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Symposium grows urban mini forest knowledge

Edwina Robinson smiles amongst a mini forest in Canberra.

The Miyawaki Miniforest movement, which connects biodiversity and community, will be the focus of a two-day symposium that brings together experts from across the world.

[Read more about Symposium grows urban mini forest knowledge]

Study reveals Indigenous Australians at higher risk of HPV throat cancers

Professor Lisa Jamieson smiles into the camera.

Researchers from the University of Adelaide have found that throat cancers caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted disease, are 15 times more prevalent in Indigenous Australians than young non-Indigenous Australians, and five times the prevalence reported in a systematic review involving the US, Brazil, Mexico and Finland.

[Read more about Study reveals Indigenous Australians at higher risk of HPV throat cancers]

Australian Navy commendation for University’s DNA experts

The University of Adelaide’s Associate Professor Jeremy Austin accepts the commendation from Vice Admiral Noonan.

Experts from the University of Adelaide’s Australian Centre for Ancient DNA (ACAD) have been commended by the Chief of the Navy Australia for their part in identifying the only crew member ever recovered from the sinking of HMAS Sydney.

[Read more about Australian Navy commendation for University’s DNA experts]

New University Council member brings governance, legal and business expertise to the table

Juliet Brown smiles into the camera.

The University of Adelaide’s Council has today announced the appointment of a new member, a leader in the business and law sectors.

[Read more about New University Council member brings governance, legal and business expertise to the table]

Should Australia join the emerging club of carbon trading nations?


Australia’s exports risk being hit with environmental charges if it doesn’t move quickly in the face of trade mechanisms being considered by climate-progressive nations as they seek to prevent the leakage of jobs and investment to climate laggard nations.

[Read more about Should Australia join the emerging club of carbon trading nations?]

Portrait honours Aboriginal leader

Uncle Rod O'Brien stands next to his portrait, smiling,

As part of National Reconciliation Week, a new portrait has been unveiled in the Barr Smith Library of Uncle Rodney (Rod) O’Brien, respected Kaurna Elder and Cultural Advisor at the University of Adelaide.

[Read more about Portrait honours Aboriginal leader]

Fellowships celebrate lifelong dedication to science

2022 University of Adelaide Fellows of the AAS

The University of Adelaide’s Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Peter Høj AC, Emeritus Professor Peter Langridge, and Professor Timothy Hughes, are among 22 new Fellows of The Australian Academy of Science.

[Read more about Fellowships celebrate lifelong dedication to science]

Certification cements collaborative approach to engagement

Kiran Bhagat, Professor Noel Lindsay, and Gareth Lloyd smile and display the Certification of Registration.

The University of Adelaide’s Adelaide Business School (ABS) is the first organisation in Australia to be certified to ISO 44001, the international standard on collaborative business relationship management.

[Read more about Certification cements collaborative approach to engagement]

On the search for the secrets of southern sky

An aerial photo of Sibinacocha Lake, Peru.

The next steps are being taken to unlock the secrets of the universe above the southern hemisphere. University of Adelaide researchers are working with water tank manufacturer Aquamate to investigate the best way to deploy sensors to detect the highest energy gamma rays from the universe.

[Read more about On the search for the secrets of southern sky]

Soil carbon increases under cover crops

Researcher Joseph Marks with a split core sample of soil.

Planting cover crops directly underneath grapevines can help mitigate the effects of climate change and improve land sustainability, research conducted by the University of Adelaide has found.

[Read more about Soil carbon increases under cover crops]