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Unknown 25 = Acrophialophora fusispora
Culture: Colonies (SDA) fast growing, greyish-brown with a black reverse.

Microscopy: Conidiophores arising singly, terminally and laterally from the hyphae, erect, straight or slightly flexuose, tapering towards the apex, pale brown, rough walled, with whorls of phialides on the upper part.

Phialides flask shaped with a long and narrow neck, hyaline, smooth walled or echinulate.

Conidia in long chains, limoniform, one-celled, pale brown, finely echinulate with distinct spiral bands.

Key Features: Hyphomycete with flask shaped phialides producing long chains of one-celled, limoniform, pale brown conidia, with distinct spiral bands. Temperature: optimum 40C; maximum 50C.
Comment: The genus Acrophialophora contains 3 species and is most commonly associated with soil, especially from India. A. fusispora is a rare human pathogen. BSL-1 organism.
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