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C. Moraïtis Annual Hellenic lecture

The Classics discipline at the University will hold the C. Moraïtis Annual Hellenic lecture with special guest speaker Professor Julia Kindt (Sydney University) discussing her new book The Trojan Horse and Other Stories. Ten Ancient Creatures that Make Us Human, a study of humankind's relationship with animals. Tuesday 28 May, 7–8.30 pm. G04 lecture theatre, Napier building, North Terrace campus.

[Read more about C. Moraïtis Annual Hellenic lecture]

Fulbright Scholarships information webinar

This information session will cover Fulbright Scholarship opportunities for Australian citizens who are seeking funding to undertake a master’s degree, PhD research, postdoctoral research, or short-term research program at any U.S. institution and in any field in 2025/26. Wednesday 29 May, 12–1 pm. Online.

[Read more about Fulbright Scholarships information webinar]

Lowitja O'Donoghue Oration

Lowitja O'Donoghue Oration

Each year the Don Dunstan Foundation presents the annual Lowitja O’Donoghue Oration named in honour of the late Dr O’Donoghue. This year’s Oration entitled Looking Back to Look Forward – lessons from the past to influence actions of the future will be delivered by Professor Tom Calma AO. Wednesday 29 May, 6.30–8 pm. Elder Hall, North Terrace campus. Register.

[Read more about Lowitja O'Donoghue Oration]

Speaking from the South

Speaking from the south

What does it mean to speak from the South? What unique perspectives does this vantage point offer on the pressing issues currently facing the world? 'Southern Theory' seeks to empower thinkers beyond the traditional centres and focus on issues which affect them.

[Read more about Speaking from the South]

Global Opportunities and Impact Forum 2024 - South East Asia

Join us for an overview of the recent Senior Executive Mission to Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines as well as information on partnerships, student recruitment efforts, and research and funding opportunities available to support partnership work in the region. The session includes a Q&A followed by a networking morning tea. Friday 31 May, 9–10.30 am. Room 715 Conference Room, Level 7, Ingkarni Wardli. Register.

[Read more about Global Opportunities and Impact Forum 2024 - South East Asia]

Elder Conservatorium Lunchtime Concert | She Speaks

Elder Conservatorium Lunchtime Concert | She Speaks

Australian String Quartet join Noriko Tadano, a master of the shamisen. Chance Celtic inspired slightly psychedelic quartet written for the ASQ. Shaw’s biblically inspired work addresses the power of language, whilst Mendelssohn constructed a highly original harmonic world of German Romanticism. Friday 31 May, 1.10–2 pm. Elder Hall, North Terrace campus. Tickets.

[Read more about Elder Conservatorium Lunchtime Concert | She Speaks]

AHURI NHRP Funding Round 2025 and Roadshow

The 2025 Funding Round for the National Housing Research Program (NHRP) is now open. To find out more, join for the AHURI Roadshow. Friday 31 May, 2–4 pm. Nexus 10, 706 MBA Suite, North Terrace. Register.

[Read more about AHURI NHRP Funding Round 2025 and Roadshow]

Department of Historical and Classical Studies Research Seminar Series

Emeritus Professor Wilfrid Prest will present Once more, with feeling: the Wakefield Companion to South Australian History, 2nd edition. Monday 3 June, 12–1 pm, Napier 420, North Terrace campus. 

[Read more about Department of Historical and Classical Studies Research Seminar Series]

Stretton Health Equity Seminar

Sociology of Hope: An introduction for pessimists. Professor Adrian Scribano is developing an extensive research programme and theoretical project on hope, which uses diverse methods to explore how bodies, emotions, and everyday lives interface with collective actions, social policies, organisational practices, and global politics. Tuesday 4 June, 10–11 am. Room 715, Ingkarni Wardli building, North Terrace campus. RSVP.

[Read more about Stretton Health Equity Seminar]

Cancer prevention webinar

Presented by the SA Cancer Council, this 90-minute webinar will present ways to reduce cancer risk including: being smoke-free, sun protection, finding cancer early and cancer screening programs, healthy eating, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding or limiting alcohol, and being active. Tuesday 4 June, 12 pm. More information and register

[Read more about Cancer prevention webinar]

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