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Unknown 65 = Arthrographis kalrae
Culture: Colonies with slow to moderate growth, creamy white to tan-coloured. Initially, yeast-like then developing hyphal growth and conidiophores subhyaline, narrow, branched, often in bundles, occasionally forming whitish, large 0.5 cm, linear synnemata.

Microscopy: Arthroconidia are one-celled, hyaline, smooth-walled, oblong to cylindrical, with truncate ends, 2.5-9 x 1-2 µm. Spherical blastoconidia 2-4 x 2-3 µm, may also be formed laterally and sessile on undifferentiated hyphae.

Comment: Arthrographis is an arthroconidial mould comprising four species: A. kalrae, A. lignicola, A. pinicola and A. alba. These fungi are commonly found in environmental samples (soil, wood, air and water), but are isolated rarely from clinical specimens.
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