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Fortescue Future Industries, Sparc Technologies and the University of Adelaide partner to tackle the future of clean energy

Sparc Technologies Ltd (ASX: SPN) has entered into binding agreements with global green energy company Fortescue Future Industries Pty Ltd (an entity of Fortescue Metals Group Ltd ASX: FMG) and the University of Adelaide, forming the Sparc Hydrogen Pty Ltd Joint Venture (Sparc Hydrogen).
As the Aussie home ownership dream fades – it’s time to lift our game for renters

Launching Australia’s first comprehensive dataset on renting in Australia, researchers say there has been a big shift in the housing market, and for many Australians, renting has moved from being a transitional proposition, to something more permanent.
[Read more about As the Aussie home ownership dream fades – it’s time to lift our game for renters]