News: Lumen Waite 100

Eat Waite

Solar eggs carton

Research never tasted so good.

[Read more about Eat Waite]

When research meets opportunity

When research meets opportunity thumbnail

Waite has a legacy – and a future – of turning incidental discoveries into world-shifting knowledge.

[Read more about When research meets opportunity]

The pursuit eternal

The pursuit eternal duckweed

Pioneering research in plant breeding, alternative proteins, and transformative technologies.

[Read more about The pursuit eternal]

Sowing a greener future

Sowing a greener future

The Waite’s research is vital to addressing modern-day food and biodiversity needs.

[Read more about Sowing a greener future]

Magic dirt

TERN training activity

There’s a magical world beneath our feet. Academics and scientists at Waite are working tirelessly to help improve soil health across the nation. 

[Read more about Magic dirt]

Gardens of Note

Waite Arboretum

The Waite Arboretum, Urrbrae House gardens and the Waite Conservation Reserve are made of many impressive parts.

[Read more about Gardens of Note]

Nurturing excellence

Nurturing excellence

Waite’s teaching community remains a testament to Peter Waite’s enduring commitment to innovation and science. 

[Read more about Nurturing excellence]

Harvesting knowledge

Harvesting knowledge feature

Harvest is a crucial part of every winemaker and viticulturist’s year. Meet the team of staff and students who tackled the 2024 vintage at Waite.

[Read more about Harvesting knowledge]

The other friends of Waite


A great strength of the University of Adelaide’s Waite campus is the like-minded organisations who’ve chosen to nest amid the gumtrees with us – some of whom have been our neighbours and collaborators for generations.

[Read more about The other friends of Waite]

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