Mycology Masterclass


The Mycology Masterclass is held every 2 years and is internationally recognised as a valuable and prestigious advanced training program in medical mycology.

The Mycology Masterclass attracts significant demand for places and places will fill up quickly. The program has been formulated by the Australia and New Zealand Mycoses Interest Group (ANZMIG) and is a consensus of the most topical issues in mycology selected by the key Australasian opinion leaders in this field, reflecting current clinical and laboratory practice through a program of lectures and problem based learning exercises.


Preliminary Program

Poster Abstract Guidelines

Important Dates

7 April 2025 Registration and poster abstract submissions open
30 May 2025 Abstract submission closes
30 June 2025 Notification of abstract outcomes


Registration Rates

Member (ASID, ASM, or HSANZ) $1250
Non-members $1400

Registration includes all conference sessions, workshops, catering and social events. Some workshops have limited places.


Convenor: Dr Sarah Kidd

National Mycology Reference Centre 
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 
SA Pathology
Frome Road
SA 5000


Secretariat: Lesley Woods



The Mycology Masterclass is organised under the auspices of ANZMIG, a special interest group of ASID

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