University Events Calendar

29 April, 2015

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Guest lecture: Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases: therapeutics for microbial and cardiovascular diseases

Date/Time: Wednesday, 29 April 2015, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Location: Charles Hawker Conference Centre, Waite Campus

Cost: Free

Speaker: Dr John Reader - University of North Carolina.

Dr Reader obtained his DPhil at the Chemistry Department, University of Oxford under the direction of Professor Sheena Radford FRS on mechanisms of protein folding. As a NASA-funded fellow at the Scripps Research Institute, Dr Reader used chemical biology and Darwinian approaches to evolve nucleic acids with novel functional properties.

In Professor Schimmel's laboratory also at Scripps, Dr Reader's work focused on aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, ancient enzymes that are essential for protein translation and identified an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase as the target of the plant tumour biocontrol agent Agrobacterium K1026. Strain 1026 was developed into a commercial product for control of crown gall disease, based on University of Adelaide research by Professor Allen Kerr AO, FRS, FAA and colleagues in the 1970s and 80s.

Dr Reader's current research at UNC Chapel Hill investigates tRNA synthetases as catalysts of aminoacylation and their connection to disease. Microbial tRNA synthetases are prominent but under-utilised targets for antibiotics. Research explores a tRNA synthetase-targeting antibiotic from Agrobacterium K1026 that employs a novel tRNAdependent inhibition mechanism.

In mammalian cells, tRNA synthetases have expanded functions, including in angiogenesis and inflammation. Dr Reader's work has focused on fragments of tRNA synthetases that stimulate angiogenesis and his group has recently identified a fragment that has cardioprotective effects in a murine model of myocardial infarction. Understanding the mechanistic side of expanded functions of tRNA synthetases may open the way to new therapeutic applications.

Contact: Dr Maarten Ryder, Email:, Website:, Extension officer , School of Agriculture, Food and Wine

John Reader - Event Flyer  [PDF]  (48.23K)


The High Court of Australia and the First World War

Date/Time: Wednesday, 29 April 2015, 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: Lecture Theatre G04 (ground level), Napier Building, University of Adelaide

Cost: Free

The South Australian Chapter of the Australian Association of Constitutional Law in conjunction with the University of Adelaide's Public Law and Policy Research Unit are hosting this event.

Presented by Professor John Williams - Dean of Law, University of Adelaide. Chaired by the Honourable Kevin Duggan AM QC.

The First World War was a defining moment in the history of Australia and also in the lives of those who were affected, both at home and at the front. The High Court of Australia adjudicated on many critical moments in the prosecution of the war. Individual judges, like other parents, dealt with the tragedy and loss of that terrible conflict.

Please RSVP by 22 April 2015 to Sarah Mitchell:

Contact: Australian Association of Constitutional Law, Email: