News: sustainability
Turning the heat up on how to decarbonise energy-intensive industries

Experts from around the world will meet at the University of Adelaide to discuss ways to tackle the on-going challenge to help decarbonise energy intensive industries like iron, steel, cement and aluminium.
[Read more about Turning the heat up on how to decarbonise energy-intensive industries]
University executive mission focuses on sustainable futures

International experts in energy, climate change, green technology, circular economy and sustainable development shared ideas at the first Sustainable Futures Showcase Seminar in Hanoi on Thursday, 15 August.
[Read more about University executive mission focuses on sustainable futures]
Fast-charging lithium-sulphur batteries on the horizon

New research shows that the next generation of lithium-sulphur (Li||S) batteries may be capable of being charged in less than five minutes, instead of several hours as is currently the case.
[Read more about Fast-charging lithium-sulphur batteries on the horizon]
Adelaide experts at centre of global hydrogen research

University of Adelaide experts will play a leading role in a new global centre that will focus on perfecting hydrogen production technology – a key driver for achieving net-zero emissions targets.
[Read more about Adelaide experts at centre of global hydrogen research]
Experts focus on hydrogen production tech

The latest technology and developments in the hydrogen sphere will be discussed by over 70 experts from around the world when they meet at a virtual international forum convened by the University of Adelaide.
Strategy embeds sustainability across University

The University of Adelaide has launched its Sustainability Strategy 2030 – Here for Good which reaffirms its commitment to providing sustainable and socially responsible solutions that benefit ecosystems, governments, industries and communities.
[Read more about Strategy embeds sustainability across University]
Grants underline ability to partner with industry

The University of Adelaide has been awarded $1,405,458 in linkage grants by the Australian Research Council (ARC) to undertake two projects that aim to reduce the uncertainties of capturing and storing CO₂ and to create a new class of optical fibre that will enable the future quantum internet.
[Read more about Grants underline ability to partner with industry]
Growing houses: hempcrete could be the answer to building supply shortages

Houses made from hemp grown in South Australia could be the next sustainable solution to the nation’s building supplies crisis.
[Read more about Growing houses: hempcrete could be the answer to building supply shortages]
Catalyst for more efficient chemical production on the horizon

An innovative technique is being developed by scientists that could allow Australia to lead the way in more sustainable manufacturing of fuels and chemicals.
[Read more about Catalyst for more efficient chemical production on the horizon]
Portal provides access to sustainability capabilities

The University of Adelaide’s Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources (ISER) has launched an online portal that will assist its stakeholders to access the University’s sustainability-related capabilities.
[Read more about Portal provides access to sustainability capabilities]