Healthy Development Adelaide
- Date: Thu, 9 May 2024, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
- Location: G04 lecture theatre, Napier building, North Terrace campus
- Cost: FREE
- More information: Register
Goldilocks Days: Finding the “just right” balance of sleep, exercise and sitting.
Please join us for the annual Healthy Development Adelaide (HDA) Women’s Excellence in Research Award presentation.
Dr Dorothea Dumuid, Senior Research Fellow, Alliance for Research in Exercise, Nutrition and Activity (ARENA), Allied Health and Human Performance, University of South Australia
After working as a physiotherapist for over 15 years, Dot started her PhD at the University of South Australia in 2015 with amazing supervisors: Prof Timothy Olds, Prof Carol Maher, Prof Lucy Lewis and Dr Ty Stanford. Her PhD explored ways to analyse 24-hour time-use data holistically, taking into account the compromises and trade-offs that must occur when time spent in one activity changes. Now, as a Research Fellow at UniSA, Dot’s research focuses on determining optimal time-use patterns for health and wellbeing.
There are many competing demands on children’s time, but only ever 24 hours in a day. It can be challenging to fit everything in, and sometimes compromises need to be made. How children spend their daily time across activities such as sleep, exercise, socialising, screen time and study has important implications for their health and wellbeing. Is there a Goldilocks Day which has the “just right” balance of all these activities?
Professor Carol Maher (HDA Co-Convenor), Professor of Population and Digital Health, Medical Research Future Fund Investigator / Deputy Director of the Alliance for Research in Exercise, Nutrition and Activity (ARENA), University of South Australia
Other event information:
This event is free and open to everyone to attend.
Networking and light refreshments will follow the presentation from 6.30pm.