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PEP in your step: Q&A with Dr. Camille Buhl


Being involved in our PEP workshops can fast track your course design process and allow you to enter the semester with a solid framework. 

[Read more about PEP in your step: Q&A with Dr. Camille Buhl]

PEP: Resealing the Education Road Well-Travelled


We spoke with one of our newest Learning Designers, Dr Matthew Norris, who has been involved with the Program Enhancement Partnerships (PEP) and asked him to provide some insight to the process of PEP.

[Read more about PEP: Resealing the Education Road Well-Travelled]

Design for People


When designing courses, equipment or anything where humans are the end user, the idea of designing specially for the human can get lost in the project or design. 

[Read more about Design for People]

Enhancing Learning with Video


The LEI Media Production Team provide support to all University of Adelaide staff in developing engaging learning videos. We produce high quality video content that compliments and enhances face to face and blended learning, as well as support the Online Programs Team in the production of fully online post-graduate degrees and MOOC’s on the edX platform.

[Read more about Enhancing Learning with Video]

Find what you’re looking for with MyUni Search


MyUni has been updated with a new “Search” function that will be available to all users from 8thOctober 2019. 

[Read more about Find what you’re looking for with MyUni Search]

The Rules of Engagement

Linda W

There is no rule that says that University learning can’t be fun.  In fact, we tend to learn better when we’re engaged, interacting and doing a bit more than slogging our way through a ‘checked box’ of ‘learning aims’ in a social vacuum.  Engagement is operationalised in a minimum of at least three places: the physical and/or online space (these can be anywhere – boutique, bus, bog, bedroom), the cranium of the educator at the time of ‘teaching’, and the cranium of each learner. The latter two don’t have to be synchronous, but they do have to relate and there does have to be social thingummies, like conversations and feedback, happening.

[Read more about The Rules of Engagement]

Careers in Curriculum


Calling all teachers: Do your students need more insight into the workforce ahead of them? Would you like to present real-world examples of work opportunities and career paths? Are you seeking industry involvement for lecture content? Are you interested in your students having access to some Career Readiness online courses?

[Read more about Careers in Curriculum]

By students, for students: PASS


Peer Assisted Study Sessions are free weekly study sessions, facilitated by students who have been highly successful in challenging courses, and who want to help new students in those courses work together to understand what the key concepts and ideas are, and how to approaching studying them. PASS Leaders are current students, and close to the material of the course having recently completed it themselves. They know what the most challenging aspects of the course were for them, and how they might be overcome.

[Read more about By students, for students: PASS]

Designing inclusive learning


It’s challenging to think outside of your own perspective when designing online learning experiences, but this is the key to solving some of the most complex online learning design problems.. 

[Read more about Designing inclusive learning]

Power to the women of UoA!

uofa women

There are strong, powerful women who have made a notable impact globally. Some of these are women who have graduated from the University of Adelaide and were able to forsee their changes in South Australia. Read about some pioneering women of Adelaide and what the University has to offer to empower you on your journey as a woman in the 21st century.

[Read more about Power to the women of UoA!]

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