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Coloured glass for a more sustainable future

Image of a glass artwork. A glass sphere with gold and pink colours in its centre.

Taking advantage of ANFF-Optofab’s glass manufacturing capabilities, Yunle Wei, Jiangbo Zhao and Heike Ebendorff-Heidepriem at the University of Adelaide have invented a nanotech solution to impart warm colours into any oxide-based glass. Their GLAS technology employs non-toxic and biocompatible gold and silver nanoparticles (NPs). At the nanoscale level, gold NPs are not gold in colour nor are silver NPs silver. NP colour is a size-dependent property, meaning that NP size determines the colour that results. GLAS technology forms these NPs in a highly controlled way to obtain different particle sizes. By controlling NP size, GLAS technology can produce a broad, non-toxic, colour palette.

[Read more about Coloured glass for a more sustainable future]

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