Course and Session Times
In Semester 1 2025, PASS will operate in select courses within each faculty.
PASS begins in Week Two - from Monday of Week One you'll be able to click through to join your PASS MyUni Groups. For now, add the day/time and room details to your study schedule!
NB: PASS Timetable details are subject to change during the first few weeks of semester. Join the PASS MyUni group for each of your courses for information about your PASS Leaders, access shared documents and activities, and to receive MyUni notifications about changes to the timetable and upcoming activities.
SET Faculty
Course Title Day/Time Room Location BIOLOGY 1101
Biology 1: Molecules, Genes & CellsThursday 12.10pm - 1pm Hub Project Room 3034 CHEM 1101
Foundations of Chemistry IAThursday 1.10pm - 2pm Hub Project Room 3034 PHYSICS 1100
Physics IAWednesday 3.10pm - 4pm Engineering Maths 324 COMP SCI 2103
Algorithm Design & Data StructureTuesday 1.10pm - 2pm Hub Project Room 3034 CHEM ENG 1007
Intro to Process EngineeringWednesday 12.10pm - 1pm Engineering Maths 324 COMP SCI 2000
Computer SystemsThursday 10.10am - 11am Engineering Maths 324 COMP SCI 1102
Object Oriented Programming
Friday 1.10pm - 2pm Engineering Maths 324 ELEC ENG 1100
Analog ElectronicsMonday 2.10pm - 3pm Engineering Maths 324 ENG 1002/1003
Programming (Matlab & C and Excel)Monday 10.10am - 11am Engineering Maths 324 CIVILENG 1004
Engineering Mechanics - StaticsTuesday 11.10am - 12pm Engineering Maths 324 COMP SCI 2201
Algorithm & Data Structure AnalysisFriday 3.10pm - 4pm Hub Project Room 3034 MICRO 2500
Microbiology IIThursday 9.10am - 10am Engineering Maths 324 ENG 7057
Communication & Critical ThinkingFriday 2.10pm - 3pm Engineering Maths 324 GEOLOGY 1103
Building a Habitable PlanetWednesday 10.10am - 11am Engineering Maths 324 MATHS 2106
Differential Equations for Engineers IITuesday 12.10pm - 1pm Engineering Maths 324 PURE MTH 2106
Algebra IIFriday 10.10am - 11am Engineering Maths 324 MATHS 1101
Maths IATuesday 3.10pm - 4pm
Thursday 3.10pm - 4pm
Hub Project Room 3034 ELEC ENG 1101
Electronic SystemsWednesday 11.10am - 12pm Engineering Maths 324 MATHS 1012
Maths IBThursday 2.10pm - 3pm Engineering Maths 324 CHEM 1100
Chemistry IAFriday 11.10am - 12pm Engineering Maths 324 MATHS 1013
Maths IMTuesday 2.10pm - 3pm Engineering Maths 324 ELEC ENG 2101
ElectronicsTuesday 1.10pm - 2pm Engineering Maths 324 VET SC 2530RW
Animal and Plant Biochemistry IIMonday 12.10pm - 1pm Vet Sc G02 VET SC 2510RW
Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology IIThursday 12.10pm - 1pm Vet Sci G05-07 VET SC 3512RW
Veterinary Immunology and Infectious Diseases IIITuesday 12.10pm - 1pm Callaghan G18a&b VET TECH 1010RW
Foundations of Science for Veterinary Technologists IMonday 12.10pm - 1pm Vet Sci G05-07
ABLE Faculty
Course Title Day/Time Room Location JAPN 1001
Japanese IAWednesday 11.10am - 12pm Hub Project Room 3034 LAW 1509
Commercial TransactionsFriday 12.10pm - 1pm Hub Project Room 3034 LAW 2502
EquityFriday 1.10pm -2pm Hub Project Room 3034 POLIS 1104
Introduction to Comparative PoliticsMonday 1.10pm - 2pm Hub Project Room 3034 LAW 1501
Foundations of LawThursday 9.10am - 10am Hub Project Room 3034 LAW 2599
Criminal LawWednesday 10.10am - 11am Hub Project Room 3034 LAW 1507 - SESSIONS COMMENCE WK 5
Tort LawMonday 9.10am - 10am Hub Project Room 3034 FREN 1002
Beginners French IAMonday 2.10pm - 3pm Hub Project Room 3034 MUSSUPST 2001
Musicianship IIATuesday 12.10pm - 1pm Hub Project Room 3034 MUSSUPST 1001
Musicianship IAWednesday 2.10pm - 3pm Hartley 108b LAW 2501
Australian Constitutional LawTuesday 10.10am - 11am Hub Project Room 3034 JAPN 2201
Japanese IIAWednesday 12.10pm - 1pm Hub Project Room 3034 LING 1101
The Wonder of Language: an intro to LinguisticsFriday 11.10am - 12pm Hub Project Room 3034 MARKETING 1001
Introduction to MarketingWednesday 3.10pm - 4pm Hub Project Room 3034
HMS Faculty
Course Title Day/Time Room Location HLTH SC 1401
Communication in Professional PracticeThursday 11.10am - 12pm Engineering Maths 324 ANAT SC 1102
Human Anatomy & Physiology IAThursday 1.10pm - 2pm Engineering Maths 324 PUB HLTH 1001
Health and Illness in PopulationThursday 2.10pm - 3pm Hub Project Room 3034 PSYCHOL 2004
Doing Research in PsychologyWednesday 2.10pm - 3pm Hub Project Room 3034 PHYSIOL 2510
Physiology IIA: Heart, Lungs & Neuromuscular SystemsWednesday 1.10pm - 2pm Engineering Maths 324 PSYCHOL 1004/1005
Research Methods in PsychologyWednesday 1.10pm - 2pm Hub Project Room 3034 PSYCHOL 1000
Psychology IAMonday 11:10am - 12pm
Thursday 11.10am - 12pmEngineering Maths 324
Hub Project Room 3034HLTH SC 1400
Biosciences for Human Health IAThursday 12.10pm - 1pm Engineering Maths 324 PSYCHOL 2006
Foundations of Perception and CognitionMonday 12.10pm - 1pm Hub Project Room 3034 ANAT SC 2006
Foundations of Human NeuroanatomyWednesday 9.10am - 10am Hub Project Room 3034 SPEECH 2001
Anatomy and Physiology for Speech and SwallowingWednesday 2.10pm - 3pm Engineering Maths 324 PHYSIOTH 2001
Physiotherapy Practice A - SESSIONS COMMENCE WK 6Wednesday 12:10pm - 1pm Helen Mayo North 219/222