Examples By Discipline
Examples of uses of the RSD framework to inform assessment and curriculum design.
Animal and veterinary sciences
- Chicken and Egg e-Simulation (Year 1). RSD rubrics to Level 5 (from page 7 onwards)
- Liver Function Practical Report (Year 2). RSD rubric to Level 2/3
- DVM Professional Skills: Management Accounting (Year 1 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program)
- DVM Professional Skills: Strategic Business Plan (Year 1 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program)
- Professional Skills in Vet Bioscience: Business & Animal Husbandry Assignment
Biology and marine science
Business ethics
- Moral Dilemna 1 Masters by Coursework). RSD rubric to Level 3
- Research Report (Masters by Coursework). RSD rubric to Level 4
Business law
- Ethics and Governance marking rubrics from University of the South Pacific (Year 2)
- Legal Scenario for Accountants (Year 2/3). RSD rubric to Level 3
- Legal Issues for Accountants (Year 2/3). RSD rubric to Level 3
- Marking rubric for iodometry experiment from University of the South Pacific (Year 1)
- Marking rubric for physical chemistry experiment from University of the South Pacific (Year 2)
- Marking rubric for amino acids organic chemistry experiment from University of the South Pacific (Year 2)
- Marking rubric for 'Application and Methods of Instrumental Analysis' report from University of the South Pacific (Year 3)
Computer science
Development and governance
- Curriculum Design, Assessment and Evaluation, Assessment 1 (Masters)
- Curriculum Design, Assessment and Evaluation, Assessment 3 (Masters)
- Reflective Practice in Learning and Teaching Assessment 1 (Masters)
- Research Based Learning and Teaching Assessment (Masters)
- Research-based Learning Oral Presentation Marking Rubric (Masters)
Education and technology
- Marking rubric for 'School and Society' assignment from University of the South Pacific (Year 1)
- Marking rubric for Curriculum Studies reflective journal from the University of the South Pacific (Year 2). RSD rubric to Level 3
- Marking rubric for Curriculum Studies teaching portfolio from University of the South Pacific (Year 2). RSD rubric to Level 3
- Marking rubric for 'Introduction to Curriculum Development' essay from University of the South Pacific (Year 2). RSD rubric to Level 3
- Marking rubric for 'Introduction to Curriculum Development' action research assignment from University of the South Pacific (Year 2). RSD rubric to Level 3
- Marking rubric for 'Introduction to Curriculum Development' assignment from University of the South Pacific (Year 2). RSD rubric to Level 3
- Marking rubric for Curriculum Studies II reflective journal from University of the South Pacific (Year 3). RSD rubric to Level 3
- Marking rubric for Curriculum Studies II teaching portfolio from University of the South Pacific (Year 3). RSD rubric to Level 3
- Marking rubric for Product Development Drawing assignment from University of the South Pacific (Year 2)
- Marking rubric for Product Development group assignment from University of the South Pacific (Year 2)
- Marking rubric for Industrial Lab Practice II assignment from University of the South Pacific (Year 2)
- Marking rubric for Design and CADD Project from University of the South Pacific (Year 3)
Electronic engineering
- Proposal Seminar (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Stage 1 Progress Report (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Stage 2 Progress Report (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Semester A Progress Report and Performance (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Final Seminar (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Final Report (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Project Exhibition (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5, Facets D,E & F
- Final Performance (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Outcomes (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5, Facets C & D
English and communication
- Adaptation essay rubric (Year 2)
- Adaptation literature review rubric (Year 2)
- Communication and Information Literacy marking rubric from University of the South Pacific (Year 1)
- English for Academic Purposes assignment 1 and marking rubric from University of the South Pacific (Year 1)
- English for Academic Purposes assignment 2 and marking rubric from University of the South Pacific (Year 1)
- Marking rubric for Introduction to Human Geography reflection essay from University of the South Pacific (Year 1)
- Marking rubric for 'Modern East Asian History’ essay from University of the South Pacific (Year 2)
- Marking rubric for 'Modern East Asian History’ oral assignment from University of the South Pacific (Year 2)
- Marking rubric for 'Pacific Islands Prehistory' essay from University of the South Pacific (Year 1)
- Marking rubric for ‘Special Topic: History of Fiji’ essay from University of the South Pacific (Year 3)
- Marking rubric for 'World History: Contemporary History' essay from University of the South Pacific (Year 1)
- Marking rubric for 'World History: Contemporary History' summary assignment from University of the South Pacific (Year 1)
- Power, Passion & Greed: Research Project in Second Life (Year 2). Assessment Description
- Power, Passion & Greed: Research Project in Second Life (Year 2). RSD Rubric to Level 5
Human biology
- Human Biology Curriculum redesign process
- Practicing with RSD marking criteria (Year 1). RSD rubric to Level 2. Since 2010, given to students to mark previous cohort's work, so that current students better understand the RSD marking criteria.
- Source Selection and Referencing (Year 1). RSD rubric to Level 3
- Group Research Wiki (Year 1). RSD rubric to Level 3
- Population Analysis Report (Year 1). RSD rubric to Level 4
- Assessment Instructions for above two tasks
- Introductory Seminar (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Literature Review (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Research Grant Proposal (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Research Poster (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Supervisor assessment 1 (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Supervisor assessment 2 (Honours).RSD rubric to Level 5
- Final seminar marking (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Final journal article (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
Language and literature
- Marking rubric for essay from University of the South Pacific (Year 1/2)
- Marking rubric for 'Structure of English' essays from University of the South Pacific (Year 2/3)
- Marking rubric for contract law assignment from University of the South Pacific (Year 2)
- Marking rubric for 'Introduction to Management' group project from University of the South Pacific (Year 1)
- Weekly Workshop Portfolio (Year 2). Assessment description and RSD rubric to level 3
- Global Media Policies and Practices Course Outline (Year 2)
- Global Media: 1 Video Case Study (Year 2). RSD rubric to Level 3
- Media Research Methods Course Profile (Year 2)
- Media Research Methods Assignment 2 (Year 2). RSD rubric from Level 1 to Level 3
- Media Research Methods Assignment 3 (Year 2). RSD rubric from Level 1 to Level 3
Medical science
- Introductory Research Seminar (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Final Research Seminar (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Supervisor Assessment of Semester 1 Performance (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Supervisor Assessment of Semester 2 performance (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Literature Review (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Final Journal Article (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Research Poster (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Research Grant Proposal (Honours). RSD rubric to Level 5
- Clinical Reasoning Development for Case-Based Learning
- Presentation on Clinical reasoning in Medicine (Year 3)
Oral health
- Evaluation rubrics from the Justice Institute of British Columbia (Undergraduate)
- Laboratory marking rubric from University of the South Pacific (Year 2).
Population and demographics
- Marking rubric for report on population and development in the Pacific region from University of the South Pacific (Year 3).
- Diagnostic of Research Skills in Research Methods course (Year 3). Description and RSD rubric to Level 3.
- Marking rubric for Literature Review project from University of the South Pacific (Year 1/2).
Social work
- Marking rubric for Mapping Agency report from University of the South Pacific (Year 1)
- Marking rubric for report on social and community work organisation from University of the South Pacific (Year 1)
- Marking rubric for agency analysis project from University of the South Pacific (Year 2)
- Marking rubric for community profile report from University of the South Pacific (Year 2)
- Marking rubric for introduction to reflective practice journaling from University of the South Pacific (Year 3)
- Marking rubric for report on United Nations' Conventions and Declarations from University of the South Pacific (Year 3)
Software engineering
- Marking rubric for Introduction to Statistics assignment from University of the South Pacific (Year 1)
- Assessment criteria (Masters) for PGCW research component based on RSD framework (Level IV)
- Introduction to Tourism Assignment 1 (Year 1). Description and RSD rubric from Level 0 to Level 3
- Introduction to Tourism Assignment 2 (Year 1). Description and RSD rubric from Level 0 to Level 3
- Issues in Global Business Assignment 1 (Year 2). Description and RSD rubric from Level 0 to Level 3
- Issues in Global Business Assignment 3 (Year 2). Description and RSD rubric from Level 0 to Level 3
- Tourism Planning Assignment 1 (Year 2). Description and RSD rubric from Level 0 to Level 3
- Tourism Planning (Year 2). RSD rubric only from Level 0 to Level 3
- Tourism Planning Assignment 2 (Year 2). Description and RSD rubric from Level 0 to Level 3
- Tourist Communication Assignment 1 (Year 3). Description and RSD rubric from Level 1 to Level 4
- Tourist Communication Assignment 2 (Year 3). Description and RSD rubric from Level 1 to Level 4
- Sustainable Tourism Destinations Assignment 1 (Year 3). Description and RSD rubric from Level 1 to Level 4
- Sustainable Tourism Destinations Assignment 2 (Year 3). Description and RSD rubric from Level 1 to Level 4
- Sustainable Tourism Destinations Assignment 3 (Year 3). Description and RSD rubric from Level 1 to Level 4