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Scenes from the South

Scenes from the South asks questions about country and coastlines, streets and seascapes, migration and navigation. It also travels to another significant site in the history of maritime travel and trade, with the companion exhibition, Zanzibar Views. Friday 17 May to Sunday 16 June, 10 am to 5 pm. Maritime Museum, Port Adelaide. 

[Read more about Scenes from the South]

Speaking from the South

Speaking from the south

What does it mean to speak from the South? What unique perspectives does this vantage point offer on the pressing issues currently facing the world? 'Southern Theory' seeks to empower thinkers beyond the traditional centres and focus on issues which affect them.

[Read more about Speaking from the South]

Department of Historical and Classical Studies Research Seminar Series

Emeritus Professor Wilfrid Prest will present Once more, with feeling: the Wakefield Companion to South Australian History, 2nd edition. Monday 3 June, 12–1 pm, Napier 420, North Terrace campus. 

[Read more about Department of Historical and Classical Studies Research Seminar Series]

Stretton Health Equity Seminar

Sociology of Hope: An introduction for pessimists. Professor Adrian Scribano is developing an extensive research programme and theoretical project on hope, which uses diverse methods to explore how bodies, emotions, and everyday lives interface with collective actions, social policies, organisational practices, and global politics. Tuesday 4 June, 10–11 am. Room 715, Ingkarni Wardli building, North Terrace campus. RSVP.

[Read more about Stretton Health Equity Seminar]

Cancer prevention webinar

Presented by the SA Cancer Council, this 90-minute webinar will present ways to reduce cancer risk including: being smoke-free, sun protection, finding cancer early and cancer screening programs, healthy eating, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding or limiting alcohol, and being active. Tuesday 4 June, 12 pm. More information and register

[Read more about Cancer prevention webinar]

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

Staff are warmly invited to join the Australia's Biggest Morning Tea and help raise vital funds for the Cancer Council Australia. Wednesday 5 June, 10 am to 2 pm. Level 4, Hub Central, North Terrace campus.

[Read more about Australia's Biggest Morning Tea]

Mastering healthy thinking webinar

This deep dive session will look at the most pervasive, psychological process of all: thinking. Learn how to maximise its potential, including practical exercises to hone your skills, and the shortcut to integrate this sophisticated skill into faster healthy thinking every day. Wednesday 5 June, 12–1 pm, online. Register

[Read more about Mastering healthy thinking webinar]

JBI gLocal Solution Room - Adelaide event

This event focuses on practices that contribute to sustainable quality of care, patient recovery and well-being, while also embedding evidence-based professional development and team-building opportunities. Thursday 6 June, 9 am to 12.30 pm. SAHMRI Auditorium, North Terrace, Register.

[Read more about JBI gLocal Solution Room - Adelaide event]

JBI gLocal Solution Room - Adelaide event

The Adelaide JBI Solution Room is a half-day event that focuses on the contribution of fundamentals of care (those care activities needed for every individual regardless of diagnosis, setting or acuity) to address the challenges and embrace the opportunities. Thursday 6 June, 9 am to 12.30 pm. SAHMRI Auditorium, North Terrace, Adelaide. Register

[Read more about JBI gLocal Solution Room - Adelaide event]

Bowel cancer awareness webinar

June is bowel cancer awareness month. This workplace program gives you the opportunity to learn about the steps everyone can take to prevent bowel cancer and lead healthy lives. Thursday 6 June, 12–12.30 pm. Online. Register

[Read more about Bowel cancer awareness webinar]

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