Marie Robinson Bromeliad Collection

Marie Robinson was a member of staff of the Barr Smith Library for 38 years until her death in September 1998. Born in Belfast in 1935, Marie was Irish until the end, and her volubility was matched only by her energy in her work and her many enthusiasms.
Marie Robinson graduated with a BSc with Honours in Mathematics (1956) Queens University (Belfast). Appointed as a Barr Smith Library Assistant (1960) she built a successful career, despite the need to resign each time she had children as was the order of the day. Gaining library qualifications (ALAA) (1966) she was promoted to Senior Library Assistant (female).
Appointed Resource Librarian (1977) and Collection Development and Research Librarian (1984 – 1998), she was an expert and invaluable adviser on the Library’s collections, collaborating with academics to build on the Library’s impressive teaching and research collections and contributing significantly to the development of new collections. She was keenly interested in the physical conservation of valuable library materials.

In her personal life Marie enjoyed a close family life, and was an expert in bromeliads, epiphytic plants of varying beauty, of which the pineapple is the only edible variety. Tillandsia Marie Robinson was bred by Marie and named in her memory by the Bromeliad Society of South Australia.
The painting Tillandsia Marie Robinson was commissioned by the Barr Smith Library in 2002, and painted by Melbourne floral artist, Mary Gregory. It is currently on display in with Marie Robinson's book collection.
Marie Robinson’s Bromeliad book collection was donated to the Barr Smith Library by her family and is currently housed in Room 466. For access, please contact Rare Books & Manuscripts.