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Partnership working towards Universal Health in the Philippines

The University of Adelaide’s JBI is proud to be working with the Australia Awards Fellowships to help build a capable health workforce in the Philippines.
[Read more about Partnership working towards Universal Health in the Philippines ]
Lighting the way with accurate and safe 3D embryo imaging

The inability to accurately predict embryo viability prior to implantation is a key contributor in the low success rate of clinical in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), but a team of experts is highlighting a safe way to study embryos using 3D optical imaging.
[Read more about Lighting the way with accurate and safe 3D embryo imaging]
Prestigious medal awarded to neurogenetics leader

Professor Jozef Gécz, Head of Neurogenetics at the University of Adelaide, has received the 2024 Ramaciotti Medal for Excellence.
[Read more about Prestigious medal awarded to neurogenetics leader]