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Dinosaur relative’s genome linked to mammals

Scientists from the University of Adelaide and South Australian Museum have collaborated with Otago University, New Zealand and a global team to sequence the genome of the tuatara – a rare reptile whose ancestors once roamed the earth with dinosaurs.
[Read more about Dinosaur relative’s genome linked to mammals ]
Study sheds new light on vein formation in plants

An international team of researchers including the University of Adelaide, has found plant hormones known as strigolactones suppress the transportation of auxin, the main plant hormone involved in vein formation, so that vein formation occurs slower and with greater focus.
[Read more about Study sheds new light on vein formation in plants]
Management gender diversity essential in adversity

A study by an international team of researchers suggests that gender-balanced teams help businesses, especially in adverse times.
[Read more about Management gender diversity essential in adversity ]