Events: research

Transnational environmental crime: black markets in gold, wildlife and timber

This presentation introduces the topic of transnational environmental crime, indicating the scope, magnitude, and harm as well as the criminogenic asymmetries that contribute to environmental crime. Tuesday 2 July, 1–2 pm. Room 504, level 5, Ligertwood building, North Terrace campus. RSVP by 25 June.

[Read more about Transnational environmental crime: black markets in gold, wildlife and timber]

Book launch

Export Restrictions and Export Controls, with focus on the US-China Semiconductor War. The author will focus on chapter 6, covering the US-China semiconductor war and how it is impacting on the global trading system. Thursday 4 July, 12.15–1.45 pm. Room 7.06, Level 7, Nexus 10 building, North Terrace campus. Register.

[Read more about Book launch]

Socially just transition workshop

The workshop will provide insights into social justice issues in the context of climate change adaptation and mitigation in developed and developing countries, as well as illustrate the importance of social science perspectives in addressing these issues. RSVP by Monday 1 July. Friday 5 July, 10 am to 12.30 pm. Room LG24, Lower Napier building, North Terrace campus. Register.

[Read more about Socially just transition workshop]

Research Tuesdays

Our new right to disconnect. This talk will explain the right to disconnect from an Australian perspective, the form it is set to take in our country, and parallel approaches from around the globe. The discussion will explore practical strategies for upholding the right within the employment relationship so that all parties can effectively and confidently embrace the future of work. Tuesday 9 July, 5.30–6.30 pm. The Braggs lecture theatre, North Terrace campus and online. Register.

[Read more about Research Tuesdays]

HiTeMP-4: High Temperature Minerals Processing Forum

HiTeMP-4: High Temperature Minerals Processing Forum

The Centre for Energy Technology, the Heavy Industry Low-carbon Transition (HILT) CRC, and Mission Innovation's Net Zero Industries (NZI) Mission will be holding the fourth international forum on High Temperature Minerals Processing. Monday 20 to Wednesday 23 October, 8.30 am to 6 pm. National Wine Centre, Adelaide. Register.

[Read more about HiTeMP-4: High Temperature Minerals Processing Forum]

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