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Statement from University of Adelaide: sexual assault and sexual harassment

Statement to Seven News in relation to its story about sexual assault and sexual harassment at universities in South Australia.
[Read more about Statement from University of Adelaide: sexual assault and sexual harassment]
State-of-the-art Cancer Institute to deliver world-leading research and treatment for South Australians

World-leading patient care, cutting-edge cancer diagnoses and treatments – including genomic and immune-based technologies – combined with ground-breaking research collaborations, will be the focus of a new cancer institute in South Australia.
Cypriot grapes perform well in heat and on taste

Researchers at the University of Adelaide have found several grape varieties native to Cyprus, which tolerate drought conditions better than some international varieties popular in Australia, contain chemical compounds responsible for flavours preferred by Australian consumers.
[Read more about Cypriot grapes perform well in heat and on taste ]
Sperm help ‘persuade’ the female to accept pregnancy

Sperm are generally viewed as having just one action in reproduction – to fertilise the female’s egg – but studies at the University of Adelaide are overturning that view.
[Read more about Sperm help ‘persuade’ the female to accept pregnancy]