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Subject Guide to Manuscript Collections

Rare Books & Special Collections
University of Adelaide Library

Aboriginal history, culture & linguistics

Bates, Daisy. Papers
Bates, Daisy. Central Australian dialect 1931
Bates, Daisy. Letters 1931-32 Ooldea ... to Professor FitzHerbert
Campbell, Thomas Draper. Slides of central Australia, including Aboriginal art, people, ceremonies and sacred places
Chewings, Charles. Aranda vocabulary and correspondence 1931-1932
Chewings, Charles. Correspondence re Aranda vocabulary
Cleland, John Burton. Papers 1930-1971
Davies, Edward Harold. Papers 1887-1947
Fergie, Deane. Papers on gender studies (Hindmarsh Island case)
FitzHerbert, John Aloysius. Papers 1882-1963
FitzHerbert, John Aloysius. Papers received from the estate of Professor FitzHerbert 193?
FitzHerbert, John Aloysius. Notes on a paper ... entitled Notes on some native tribes of Australia ...
Gale, Fay. Papers on Aborigines in Adelaide and South Australia, including genealogies 1950s-1982
Gillen, Francis James. Notebooks on anthropology of the Aranda people and Aranda vocabulary
Hicks, Cedric Stanton. Papers 1931-1982
Hutchings, Suzi. Papers on Aboriginal and Native Title research
Kaurna Children's Letters. Letters 1840-1843
Love, James Robert Beattie. Papers and correspondence on Worrora language and culture
Love, James Robert Beattie. Worrora grammar and vocabulary
Schultz, Chester. Papers and recordings on Aboriginal music and Centre Australian Studies in Music
Short, Lillian Mary. Papers and correspondence with Professor FitzHerbert re works of the Hula language 1936-1938
Spencer, Baldwin. Tape copies of recordings of the 1901 expedition to Central Australia and accompanying correspondence
Spencer, Baldwin. Photographs taken on Spencer and Gillen expeditions
Strehlow, Carl. The Aranda and Loritja tribes in Central Australia / translated by Charles Chewings …
Symon, Lesley Kilmeny. Letters from Daisy Bates 1941-1946
Taplin, George. Vocabulary and grammar of the language of the Aborigines ... of the Lakes and the Lower Murray
Tindale, Norman Barnett. Vocabulary of the Pitjandjara, the language of the native of the Great Western Desert, 1931-7
Yaitya Warra Wodli. Scrapbooks and Newspaper Clippings on Aboriginal Matters


Chatterton, Brian and Lynne. Papers 1966-1984 principally relating to ministerial portfolios of Brian Chatterton and Lynne Chatterton's position as research assistant to the Premier/Minister, and general papers on rural policy
Francki, Richard Ignacy Bartolomiej. Correspondence 1961-1970 (Plant virology)
French Family. Papers relating to Pernatty Station
Johnston, Thomas Harvey. Papers on prickly pear eradication
Mckail, Ronald George. Forest Diary 1912-?


See also Pacific studies
Abbie, Andrew Arthur. Papers on Physical Anthropology, 1930-1978
Garbett, Kingsley. Papers
Gostin, Olga. Papers on the Kuni People of Papua New Guinea, 1909-97.
Gray, John. Survey Records of Godavari Village, Nepal
Stirling, Sir Edward Charles (1848-1919). Papers 1884-1918


Brine, John. Papers
Correy, Allan Dale. Papers relating to landscape architecture projects in South Australia 1961-1967
Ian Barwick Associates. Papers (Landscape architect, urban designer)
Jensen, Rolf Arthur. Papers 1957-1997
Saunders, David and Katrina McDougall. Papers on architectural history and wineries of South Australia 1980-1987
Williamson, Terence (Terry). Research Papers


Contemporary Art Society of South Australia Inc.Miscellaneous papers
Koeler, Herman. Sketchbooks 1837-38
LeMire, Eugene. William Morris Bibliography Papers
Light, William. Sketches and watercolours of Egypt


Naylor, Henry Darnley. Lectures, translations and notebooks
Trevaskis, John. Papers 1942-1994
University of Adelaide - Classics Department. Exercise books c1900


Brown, Tasman. Papers 1967-1989
Waterson, John. Dentistry papers


Harcourt, Geoffrey. Papers
Healey, Derek Thomas. Papers 1953-1991


Fenner, Charles. Papers, 1889-2003
Hayes, Lawrence. Drama teacher at the Adelaide Teachers College and the Adelaide College of Advanced Education
Hübbe, Edith and Caw, Majorie. Papers of Hübbe and Caw families 1859-1988
Jones, Helen Patricia. Papers (educationalist, historian)
Schulz, Adolf John. Biographical material 1882-1985, collected by Dr H.H. Penny (College teacher)
South Australian Committee of Enquiry into Post-Secondary Education. Papers of Jim Hyde 1974-1979


Chapman, Robert William. Papers 1908-1939
Culver, Robert. Papers
Cumming, Denis. Papers
Davis, Bruce Raymond. Papers
Dutton, Alan. Papers
Jenkin, John. Research papers on Robert Hall Chapman (1890-1953)
Robinson, Arthur James. Surveying Papers (Lecturer, Civil Engineering)
Sved, George and Marta. Papers, including autobiographical account of Marta's life in Hungary prior to emigration 1937-1994 (Civil Engineering)
Victoria. Royal Commission into the failure of the Westgate Bridge. Exhibits and transcripts of proceedings collected by Professor Frank Bull

Gender Studies

Allen, Margaret. Papers
Australian Feminist Studies
Manuscript submissions for Telling Ways: Australian women's experimental writing / edited by Anna Couani and Sneja Gunew. Adelaide: Australian Feminist Studies Publications, c1988.
Fergie, Deane. Papers on gender studies
Hinze, Heinrich. Cartoons and display material. Centre for Labour Studies / Department of Gender Work and Social Enquiry
Jones, Helen Patricia. Papers (educationalist, historian)
Magarey, Susan. Draft of and papers re Looking Back: Looking Forward – a century of the Queen Adelaide Club 1909-2009
Schaffer, Kay. Papers on gender studies
Wheaton, Amy. Papers 1925-1979
Women's Studies Resource Centre. Archives
Women's Studies Resource Centre. Poster collection


Fahey, Mary Eileen. Geography notes (as a student at Adelaide University) 1930
Hugo, Graeme. Papers (Geography, environment and population)
University of Adelaide - Department of Geography. Papers and teaching slide collections c1940-1978


Bedford, Robert. Papers 1930-1966 (Kyancutta Museum and meteorites)
Daily, Brian. Papers 1954-1985
Glaessner, Martin Fritz. Papers
Gostin, Victor. Papers on the Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 29
Howchin, Walter. Papers 1865-1921
Jutson, John Thomas. Papers (Geomorphology)
Mawson, Sir Douglas. Papers re geology (including some papers of Walter Howchin) 1872-1956
McBriar, Maude. Papers on Geology.
Nesbitt, R.W. Papers relating to the Giles Complex Research Project
Oliver, Robin Langford. Papers 1944-1986
Skinner, Brian. Papers on Geology
Tate, Ralph. Lecture notes on geology c1890s
Ypma, Peter. Papers ca1950-1991


See also South Australian History sources
Atkinson, Leon. Papers 1958-1985
Australasian Association of European History. Papers and correspondence of Biennial Conference 1977
Australasian Historians of Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Correspondence etc. 1976, 1991 Biennial Conferences
Barkeley, Richard. Papers.
Butcher, Mike. Research materials on Donald Gilbert Kennedy c1929-2010
Calvert, John. Research papers on Douglas Pyke (1908-1974)
Campaign for Peace in Vietnam. Papers (June 23, 1968-1973)
Carter, Jennifer. Research papers on Archibald Watson
Crocker, Walter. Papers 1922-1997
Dennis, Wilfred Edwin. Papers re history of Cluniac Order 1977-2001
Douglass, Sara. London 16th-20th century indentures and other legal documents
Faber, David. Papers re Sante Barbieri.
Fleming, Daniel. Papers 1656-1701 collected by Dr. D.R. (Roger) Hainsworth
Hainsworth, David Roger. 17th century English estate papers (photocopies)
Hill, Rowland and Helen Elizabeth. Papers 1879-2006
Inglis, Kenneth Stanley. Lectures in history, University of Adelaide 1956-1959
Java Sugar Archives. Papers
Lenman, Bruce. Records for the study of crime in early modern Scotland 1450-1800
McNamara, Louis Warnecke. Papers (WWI soldier)
Mayer, Peter B. Papers of various University appointment committees, working parties etc. and papers on Australian support for Bangladesh independence 1974-1992
Mitchell, Jim. Papers (Communist)
Murray, Sir George. Scottish Deeds: a cartulary of manuscripts from 1559 - 1787 with regard to the Lands of Tilligrieg, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Richards, Matthew and William, Stationers of London. [18th century accounts to Mr Booth for stationery and scribe services]
Roberts, Michael. Papers, mainly on Sri Lanka ca. 1800-1999
Santich, Barbara. Papers on the culture and cuisine of Mediterranean France during the 14th and 15th centuries c1911-1990
Sheridan, Tom. Research papers 1935-1967 (industrial and labour history)
Sinzheimer, Gerhart Paul Gustav. Notes on Russian history c1950-1967
Sved, Marta. Papers, including autobiographical account of Marta's life in Hungary prior to emigration 1937-1994
Tregenza, John. Papers (South Australian history)
Victoria. Royal Commission into the failure of the Westgate Bridge. Exhibits and transcripts of proceedings collected by Professor Frank Bull
Watson, Andrew. Papers (Chinese agricultural history)
Wyles, William. Papers re Chinese Maritime Customs Service
Zuckerman, Fredric (Ric). Papers (Russian history)


Bray, John Jefferson. Papers
Brennan, Keith Gabriel. Papers relating to the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea
Hague, Ralph Mayerick. Papers 1888-1996 (including list of books presented in 1985)
Hourigan, Michael Andrew. Papers and correspondence associated with humanitarian work
Kelly, David St. Leger. Papers re law teaching
Magarey, Susan and Round, Kerrie. Source materials and draft of Roma the First: a Biography of Dame Roma Mitchell
Scott, Jeff. Papers
University of Adelaide - Law School. Papers related to the teaching of law and the history of the Law School, and legal notebooks 1823-1983


Adelaide Writers' Week. Papers 1980-1988
Australian Society of Authors. Papers 1964-1982
Barkeley, Richard. Papers.
Bray, John Jefferson. Papers
Brissenden, Alan. Manuscript and proof copies of A Chaste maid in Cheapside by Thomas Middleton and related correspondence 1965-1974
Cato, Nancy. Collection of unpublished letters and poems, manuscripts and signed published copies of her novels, Mister Maloga and Northwest by south
Cornell, James Gladstone. Papers 1925-1985. Papers (French literature)
Douglass, Sara. Draft and proof copies of The Axis Trilogy and The Wayfarer Redemption series of fantasy novels, related correspondence and miscellaneous papers
Douglass, Sara. London 16th-20th century indentures and other legal documents
Elliott, Brian Robinson. Papers 1954-1989
Finnis, Margaret. Papers
Gent, Alison. Research papers collected by Lesley Yvonne McLean
Harris, Maxwell Henley. Papers 1935-1989
Harris Family. Papers
Horne, Colin James. Papers 1939-1998
Kerr, Donald Beviss. Papers 1919-1942
LeMire, Eugene. William Morris Bibliography Papers
Lindsay, Harold Arthur. Scrapbooks
Magarey, Kevin. Papers
Mares, (Tim) Francis Hugh. Papers 1948–2000
Medlin, Brian Herbert. Papers
Mitchell, William. Notebooks and papers
Morrison, Robert Hay. Collection of his published poems, articles and translations 1946-1977
Muecke, Douglas. Playscripts and letters to and from Barbara Wall
O'Donovan, John Purcell. Papers (Dramatist)
Piper, Herbert Walter. Papers, principally re his work on Coleridge 1959-1990
Semmler, Clement William. Manuscript drafts and notes re Kenneth Slessor, and his monographs 'The art of Brian James' & 'Douglas Stewart'
Strong, Archibald. Travel diaries, notebook, lecture notes 1902-1929
Taylor, Andrew. Poem 1987
Turner, George William. Papers
Wingrove, Keith. Scrapbooks 1930-1978

Mathematics / Statistics

Cornish, Edmund Alfred. Lectures on Mathematical Statistics 1945/46
Fisher, Ronald Aylmer. Papers 1911-1994 (Statistician, geneticist)
Green, Herbert Sydney. Papers 193?-1979 (Mathematical physicist)
Hurst, Charles Angas. Correspondence 1952-1988 (Mathematical physicist)
James, Alan Treleven. Papers 1950-2013 (Statistician)
Lamb, Horace. Exercise books (Mathematician)
Potts, Renfrey Burnard. Research papers and correspondence 1947-2014 (Mathematician)
Rennie, Basil Cameron. Papers 1885-1990 (Professor, Mathematics)
Schwerdtfeger, Hans. Papers 1927-1990 (Professor, Mathematics)
Tallis, George Michael. Papers 1956-2009
Tuck, Ernest (Ernie) Oliver Tuck. Papers 1957-2007 (Professor, Applied Mathematics)


Abbie, Andrew Arthur. Papers on Physical Anthropology, 1930-1978
Adelaide Medical Students' Society. Records 1889-
Barrett, Robert. Papers
British Medical Association (South Australian Branch). Papers 1918-1992
Cheek, Donald Brook. Papers 1949-1989
Cleland, John Burton. Papers 1930-1971
Darmody, Susanna Helena. Papers, photographs and memorabilia re: Adelaide Hospital,1918-1939
Davey, Laurence Llewellin. Papers c1896-1999
Dibden, William Andrew. Papers 1979-1991 (Psychiatry)
F.H. Faulding & Co. Photographs and other items related to the early production of penicillin
Fenner, Frank. Papers, 1889-2003
Florey, Howard Walter. Papers
Hetzel, Kenneth Stuart. Papers 1916-1966
Hicks, Cedric Stanton. Papers 1931-1982
Hicks, Neville Derrington. Papers re Health Care in South Australia
Hillcrest and Glenside Hospitals (South Australia). Publications, leaflets, building surveys 1964-1992
Jamrozik, Konrad. Papers on population health and clinical practice
Kneebone, Keith. Glass slides, pathology notebook
Lander, Harry. Papers (Physician)
McFarlane, Sandy. Papers (Traumatic Stress Studies)
Macfarlane, Walter Victor. Papers 1947-1985 (Animal & Human Physiology)
Marsh, Neville. Collected papers 1952-2008 (Physiologist)
Medical Sciences Club of South Australia. Minute books 1920-1958; scientific communications 1922-
Mitchell, Mark Ledingham. Papers (Biochemist, Medical physiology)
Poulton family. Papers of Dr Benjamin Poulton and his daughters 1869-1983 (Medical practitioner)
Roberts-Thomson, Peter John and Roberts-Thomson, Mary Elizabeth. Medical Studies lecture notes (1961-1970)
Rogers, Richard Sanders. Papers and biographical material 1894-2003 (Lecturer in Forensic Medicine)
Simpson, Donald. Papers
Stirling, Sir Edward Charles. Papers 1884-1918
Tallis, George Michael. Papers 1956-2009
Verco, Joseph Cooke. Clinical notes St. Bartholomew's hospital 1877
Weld, Elizabeth Eleanor. Diaries and lecture notes
Yeatman, Charleton. Reports of post-mortems, No. 2 General Hospital 1916-1917
Yeatman family. Papers 1887-1993


Bishop, John. Papers 1915-1973
Bishop, John. Correspondence 1949-1964 with Mrs Alexander re Music Camps Association
Brewster-Jones, Hooper. Musical scores
Brissenden, Alan. Collection of ballads and other music 1911-
Burden, Michael. Papers 1960- (Opera)
Cary, Tristram Ogilvie (1925-2008). Scores and papers, 1944-2005
Chinner, Norman. Scores, programs and papers, 1929-1961
Cross, Robert. Scores and papers 1922-2013
Davies, Edward Harold. Papers 1887-1947
Davy, Ruby Claudia Emily. Papers and manuscript scores 1904-1947
Dossor, Lance. Scores and papers
Fox, Malcolm. Papers 1969-1997
Grainger, Percy. Scores and papers
Groot, Gerry. Music scores 1902-1961 (Orientalia)
Hantke, Ethel. Recordings c1944
Harris, Clement. Scores
Harrison, Edwina. Photographs and papers on WomAdelaide 1993
Holder, Alison. Papers, c1960-1990
Howard, Paul and Godowsky, Leopold. Papers, programmes, scrapbooks 1894-2009
Hyde, Miriam. Music compositions/scores 1930-1990
Illing, Robert. Papers on music, prepared texts of early music, compositions
Lovelock, William (1899-1986). Scores
Lynch Family Bellringers. Posters, sheet music and handbells
McCredie, Andrew Dalgarno. Papers re 3rd International Musicological Society symposium 1979 and re a history of the performing arts in South Australia
McKie, Duncan. Music compositions
May, Brian (1934-1997). Scores
Moon, Geoffrey Narramore. Research papers on Robert Schumann
Perkins, Horace James. Orchestral works c1929-1964 and tapes of their performances c1953-1964
Phillips, Linda. Scores
Rothauser, Christine. Wilhelm Richard Wagner collection
Scanlan, Norman. Scrapbook and picture file on symphony orchestras c1930-1950
Schultz, Chester. Papers and recordings on Aboriginal music and Centre Australian Studies in Music
Solomon, Frances. Papers relating to study and teaching at the Elder Conservatorium 1921-1970
Tancibudek, Jiri. Papers (Oboist)
University of Adelaide - Elder Conservatorium. Papers 1900-
Warhurst, Arthur. Student notes, scrapbook
Williamson, Arthur. Scores and photographs 1908-1938

Pacific studies

See also Anthropology
Butcher, Mike. Research materials on Donald Gilbert Kennedy c1929-2010
Cowell, Thomson Reid. Papers relating to the Pacific Islands, 1961-1991
Drabbe, Petrus. Fieldnotes on the Tamagario language of West Papua, ca 1960
Fiji Broadcasting Commission. Studio script and tapes recorded by Jim Crago
Gostin, Olga. Papers on the Kuni People of Papua New Guinea, 1909-97
Hughes, Henry Goronwy Alun. Papers 1931-
Maude, Henry (Harry) Evans and Honor Courtney. Papers 1904-1993
Moouga H.I.N. [Diary kept on Flint Island 1889-1891]
Nelson, Francis Rayfield. Papers relating to printing for the Archdiocese of Melanesia 1972-1976
Ryder, Thomas. Diary of establishment of plantation in Lau Group, Fiji, in 1865
Smith, John Hilary. Papers 1970-1978
Turpin, Edwin James. Diary and narratives 1870-c1890 (photocopies) and related papers c1970 (Fiji settler)


Burtt, Edwin Arthur. Papers


Mitchell, Jim. Papers (Communist)
Reid, Robert Leighton (Bob). Papers
Scott, Jeff. Papers
Southcott, Heather. News clippings archive on the Liberal Movement and the Australian Democrats 1970-2006
Tidswell, Andrew Leigh. Election ephemera 1970-1983


Fritzsche, Gotthard Daniel. Papers on 19th century doctrinal dispute S.A. 1846-1863
Calvert, John. Research papers on Douglas Pyke (1908-1974)


Angel, Laura Madeline. Teaching notes for Zoology practicals and Zoology Dept. articles 1931-1960
Atkinson, Nancy. Papers (Bacteriology)
Badger, Geoffrey. Papers 1938-1997 (Chemistry)
Bennett, Henry. Papers 1950-2004 (Genetics)
Black, Eustace Couper. Notebooks of Professor Bragg’s physics lectures (1906)
Roger Foster. Notebooks of Chemistry I lectures (1941)
Bragg, William Henry and William Lawrence. Research records of John Jenkin, 1914-2010 (Physicist)
Brose, Henry Herman Leopold Adolf. Papers 1909-1969 (Physicist, pathologist and biochemist)
Carver, John Henry. Papers (Physics)
Crompton, Robert Woodhouse. Papers (Physics)
Darling, Leslie. Papers, notebooks, thesis 1937-1952 (Chemistry)
Eardley, Constance Margaret. Papers 1927-1978 (Botany)
Ellis, Annie Rita. Biology notes (as a student at Adelaide University) 1903
Elford, Willian Graham. Papers
Fisher, Ronald Aylmer. Papers 1911-1994 (Statistician, geneticist)
Francki, Richard Ignacy Bartolomiej. Correspondence 1961-1970 (Plant virology)
Grant, Kerr. Papers (Physics)
Green, Herbert Sydney. Papers 193?-1979 (Mathematical physicist)
Hayman, David Lindsay. Reprints 1955-1995 (Genetics)
Hurst, Charles Angas. Correspondence 1952-1988, (Mathematical physicist)
Huxley, Leonard George Holden. Papers (Physicist)
Jenkin, John. Research papers on (George) Eric (Macdonnell) Jauncey (1888-1947) (Physics)
Jones, Frederic Wood. Illustrations for 'Mammals of South Australia' 192-? (Biology)
Macfarlane, Walter Victor. Papers 1947-1985 (Animal & Human Physiology)
Marston, Hedley Ralph. Papers 1932-1972 (Biochemist, animal nutrition)
Martin, Peter. Papers 1954-1996 (Botany)
Medlin, Edwin Harry. Papers 1940-2013 (Physics)
Mueller, Ferdinand. Original letters to Ralph Tate (Botany)
Oliphant, Marcus Laurence. Papers 1927-1983 (Physics)
Osborn, Theodore George Bentley. Papers 1908-1968 (Botany)
Paleg, Leslie. Papers 1974-1994 (Plant physiology)
Penman, Howard Latimer. [Diary of a trip to Australia] 1951-1952 (Climatology)
Riddle, Arthur Raymond. Manuscript diary and specimen boxes
Robertson, David Stirling. Papers and lecture notes (Physicist)
Robertson, Thorburn Brailsford. Papers c1902-1990 (Biochemist)
Rogers, George Ernest. Papers re biochemistry, T.B. Robertson and insulin 1970-1976
Rogers, Richard Sanders. Papers and biographical material 1894-2003 (Botany / orchid expert)
Symon, David. Papers re Project 361 - Biological Reconnaissance to Central Australia 1873-1955
Tyler, Michael. Papers 1959-2005 (Zoology / frogs)
White, Thomas Charles Raymond. Papers (Professor, Biological Sciences)

South Australian History sources

See also History
Abbie, Audrey (nee Simspson). Papers and letters
Barr Smith Family. Papers
Burns, Martine. Letters from Sir Mark and Lady Oliphant and Sir Walter Crocker
Calvert, John. Research papers on Douglas Pyke (1908-1974)
Campaign for Peace in Vietnam. Papers (June 23, 1968-1973)
Carter, Jennifer. Research papers on Archibald Watson
Cockburn, (Alexander) Stewart. Scrapbooks and other papers 1943-2003
Crocker, Walter. Papers 1922-1997
Elder, Sir Thomas. Papers and Realia, 1857-1892
Flinders University of South Australia. Papers on staff participation in the Vietnam Moratorium Campaign 1971
French Family. Papers relating to Pernatty Station
Fritzsche, Gotthard Daniel. Papers on 19th century doctrinal dispute S.A. 1846-1863
German Settlers in South Australia. Papers collected by A.J. Schulz and Derek van Abbe
Harris, Maxwell Henley. Papers 1935-1989
Hübbe, Edith and Caw, Majorie. Papers of Hübbe and Caw families 1859-1988
Jackson, Sarah Elizabeth. Papers 1906-1964 / Personal correspondence
Koeler, Herman. Sketchbooks 1837-38
McNamara, Louis Warnecke. Papers (WWI soldier)
Magarey, Susan and Round, Kerrie. Source materials and draft of Roma the First: a Biography of Dame Roma Mitchell
Magarey, Susan. Draft of and papers re Looking Back: Looking Forward – a century of the Queen Adelaide Club 1909-2009
Mayo, Edith Janet and Family. Journals and Correspondence
Mitchell, Jim. Papers (Communist)
Moriarty, Oliver Morrogh. Papers 1970-1999
Oliphant, Marcus Laurence. Papers 1927-1983 (Governor of SA)
Richards, Robert. Travel journal and scrapbook 1948 (Premier of South Australia)
Smith, Keith and Ross. Certificates, pamphlets, photographs, and miscellanea 1916-1956
Southcott, Heather. News clippings archive on the Liberal Movement and the Australian Democrats 1970-2006
Stolz family. Papers, principally re war service and death of G.A. Stolz 1886-1958
Tregenza, John. Papers 1828-1999
Triebel, Louis Augustus. Manuscript notes on the history of the South Australian German population

Sociology / Social work

Wheaton, Amy. Papers 1925-1979

Theatre / Dance / Film

Adelaide College of Advanced Education Drama Department. Student essays and project assignments
Adelaide University Drama Society. Papers 1969-1972
Adelaide University Footlights Club. Minutes and papers 1930-2003
Bannon, Charles. Costume and scenery designs
Boucicault, Dion. Illuminated address 1896
Brissenden, Alan. Papers on dance in Australia
Brissenden, Alan. Posters on drama, dance, music and other performance
Brown, Beverley. Ballet scrapbook, Colonel de Basil and Borovansky programs 1937-c1940
Burden, Michael. Papers 1960- (Opera)
Campbell, Mrs Patrick. Promptbooks and programmes
Davidson, Ian. Papers 1943-2000 (Photographer, film maker)
Denton, Margaret (Meg) Abbie. Papers (Dance)
Gillespie, Kenneth. Biographical papers and photographs
Glennon, Keith. Papers on dance in Australia 1955-1970
Hayes, Lawrence. Drama teacher at the Adelaide Teachers College and the Adelaide College of Advanced Education
James, Bryan. Papers on Adelaide theatre and cinema history
Johnson, Darlene. Papers, posters and photographs
Kinmont Family. Theatre memorabilia
Leitch, Phyllis. Papers on dance 1911-1950
Legerton, Henry. Correspondence and papers. (Dance)
Long, Desirée. Scrapbooks on Allan Wilkie Shakespearean Company and Shakespeare performance 1922-1970
Lynch Family Bellringers. Posters, sheet music and handbells
McCredie, Andrew Dalgarno. Papers re 3rd International Musicological Society symposium 1979 and re a history of the performing arts in South Australia
Martin-Harvey, John. Notes and prompt-books pertaining to various stage productions, early 20th Century
Medlin, Edwin Harry. Papers and programs 1940-2013
Medior. Records 1970-1972 collected by M. Goode
Megawatt '41. University of Adelaide Department of Drama students’ papers 1975
Moyle, Wendy. Ballet scrap books 1958-1968
Neill, Wilfrid. Scrapbooks relating to The Adelaide Repertory Theatre 1907-1930
O'Donovan, John Purcell. Papers (Dramatist)
Osborn, Peter George. Papers 1926-1999 (Actor)
Paterson, Daphne. Scrapbook related mainly to ballet in Australia ca 1939-1980
Pratt, Rosalie and Joyce, Nancy. Dame Margot Fonteyn memorabilia
Rothauser, Christine. Wilhelm Richard Wagner collection
Silsbury, Elizabeth. Theatre programmes and papers 1952-
Souvenirs of the Theatre. Collection of Mrs. H. Pritchard of play texts, programmes, scores, photographs and other memorabilia 1898-1909
State Theatre of South Australia. Playscripts
Sullivan, Barry. Illuminated addresses 1856-1879
Symon, Floy Angel Nan. Papers 1912-1975
Theatre Collection illustrations
Theatre Playbills and Posters
Theatre Programmes: Cornell collection 1927-1990
Theatre Programmes: Crouch collection
Theatre Programmes: Locantro collection
Theatre Programmes: Robertson collection 1894-1963
Theatre Programmes: Silsbury collection 1952-
Theatre Programmes: Thiersch collection 1953-1990
Thiersch, Marie-Louise. Papers 1961-1985
University of Adelaide - Law Students Society. Law revue: publicity and scripts
Vanburgh, Irene. Illuminated address 1928
Wilkie, Allan. Papers 1878-1970

Papers related to the University of Adelaide

Abbie, Andrew Arthur. Papers on Physical Anthropology, 1930-1978
Adelaide University Drama Society. Papers 1969-1972
Adelaide University Footlights Club. Minutes and papers 1930-2003
Adelaide Medical Students' Society. Records 1889-
Angel, Laura Madeline. Teaching notes for Zoology practicals and Zoology Dept. articles 1931-1960 Tutor, Zoology)
Atkinson, Nancy. Papers (Lecturer, Bacteriology)
Australian Union of Students. Papers 1971-1980
Badger, Geoffrey. Papers 1938-1997 (Vice-Chancellor, Professor of Chemistry)
Black, Eustace Couper. Notebooks of Professor Bragg’s physics lectures (1906)
Black, Roger Foster. Notebooks of Chemistry I lectures (1941)
Bray, John Jefferson. Papers (University Chancellor)
Brine, John. Papers (Reader, Architecture and Town Planning)
Brissenden, Alan. Personal papers (Reader, English Lecturer)
Brose, Henry Herman Leopold Adolf. Papers 1909-1969 (Student, Rhodes Scholar, Physicist, Pathologist and Biochemist)
Carter, Jennifer. Research papers on Archibald Watson (Professor, Anatomy)
Carver, John Henry. Papers (Professor, Physics)
Chapman, Robert William. Papers 1908-1939 (Professor, Engineering)
Cheek, Donald Brook. Papers 1949-1989 Professor, Medicine)
Cleland, John Burton. Papers 1930-1971 (Professor, Pathology)
Cornell, James Gladstone. Papers 1925-1985. Papers (Professor, French literature)
Cornish, Edmund Alfred. Lectures on Mathematical Statistics 1945/46 (Professor, Mathematics)
Cowan, William Albert. Papers 1923-1974 (University Librarian)
Culver, Robert. Papers (Professor, Engineering)
Daily, Brian. Papers 1954-1985 (Lecturer, Geology)
Darling, Leslie. Papers, notebooks, thesis 1937-1952 (Demonstrator, Chemistry)
Davies, Edward Harold. Papers 1887-1947 (Professor, Music)
Davy, Ruby Claudia Emily. Papers and manuscript scores 1904-1947 (Doctor of Music)
Eardley, Constance Margaret. Papers 1927-1978 (Curator, University Herbarium and Tutor, Botany)
Earl, John Campbell. Papers 1903-1978 (Professor, Chemistry)
Edgeloe, Victor Allen. Papers 1925-2003 (University Registrar)
Elliott, Brian Robinson. Papers 1954-1989 (Reader, English Literature)
Ellis, Annie Rita. Biology notes (student at Adelaide University) 1903
Elford, Willian Graham. Papers
Fahey, Mary Eileen. Geography notes (student at Adelaide University) 1930
Fergie, Deane. Papers on gender studies (Lecturer, Gender Studies)
Finnis, Margaret. Papers (Tutor, English Literature)
FitzHerbert, John Aloysius. Papers 1882-1963 (Professor, Classics)
Flentje, Noel. Papers
Fox, Malcolm. Papers 1969-1997 (Teacher, Music)
Francki, Richard Ignacy Bartolomiej. Correspondence 1961-1970 (Reader, Plant Virology)
Gale, Fay. Papers on Aborigines in Adelaide and South Australia, including genealogies 1950s-1982 (Pro Vice-Chancellor and Professor, Geography)
Garbett, Kingsley. Papers (Reader, Anthropology)
Gent, Alison. Research papers collected by Lesley Yvonne McLean (Tutor, French and English Literature)
Glaessner, Martin Fritz. Papers (Professor, Geology)
Grant, Kerr. Papers (Professor, Physics)
Gray, John. Survey Records of Godavari Village, Nepal
Green, Herbert Sydney. Papers 193?-1979 (Professor, Mathematics)
Groot, Gerry. Music scores 1902-1961 (Lecturer, Asian Studies)
Hantke, Ethel. Recordings c1944
Harcourt, Geoffrey. Papers (Professor, Economics)
Harris, Maxwell Henley. Papers 1935-1989 (Student, Arts)
Hayman, David Lindsay. Reprints 1955-1995 (Lecturer, Genetics)
Healey, Derek Thomas. Papers 1953-1991 (Associate Professor, Economics)
Hetzel, Kenneth Stuart. Papers 1916-1966 (Dean, Medicine)
Hicks, Cedric Stanton. Papers 1931-1982 (Professor, Physiology)
Hicks, Neville Derrington. Papers re Health Care in South Australia (Lecturer, Community Medicine)
Hinze, Heinrich. Cartoons and display material. Centre for Labour Studies / Department of Gender Work and Social Enquiry
Holder, Alison. Papers, c1960-1990 (Teacher, Music)
Horne, Colin James. Papers 1939-1998 (Professor, English Literature)
Howchin, Walter. Papers 1865-1921 (Professor, Geology)
Hugo, Graeme. Papers (Professor, Geography)
Hurst, Charles Angas. Correspondence 1952-1988, papers re the Adelaide University Union 1962-1975 (Professor, Mathematics)
Huxley, Leonard George Holden. Papers (Professor, Physics)
Inglis, Kenneth Stanley. Lectures in history, University of Adelaide 1956-1959 (Lecturer, History)
James, Alan Treleven. Papers 1950-2013 (Professor, Statistics)
Jamrozik, Konrad. Papers on population health and clinical practice (professor, Medicine)
Jensen, Rolf Arthur. Papers 1957-1997 (Professor, Architecture)
Johnston, Thomas Harvey. Papers on prickly pear eradication (Professor, Zoology)
Jones, Frederic Wood. Illustrations for 'Mammals of South Australia' 192-? (Professor, Botany)
Kersten, Lee. Papers (Tutor, German)
Lamb, Horace. Exercise books (Professor, Mathematics)
Lander, Harry. Papers (Reader, Medicine)
Laurence, Gerald. Papers re University Theatre Guild and Dept of Continuing Education 1979-1982 (reader, Chemistry)
McCredie, Andrew Dalgarno. Papers … (Professor, Music)
McFarlane, Sandy. Papers (Traumatic Stress Studies) (Professor, Psychiatry)
Macfarlane, Walter Victor. Papers 1947-1985 (Professor, Animal Physiology)
Maegraith, Brian. Papers on Donald Burnard
Magarey, Kevin. Papers (Lecturer, English Literature)
Magarey, Susan and Round, Kerrie. Source materials and draft of Roma the First: a Biography of Dame Roma Mitchell (Professor, Gender Studies)
Magarey, Susan. Draft of and papers re Looking Back: Looking Forward – a century of the Queen Adelaide Club 1909-2009 (Professor, Gender Studies)
Mares, (Tim) Francis Hugh. Papers 1948–2000 (reader, English Literature)
Marsh, Neville. Collected papers 1952-2008 (Physiologist, Deputy Vice-Chancellor))
Marston, Hedley Ralph. Papers 1932-1972 (Demonstrator, Biochemistry and Director, CSIRO)
Martin, Peter. Papers 1954-1996 (Professor, Botany)
Mawson, Sir Douglas. Papers re geology (including some papers of Walter Howchin) 1872-1956 (Professor, Geology)
Mayer, Peter B. Papers of various University appointment committees, working parties etc. and papers on Australian support for Bangladesh independence 1974-1992 (Lecturer, Politics)
Megawatt '41. University of Adelaide Department of Drama students papers 1975
Mitchell, William. Notebooks and papers (Vice-Chancellor, Professor, English Literature)
Mitchell, Mark Ledingham. Papers (Professor, Biochemist, Medical physiology)
Muecke, Douglas. Playscripts and letters to and from Barbara Wall (Lecturer, English Literature)
Naylor, Henry Darnley. Lectures, translations and notebooks (Professor, Classics)
Nesbitt, R.W. Papers relating to the Giles Complex Research Project
Oliver, Robin Langford. Papers 1944-1986
Osborn, Theodore George Bentley. Papers 1908-1968 (Professor, Botany)
Paleg, Leslie. Papers 1974-1994 (Professor, Plant physiology)
Potts, Renfrey Burnard. Research papers and correspondence 1947-2014 (Professor, Mathematics)
Raymond, Ira Doley. Papers 1949-2006 (University Librarian)
Reid, Robert Leighton (Bob). Papers
Rennie, Basil Cameron. Papers 1885-1990 (Professor, Mathematics)
Roberts, Michael. Papers, mainly on Sri Lanka ca. 1800-1999 (University lecturer, History)
Robertson, Thorburn Brailsford. Papers c1902-1990 (Professor, Biochemistry)
Robinson, Arthur James. Surveying Papers (Lecturer, Civil Engineering)
Rogers, Richard Sanders. Papers and biographical material 1894-2003 (Lecturer in Forensic Medicine)
Santich, Barbara. Papers on the culture and cuisine of Mediterranean France during the 14th and 15th centuries c1911-1990 (Professor, Food Studies)
Saunders, David. Papers on architectural history (Professor, Architecture)
Schaffer, Kay. Papers on gender studies (Professor, Gender Studies)
Schwerdtfeger, Hans. Papers 1927-1990 (Professor, Mathematics)
Scott, Jeff. Papers
Sheridan, Tom. Research papers 1935-1967 (Lecturer, Economic History)
Simpson, Donald. Papers
Skinner, Brian. Papers on Geology
Solomon, Frances. Papers relating to study and teaching at the Elder Conservatorium 1921-1970
Stirling, Sir Edward Charles (1848-1919). Papers 1884-1918 (Professor, Physiology)
Strong, Archibald. Travel diaries, notebook, lecture notes 1902-1929 (Professor, English Literature)
Sved, George and Marta. Papers, including autobiographical account of Marta's life in Hungary prior to emigration 1937-1994 (Lecturer, Civil Engineering)
Tallis, George Michael. Papers 1956-2009
Tancibudek, Jiri. Papers (Professor, Music)
Tapp, Adrian Lynda. University of Adelaide and personal memorabilia 1918-1922 (student????)
Tate, Ralph. Lecture notes on geology c1890s (Professor, Geology)
Taylor, Andrew. Poem 1987 (Lecturer, English Literature)
Theological Students Christian Union of South Australia. Minute book 1923-1944 & supplementary material
Thiersch, Marie-Louise. Papers 1961-1985 (Lecturer, German)
Tregenza, John. Papers 1828-1999 (Lecturer, History)
Trevaskis, John. Papers 1942-1994 (Professor, Classics & Comparative Philology)
Triebel, Louis Augustus. Manuscript notes on the history of the South Australian German population (Lecturer, German)
Tuck, Ernest (Ernie) Oliver Tuck. Papers 1957-2007 (Professor, Applied Mathematics)
Turner, George William. Papers (Lecturer, English Literature)
Tyler, Michael. Papers 1959-2005 (Professor, Zoology)
University of Adelaide. Miscellaneous student publications 1968-1984
University of Adelaide - Classics Department. Exercise books c1900
University of Adelaide - Department of Geography. Papers and teaching slide collections c1940-1978
University of Adelaide - Elder Conservatorium. Papers 1900-
University of Adelaide - Law School. Papers related to the teaching of law and the history of the Law School, and legal notebooks 1823-1983
University of Adelaide - Law Students Society. Law revue: publicity and scripts
University of Adelaide - Library Studies Unit. Records 1975-1979
University of Adelaide - School of Education. Student 3rd Year posters
University of Adelaide Library. Archives and Social Club
Warhurst, Arthur. Student notes, scrapbook (Student, music)
Watson, Andrew. Papers (Professor, Asian Studies)
Weld, Elizabeth Eleanor. Diaries and lecture notes (Student, Medicine)
Wheaton, Amy. Papers 1925-1979 (lecturer, Social Science)
White, Thomas Charles Raymond. Papers (Professor, Biological Sciences)
Williamson, Terence (Terry). Research Papers (Professor, Architecture)
Wood, Joseph Garnett and Petrie, Arthur Hill Kelvin. Papers re Studies on the nitrogen metabolism of plants, 1935-1942 (Professor, Biology and Plant physiologist)
Yaitya Warra Wodli. Scrapbooks and Newspaper Clippings on Aboriginal Matters
Ypma, Peter. Papers ca1950-1991 (Professor, Geology)
Zuckerman, Fredric (Ric). Papers (Lecturer, Russian history)

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