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University of Adelaide’s 2022 Consolidated Financial Results
The University reports a 2022 operating surplus of $12 million, compared with a surplus of $198 million in 2021, representing a decline of $186 million.
[Read more about University of Adelaide’s 2022 Consolidated Financial Results]
Significant losses in Australia-China trade call for resilience
Australia-China relations have deteriorated sharply in the last three years, most visibly because of China’s formal and informal bans on some important Australian commodity exports which have caused significant losses.
[Read more about Significant losses in Australia-China trade call for resilience]
University of Adelaide statement on a First Nations Voice
The role of the University of Adelaide is to advance learning and knowledge. The University is committed to upholding academic freedom and freedom of speech. These things make our campuses and our publications important places for the free exchange of ideas and for the debates that keep our democracy vibrant, healthy, and fair.
[Read more about University of Adelaide statement on a First Nations Voice]
Illegal macaque trade could spark the next pandemic
The illegal trading of macaques for research purposes could be increasing the chance of further pandemics, according to a new study by the University of Adelaide.
[Read more about Illegal macaque trade could spark the next pandemic]
Karnkanthi Indigenous Education Program
Colleagues from Wirltu Yarlu recently hosted Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students and their parents at the annual Karnkanthi Careers Night. It’s part of Karnkanthi’s suite of activities to prepare senior school students for university by building on their personal, academic, and cultural strengths.
Deconstructing psychopathic personality stereotypes
In this latest Research Tuesdays event, Psychopathy’s Upside, University of Adelaide psychology researchers Kevin Dutton and Elaine Fox will explore psychology stereotypes – challenging psychopathy misconceptions and sharing insight into the nuances of optimism and pessimism.
[Read more about Deconstructing psychopathic personality stereotypes]
More realistic hospital experience for medical students
Medical students at the University of Adelaide will graduate with a better knowledge of how to use the electronic patient record system that’s in place in hospitals around South Australia.
[Read more about More realistic hospital experience for medical students]
Recycling marine plastics to save wildlife
Protecting turtles from marine debris strewn across the Northern Territory coastline and recycling plastic pollution is the focus of a new University of Adelaide-led project.
[Read more about Recycling marine plastics to save wildlife]
Strategy embeds sustainability across University
The University of Adelaide has launched its Sustainability Strategy 2030 – Here for Good which reaffirms its commitment to providing sustainable and socially responsible solutions that benefit ecosystems, governments, industries and communities.
[Read more about Strategy embeds sustainability across University]
Forgotten migrants were critical to the building of Australia
Personal accounts of migrants’ stories from their time in South Australian work camps could help researchers begin to construct a much fuller account of this important, yet overlooked, period of Australian history.
[Read more about Forgotten migrants were critical to the building of Australia]