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Measuring healthcare and security one step at a time

The analysis of a person’s individual walking pattern, or gait, can reveal details about their identity and reflect differences between individuals, groups and even populations.
[Read more about Measuring healthcare and security one step at a time]
Exploring motivations and barriers for climate change activists

Social media posts, online petitions, writing to politicians and donating to environmental groups have been identified as popular starting points for climate activists, according to research from the University of Adelaide.
[Read more about Exploring motivations and barriers for climate change activists]
University set to be test ground for Australia’s first lunar rover

The University of Adelaide will be a key partner in a project to build Australia’s first lunar rover. The University’s Exterres Facilities will be used as the testing ground that will expose ‘Roo-ver’ to a simulation of the harsh environment of space.
[Read more about University set to be test ground for Australia’s first lunar rover]
SAiGENCI researchers given a funding boost

Researchers from the South Australian immunoGENomics Cancer Institute (SAiGENCI), based at the University of Adelaide, have been awarded funding to further their work in prostate and pancreatic cancers.
[Read more about SAiGENCI researchers given a funding boost]