News: Sciences
Echidna conservation science initiative a finalist in Eureka Awards

The University of Adelaide’s Echidna Conservation Science Initiative (EchidnaCSI) is a finalist in the Australian Museum’s 2021 Eureka Prizes.
[Read more about Echidna conservation science initiative a finalist in Eureka Awards ]
High CO2 to slow tropical fish move to cooler waters

A new study from the University of Adelaide shows that the ocean acidification predicted under continuing high CO2 emissions may make cooler, temperate waters less welcoming.
[Read more about High CO2 to slow tropical fish move to cooler waters]
Fish sex organs boosted under high-CO2

Research from the University of Adelaide has found that some species of fish will have higher reproductive capacity because of larger sex organs, under the more acidic oceans of the future.
Ancient DNA reveals secrets of Game of Thrones wolves

Extinct dire wolves split off from other wolves nearly six million years ago and were only a distant relative of today’s wolves, according to new research published in Nature today.
[Read more about Ancient DNA reveals secrets of Game of Thrones wolves]
Genomes reveal new insights into iconic Aussie animals

The genomes of egg-laying monotreme mammals, platypus and echidna, have been published in the prestigious journal Nature.
[Read more about Genomes reveal new insights into iconic Aussie animals]
Three STEM superstars at University of Adelaide

A cancer researcher, an ecologist and an optical engineer from the University of Adelaide have been named among Australia’s official Superstars of STEM for 2021-2022.
[Read more about Three STEM superstars at University of Adelaide]
Incredible vision in ancient marine creatures drove an evolutionary arms race

Ancient deep sea creatures called radiodonts had incredible vision that likely drove an evolutionary arms race according to new research published today.
[Read more about Incredible vision in ancient marine creatures drove an evolutionary arms race]
New wheat and barley genomes will help feed the world

An international research collaboration, including scientists from the University of Adelaide’s Waite Research Institute, has unlocked new genetic variation in wheat and barley – a major boost for the global effort in breeding higher-yielding wheat and barley varieties.
[Read more about New wheat and barley genomes will help feed the world]
Shellfish reef project wins Eureka Prize

University of Adelaide marine ecologists are among a team of scientists awarded a Eureka Prize for their research towards rebuilding Australia’s lost shellfish reefs.
University of Adelaide is home to world-leading researchers

The University of Adelaide’s ability to attract talent to South Australia and nurture world-leading researchers has been further confirmed by the latest list of the world’s most influential researchers.
[Read more about University of Adelaide is home to world-leading researchers]