Doctor of the University is an honorary degree conferred on the recipient for their contribution as a result of their studies, research, academic or community pursuits and accomplishments.
From 2004, the term honoris causa was applied to recipients whose achievements were outside of the University, but omitted for those whose contribution was made for the University.
In 2013 a change in the Special Degrees Rules allowed a nominated person who has rendered exceptionally distinguished service to the University or to society and is not a serving member of the staff of the University to be admitted to the Degree of Doctor of the University (honoris causa) - DUniv (hc) (Adel).
Brian Robinson Elliott, AM, MA, DLitt, FAHA
Ronald Robert Hirst, MEc
James Melville, CMG, MS, PhD
George Sved, DipMechEng
Professor Sir Geoffrey Malcolm Badger, AO, MSc, PhD, DSc, FAA
Victor Allen Edgeloe, AM, BA, Registrar Emeritus
Henry Elliot Wesley Smith, BEd, DipEd, BA
Annie Winifred Wall, AM, MB, BS
John Jefferson Bray, AC, LLD
Samuel Joshua Jacobs, AO, LLB
Howard Edgar Zelling, AO,CBE, LLB.
Mervyn Keith Smith, AO,CBE, MB, BS
Roma Flinders Mitchell, AC, LLB, DBE, CVO
George Melrose Elton Mayo, BAgSc, PhD
Harold James Rodda, MSc, PhD
Bertram Speakman Hanson, OBE, ED, MB, BS.
Donald Allen Simpson, AM, MD, DipAppHist, MS, FRCS, FRACS.
Changes to the Special Degree Rules in 2013 allowed for the Honorary Degree of Doctor to be awarded to a graduate of this or another university in recognition of their exceptional eminence in a branch of learning taught by the University. It may be awarded in Architecture, Economics, Education, Engineering, Law, Letters, Music, Science, Veterinary Science, or any other field for which a higher doctorate by examination exists in the University.
Professor Robert Norman AO, BSc (Hons) (Birm), MBChB (Hons) (Birm), MD (Natal), MD (Hons) (Adel), FRANZCOG, FRCPA, FRCPath, FRCOG, CREI, Doctor of Medicine (hc) (Adel)
Dr Graeme Killer AO, MSc, MBBS, Dip Av Med, DIH, FAFOEM, FAFPHM, ARACMA, Doctor of Medicine (hc) (Adel)
Dr Robyn Archer AO, BA (Hons) (Adel), Dip Ed (Adel), DLitt (Sydney), Doctor of the University (Flinders) CdOAL (France), FAHA (Belgium), Doctor of Music (hc) (Adel)
James Morrison AM, Doctor of Music (hc) (Edith Cowan), Doctor of the University (Griffith), Doctor of Music (hc) (Adel)
Dr Anne Summers AO, BA (Adel), PhD (Adel), Doctor of the University (Flinders), Hon DLitt (NSW), Doctor of Arts (hc) (Adel)
Dr Robert Seamark, BAgSc (Adel), PhD (Cambridge), Doctor of Medicine (hc) (Adel)
Professor Donald Richard Stranks, AO, MSc, PhD, Vice-Chancellor 1977-1986
Professor Kevin Marjoribanks, BSc, DipEd (UNSW), BA (UNE), MEd (Harvard), PhD (Toronto), FASSA, FACE, FSS, Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1986-1987, Vice-Chancellor 1987-1993 (Emeritus Professor 2005)
Professor Gavin Brown, MA, (StAnd), PhD (N'cle,UK), FAA, Vice-Chancellor 1994-1996 (Emeritus Professor 1996)
Professor Mary Josephine O'Kane, BSc (Qld), PhD (ANU), FTSE, Vice-Chancellor 1997-2001 (Emeritus Professor 2001)
Professor Clifford Douglas Blake, AO, PhD (Lond), BSc (Hons) (Syd), DUniv (Charles Sturt), PhD (aeg) (Adel), Hon. DEduc Admin (Syd), (Emeritus Professor, Charles Sturt, 2001), Vice-Chancellor 2001-2002
Professor James Alexander McWha, AO, BSc, BAgr (Hons) (Belfast), PhD (Glasgow), PhD (aeg) (Adel), DSc (hc) (Massey) Vice-Chancellor 2002-2012 (Emeritus Professor 2012)
Professor Warren Bebbington, MA, MMus, MPhil, PhD, Hon FMUSA, Vice-Chancellor 2012-2017 (Emeritus Professor 2017)
[Interim] - Professor Michael Brooks, BSc Hons (Hull), MSc, PhD (Essex), Vice-Chancellor 2017-2018 (Emeritus Professor 2021)
Professor Peter Rathjen AO, BSc (Hons) (Adel), DPhil (Oxon) Vice-Chancellor 2018-2020
[Acting] - Professor Michael Brooks, BSc Hons (Hull), MSc, PhD (Essex), Vice-Chancellor 2020 (Emeritus Professor 2021)
[Interim] - Professor Michael Brooks, BSc Hons (Hull), MSc, PhD (Essex), Vice-Chancellor 2020-2021 (Emeritus Professor 2021)
Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson, DSc (Melb), MA, 1924-1938
Professor James Arthur Prescott, CBE, DSc, FRAI, FRS, FAA, 1938-1955
Dr James Melville, CMG, MSc (NZ), PhD (Lond.), DUniv (Adel), 1956-1973, (Emeritus Professor 1974)
Professor James Patrick Quirk, AO, BScAgr (Syd), PhD, DSc (Lond), Hon DAgrSc (Louvain), FAIAS, FRACI, FANZAAS, FTS, FAA, 1974-1989, (Emeritus Professor 1990)
Professor Harold William Woolhouse, BSc (Hons) (Reading), PhD, Hon DSc (East Anglia) 1990-1996
Professor John Malcolm Oades, AM, BSc (Hons), PhD (Leeds), DUniv (Adel), DSc (Leeds) 1996-2001 (Emeritus Professor 2002)
Professor Geoffrey Bruce Fincher, BAgSc, PhD (Melb), 2003-2009 (Emeritus Professor 2015)
Professor Roger Leigh, BSc, MA (Camb), PhD (Wales), CBiol, FIBiol, 2010-2012 (Emeritus Professor 2014)
Professor Michael James Wilkinson, BSc (Hons), PhD (Leic), 2013-2014
Professor David Galliver, 1966-1976 (Emeritus Professor 1986)
John David Swale, 1977-1979
Clemens T Leske, 1980-1983
Patrick S Brislan, 1984-1987
Professor Heribert Esser, 1988-1990
David R Shephard, 1991-1992
David Robert Lockett, 1993-1996
David R Shephard, 1997-1998
Professor Charles Bodman Rae, 2000-2006
Professor David Robert Lockett, 2007-2009 (Emeritus Professor 2010)
Associate Professor Carl Crossin, 2010-2014
Professor Graeme Koehne, 2015-current
Due to the large number of entries, from 2018 only Professors who are awarded the title of Emeritus will be added to this list.
Professor Emeritus is an honour awarded by the University Council in recognition of distinguished service to the University over a period of time. Its conferment is usually confined to professors entering upon retirement or leaving the University to assume some other highly responsible office associated with tertiary education. The Professor Emeriti of the University of Adelaide are indicated by the title and year of conferral in brackets.
Note that date ranges indicate the period of the professorship, which is not always the same as the full period of appointment.
For confirmation of titles and date range or other enquiries relating to former staff, contact the University Archives at
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
Professor Roger James Thomas, 2005-2011
Professor Lester-Irabinna Rigney, BEd, MEd (UniSA), PhD (Flind), 2011-2015
Dennis William Taylor BEc (Hons) (Monash), MBA (Melb), PhD (Hong Kong), GradDipCom (ChrisholmIT), FCPA, FHKSA, 2002-2006
Agricultural Biochemistry
Professor David James Donald Nicholas, BA (Camb), PhD (Brist), DSc (Lond), FRACI, FRSC, 1964-1986 (Emeritus Professor 1987)
Agricultural Business
Professor Suresh Nicholas Samuel, BSc (Lond), MSC (Michigan), PhD (Michigan) 1992-1996
Agricultural Chemistry
Professor James Arthur Prescott, CBE, DSc, FRACI, FRS, FAA, 1924-1955 (Emeritus Professor 1956)
Professor Robert Kerford Morton, BScAgr (Syd), PhD (Camb), FAA, 1957-1962
Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson, DSc (Melb), MA, 1924-1938
Agriculture Food and Wine
Professor Roger Leigh, BSc, MA (Camb), PhD (Wales), CBiol, FIBiol, 2006-2014 (Emeritus Professor 2014)
Professor Mark Alfred Tester, BSc (Hons) (Adel), PhD (Cam), 2009-2013
Professor Maria Hrmova, BSc, MSc, PhD, DrSci (Comenius), 2013-2016 (Emeritus Professor 2019)
Professor Michael Wilkinson, BSc, PhD (Leicester), 2011-2015
Professor Michael Keller, BA, BSc (Delaware), MSc (Florida), PhD (North Carolina), 2010-2017 (Emeritus Professor 2017)
Professor Stephen Tyerman, BSc (Hons), PhD (Syd), 2001-current (Emeritus Professor 2018)
Professor Sally (Sarah) Smith, BA, MA, PhD (Camb), DSc (Adel), 1995-2018 (Emeritus Professor 2019)
Professor Robert Gibson, BSc (Carlton), PhD (Adel), 2002-current (Emeritus Professor 2019)
Professor Eileen Scott, BSc (Hons) (Edin), PhD (Camb), 2003-2020 (Emerita Professor 2020)
Professor Hugh Christian Trumble, MAgrSc (Melb), DSc, 1941-1953
Professor Colin Malcolm Donald, CBE, BAgrSc (Syd), MAgrSc, FAIAS, FAA, 1954-1973 (Emeritus Professor 1973)
Professor Colin Joseph Driscoll, MScAgr (Syd), PhD (C'nell), DSc (NSW), 1976-1986
Professor Donald Robert Marshall, BScAgr (Syd), PhD (Calif), 1987-1991
Agronomy and Farm Systems
Professor Brian Peter Setchell, BVSc (Syd), PhD (Camb), ScD (Camb), 1982-1996 (Emeritus Professor 1996)
Professor Timothy Gerald Reeves, BScAg (Nottingham) MAgrSc (Melb), 1992-1995
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Professor Mathilde Clara Regin Peters, DMD, PhD, FADM, 1994-1996
Anatomical Science
Professor Janis Priedkalns, BVSc (Syd), PhD (Minn), MA (Cantab), MRCVS (Eng), FRS (SA), MNYASc (NY), MLASc (Latvia), Elder Professor, 1972-1996 (Emeritus Professor 1997)
Professor Archibald Watson, MD (Paris and Gott), FRCS, 1885-1919 (Emeritus Professor 1919)
Professor Frederic Wood Jones, MB, DSc (Lond), FRS, 1920-1926
Professor Herbert Henry Woollard, MD, DSc (Melb), 1927-1929
Professor Herbert John Wilkinson, MD (Syd), BA, 1930-1936
Professor Frank Golby, MA, MD (Camb), MRCP (Lond), 1937-1944
Professor Andrew Arthur Abbie, MD, DSc (Syd), PhD (Lond), FRACP, FRAI, 1945-1970 (Emeritus Professor 1971)
Animal Sciences
Professor Walter Victor MacFarlane, MA, MD (NZ), FAA, 1964-1978 (Emeritus Professor 1979)
Professor Simon Maddocks, BAgrSc (Hons), PhD, 2000-2002
Professor Michael Reichel, VS (Berlin), DVPH, MVSC (Massey), Dr med vet (Hanover), DTVM (Berlin), PhD (Tech, Syd), MBA (Macq), 2009-2015
Professor Peter Cockcroft, BA (Cantab), MA (Cantab), VET MB (Camb), MSc (Edin), Dip Dat (Southern Africa), Cert CHP (Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons), DVM&S (Edin), DCHP (Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons), RCVS Specialist, Dip ECBHM (Diploma European College of Bovine Herd Management), European Specialist, 2009-2016
Professor Philip Hynd, BRurSc (Hons 1) (New England), PhD (Adel), 1982-2018 (Emeritus Professor 2018)
Antarctic Research
Professor Frederick John Jacka, BSc, PhD (Melb), 1965-1990
Professor Bruce Kapferer, BA (Syd), PhD (Manc), FASSH, 1973-1985
Professor James Fredric Weiner, MA (Northwestern), PhD (ANU), FASSA, 1994-1999
Professor John Neville Gray, BA (Bucknell), MA (NWU), PhD (Hawaii), FAAS, 2003-2012 (Emeritus Professor 2013)
Anthropological and Comparative Anatomy
Professor Maciej Henneberg, MSc, PhD, DSc (A Mickiewicz University), FAIBiol, 1996 - current (Emeritus Professor 2018)
Applied Mathematics
Professor Renfrey Burnard Potts, AO, BSc, DPhil, DSc (Oxf), FTSE, FAA, FTS, Professor 1959; Elder Professor 1975-1990 (Emeritus Professor 1991)
Professor Jens Rainer Maria Radok, MA (Melb), DIng (Munich), 1964-1966
Professor Ernest Oliver Tuck, BSc (Hons) PhD (Camb), FAA, FTSE, 1974-2002; Elder Professor 1991-2002 (Emeritus Professor 2002)
Applied and Molecular Ecology
Professor Hugh Phillip Possingham, BSc (Hons) (Adel), DPhil (Oxford), FAA, 1991-2000 (Emeritus Professor 2000)
Professor John Randles, BAgSc (Hons) (Adel), MAgSc, PhD (Auckland) 2000-2014
Professor Antony Radford, PhD (Syd), Dip TP (Edin), BArch (Hons) (Newcastle), FAIA, 1989-2011 (Emeritus Professor 2012)
Professor Judith Brine AM, BArch, DipTPR (Melb), MATPI, FRAIA, 1997-2023 (Emerita Professor 2023)
Architecture and Town Planning
Professor Rolf Arthur Jensen, Barch (Liv), FRIBA, FRAIA, FTPI, MInstRE, FRAPI, 1956-1976 (Emeritus Professor 1976)
Professor David Arthur Lewis Saunders, MArch, DipTRP (Melb), DipArch (RMIT), FAIA, MRAPI, 1977-1986
Art History
Professor Catherine Speck, DipT (UniSA), BA (Hons) (Flinders), MEd (Canb), PhD (Monash), AAANZ, 2002-2021 (Emerita Professor 2021)
Asian Studies
Professor Gavan Patrick McCormack, BA, LLB, MA (Melb), BA, MA, PhD (Lond), 1988-1990
Professor Andrew John Watson, BA (Lond) 1991-2002, (Emeritus Professor 2002)
Professor Purnendra Jain, MA (Patna), MPhil (Delhi), PhD (Griffith), 1994-2019 (Emeritus Professor 2020)
Australian Linguistics
Professor Theodor George Henry Strehlow, BA (Hons), MA, DLitt (Adel), Hon PhD (Uppsala), FAHA, 1970-1973 (Emeritus Professor 1974)
Automotive Safety Research
Professor Alexander John (Jack) McLean, 2003-2012, Road Accident Research Unit 1999-2003, BE, ME (Adel), MSc (Harv), DSc (Harv) (Emeritus Professor 2013)
Professor Mary Lydon, BSc (Hons) (Sussex), MEngSc (Monash), PhD (Qld), 2008-2015
Professor Albert Edward Platt, PhD (Camb), DTM, DTH (Syd), DipBact (Lond), MD, 1938-1941
Professor George Ernest Rogers, MSc (Melb), PhD (Camb), DSc, FAA, 1978-1992 (Emeritus Professor 1993)
Professor Peter David Rathjen, BSc (Hons)(Adel), PhD (Oxf), 1996-1999
Professor John Barry Egan FAA, BSc (Hons) (Melb), MSc (Melb), PhD (Colorado), 1999-2001 (Emeritus Professor 2013)
Professor James Paton, BSc (Hons), PhD, (Adel), FASM, FAA, FAAM, 2000 – 2024 (Emeritus Professor 2024)
Professor David Haynes BSc, Hons, PhD (Med) 2010-2024 (Emeritus Professor 2024)
Professor Stan Gronthos PhD (Adel), 2012 - 2024 (Emeritus Professor 2024)
Professor Edwina Cecily Cornish BSc, PhD (Melb), FTSE, FAIM 2000-2003
Professor Theodore George Bentley Osborn, DSc (Manc), 1912-1928 (Emeritus Professor 1962)
Professor Joseph Garnett Wood, PhD (Camb), DSc, FAA, 1935-1959
Professor Sir Rutherford Ness Robertson, AC, CMG, DSc (Syd), ScD (Camb), FRS, FAA, 1962-1969 (Emeritus Professor 1969)
Professor Peter Gordon Martin, BSc, PhD, 1967-1984 (Emeritus Professor 1984)
Professor Hugh Bryan Spencer Womersley, BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, DSc (Adel), FAA, 1946-1988 (Emeritus Professor 1988)
Business School
Ercan Tirtiroglu, PhD, MS (Union College & University), MA (Bosphorus), BSc (Middle East Technical), 2009-2015
Professor Manuel Becerra, School of Marketing & Management, BEc/BA (Complutense), MBA (Madrid), MScMgmt (Southern Calif), PhD (Maryland), 2014-2015
Professor Mark Gabbott, BA (Hons) (Essex), MSc (London), PhD (Stirling), 2016-2017
Cancer Care
Professor Ian Norman Olver MD, PhD, CMin, FRACP, FAChPM, MRACMA, 2001-2006
Professor Philip John Barter, MBBS (Adel), PhD (ANU), MRACP, FRACP 1992-2003
Professor John Horowitz, BMedSc (Hons), MBBS (Adel), PhD (Melb), FRACP, 1996-current (Emeritus Professor 2018)
Cardiovascular Medicine
Professor Stephen Worthley, MBBS (Adel), FRACP, PhD (Adel), 2004-2016
Chemical Engineering
Professor Robert William Francis Tait, BSc (Edin), PhD (Birm), 1955-1983 (Emeritus Professor 1983)
Professor David Ross Miller, MSc, PhD (Melb), PhD (Camb), FIEAust, CPENG, 1966-1995 (Emeritus Professor 1996)
Professor Eric Hutton Dunlop, BSc (Strathclyde), PhD (Strathclyde), CChem, CEng, MRIC, 1996-2000
Professor Keith Douglas King, BSc (Hons) (UNSW), PhD (UNSW), 2000-2011 (Emeritus Professor 2011)
Professor Mark Biggs, BSc (Adel), PhD (Adel), 2008-2014
Professor Edward Henry Rennie, MA (Syd), DSc (Lond and Melb), 1884-1927
Professor Alexander Killen Macbeth, CMG, MA (StAnd), DSc (Belf), 1928-1954) (Emeritus Professor 1955)
Professor Michael Ian Bruce, BA (Hons), MA (Oxf), PhD, DSc (Bristol) FAA, FRACI, 1982-2008 (Emeritus Professor 2008)
Professor John Hamilton Bowie, BSc (Hons) (Melb), MSc (Melb), PhD (Nott), DSc (Adel), FRACI, FRSC, FRSSA, 1993-2011 (Emeritus Professor 2011)
Professor Stephen Lincoln, BSc (Hons) (Manch), PhD (Adel), DSc (Manch), 1999-2015 (Emeritus Professor 2015)
Professor Simon Pyke BSc (Hons), PhD (Syd), FRACI, CCHem, FRSC, 2009-2024 (Emeritus Professor 2024)
Chemistry and Physics
Professor Robert Alan Vincent, BSc (Hons) (Cantaur), PhD (Cantaur), 2000-2011 (Emeritus Professor 2011)
Professor Roger William Clay, BSc (Hons) (Lond), PhD (Lond), 2003-2012 (Emeritus Professor 2012)
Professor John Adrian Carver, BSc (Hons), PhD (ANU), 2004- 2008
Professor Lawrence Abeln, MPhil, PhD (Camb), 2013-2016
Civil Engineering
Professor Rowland Cuthbert Robin, ME, 1939-1951
Professor Frank Bertram Bull, MA (Camb), BSc (Lond), 1952-1972 (Emeritus Professor 1972)
Professor Cheung Yau Kai, BSc (Canton), PhD, DSc (Wales), 1974-1977
Professor Robert Falcon Warner, BE, ME, PhD (Lehigh), 1979-1999 (Emeritus Professor 1999)
Professor Michael Griffith, BSc, MSc (Wash), PhD (Calif), AEES, EERI, NZSEE, CPEng, NPR-3, 1998-2020 (Emeritus Professor 2021)
Professor Angus Simpson, BE Hons (Monash), MSc (Colorado), PhD (Michigan) 2000-2021 (Emeritus Professor 2021)
Professor Mark Jaksa, BE (Hons), PhD (Adel), MIEAust CPEng, AGS, ISSMGE, AFSE, SA Footings Group 2007- 2023 (Emeritus Professor 2023)
Professor Martin Lambert, BE (Newcastle), PhD (Newcastle), 2005-2024 (Emeritus Professor 2024)
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professor Graeme Dandy, BE (Civil), M Eng Sc, PhD (MIT), 2000-2014 (Emeritus Professor 2014)
Civil Environmental and Mining Engineering
Professor Deric John Oehlers, BSc (London), MSc (Warwick), PhD (Warwick) MICE, 2007-2012 (Emeritus Professor 2013)
Professor Stephen Donald Priest, BSc (Hons) (Bristol), PhD (Durham), CEng, MICE, 2008-2012
Professor Reverend Henry Read, MA (Camb), 1874-1878
Professor David Frederick Kelly, MA (Camb), 1878-1894
Professor Edward Vaughan Boulger, MA, Dlitt (Dublin), 1894
Professor Edward Von Blomberg Bensly, MA (Camb), 1895-1905
Professor Henry Darnley Naylor, MA (Camb), 1907-1927 (Emeritus Professor 1927)
Professor John Aloysius Fitzherbert, MC, MA (Camb), 1928-1957 (Emeritus Professor 1958)
Professor John Reginald Trevaskis, MA (Camb), 1958-1983 (Emeritus Professor 1983)
Professor Robert Glenn Ussher, MA (Dub), PhD (Belf), MRIA, 1984-1992 (Emeritus Professor 1993)
Climate Change
Professor Barry William Brook, BSc (Hons), PhD (Macquarie), 2007-2014
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology
Professor Ivan Stanley de la Lande, AO, MSc, PhD (Melb) Reader 1958; Professor 1970-1990 (Emeritus Professor 1990)
Professor Paul Rolan, MBBS, MD (Adel), FRACP, FFPM, DCPSA, 2005-2014
Clinical Nursing
Professor Alan Pearson, RN, MSc (Manch), PhD (Lond), FRCN (UK) 1995-1999 (Emeritus Professor 2014)
Professor Alison Joan Tierney CBE, BSc (SocSc-Nurs), PhD (Edin), HonDNurs (Napier), RGN, FRCN, 2003-2005
Clinical Pharmacology
Professor Felix Bochner MBBS, MD (Qld), FRACP, 1980-2005 (Emeritus Professor 2005)
Professor Derek Brian Frewin AO, MBBS (Ceylon), MD (Adel), FRACP, FRCP, FRACMA 1991-2005 (Emeritus Professor 2005)
Professor Russell Lloyd Mathews, BCom (Melb.), 1958-1964
Professor Frederick Kenneth Wright, BMetE, BCom (Melb), FASA, 1965-1977
Professor Murray Scott Henderson, BEc, MEc, PhD (Calif) FASA, FCPA, CA 1979-2002 (Emeritus Professor 2003)
Community Medicine
Professor Anthony John McMichael, PhD (Monash), MB, BS, FACOM, 1986-1993
Professor Timothy George Calvert Murrell, DTM and H (Syd), MB, BS, MD, FRACGP, 1975-1994 (Emeritus Professor 1994)
Computer Science
Professor John Allen Overstone, BSc (Syd), PhD (Camb), 1964-1970
Professor Frank Hirst, MS, PhD (Melb), FInstP, FAIP, 1972-1984, (Emeritus Professor 1984)
Professor Christopher John Barter BE (Hons) (Adel), PhD (UNSW), FIEAust, FACS 1984-2003 (Emeritus Professor 2003)
Professor Zbigniew Michalewicz, MSc (Warsaw), PhD, DSc (Polish Academy of Sciences), 2004-2013 (Emeritus Professor 2013)
Professor David Suter, BSc, DipEd (Flinders), GradDip Comp (RMIT), PhD (LaTrobe), 2008-2017
Professor Michael Brooks, BSc Hons (Hull), MSc, PhD (Essex), 1994-2007 (Emeritus Professor 2021)
Creative Writing
Professor Thomas William Shapcott AO, BA (Qld), HonDLitt (Macq), FCPA, 1997-2005 (Emeritus Professor 2005)
Crop Protection
Professor Allen Kerr AO, BSc (Edin), PhD, FAA, FRS. Lecturer in Plant Pathology, 1951; Senior Lecturer 1959; Reader, 1968; Professor 1980-1991 (Emeritus Professor 1992)
Professor Tasman Brown, MDS, DDSc, FRACDS, FICD, Professor of Restorative Dentistry 1976-1991 (Emeritus Professor 1992)
Professor Andrew John Spencer, BDSc (Melb), MDSc (Melb), MPH (Michigan), PhD (Melb), 1987-2011 (Emeritus Professor 2011)
Professor Vivian Brian Burgess, BDS, MDS (Adel), FADI, FICD, 2008-2012 (Emeritus Professor 2013)
Professor Johann De Vries, BChD (Pretoria), BCh (Hons) (Pretoria), MDent (Pretoria), 2006-2014 (Emeritus Professor 2014)
Professor Kaye Roberts-Thomson, MPH (Adel), BDSc (Melb), 2012-2015
Professor Mark Bartold, BDS (Adel), BScDent (Hons) (Adel), PhD (Adel), FRACDS (Perio), DDSc (Adel), 2001-2017 (Emeritus Professor 2017)
Professor Grant Townsend, BDS, BScDent (Hons), PhD, DDSc (Adel), 1994 - 2017 (Emeritus Professor 2017)
Drug & Alcohol Nursing
Professor Charlotte Francis Champion de Crespigny, BNurs, PhD (Flind), 2013-2015
Earth and Environmental Studies
Professor Ian Rutherford Pilmer, BSc (Hons) (UNSW), PhD (Macq), 2006-2012
Professor David James Chittleborough, BAgSc, MAgSc, PhD (Adel), 2010-2013
Professor Peter Douglas Ward, BS, MS (Wash), PhD (McMast), 2013-2015
Professor David James Chittleborough, BAgSc, MAgSc, PhD (Adel), 2010-2013
Professor Jennifer Watling, BSc, BSc (Hons), PhD (James Cook), 2015
Professor David Giles, BSc (Hons), PhD (Monash), 2010-2016
Professor Michael Young, BAgSc, BEc, MAgSc (Adel), GAICD (Canb), 2006-current (Emeritus Professor 2020)
Earth Sciences
Professor John Foden, BSc (ANU), BSc (Hons), PhD (Tas), 2005-2015 (Emeritus Professor 2015)
Ecology & Environmental Science
Professor Wayne Meyer, BAgSc, PhD (Adel), 2007-2015
Economic Geology
Professor Eric Aroha Rudd, AC, AM (Harv), BSc, 1949-1970 (Emeritus Professor 1970)
Professor Leslie Galfried Melville, BEc (Syd), FIA, 1929-1931
Professor Edward Owen Giblin Shann, MA (Melb), 1935
Professor Keith Sydney George Isles, BCom (Tas), MA, MSc (Camb), 1939-1945
Professor John Hedley Brian Tew, BSc (Econ)(Lond), PhD (Camb), 1950-1965 (Emeritus Professor 1965)
Professor Peter Henry Karmel, AC, CBE, BA (Melb), PhD (Camb), 1950-1965 (Emeritus Professor 1965)
Professor Harold French Lydall, BA (SA), MA (Oxf), 1962-1967
Professor Eric Alfred Russell, BA, BCom (Melb), MA (Camb), 1964-1977
Professor Geoffrey Colin Harcourt, MCom (Melb), PhD (Camb), FASSA, 1958-1985 (Emeritus Professor 1988)
Professor Clifford Walsh, BSc (Econ), MSc (Lond), 1980-1988, Centre for Economic Studies UofA and FUSA,1992-2001 (Emeritus Professor 2001)
Professor Francis George Jarrett, BScAgr (Syd), PhD (Iowa), FASSA, 1968-1988 (Emeritus Professor 1989)
Professor Jonathan James Pincus, PhD (Stanford) BEc (Hons) (Qld) FASSA, 1991-2003
Professor Paul Kerin, AM, PhD (Harvard), MEc, BEc (Hons) (Adel), 2011-2016
Professor Gerd Muehlheusser, PhD (Bonn), Diplom-Volkswirt (Frankfurt), 2017
Professor Renou Ludovic, PhD (European University Institute), MScEc (Paris), 2017
Professor Richard Pomfret, BA (Hons) (Reading UK), MA (East Anglia), PhD (Simon Fraser), 1992-2017
Professor Kym Anderson, BAgEc (Hons) (New England), MEc (Adel), MA (Chicago) (Stanford), PhD (Stanford), Doctor of Economics (hc) (Adel), 1991-2018 (Emeritus Professor 2018)
Professor Christopher Findlay AM, BEc (Hons) (Adel), MEc (ANU), PhD (ANU), 2005-2019 (Emeritus Professor 2019)
Professor Jonathan Pincus FSSA, BEc (Hons) (UQ), PhD (Stanford), 1991-2024 (Emeritus Professor 2025)
Professor Zoltan Paul Dienes, PhD (Lond), DipEd (Leic), 1964-1965
Professor Laurie Frederick Neal, BA, DipEd (Lond), 1959-1978 (Emeritus Professor 1979)
Professor Kevin Marjoribanks, BSc, DipEd (UNSW), BA (UNE), MEd (Harvard), PhD (Toronto), FASSA, FACE, FSS, 1974-1986; 1993-2005 (Emeritus Professor 2005)
Professor Jerzy Jaroslaw (George) Smolicz AM, BSc, PhD (Edin), FRIC, FACE, FASSA, 1987-2004 (Emeritus Professor 2004)
Professor Tania Ly Aspland, BEd (UQ), BA (UQ), MEd (Deakin), PhD (UQ) 2009-2013
Education Centre for Innovation and Commercialisation
Professor Vernon Ireland, BE, BA, MEngSc, PhD (Syd), 2003-2015 (Emeritus Professor 2015)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Professor Mary Josephine O'Kane, BSc (Qld), PhD (ANU), FTSE, 1997-2001 (Emeritus Professor 2001)
Professor Reginald Paul Coutts, BSc, BE (Hons), PhD, SMIEEE, IEAust, FACS, 1993-2003 (Emeritus Professor 2003)
Professor Peter Harold Cole, BSc, BE, PhD (Syd), 2007-2011
Professor Douglas Gray, BSc (Hons), PhD (Adel), 2000-2016 (Emeritus Professor 2017)
Professor Mike Liebelt, BSc, BE(Hons), MEngSc, 2006-2021 (Emeritus Professor 2021)
Electrical Engineering
Professor Eric Osborne Willoughby, MA, BEE, BCE (Melb), 1946-1972 (Emeritus Professor 1973)
Professor Jack Lionel Woodward, BE (Cant), MASc (Tor), 1966-1973
Professor Robert Eugene Bogner, ME (Adel), PhD (Lond), DIC, FIEAust, FIEE, SMIEEE 1973-2001 (Professor Emeritus 2001)
Electronic Systems Engineering
Professor Lincoln Adrian Wood, BE (Hons) (UNSW), MS (NCSU), PhD (UNSW), FEA, FRAS, 2009-2014
Emergency Medicine
Professor Christopher James Baggoley, BVS (Hons) (Melb), MBBS (Flin), BSocAdmin (Flin), FACEM, 2002-2005
Professor Sir Robert William Chapman, CMG, MA, BCE (Melb), MIE (Aust), Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics 1910-1919; Professor of Engineering 1907-1909 and 1920-1937 (Emeritus Professor 1937)
Professor John Broughton Agnew, BE (Syd), PhD (Monash), FTSE, HonFIEAust, CPEng, FRACI, FIChemE, FAIE, MAIChE, CEng, CChem, 1983-1998 (Emeritus Professor 1999)
Professor Harry Edward Green, BE (Hons), ME, PhD (Ohio State), FIEAust, FIREE, 1991-1995 (Emeritus Professor 1999)
Professor Peter Alan Dowd, BSc (New England), MSc (Montreal), PhD (Leeds), FREng 2004-2013
Engineering, Computer & Mathematical Sciences
Professor John Beynon, BMet, PhD (Sheff), 2012-2016
Professor Michael Eastwood, BA (Oxf), PhD (Prin), 2001-2018 (Emeritus Professor 2019)
English Language and Literature [see also Modern History and English Language and Literature]
Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, MA (Oxf and Liv), LittD (Melb), 1922-1930
Professor John Innes Mackintosh Stewart, MA (Oxf), 1935-1945
Professor Charles Rischbieth Jury, MA (Oxf), 1946-1949
Professor David Nichol Smith, Dlitt (Camb and Durham), LLD (Glas and Edin), FBA, 1950-1951
Professor Alexander Norman Jeffares, PhD (Dublin), DPhil (Oxf), 1951-1956
Professor Colin James Horne, AM, MA (Melb and Oxf), MLitt (Oxf), DipEd (Melb), FAHA, 1957-1977 (Emeritus Professor 1978)
Professor Kenneth Knowles Ruthven, MA, PhD (Manc), 1980-1985
Professor John Anthony Colmer, MA (Oxf), PhD (Lond), FAHA, 1961-1986 (Emeritus Professor 1987)
Professor Thomas Lingen Burton, BA (Hons) (Bristol), DipEd (East Africa), PhD (Bristol), 2010-2013 (Emeritus Professor 2013)
English Language and Literature and Mental and Moral Philosophy [see also Mental and Moral Philosophy]
Reverend John Davidson, 1874-1881
Reverend Professor William Roby Fletcher, MA, 1879, 1881-1883
Professor Edward Vaughan Boulger, MA, Dlitt (Dublin), 1883-1894
Professor Sir William Mitchell, MA (Edin), 1895-1922 (Emeritus Professor 1922)
Professor James Davidson, DSc (Liv), FES, 1938-1945
Professor Thomas Oakley Browning, BSc (Syd), PhD, 1963-1983 (Emeritus Professor 1983)
Professor Andrew Austin, BSc (Hons) (Syd), PhD, AES, ESA, ISH, FRES, RSSA, SASB, SSB, 1996-2021 (Emeritus Professor 2021)
Environmental Biology
Professor Frank Andrew Smith, PhD, 1967-2000 (Emeritus Professor 2000)
Professor Joseph Tony Wiskich, BSc (Syd), PhD (Syd), 1962-2000 (Emeritus Professor 2000)
Professor Roger Seymour, BA (UCR), PhD (UCLA), 2000-2014 (Emeritus Professor 2014)
Environmental Studies
Professor Martin Anthony Joseph William MA (Cant), PhD (ANU), ScD (Cant), 1993-2007 (Emeritus Professor 2007)
Evidence-based Healthcare
Professor Alan Pearson, RN, MSc (Manch), PhD (Lond), FRCN (UK) 2006-2014 (Emeritus Professor 2014)
Experimental Medicine
Professor Edward Weston Hurst, MD, DSc, (Birm), FRCP (Lond), 1938-1943
Professor Everton Rowe Trethewie, MD, DSc (Melb), MRACP, 1944-1949
Experimental Physics
Professor Jesper Munch, BS (MIT), MS, PhD (Chicago), 1990-2013 (Emeritus Professor 2013)
French Studies
Professor James Gladstone Cornell, MA (Melb), Lesl (Paris), Chevalier de La Legion d'Honneur, 1944-1969 (Emeritus Professor 1970)
Professor John Charles Davies, BA, DipEd (Syd), Ddel'U (Paris), Commanduer des Palmes Academiques 1971-1988 (Emeritus Professor 1988)
Professor John West- Sooby, BMath, BA Hons, DipEd (Newcastle), MA, DEA, PhD (Grenoble), ASFS, MLTA, SAFTA, FAFTA, ALAA, 2013-2020 (Emeritus Professor 2021)
Professor David Guthrie Catcheside, MA (Camb), DSc (Lond), FRS, FAA, 1952-1955
Professor John Henry Bennett, MA, BSc (Melb), PhD (Camb), 1956-1991 (Emeritus Professor 1992)
Professor Robert Saint, PhD, BSc (Hons), BSc (Adel), 1994-2002
Professor Graham Henry Lawton, BA, BEd (Melb), MA (Oxf), FASSA, Reader-in-Charge 1951-1958; Professor 1959-1977 (Emeritus Professor 1978)
Professor Gwendoline Fay Gale, AO, BA, PhD, FASSA, 1978-1990 (Emeritus Professor 1990)
Professor Graeme Hugo, BA (Hons) (Adel), MA (Flin), PhD (ANU), FASSA, 1992-2015
Geology and Geophysics
Professor David Murray Boyd, BSc (Glas), Geophysics. Professor of Geophysics, 1969-1991 (Emeritus Professor 1992)
Professor Lawrence Austin Frakes, MA, PhD (Calif), 1985-1996 (Emeritus Professor 1996)
Professor Peter Johannes Maria Ypma, PhD (Leiden), 1973-1995 (Emeritus Professor 1996)
Professor Stewart Alan Greenhalgh BSc (Hons), MSc (Syd), PhD (Minnesota) DSc (Syd), FTSE, 1997-2003 (Emeritus Professor 2012)
Professor Richard Hillis, BSc (Hons) (Lond), PhD (Edin), GAICD, FTSE, ASEG, EAGE, FGSAust, FGS, PESA 1999-2022 (Emeritus Professor 2022)
Geology and Mineralogy
Professor Sir Douglas Mawson, OBE, BE (Syd), DSc, FRS, 1921-1952 (Emeritus Professor 1953)
Professor Arthur Richard Alderman, PhD (Camb), DSc, FGS, 1953-1966 (Emeritus Professor 1966)
Professor Martin Fritz Glaessner, LLD, PhD (Vienna), DSc (Melb), FAA, 1964-1971 (Emeritus Professor 1972)
Professor Rupert William Roye Rutland, BSc, PhD (Lond), FGS, 1966-1980 (Emeritus Professor 1980)
Geology and Palaeontology
Professor Walter Howchin, FGS; Honorary Professor, 1918-1920
German Language and Literature
Professor Brian Laurence Dillon Coghlan, BA, PhD (Birm) 1962-1991 (Emeritus Professor 1992)
Professor Anthony Renwick Stephens, BA, PhD (Syd) FAHA, 1980-1994
Health and Medical Sciences
Professor William Griggs AM ASM, MBBS, PGDipAvMed, MBA, DUniv (hc) (Adel) FANZCA, FCICM, FACAP, FAICD 2007-2024 (Emeritus Professor 2024)
Health Sciences
Professor Alan Pearson, PhD (Lond), MSc (Manc), Dip Advanced Nursing Studies (Manch), 1995-2013
Professor Alastair David Burt, BSc (Hons), MBChB, MD (Hons) (Glas), 2012-current (Emeritus Professor 2019)
History [see also Modern History and Political Science and History]
Professor Trevor Gordon Wilson, MA (NZ), DPhil (Oxf), FAHA, FRHistS, 1968-1993 (Emeritus Professor 1994)
Professor Austin George Gough, BA (Melb), DPhil (Oxf), FRHistS, 1970-1991 (Emeritus Professor 1992)
Professor Wilfrid Robertson Prest, BA (Hons) (Melb), DPhil (Oxford), FRHistS FASSA FAHA, 1992-2001 (ARC Professorial Fellow in History & Law 2002-2007) (Emeritus Professor in History & Law 2007)
Adjunct Professor Susan Magarey AM, BA (Hons), Dip Ed, MA (ANU), PhD, FASSA, 1991-2003 (Emerita Professor 2012)
Professor David Lemmings, DPhil (Oxf), PGCertEd (Lond), 2008-2019 (Emeritus Professor 2020)
History and Political Science [see also Political Science and History]
Professor Walter George Keith Duncan, MA (Syd), PhD (Lond), 1951-1965 (Emeritus Professor 1969)
Professor Barbara Santich, BSc (Hons) (NSW), BA (Minnesota), PhD (Flin), 1993-2013 (Emeritus Professor 2013)
Horticulture, Viticulture and Oenology
Professor Leslie Godell Paleg, BA (Washington, Mo), MS, PhD (Iowa), DSc, 1966-1992 (Emeritus Professor 1993)
Professor Terence Henderson Lee, BSc (NSW), PhD (NSW), 1993-1997
Human Physiology and Pharmacology
Professor Sir Cedric Stanton Hicks, MSc (NZ), PhD (Camb), MD, FRIC, 1926-1957 (Emeritus Professor 1958)
Professor Robert Ford Whelan, MD, PhD, DSc (Belf), FRACP, FAA, 1958-1971 (Emeritus Professor 1971)
Professor Frances Fornasiero, BA (Hons) (Adel), MLitt, DipAdvStudies, PhD (Grenoble), 2011-2015 (Emertia Professor 2016)
Professor Dorothy Driver, PhD, MA, BA (Hons) (Rhodes), PGCertEd (Lond), BA (Sth Africa), 2005-2016
Professor Nicholas Jose, BA (Hons) (ANU), PhD (Oxf), 2005-2019 (Emeritus Professor 2020)
Professor James Cox, BSc (Hons) (Flin), PhD (UWA), 2011-2013
International Trade
Professor Andrew Stoler, MBA, BS in Foreign Service (Washington), 2010-2011
Professor Walter Ross Phillips, LLB (Camb), 1883-1887
Professor Frederick William Pennefather, BA, LLD (Camb), (Lecturer-In-Charge 1888-1889), 1890-1896
Professor John William Salmond, MA, LLB (Lond), 1897-1905
Professor William Jethro Brown, LLD (Camb), DLitt (Dublin), 1906-1916
Professor Coleman Phillipson, MA, LLD, LittD (Manc), 1920-1925
Professor Arthur Lang Campbell, BA, BE (Syd), 1926-1949
Professor Richard Arthur Blackburn, BA, BCL (Oxf), BA, 1950-1957
Professor Norval Ramsden Morris, LLM (Melb), PhD (Lond), 1958-1961
Professor Daniel Patrick O'Connell, BA, LLM (NZ), PhD, LLD (Camb), Reader 1953; Professor 1962-1972
Professor Arthur Rogerson, MA (Oxford), 1964-1978 (Emeritus Professor 1979)
Professor David St Ledger Kelly, BCL (Oxford), BA, LLB, 1980-1983
Professor James Richard Crawford, PhD (Oxford), BA, LLB, 1983-1986
Professor Horst Klaus Lucke, DrJur (Cologne), MCJ (New York), LLB, 1967-1984 (Emeritus Professor 1984)
Professor Marcia Anne Neave, LLB (Melb) Appointed 1986-1991
Professor Alexander Cuthbert Castles, LLB (Melb), JD (Chic), 1967-1994 (Emeritus Professor 1994)
Professor Hilary Christiane Charlesworth, BA (Hons), LLB (Hons) (Melb), SJD (Harv), 1993-1998
Professor Paul Ames Fairall, BA, LLB (Hons) (Canterbury NZ), LLM (ANU), 2002-2006
Professor Wilfrid Robertson Prest, BA (Hons)(Melb), DPhil (Oxford), FRHistS FASSA FAHA, 2007 (ARC Professorial Fellow in History & Law 2002-2007) (Emeritus Professor in History & Law 2007)
Professor Michael James Detmold, LLB (Adel), 1991-2008 (Emeritus Professor 2008)
Professor Adrian John Bradbrook, BA (Hons) (Cantab), MA (Cant), LLM (York), PhD (Cant), LLD (Melb), 1988-2011 (Emeritus Professor 2011)
Professor Judith Gail Gardam, PhD, LLM (Melb), LLB (Monash), LLB (UWA), FASSA, 2005-2011 (Emerita Professor 2011)
Professor Rosemary Owens AO, LLB (Hons), DipEd, BA (Hons), 2007-2015 (Emerita Professor 2015)
Adjunct Professor Geoffrey Lindell, LLB (Hons), LLM (Hons) (Adel), 2001 - 2015 (Emeritus Professor 2017)
Professor Ngaire Naffine, LLB, PhD (Adel), 1998-2020 (Emerita Professor 2020)
Professor Christopher Symes, LLB, LLM (Adel), Grad Dip Legal Prac (SAIT), Grad Cert Tertiary Ed, MEd, PhD (Flin), FGIA, ARITA, INSOL, FIPA, SLS 2009-2023 (Emeritus Professor 2023)
Professor Peter Mühlhäusler, BA (Hons) (Stellenbosch), M.Phil (Reading UK), PhD (ANU), 1992-2013 (Emeritus Professor 2013)
Professor Fred Malcolm McDougall BCom (Hons), MCom, Dip Ed (Melb), PhD (Adel) FCPA, 1987-2006 (Emeritus Professor 2011)
Professor Horace Lamb, MA, LLD (Camb), FRS, 1875-1885
Professor John Raymond Wilton, Elder Professor, ScD (Camb), DSc, 1920-1944
Professor Harold William Sanders, Elder Professor, MA (Camb), 1944-1958 (Emeritus Professor 1959)
Professor James Henry Michael, MSc, PhD, FAA, 1967-1969 (Emeritus Professor 1989)
Professor Charles Pearce, Elder Professor, MSc, PhD, FAMS, 2004-2012
Mathematics and Physics
Professor William Henry Bragg, MA (Camb), FRS, 1886-1908
Professor Paul Charles William Davies, BSc (Hons), PhD (Lond), FIP, FAIP, 1990-1997
Mathematical Physics
Professor Herbert Sydney Green, BSc (Lond), DSc, PhD (Edin), FAA, 1951-1985 (Emeritus Professor 1986)
Professor Charles Angas Hurst, BA, BSc (Melb), PhD (Camb), FAA, 1964-1988 (Emeritus Professor 1989)
Mathematical Sciences
Professor Robert James Elliott, BA (Oxf), PhD (Camb), MA (Oxf), ScD (Camb), (ARC Federation Fellow 2007-2013), 2001-2013
Professor James Murray Hill, BSc (Hons), PhD, DSc (UofQ), (ARC Professorial Fellow 2004-), 2010-2015
Professor Anthony Roberts, BSc (Hons) (Adel), PhD (Camb), 2008-2020 (Emeritus Professor 2020)
Associate Professor Garique (Gary) Francis Vladimir Glonek, BSc (Flind), PhD (Flind) 2013-2021 (Emeritus Professor 2022)
Mathematical Statistics
Professor Edmund Alfred Cornish, BAgSc (Melb), MSc, DSc, 1960-1964
Mechanical Engineering
Professor Henry Hargan Davis, BSc, BE (Syd), PhD (Camb), 1946-1973 (Emeritus Professor 1974)
Professor Ian Douglas Henderson, BTech, 1996-1999
Professor Russell Estcourt Luxton, BE (Hons) (Adel), PhD (Lond), 1974-1999 (Emeritus Professor 1999)
Professor Colin Henry Hansen, BE (Hons)(Adel), PhD (Adel), 1998-2011 (Emeritus Professor 2012)
Medical Specialties
Professor Stephen Worthley, MBBS (Adel), FRACP, PhD (Adel), 2004-2016
Professor Anne Taylor, PhD, MPH (Adel), BA (Flin), 2015-2017
Medical Learning and Teaching Unit
Professor Anne Louise Tonkin, BSc (Hons), BMBS, PhD (Flin), MEd (Melb), FRACP, 2008-2014 (Emeritus Professor 2014)
Medical Sciences
Professor William Breed, BSc (Hons) (Abdeen), PhD (Oxf), 2012-2015 (Emeritus Professor 2015)
Professor Hugh Norwood Robson, MB, ChB (Edin), MRCP, FRCP (Edin), FRACP, 1953-1965 (Emeritus Professor 1965)
Professor Basil Stuart Hetzel, MD, MRCP, FRACP, 1964-1968
Professor Donald John Deller, MB, BS, DPhil, MD, MRCP, FRACP, 1966-1974
Professor David John Crymble Shearman, BSc, MB, ChB, PhD (Edin), FRACP, FRCPE, 1975-1997
Professor Graeme Paul Young, MBBS, MD, FRACP, 1995-1997
Professor Anders Gustaf Wangel, MD, BS (Adel), PhD (Oxf), FRCP, FRACP, 1967-1996 (Emeritus Professor 2002)
Professor Richard Ernest Ruffin, BSc (Hons) (Melb), MBBS (Hons), MD (Monash), MRACP, FRACP, 1998-2010 (Emeritus Professor 2010)
Professor Laurence Ashley Blackshaw, BSc, PhD (Sheffield), MRCPS, NHMRC, 2010-2011
Professor Robert Vink, BSc (Hons), PhD (Griff), GCertEdu (James Cook), 2001-2013
Mental and Moral Philosophy
Professor John McKellar Stewart, CMG, PhD (Edin), 1923-1950 (Emeritus Professor 1950)
Mental Health
Professor William Alexander Cramond, OBE, MD (Aberd), DPM (Lond), 1963-1971
Professor Issy Pilowsky AM, MB, ChB, DipPM (RCP&S), MD, FRACP, 1971-1997 (Emeritus Professor 2002)
Professor George Bellamy Mackaness, MB, BS (Syd), MA, DPhil (Oxford), DCP (Lond), 1963-1965
Microbiology and Immunology
Professor Derrick Rowley, AM, BSc, PhD, MD (Lond), 1959-1988 (Emeritus Professor 1988)
Professor Christopher John Burrell, BSc (Med), MB,BS (Syd), PhD (ANU), FRCPath, FRCPA, 1990-2003
Microwave Radar
Professor Shane Robert Cloude BSc (Hons) (Dundee), PhD (Birm), FIEEE, 2003-2005
Mining and Metallurgy
Professor Herbert William Gartrell, MA (Col), BSc, 1938-1945
Mining, Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering
Professor Edgar Clynton Ross Spooner, DPhil (Oxford), DSc (Tas), FRIC, 1947-1962
Modern History [see also Modern History and English Language and Literature]
Professor George Cockburn Henderson, MA 1922-1924 (Emeritus Professor 1924)
Professor William Keith Hancock, MA (Oxford), 1926-1933
Professor George Frederick Elliott Rude, MA (Camb), PhD (Lond), DLitt, 1964-1967
Professor Hugh Stretton AC, MA (Oxford), HonDLitt (ANU), Hon.LLD (Monash), FAHA, FASSA, 1954-1968 (Emeritus Professor 1989)
Modern History and English Language and Literature [see also Modern History]
Professor Robert Langton Douglas, MA (Oxford), 1900-1902
Professor George Cockburn Henderson, MA, 1902-1921 (Emeritus Professor 1924)
Molecular and Biomedical Science
Professor Christopher John Burrell, BSc (Med), MB,BS (Syd), PhD (ANU), FRCPath, FRCPA, 2004-2008 (Emeritus Professor 2008)
Professor John Wallace, BSc Agr (Hons)(Syd), PhD (Syd), ASBMB, 2000-2011 (Emeritus Professor 2011)
Professor Peter David Rathjen, BSc (Hons) (Adel), PhD (Oxford), 2000-2006
Professor Jeremy Timmis, BSc (Hons) PhD (Wales), 2006-2012 (Emeritus Professor 2012)
Professor John Adrian Carver, BSc (Hons), PhD (ANU), 2009-2013
Professor Robert Saint, PhD, BSc (Hons), BSc (Adel), 2002-2004 (Adjunct Professor)
Professor Peter Hoffmann, DipChem, PhD (Saarland), 2015-2017
Professor Joshua Ives, MusBac (Camb), 1884-1901
Professor John Matthew Ennis, DMus (Lond), 1902-1918
Professor Edward Harold Davies, DMus, FRCM, 1919-1947
Professor John Bishop, OBE, DMus (Melb), FRCM, 1948-1964
Professor David Galliver, MA (Oxf), ARCM, 1966-1983 (Emeritus Professor 1986)
Professor Herbert Esser, MMus (Cologne), 1987-1994
Professor David Robert Lockett, MusB, MMus, DMus (Adel) ARCM, 2008-2009 (Emeritus Professor 2010)
Professor Graeme Koehne AO BMus (Hons), MMus, DMus, 2005-2023 (Emeritus Professor 2023)
Music Studies
Professor Andrew Dalgarno McCredie, AM, MA (Syd), PhD(Hamburg), FAHA, 1978-1994 (Emeritus Professor 1994)
Natural Science
Professor Ralph Tate, FGS, 1875-1901
Professor Philip Douglas Thompson, MBBS (Adel), PhD (Lond), ECFMG, FRACP, 1997-2014 (Emeritus Professor 2014)
Neurology & Neuroscience
Professor Simon Koblar, BMBS (Flind), PhD (Melb), FRACP, 2009-2021 (Emeritus Professor 2021)
Professor Nigel Ronald Jones MBBS, BMedSc, DPhil (Oxford) FRACS, 1992-2004
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Professor Lloyd Woodrow Cox, AM, MB, ChB (NZ), FRCS (Eng), FRACS, FRCOG, FRACOG, 1938-1984 (Emeritus Professor 1984)
Professor Colin Douglas Matthews, MB, ChB, MD (Liv), FRCOG, FRACOG, 1970-1998
Professor Jeffrey Samuel Robinson, CBE, BA (Hons), MB ChB BAO (Queens, Belf) FRACOG, FRCOG, 1986-2007 (Emeritus Professor, 2007)
Professor Alastair Harvey MacLennan, MBChB, MD (Glasgow), FRACOG, FRCOG, 1999-2012 (Emeritus Professor 2013)
Emeritus Professor Robert John Norman AO, BSc (Hons), MB ChB (Hons) (Birm), MD (Natal), MD (Hons) (Adel), FRANZCOG, FRCPA, FRCPath, FRCOG, CREI, FAHMS, 1998-2010 (Emeritus Professor 2020)
Professor Peter Bordier Høj MSc, PhD (Copenhagen), 1998-2004 (Emeritus Professor 2004)
Professor Dennis Taylor, BSc, BSc (Hons), PhD (Flin), 2006-2015
Oral Biology
Professor John Charles Thonard, BDSc (Melb), PhD (Roch), FRCPath, 1966-1983 (Emeritus Professor 1984)
Oral Pathology and Oral Surgery
Professor David Ernest Poswillo, DDS (NZ), DSc (Otago), FDSRCS, FRACDS, FIBiol, MRCPath, 1977-1979
Organic Chemistry
Professor Sir Geoffrey Malcolm Badger, AO, Ktcr, PhD, DSc, DUniv, FRSC, FRACI, FTSE, FAA, FACE, 1955-1964 (Emeritus Professor 1964) and 1977-1979
Professor Athelstan Laurence Johnson Beckwith, BSc (UWA), PhD (Oxford), FAA, 1965-1981
Professor John Hamilton Bowie, BSc (Hons), MSc (Melb), PhD (Nott), DSc (Adel), FRACI, FRSC, FRSSA, 1983-1993
Professor Wayne John Sampson, BDS, BSc (Hons), MDS (Adel), 1995-2014 (Emeritus Professor 2014)
Professor Craig Dreyer BDS, MDS, PhD, GCEd(HE), FRACDS, MRACDS(ORTH), FICD, 2011-2020 (Emeritus Professor 2021)
Professor David Findlay, BSc, MSc, PhD (Melb) FIOR, ANZORS, 1996-2021 (Emeritus Professor 2021)
Professor Donald Howie, MBBS (Monash), PhD (Adel), FRACS, 1988-2021 (Emeritus Professor 2021)
Professor George Morrison Maxwell, MB, ChB, MD (Edin), FRCP (Lond), FRACP, 1959-1988 (Emeritus Professor1988)
Professor Donal Muir Roberton, MB ChB, MC (Otago) FRACP, 1999-2005 (Emeritus Professor 2013)
Professor Allison June Cowan, BSc (Hons), PhD (Manch), NHMRC, 2011-2012
Professor David Thomas, MBBS, MD (Flin), FRACP (Emeritus Professor 2013)
Professor Grant Sutherland, BSc, MSc (Melb), PhD, DSc (Edin), 1991-2017 (Emeritus Professor 2017)
Professor Eric Haan, BMedSc (Hons) (Monash), MBBS (Hons) (Monash), FRACP, 1988-2017 (Emeritus Professor 2019)
Professor Michael Sawyer OAM, MBBS (Monash), Dip Child Pysch (Toronto), PhD (Adel), FRANZCP, FRCPC, 1981-2019 (Emeritus Professor 2019)
Professor William Percy Rogers, MSc (WAust), DSc (Lond), FAA, Professor of Zoology 1952-1962; Professor of Parasitology 1962-1979 (Emeritus Professor 1980)
Professor Sir John Burton Cleland, MD (Syd), 1920-1948 (Emeritus Professor 1949)
Professor James Struan Robertson, MB, BS (Syd), DPhil (Oxford), FRACP, MCPA, 1949-1979 (Emeritus Professor 1980)
Professor Barrie Vernon-Roberts, AO, MBBS, PhD, MD (Lond), FRCPath, FRCPA, FAOrthA (Hon), FRS.SA, 1976-2005 (Emeritus Professor 2005)
Professor Roger Byard AO PSM, BMedSci, MB, BS (UTAS), MMedSci, MD (Adel), PhD (UniSA), DSc (UTAS), CCFP, LMCC, FACP, FRCPC, FRCPath, FRCPA (Hon), FFSc, FFFLM, FRSN, FFPMI, FAHMS 1996-2023 (Emeritus Professor 2023)
Petroleum Engineering
Professor Steve Begg, BSc, PhD (Reading), 2002-2019 (Emeritus Professor 2019)
Petroleum Geology and Geophysics
Professor William Joseph Stuart, PhD, 1986-1996
Professor James Keith Applegate, BSc, MA, PhD, (Texas, Austin), 1994-1997
Professor Cedric Mills Griffiths, BSc, PhD (Eng), 1994-1999
Professor John Kaldi, BSc, MSc (NY), PhD (Camb), 1998-2020 (Emeritus Professor 2020)
Professor Peter McCabe, BSc (Hull), PhD (Keele), 2014-2020 (Emeritus Professor 2020)
Professor John Jamieson Carswell Smart AC, MA (Glas), BPhil (Oxford), FAHA, 1950-1972 (Emeritus Professor 1972)
Professor Graham Charles Nerlich, BPhil (Oxford), MA, FAHA, 1974-1984 (Emeritus Professor 1994)
Professor Christian Edward Mortensen BA (Hons) (Qld) PhD (Adel), FAHA, 1998-2005 (Emeritus Professor 2005)
Professor Garrett Cullity, BA Hons (UWA), BPhil, DPhil (Oxford), FAHA, FASSA, AAP 2006-2020 (Emeritus Professor 2021)
Professor Jennifer McMahon, BA (RMIT), DipEd (Melb), Med (Melb), PHD (ANU), 2011-2021 (Emerita Professor 2021)
Professor Tanya Monro, BSc, PhD (Syd), 2004-2014
Physical and Inorganic Chemistry
Professor Donald Richard Stranks, MSc, PhD (Melb), FRACI, 1964-1973
Professor Denis Oswald Jordan, MSc, PhD, DSc (Lond), FRACI, FAA, 1954-1979 (Emeritus Professor 1980)
Professor Michael Ian Bruce, BA (Hons), MA (Oxford), PhD, DSc (Bristol) FAA, FRACI, 1973-1982 (Emeritus Professor 2008)
Physics [see also Mathematics & Physics and Experimental Physics]
Professor Sir Kerr Grant, MSc (Melb), FInstP, Acting Professor, 1909-1910; Professor, 1911-1948 (Emeritus Professor 1949)
Professor Leonard George Holden Huxley, KBE, MA, PhD (Oxford), FAA, 1949-1959 (Emeritus Professor 1960)
Professor Kenneth Gordon McCracken, BSc, PhD (Tas), 1956-1969
Professor John Henry Carver, MSc (Syd), PhD, ScD (Camb), 1961-1978 (Emeritus 1979)
Professor John Russell Prescott, PhD (Melb), PhD (Oxf), BSc, 1971-1987 (Emeritus Professor 1990)
Professor Stewart Alan Greenhalgh BSc (Hons), MSc (Syd), PhD (Minnesota) DSc (Syd), FTSE, 2003-2011 (Emeritus Professor 2012)
Physics and Mathematical Physics
Professor John Russell Prescott, PhD (Melb), PhD (Oxf), BSc, 1988-1989 (Emeritus Professor 1990)
Professor Iain Reid, BSc (Hons), PhD (Adel), 2005-2015, (Emeritus Professor 2015)
Professor Sir Edward Charles Stirling, CMG, MA, MD, ScD (Camb), FRCS (Eng), FRS, 1900-1919
Professor John Lewis Veale, MB, ChB, BSc (Otago), FRACP, 1972-1988 (Emeritus Professor 1989)
Professor Ieva Kotlarski, BSc (Hons) PhD, 1965-1997 (Emeritus Professor 1997)
Social Inquiry
Professor Kathryn Lois Schaffer, PhD (Pitts), MA (Pitts), BA (Pennsylvania), 2000-2002 (Emeritus Professor 2015)
Professor Margaret Chilla Bulbeck, LLB (Hons)(Qld), PhD (ANU), MA (ANU), BEc (Hons), 1998-2008 (Emeritus Professor 2008)
Social Sciences
Professor Margaret Allen, BA (Hons), DipEd, MA (Essex), PhD (Flinders), 2007-2012 (Emeritus Professor 2011)
Professor Nicholas Harvey, BEd/BA (Hons) (James Cook), PhD (James Cook), MP (Adel), 2001-2015 (Emeritus Professor 2015)
Professor Andrew Beer, BA (Hons) (Adel), PhD (ANU), 2010-2015
Professor Gregory McCarthy, BA, PhD (Adel), 2010-2016
Professor Adam Graycar, BA, PhD, DLitt (UNSW), FASSA 2019-2023 (Emeritus Professor 2023)
Soil Science
Professor John Malcolm Oades, AM, BSc (Hons), PhD (Leeds), DUniv (Adel), DSc (Leeds) 1996-2001 (Emeritus Professor 2002)
Professor Michael McLaughlin AM FTSE FAA, BSc (Hons) (Ulster), MAgrSci (Reading), PhD, 2004-2024 (Emeritus Professor 2024)
Spatial Sciences
Professor Megan Lewis, BSc (Hons), M Env Studs, M App Sc (UNSW), PhD (UNSW), FSSSI 2004-2021 (Emerita Professor 2022)
Professor Alan Treleven James, PhD (Prin), MSc, 1965-1989 (Emeritus Professor 1990)
Professor Richard Gentry Jarrett, BSc (Hons) (Adel), PhD (Lond), GradDipOrgBch (Swinburne) 1991-1999
Professor Richard Pomfret Jepson, BSc, MB, ChB (Manc), FRCS (Eng), FRACS, 1958-1968
Professor John Ludbrook, BMedSc, MB, ChM (NZ), MD (Otago), FRCS, FRACS, 1969-1980 (Emeritus Professor 1981)
Professor Ronald Gordon Elmslie, MB, BS, MD (Syd), FRACS Appointed Reader, 1969; Professor, 1975-1991
Professor Glyn Garfield Jamieson, MBBS, MS (Adel), MD (Rennes), FRACS, FACS, 1982-2012 (Emeritus Professor 2013)
Professor Peter Gill, MBBS, MD (Adel), FRACS, 2007-2018 (Emeritus Professor 2018)
Professor Peter Bordier Hoj, MSc, PhD (Copenhagen), 1994-1998
Professor Thomas Harvey Johnston, MA, DSc (Syd), 1922-1951
Professor William Percy Rogers, MSc (WAust), DSc (Lond), FAA, Professor of Zoology 1952-1962; Professor of Parasitology 1962-1979 (Emeritus Professor 1980)
Professor Herbert George Andrewartha, BS (UWA), MAgSc (Melb), DSc (Adel), FAA, 1962-1972 (Emeritus Professor 1973)
Professor William David Williams, BSc, PhD, DSc (Liv), DipEd (Monash), FAIBiol, 1975-1994 (Emeritus Professor 1994)
Professor Russell Victor Baudinette BSc (Hons) (Monash) PhD (Ucal Irvine) 1999-2004