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William H. (Henry) Bragg and William L. (Lawrence) Bragg:
A guide to the research records of John Jenkin, 1914-2010

MSS 0144

Series 3: William Henry Bragg- Later life, 1903 – 2010. 77 cm.

Series 3 consists of material relating to William Henry Bragg's later life following his return to the United Kingdom from South Australia.

William Henry Bragg returned to the UK in 1909, taking up a position as Professor of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Leeds. He continued his own research and in 1915 was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics, along with his son William Lawrence Bragg, for his work on X-ray Crystallography. He continued to be a prominent figure within the scientific community until his death in March 1942.

This Series can loosely be divided into three main subjects:

1. Research - consists of material collected by John Jenkin relating to William Henry Bragg and the University of Leeds. Includes contextual material relating to Bragg's appointment and his residences in Leeds. Also includes material relating to his research, largely on X-ray Crystallography, for which he would win a Nobel Prize, as well as material relating to his contemporaries Norman Campbell, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley and George Howard Darwin.

2. WWI- consists of material relating to William Henry Bragg during the First World War, particularly in relation to his work attempting to detect German submarines by listening underwater for the sound of their engines. Also includes both contemporary and retrospective articles on science and scientists during the war

3. Nobel Prize and Later - consists of material relating to awards given to William Henry Bragg, including the 1915 Nobel Prize for Physics and Order of Merit in 1931. It also includes material relating to his later life, his work at University College London and his election to the Royal Society.

00225 Appointments - Leeds etc. - University of British Columbia - King's College London - University of Edinburgh - then University College, London. 1907-1985 1 cm.
Includes photocopied correspondence and other material relating to William Henry Bragg's appointment at the University of Leeds, the University of British Columbia, King's College London, University of Edinburgh and University College London.
Also includes obituary of Arthur Smithells.

00226 William Henry Bragg - University of Leeds – History. 1909-2010? 1 cm.
Includes articles and other material on the history of the University of Leeds, a street plan of Leeds and a typed letter from Charles Todd to William Henry Bragg regarding Bolton and Leeds.
Also handwritten notes by John Jenkin on where to find correspondence regarding Leeds in his other research material.

00227 William Henry Bragg - residences in Leeds. 1971-2005 0.5 cm.
Contains research material on houses and areas in which William Henry Bragg lived while at the University of Leeds. Includes tourist guides to Bolton Abbey, map of area around Bolton Abbey highlighting places William Henry Bragg visited, sketches of Deerstones cottage, loose notes and related correspondence to and from John Jenkin.

00228 William Henry Bragg - memorial at Leeds. 1910?-1983 0.5 cm.
Contains research on material held on William Henry Bragg at the Central Filing Office, University of Leeds. Includes: photocopy of an article entitled "The Cavendish Giant" on William Henry Bragg which appeared in "The Reporter", a regular staff publication; a copy of a lecture on William Henry Bragg's life given in 1975 by Professor A.C.T. North; photocopied correspondence regarding the establishment of Bragg memorial lectures; notes and correspondence by John Jenkin.
Also a copy of a photograph of William Henry Bragg. Note on back reads "U Leeds photo acquired from Leeds Conservative Club papers in Leeds City Library".

00229 John Jenkin - visit to Leeds. 1982-1987 0.5 cm.
Contains correspondence between John Jenkin and the University Archivist at University of Leeds regarding his forthcoming visit to Leeds and material he would like to consult.

00230 William Henry Bragg - Leeds - Smithells [Professor Arthur Smithells] Collection, University of Leeds. 1949-1987 0.5 cm.
Contains information and research on the Smithells [Professor Arthur Smithells] collection held at the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds. Includes: correspondence to and from John Jenkin regarding the collection; a photocopied list of the correspondence in the collection; leaflet on the Brotherton Library; notes made from the collection by John Jenkin on William Henry Bragg.

00231 William Henry Bragg - Leeds - Physics department - University of Leeds. 1909-2010? 1 cm.
This folder is divided into two sections:

  • Contains photocopy of a letter to William Henry Bragg regarding the award of the Barnard Gold Medal to him and his son, William Lawrence Bragg, including copy of the report made to the National Academy of Sciences; a report on the state of the Physics Department as William Henry Bragg left it, 1916.
  • Includes: copy of correspondence which includes a verse from the University song which mentions William Henry Bragg and a comment on the character of Mrs Gwendoline Bragg.

Also includes article by L. Vegard on the Polarisation of X-rays; an obituary of William Thomas Astbury; transcribed correspondence regarding William Lawrence Bragg's candidature for the Royal Society; research notes on William Henry Bragg's involvement with the Philosophy and Literature Society; citation for Bragg’s election to the Royal Society and article re Bragg’s denial of Presidency.

00232 William Henry Bragg - University of Leeds - Calendars and Annual Reports. 1903-2005 0.5 cm.
Includes photocopied extracts from the University of Leeds Annual Reports 1903-15 regarding the Faculty of Science, Physics Department and William Henry Bragg.
Also  correspondence to and from John Jenkin regarding J.H.L. Porter, Demonstrator in Physics at the University of Leeds 1910-11; research notes by John Jenkin made on material from the University of Leeds Archive regarding William Henry Bragg's time as professor.

00233 William Henry Bragg - University of Leeds, 1914 - WHB to Vice-Chancellor re research. 1914-2010? 0.5 cm.
Contains photocopied correspondence regarding William Henry Bragg's research including correspondence from William Henry Bragg to the Vice Chancellor of the University of Leeds.

00234 William Henry Bragg - Univeristy of Leeds - 'Tony North. 1962-1988 0.5 cm.
Includes correspondence between John Jenkin and Professor Anthony C.T. North regarding William Henry Bragg and a published copy of a lecture given by Professor Anthony C.T. North on William Henry Bragg.
Also includes handwritten notes by John Jenkin on the Cavendish Professors; a copy of "Apologia pro Vita Mea: Being a record of the troubles and pleasures of a Cavendish Professor of Leeds 1885-1909" by Professor W. Stroud; and a photocopy of an article by E.C. Stoner, Cavendish Professor of Physics, on William Henry Bragg.

00235 William Henry Bragg - Stroud [Professor William Stroud] – Leeds. 2005-2007 1 cm.
Includes copy of "Apologia pro Vita Mea and Early Reminiscences of Barr and Stroud Rangefinders" by Professor William Stroud and a copy of the History of Physics Group 2006 Newsletter which contains an article entitled "The Braggs and Astbury: Leeds and the beginning of molecular biology" by Tony North.

00236 William Henry Bragg - Leeds (X-ray Crystallography) - The Bragg Notebook. 2009 0.5 cm.
Includes correspondence to John Jenkin regarding "The Bragg Notebook" in which William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg recorded the results of the experiments for which they would later win a Nobel Prize for Physics.
Also includes archival information on "The Bragg Notebook" from the University of Leeds Special Collections website.

00237 William Henry Bragg - Leeds (X-ray Crystallography) - William Lawrence Bragg - Leeds Research Notebooks. 1913-2010? 1 cm.
Includes notes made by John Jenkin on William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg's research notebooks.
Also correspondence and notes on William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg's X-ray Spectrometer.

00238 William Henry Bragg - Leeds (X-ray Crystallography) - Dr. Lars Vegard. 1912-2010? 0.5 cm.
Includes biographical information on Dr. Lars Vegard; photocopy of a letter from Dr. Lars Vegard to William Henry Bragg regarding the work of Max von Laue; photocopy of two articles by Lars Vegard entitled "The Structure of Silver Crystals" and "The Polarisation of X-Rays compared with their Power of exciting High Velocity Cathode Rays".

00239 William Henry Bragg - Leeds (X-ray Crystallography): Early X-ray Crystallography papers. 1912-2010 5 cm.
Includes list of William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg's publications on X-ray Crystallography, 1912-1915; and various photocopied articles on X-rays and crystals mostly by William Henry Bragg.

00240 William Henry Bragg - Leeds (X-ray Crystallography) - Paul P. Ewald. 1962-1992 2 cm.
William Henry Bragg - Leeds (X-ray Crystallography)
Folder is split into two sections:

  • contains biographical information on Paul P. Ewald and photocopied articles by Paul P. Ewald on crystallography and William Henry Bragg
  • title on folder reads: "Am. Institute Phys. - Centre History Phys - July 1983 (ply. [particularly] re. Ewald)"

Includes correspondence and research notes on Paul P. Ewald; photocopied correspondence between William Lawrence Bragg and Paul P. Ewald; photocopied photograph of Paul P. Ewald with William Lawrence Bragg and others.
Also a statement made by William Lawrence Bragg on Paul P. Ewald's 80th birthday, describing how they met.

00241 William Henry Bragg - Leeds (X-ray Crystallography) - Other papers on early X-ray Crystallography. 1966-2002 2 cm.
Includes various photocopied articles on X-ray crystallography, particularly the work of Peter Paul Ewald and Max von Laue.

00242  William Henry Bragg - Leeds - X-ray Crystallography - correspondence - n/paper cuttings. 1912-2010? 1.5 cm.
Folder is split into two sections:

  • Includes photocopied correspondence to William Henry Bragg while at the University of Leeds regarding his work on X-rays.
  • Includes photocopied newspaper cuttings regarding William Henry Bragg's research and experiments at the University of Leeds.

00243 William Henry Bragg - Cavendish Chair - Honorary Degree, University of Leeds. 1919-2010? 0.5 cm.
Contains handwritten note by John Jenkin on the Cavendish Chair of Physics at the University of Leeds; photocopy of a letter inviting William Henry Bragg to accept an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science from the University of Leeds; copy of speech presenting William Henry Bragg the degree of Doctor of Science.

00244 William Henry Bragg - University of Leeds - re opening of Physics building. 1931-1932 0.5 cm.
Includes photocopied newspaper cuttings and correspondence regarding the opening of the Physics building at the University of Leeds in 1932 by William Henry Bragg.
Also includes photocopied invitation to the opening, and programme of proceedings.

00245 William Henry Bragg - University of Leeds - memorial plaque. 1942-1951 1 cm.
Includes photocopied newspaper cuttings and correspondence regarding the memorial plaque in the Brotherton Library at the University of Leeds commemorating the work of William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg.
A note by John Jenkin on the material in this folder reads: "some interesting items incl. re original work etc."

00246 William Henry Bragg - Fax to Dr John Jenkin re WHB and William Lawrence Bragg etc. at Leeds. 2003 0.5 cm.
Includes fax sent by Lady Heath to John Jenkin regarding William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg, and the landmark ceremony held by the Royal Society of Chemistry to commemorate their work.
Also includes article by Frank James entitled "William Henry Bragg and the University of Leeds as reflected in the archives of the Royal Institution of Great Britain".

00247 Norman R. Campbell. 1908-2005 1 cm.
Includes photocopied entry for Norman R. Campbell in the Dictionary of Scientific Biography and photocopied correspondence to and from John Jenkin regarding Norman R. Campbell.
Also includes photocopied letter from Norman R. Campbell to William Henry Bragg regarding the formers book on Modern Electrical Theory, and notes by John Jenkin on Norman R. Campbell's publications.

00248 Norman Campbell – Articles. 1907-2002 2 cm.
Includes various photocopied articles relating to Norman Campbell.
Also includes photocopied articles written by Norman Campbell including "Modern Electrical Theory", "A History of the Cavendish Laboratory" and "Ionization by Alpha Rays".

00249 Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley and George Howard Darwin – Biographical. 1915-2008 0.5 cm.
Includes biographical information on Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley and George Howard Darwin.
Also includes biographies of Gwen Raverat, Charles Galton Darwin and Geoffrey Keynes.

00250 Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley and George Howard Darwin. 1913-1976 2 cm.
Includes various photocopied articles by Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley and George Howard Darwin, mostly on the "Reflexion of X-rays" and "High Frequency Spectrum of the Elements".
Also photocopied correspondence from Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley to William Henry Bragg and draft of an article by William Lawrence Bragg on George Howard Darwin.

00251 William Henry Bragg - WWI and "Manifesto" - Physicists in WWI – articles. 1918-2003 2 cm.
Includes various photocopied articles on the standpoint of scientists during the First World War, including: "The Biology of War" by Dr. G.F.Nicolai; "Einstein on Peace"; and "The Dilemmas of an Upright Man: Max Planck as Spokesman for German Science".

00252 William Henry Bragg - WWI and "Manifesto" - The Times and Nature. 1914-1916 1 cm.
Includes photocopied news cuttings from The Times and Nature regarding the manifestoes of university professors in Britain and Germany.
Also includes various photocopied news articles on "Science and the State", "Science in National Affairs" and "Science in the War".

00253 William Henry Bragg - WWI General. 1915-2010? 2 cm.
Includes various photocopied articles on science during the First World War, including an article by William Henry Bragg entitled "Physics in War-time".
Also includes photocopies of patents taken out by William Henry Bragg for "Improvements in Apparatus for Detecting the Direction of Sound in Water".

00254 William Henry Bragg - - WWI work - Board of Investigation and Research and Hawkcraig. 1906-2009 1 cm.
Contains articles and correspondence regarding William Henry Bragg's work on antisubmarine harbour defences and "Indicator Loops".
Includes photocopy of a letter from William Henry Bragg to his wife Gwendoline Bragg from Hawkcraig Experimental Station; and correspondence between Ernest Rutherford, Joseph John Thomson and Richard Threllfall.
Also includes "Report on Detection of Enemy Submarines by Acoustic Methods" by Joseph John Thomson.

00255 William Henry Bragg - WWI work - CBE – KBE. 1919-2006 0.5 cm.
Includes correspondence and photocopied news cuttings relating to the awards presented to William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg.

00256 William Henry Bragg - WWI work - Letters WHB to Gwendoline Bragg from USA, 1914. 1914-2010? 0.5 cm.
Includes photocopied correspondence from William Henry Bragg to his wife Gwendoline Bragg, sent from America.
Also includes photocopied letter from William Henry Bragg to William Lawrence Bragg regarding his lectures and work in America.

00257 Public Record Office - (The National Archives) - number 1. 1915-1995 5 cm.
Contains research notes made by John Jenkin at the Public Record Office in London. Includes minutes and reports from the Board of Invention and Research on the development of anti-submarine devices.
Also photocopied correspondence between William Henry Bragg and Albert Beaumont Wood.

00258 Public Record Office - (The National Archives) - number 2. 1914-1995 1 cm.
Includes photocopied letters from Lord Fisher [John Arbuthnot Fisher] to the Prime Minister [David Lloyd George] on the threat from German submarines.
Also extracts from a memorandum presented by Lord Fisher to the Prime Minister entitled "The Submarine"; and reports from the Board of Invention and Research and minutes from the War Cabinet on the "submarine menace".

00259 UK Naval History - Royal Navy - Anti submarine devices. 1919-1996 2 cm.
Includes photocopied articles and research notes on sonar and the uses of science in the First World War.
Also photocopied section of "The Technical History and Index" on the anti-submarine division of the naval staff 1916-1918; and catalogue list of the Fisher [John Arbuthnot Fisher] papers.

00260 UK Naval History -Arthur Marder on the Royal Navy 1904-1919. 1961-2010? 2 cm.
Includes photocopied chapters from book entitled "From the Dreadnought to Scarpa Flow: The Royal Navy in the Fisher Era, 1904-1919" by Arthur J. Marder.
Also  extracts from a collection of essays on Naval Warfare in honour of Arthur Marder.

00261 Articles – WWI. 1978-2006 5 cm.
Includes various photocopied articles on scientific developments during the First World War, particularly relating to submarine detection and the Board of Invention and Research.

00262 Albert Beaumont Wood. 1921-1996 3 cm.
Includes photocopy of special edition of the Journal of the Royal Naval Scientific Service in commemoration of Albert Beaumont Wood.
Also photocopied articles written by Albert Beaumont Wood entitled: "A Textbook of Sound", "A Radio-Acoustic Method of Locating Positions at Sea" and "On 'Light Body' Hydrophones and the Directional Properties of Microphones".

00263 Albert Beaumont Wood - RI MS WHB 37A - Wood Correspondence. 1917-1962 1 cm.
Includes photocopied correspondence between Albert Beaumont Wood and William Henry Bragg on the Board of Invention and Research regarding the development of anti-submarine devices.

00264 William Henry Bragg - William Lawrence Bragg - Solvay Council. 1913-2002 1.5 cm.
Includes photocopied articles, printed material and correspondence on the Solvay Councils and William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg's participation.
Also letter from Ernest Rutherford regarding William Lawrence Bragg's application for a grant from the Solvay Funds.

00265 Barnard Gold Medal. 1915-1968 0.5 cm.
Includes photocopy of letter sent to William Henry Bragg informing him that he and his son, William Lawrence Bragg, had been awarded the Barnard Gold Medal, with attached report of the committee on award of the Barnard Medal for "meritorious service in science"; and related newspaper cutting.
Also photocopied extracts from Nature regarding the award to William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg of the Rumford Medal and a Gold Medal from the Societa Italiana delle Scienze.

00266 William Henry Bragg - William Lawrence Bragg - Nobel Prize. 1981-2005 4 cm.
Includes various photocopied articles on the award of Nobel Prizes for Physics in the early twentieth century, as well as information on the award made to William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg in 1915 "for their services in the analysis of crystal structure by means of X-rays".
Also includes a set of special edition Royal Mail Nobel Prize stamps with an accompanying article to mark the centenary of the awarding of the first Nobel Prizes.

00267 William Henry Bragg - William Lawrence Bragg - Nobel Prize. 1914-1992 3 cm.
Includes photocopied letter of congratulations sent to William Henry Bragg on being awarded a Nobel Prize; photocopied newspaper cutting regarding the award of the Nobel Prize to William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg.
Also photocopied articles relating to the award of the Nobel Prize to Max von Laue in 1914.

00268 William Henry Bragg - William Lawrence Bragg - Nobel Prize - Nobel Committee - Max von Laue. 1914-1984 2 cm.
Contains papers relating to the Nobel Committee and Prizes for Max von Laue and William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg. Includes letters of nomination and reports on candidates.

00269 William Henry Bragg - William Lawrence Bragg - Nobel Prize nominations. 1913-1985 0.5 cm.
Contains correspondence between John Jenkin and Elizabeth Crawford on William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg's nomination for the Nobel Prize for Physics 1913-1915, including list of nominations 1913-1915.

00270 William Henry Bragg - William Lawrence Bragg - Minerva re Nobel Prize - Oxford Companion to Australian History. 1996-1998 0.5 cm.
Contains correspondence between John Jenkin and the Assistant Editor of the Oxford Companion to Australian History regarding an entry written by John Jenkin on William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg, with entry attached.

00271 William Henry Bragg - William Lawrence Bragg - Minerva re Nobel Prize - Bragg family correspondence. 2001 1 cm.
Includes correspondence between John Jenkin and the Bragg Family in research for an article for a special issue of the journal Minerva celebrating the centenary of the award of the first Nobel Prizes.

00272 William Henry Bragg - William Lawrence Bragg - Minerva re Nobel Prize. 1975-2002 1 cm.
Includes photocopy of an article by John Jenkin entitled "A Unique Partnership: William and Lawrence Bragg and the 1915 Nobel Prize in Physics" which appeared in a special issue of the journal Minerva celebrating the centenary of the award of the first Nobel Prizes; and correspondence to and from John Jenkin concerning the article.
Also photocopied extracts from the Dictionary of Scientific Biography on William Jackson Pope and William Barlow.

00273  Images of William Henry Bragg - University College London. 1907-2006 1 cm.
Contains photocopied photographs of William Henry Bragg with related correspondence from John Jenkin.
Also photocopied Certificate of a Candidate for Election into the Royal Society of London for William Henry Bragg.

00274 William Henry Bragg - University College London. 1929-1983 1 cm.
Includes correspondence between John Jenkin and University College London regarding material held on William Henry Bragg; photocopied articles on the history of the Department of Physics within University College London.
Also biography of Kathleen Lonsdale, fellow of the Royal Society of London.

00275 William Henry Bragg - University College London – Publications. 1919-1950? 2 cm.
Includes various articles written by William Henry Bragg during his time in London, including for the Royal Society of London, Physical Society of London, Chemical Society of London, Faraday Society and Röntgen Society.
Also obituary notice for William Henry Bragg listing his publications.

00276 William Henry Bragg – Later. 1917-2008 3 cm.
Includes various articles written by William Henry Bragg and newspaper cuttings regarding his lectures 1929-1942; letters of congratulations to William Henry Bragg on O.M. [Order of Merit] 1931.
Also includes article by Paul P. Ewald marking the seventieth birthday of William Henry Bragg.

00277 William Henry Bragg - William Lawrence Bragg – Broadcasts. 1930-1983 2 cm.
Includes transcripts of broadcasts given by William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg; and newspaper cuttings regarding the broadcasts.
Also photocopied article entitled "The Braggs and Broadcasting" by James Friday.

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