Mawson Geo Centre researchers study the formation and occurrence of mineral deposits. We do this through the projects shown below, and collaboratively with industry through the Deep Exploration Technologies CRC and the MinEx CRC proposal.
The aims are to enhance our ability to drill and to understand the materials that come from drilling, to improve vectoring towards mineral deposits.

FOX Project
This project is researching the trace element signatures of iron oxides (hematite and magnetite) for the benefit of Australia’s IOCG ores. Contact the Chief Investigator, Dr Cristiana Ciobanu, for more information.
ARC Research Hub for Australian Copper Uranium
Hub researchers are developing and testing new, cost-effective ways to remove non-target metals from copper concentrates from ores in South Australia
and beyond.
This project is looking at a wide range of mineral deposits to find the best research strategies for discovering the next major mineral deposit. It has a strong training
NExUS Summer School
This annual summer school, hosted by the University of Adelaide and supported by the Minerals Council of Australia, is training tomorrow’s leading mineral
Deep Exploration Technologies CRC
The CRC’s new technologies are routinely used in mineral exploration for successful, cost-effective, environmentally-friendly and safe ways to drill, analyse
and target both ‘greenfield’ and ‘brownfield’ areas.
The MinEx CRC was launched in 2018. MinEx CRC will pioneer cheap, safe and environmentally-friendly coiled tubing drilling to build a 3D picture of the