Strategy embeds sustainability across University

The University of Adelaide has launched its Sustainability Strategy 2030 – Here for Good which reaffirms its commitment to providing sustainable and socially responsible solutions that benefit ecosystems, governments, industries and communities.
“The University of Adelaide’s Sustainability Strategy 2030 – Here for Good provides a framework not only for how the University of Adelaide can lead sustainability transitions on campus, but also for how we can become a University of Choice for sustainability education and breakthrough research translated for environmental benefit,” said Professor Peter Høj AC, Vice-Chancellor and President, University of Adelaide.
“The Strategy outlines how we will embed sustainability principles across our business and operations and sets targets for the University community to work towards.”
Targets in the strategy include net zero emissions from directly controlled operations by 2025 and carbon neutrality in line with the Australian Government's Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Organisations by 2030.
Creation of the Strategy was led by the University’s Sustainability Strategy Steering Committee, headed up by Professor Melissa Nursey-Bray from the School of Social Sciences.
“The objective of Here for Good is to embed sustainability across the institution in all decision-making, and to arm our graduates, communities and government leaders with the knowledge and innovations to adapt well and prosper across generations,” said Professor Nursey-Bray.
“We are already deriving renewable energy from our rooftops and solar farm at our Roseworthy campus to augment the world-leading supply of renewable energy from South Australia’s impressive and increasingly decarbonised grid.”
“The Strategy outlines how we will embed sustainability principles across our business and operations and sets targets for the University community to work towards.”Professor Peter Høj AC, Vice-Chancellor and President, University of Adelaide
Professor Michael Goodsite, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Energy Futures) and Director of the University of Adelaide's Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources (ISER).
“Our world-class researchers and teachers are building sustainable pathways to address the issues of climate change, food security, water security, biodiversity, health and housing,” he said.
“The Strategy builds on this to ensure we respond to the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through our research, teaching, community outreach and campus operations.”
Professor Andy Lowe is the Interim Director of the University of Adelaide’s Environment Institute.
“A critical role of the University is to help convene the societal debate and develop solutions to the problems we are facing. It’s no use researchers spending time and effort if they are developing irrelevant solutions or develop potentially useful solutions that then sit on the laboratory shelf and are not adopted,” he said.
“By bringing together a diverse range of scientists, innovators and entrepreneurs, as well as community and local government leaders, we are developing a framework to tackle global issues.”
Staff and students provided feedback on the draft strategy in 2022 and helped shape the direction and targets that Here for Good captures.
“The decision to act and put the University on a more sustainable path is not a hard one to make. In fact, it is not really a choice at all but an imperative,” said Professor Høj.
More information about how the University collaborates and partners with business, industry and governments to maximise the opportunities presented by the world’s green economy transition is available at
Media contacts
Crispin Savage, Manager, News and Media, The University of Adelaide. Mobile: +61 (0)481 912 465. Email: