Unknown 3

Mould identification: a virtual self assessment

Case history

A 73 year old man on chemotherapy for AML  with Fludarabine, Cytarabine and G-CSF developed profound pancytopenia from day 5 post chemotherapy. He presented with fevers and rigors on day 14 with no focal symptoms or signs. Empiric cefepime and gentamicin were commenced. On day 18 antibiotics were escalated to meropenem and teicoplanin due to ongoing features of sepsis. Liposomal Amphotericin was added on day 21. An erythematous rash was also noted at this time and blood cultures grew the fungus below.

Unknown 03 clinical presentation

Clinical presentation.

One of the erythematous skin papules on the thighs.

Unknown 03 culture


Unknown 03 microscopy


What is your identification?