The past, present, and future of global maternal child health: opportunities for change - Dr. Zulfiqar Bhutta
- Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2025, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
- Location: Lecture Room 1059a/b, Level 1, Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences building, North Terrace
- Cost: FREE
- More information: Register
Robinson Research Institute is proud to host Dr Zulfiqar Bhutta, distinguished University Professor and Founding Director of the Institute for Global Health and Development and the Centre for Excellence in Woman and Child Health, Aga Khan University. Dr. Bhutta’s research interests include newborn and child survival, maternal and child undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, especially covering the first thousand days. He leads large research groups based in Canada, Pakistan & Central Asia with a special interest in research synthesis, scaling up evidence-based interventions in community settings and implementation research in fragile health systems. His work with community health workers and outreach services has influenced integrated maternal and newborn outreach programs for marginalized populations all over the world. His group’s work with the WHO and PMNCH in developing consensus based essential interventions for women, children and adolescents is the dominant set of agreed interventions guiding global policy. Presently Professor Bhutta is leading three global academic consortia; one working on integrated investments to improve child and adolescent health and nutrition across the sustainable development goals, an academic working group on addressing women and children’s health in humanitarian and conflict settings and a multi-disciplinary work to help find strategies to address the challenges of climate change and health for women and children in populations at-risk in South Asia & East Africa.