Welcome Session - The Fay Gale Alliance of Gender Scholars

The Alliance of Gender Scholars is a group of PhD students and Early Career Researchers from across the University who are interested in and are conducting research in gender-related issues.

Join new and current members for a Welcome Morning Tea on Friday the 21st of March from 10:30-12 meeting at Barr Smith Lawns.

The University of Adelaide’s Fay Gale Centre for Research on Gender launched the Alliance of Gender Scholars for HDR candidates and postdocs across the University of Adelaide in 2015. The aim is to create a community of scholars who share an interest in gender-related ideas, theories and research, and to widen the scope of gender-related research across different research groups and faculties. The Alliance provides a forum for sharing research, discussion of books and journal articles, theoretical insights/debates, practical tips on finishing (and surviving) your PhD and getting a job (in and beyond academia), and interdisciplinary engagements. https://www.adelaide.edu.au/gender/people/alliance-of-gender-scholars

If you are interested or supervise or know a HDR student and ECR who would like to join please email Alliance coordinators Dr Connie Musolino: connie.musolino@adelaide.edu.au and Dr Tanya Zivkovic: tanya.zivkovic@adelaide.edu.au

Tagged in staff news, event, research