. These sites contain valuable learning and teaching resources of which you may not be aware.
29. Do a puzzle, a crossword or a quiz
Keep your brain stimulated. Challenge yourself to a puzzle with family, a crossword in the paper or a quiz on the radio. Test your general knowledge or your spatial awareness.
30. Have lunch outside today
While the mornings have been quite chilly lately, we are still getting a nice bit of afternoon sun. Take your lunch outside and enjoy some winter sunshine and some much-needed fresh air.