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Are proven leadership practices still effective in a crisis?
To say that the global population is currently going through a time of significant uncertainty is to hugely understate the current state of play. One interesting point to consider in the face of this is whether the
practices of leaders of yesteryear are as effective in influencing behaviour today as in crises past or whether an entirely new set of leadership practices is required.
[Read more about Are proven leadership practices still effective in a crisis?]
Can we prevent COVID-19 from becoming a global food security issue?
The Stretton Institute brings together researchers and experts from across the University of Adelaide to address key policy issues of relevance to government. With a focus on social justice, the Stretton Institute drives multidisciplinary ideas and national and international innovation to inform ‘better policies, better lives’, - the Institute’s official motto.
[Read more about Can we prevent COVID-19 from becoming a global food security issue?]
Grief and compassion for the self in a time of crisis
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing, the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
[Read more about Grief and compassion for the self in a time of crisis]
Product demand and COVID-19
In the current climate it is difficult to predict demand within and across the higher education sector with absolute certainty.
Modern Monetary Theory, the economy, and the virus
The Covid-19 epidemic is obviously the biggest global emergency of its kind for more than a century.
[Read more about Modern Monetary Theory, the economy, and the virus]
Pivoting, disruption, and the customer experience
What can we learn about innovation and the customer experience from companies that pivot during periods of significant disruption?
[Read more about Pivoting, disruption, and the customer experience]