Index to Volume 14 (1925) - University Newscuttings Books
- Academic matters,
- proposed Chair in Foreign Languages, 185
- soldiers’ children educational scheme, 135
- student entry dates, 12
- Accountancy, Study of,
- Edward Whitfield Mills appointed lecturer, 191, 192
- Adelaide Hospital,
- compulsory retirement of staff at sixty years of age, 110, 120
- more land needed for hospital, 80
- women's hospital to be built on Frome Rd, 162
- Agriculture,
- plans to establish an agricultural high school for boys at Urrbrae, 51
- progress in agricultural research, 4, 5
- research at Urrbrae by Waite Institute, 46, 48, 90, 98
- Richardson on wheat cultivation, 56, 57
- Angas Engineering Scholarship,
- William Moffat Anderson in United States of America, 7
- Beard, Dr Jack Roland,
- appointed fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 125
- Bequests, gifts and endowments,
- books on anatomy, 101
- gifts to Waite Institute, 18, 37, 101, 103, 135, 191
- photographs of Australian geography and industry, 105
- Biaggini, E G,
- lecture on "The Mentality of Europe", 192
- Blackburn, Captain Arthur Seaford,
- winner of Victoria Cross at Pozieres, 111
- Bleby, Thelma,
- first female lawyer to appear in the South Australian Industrial Court, 50
- Braddon, Sir Henry,
- Fisher lecture on the guild system, 43, 55, 58
- Botany, Study of,
- Ellen Dulcie Macklin appointed as demonstrator in botany, 135
- Brookman, Sir George,
- Brose, Henry,
- awarded PhD at Oxford, 101
- Buildings,
- expansion of the university in its first fifty years, 188
- extensions to School of Mines’ Bonython Laboratories, 43
- new building for engineering and physics, 127, 127a, 178
- new building for Teachers Training College planned, 43, 115
- new buildings planned for St Marks College, 148
- two storey union hall and theatre proposed, 163, 164
- Campbell, Arthur Lang,
- appointed as Professor of Law, 179
- Campbell, Gordon Cathcart,
- international cricketer and interstate lacrosse player, 107
- Careers,
- establishment of an employment bureau at the university, 103, 105, 106, 181
- Carey, Clive,
- public lecture on English folk-songs, 87, 90, 93, 100
- Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship
- awarded to women students to study aspects of social science, 126a
- Ceremonies and celebrations,
- Chancellors
- Chapman, R H,
- to go on official tour, 17
- Cilento, Dr R W,
- speech on development of New Guinea, 36, 40
- Clark, Edward Vincent,
- lecture on "Transport of Power" broadcast on wireless, 152
- Clubs, associations and societies,
- Adelaide Repertory Theatre Club, 159
- Adelaide University Shakespeare Society, 191
- Australian Chemical Institute, 99
- Australian Universities’ Students Union, 172
- Christian Union, 153
- Classical Association, 135
- Commerce Students Association, 120, 158
- Economic Association of Australia and New Zealand, 52, 153, 156
- Elder Conservatorium Association, 22, 25, 53, 59, 98, 99, 137
- Graduates Association, 36, 101, 118, 120
- League of Nations Union, 176, 192
- Pharmaceutical Students Association, 43
- Poetry Society, 147
- Students Association, 106, 107
- University Club, 24
- University Society of Commerce and Accountants, 51
- Commerce, Study of,
- establishment of a Chair of Commerce, 93, 106, 107, 120
- plans for a degree of commerce, 96
- Conferences and seminars,
- Continuing education,
- growth of the Workers Educational Association, 45
- Corbin, Horace Hugh,
- afforestation, 96
- appointed Professor of Forestry at Auckland College, 71, 76
- public lecture on the value of forests, 82
- Council, University of Adelaide,
- five members to retire, 190
- Cricket,
- effect of selection of colts on university team, 164
- Darnley Naylor, Professor Henry,
- appointed director of Workers Educational Association, 178, 179, 185
- Davey, Dr. Constance
- research on "sub-normal" children, 39, 89
- Davies, Professor Edward Harold,
- on purpose of art, 25
- addresses conference of music teachers, 113
- to give address, 123
- Degrees, ad eundum gradum,
- Registrar Frederick William Eardley on granting honorary degrees, 163
- Discipline and misconduct,
- investigation of propriety of professor tutoring a student, 39, 54
- medical students damage café, 149
- resignation of Professor Coleman Phillipson, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73
- Duffield, Professor W Geoffrey,
- Director of Commonwealth Solar Observatory, 12
- Dumas, Russell John,
- appointed to Western Australian Water Supply Department, 76
- Eardley, Frederick William,
- on granting honorary degrees, 163
- Economics, Study of,
- proposed Chair in Economics, 123, 146
- need for a new lecturer to replace Dr Herbert Heaton, 134
- comments by Dr Herbert Heaton on Australia's loan from United States, 123
- Elder Conservatorium,
- Ennis, Professor John Matthew,
- memorial for former Professor of Music, 135
- Examinations,
- Australian music examinations, 73
- entries for the intermediate, leaving and leaving honours public exams closed, 181
- increased enrolments for public examinations for 1925, 192
- intermediate public examination results, 1, 2, 3, 4
- public examination "howlers", 14
- public examination results in music, 64
- special leaving examination, 20
- special senior examinations, 170a
- supplementary results, 32
- university music and science results, 193
- Extension lectures,
- "A Loan Policy for Australia" by Under Treasurer R R Stuckey, 193
- "Climates of the Past" by Professor Howchin, 89
- "The Coloured Races" by Archibald Grenfell Price, 191
- "The Mentality of Europe" by E G Biaggini, 192
- “Ancient Egypt” by Professor Prescott, 104, 178
- “Australia’s position on the Geneva protocol” by Henry Darnley Naylor, 104
- “Plato the Philosopher” by Professor Mackellar Stuart, 176
- “Plato’s Influence on Shelley” by Albert Ernest Kirkwood, 177, 178
- “Some Psychological Sidelights” by Dr H C Garnett, 189
- lectures to be given on various financial and psychological topics, 185
- Sir Ernest Rutherford to lecture in Brookman Hall, 147
- Finlayson, Dr. Constance,
- appointed clinical bio-chemist, 52
- Foote, William Henry,
- conductor of the South Australian Orchestra, 77
- Forestry, Study of
- effects of proposed forestry school in Canberra on Adelaide’s School of Forestry, 106, 160, 153, 155, 164, 176
- federal support sought for Adelaide University School of Forestry, 35, 61, 100, 106
- Horace Hugh Corbin appointed Professor of Forestry at Auckland University, 76
- new forestry school at Adelaide until Canberra buildings ready, 178, 179
- success of Kuitpo forestry camps for high school students, 125
- Garnett, Dr H C,
- lecture on “Some Psychological Sidelights”, 189
- Gillman, Sherlock,
- Graduates,
- new admissions to the Bar include two women, 42, 47
- ex-soldier law graduates admitted to Bar of Supreme Court, 128
- Graduation ceremonies,
- lists of candidates for degrees, 40, 43
- Grenfell Price, Archibald,
- lecture on "The Coloured Races", 191
- Grivell, Charlotte,
- successful musical studies in London, 38
- Grounds,
- request by university for grounds at rear, 59
- suggestion that Government House be part of the University, 62
- Hall, Hubert Winsloe,
- teacher of singing at Elder Conservatorium, 18
- Hamilton, Dr James Alexander Greer,
- death of former lecturer in gynaecology, 184
- Heaton, Dr Herbert,
- former lecturer in economics, 32, 35, 42, 62, 77, 78, 94, 97, 98, 103, 127, 129, 130, 141, 142, 143, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 155
- Hewitson, Dr Thomas,
- Hislop, Dr J,
- appointed medical superintendent of Adelaide Hospital, 18
- Hockey,
- inter-varsity tournament in Adelaide, 155
- Holdaway, Frederick George,
- appointed assistant lecturer in zoology, 53, 104
- Howchin, Professor Walter,
- lecture on "Climates of the Past", 89
- Isbister, William James,
- appointed Dean of Law, 134
- Jackson, Elizabeth,
- memorial service for former tutor in philosophy, 193
- Johnston, Professor Thomas Harvey,
- on the dangers of the blowfly, 170, 171
- Jolley, Norman,
- appointed Principal of new Commonwealth School of Forestry, 172, 173
- Jones, Thomas Henry,
- 71st birthday of music lecturer, 177
- Jude, Gertrude,
- delegate to National Council of Women conference in Washington D.C., 26, 31
- Kentish, Dorothy,
- death in car accident, 86, 87
- Kirkwood, Albert Ernest,
- lecture on “Plato’s Influence on Shelley”, 177, 178
- Kitson, Mary,
- co-founder of first women's legal firm in Commonwealth, 14
- Law, Faculty of,
- resignation of Professor Coleman Phillipson, 54, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73
- appointment of Arthur Lang Campbell as Professor of Law, 179
- William James Isbister elected Dean, 134
- Legal issues,
- Law Reform Commission third progress report, 143
- LeMesurier, Dr Frederick,
- on need for strict hygiene to reduce infant mortality, 81, 83
- Lewcock, Harry Kingsley,
- Roseworthy graduate to investigate eradication of prickly pear, 136, 137
- Library,
- commemorative plaque approved, 190
- Macklin, Ellen Dulcie,
- appointed as demonstrator in botany, 135
- Mallon, Alice,
- to train for grand opera, 14, 15, 19
- Marston, Hedley Ralph,
- research into treatment of citrus fruit for export, 11
- Mawson, Professor Sir Douglas,
- to represent SA at an interstate geological conference, 75, 80
- expedition, 174b
- dangers of the Antarctic, 170a
- on fate of Amundsen, 79
- doubts about south polar aviation, 101
- McBride, William John,
- appointed to engineering post in the United Kingdom, 8
- McKellar Stewart, Professor John, 10, 78, 176, 186
- Medicine, School of,
- applications called for a Demonstrator in pathology, 81
- decline in the number of medical students, 175
- need for a Women's Hospital, partly for extra training facilities for medical students, 80
- report on the development of the School of Medicine, 100
- Adelaide doctors give evidence on research and treatment of infectious diseases to Federal Royal Commission on Public Health, 63, 64, 67
- Mills, Edward Whitfield,
- appointed lecturer in accountancy, 191, 192
- Mitchell, Sir George,
- Moffat Anderson, W,
- 1922 Angas Engineering Scholarship winner, 7, 118
- Moyes, Rev J S,
- appointed Anglican Archdeacon of Adelaide, 75
- Murray, Sir George,
- 62nd birthday, 180
- going overseas, 4
- Music, School of,
- 25th anniversary of the opening of Elder Conservatorium, 178
- Clive Carey to give course of eighteen lectures on singing, 40, 43
- concerts at the Elder Conservatorium, 45, 48, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86, 90, 92, 93, 101, 105, 107, 108, 109, 112, 113, 125, 129, 133, 136, 137, 141, 148, 152, 153, 162, 173, 174, 183, 190
- conference of music teachers, 75, 76, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125
- Elder Conservatorium Association, 22, 53, 90, 135
- evening concerts to be broadcast on wireless, 39
- George Pearce piano teacher, 83
- Hilda Reimann to give violin concert in Adelaide, 42, 45
- increasing influence of the Australian Music Examinations Board, 53
- initial performance of student opera, 193
- lunch at Conservatorium for freshers, 36
- memorial for former Professor of Music John Matthew Ennis, 135
- plans to form school of opera, 11
- Professor Edward Harold Davies fears disbandment of the South Australian Orchestra, 163
- Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley,
- acknowledged as one of the influences behind the formation of Scotch College, 178
- new director of tutorial classes, 185
- on Plato, 173
- on sufferings of Greeks and Armenians, 179
- on the League of Nation’s protocol, 26, 104
- speech to League of Nations Union on Iraq, 176
- speech to Workers Educational Association on good oratory, 185
- succeeds Dr Heaton as Director of the Workers Educational Association, 178
- Pearce, George,
- piano teacher at the Conservatorium, 83
- Phillipson, Professor Coleman,
- on “Defence of Property", 9
- on corporal punishment, including the lash, 19
- on capital punishment, 31
- resignation, 54, 61, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73
- tragedy in literature, 62
- Policies and procedures,
- granting honorary degrees, 163
- policy of not granting a degree in a department without a professor, 93
- Poole, Canon Slaney,
- Prescott, Professor James Arthur,
- Prizes and awards,
- Angas Engineering Scholarship, 7
- Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship, 126a
- J G Wood awarded science research scholarship to Cambridge, 102
- winners of three free passages to Europe for further study, 109
- Professors,
- James Arthur Prescott, 98, 99, 104, 105, 109, 115, 180
- Reverend Canon Slaney Poole, 107, 111
- Edward Harold Davies, 25, 113, 123
- Frederic Wood Jones, 1, 20, 60, 186
- Coleman Phillipson, 9, 19, 31, 54, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73
- Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 44, 81, 83, 158
- Henry Darnley Naylor, 26, 104, 171, 173, 174, 176, 178, 179, 185
- Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson, 7, 8, 13, 98, 125, 126, 126a, 127, 127a, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 137, 138, 139, 140, 144, 145, 149, 150, 151, 171, 172, 181
- Thornburn Brailsford Robertson, 6, 114, 134, 136
- Horace Lamb, 161, 163, 182
- John McKellar Stewart, 10, 78, 176
- Thomas Harvey Johnston, 170, 171
- John Raymond Wilton, 141
- Public lectures,
- Publications,
- "Modern Economic History" by Dr. H. Heaton, 127
- “Marsupial Birth” by Professor Frederic Wood Jones, 60
- “The Coloured Races: problems for the future” by Sir Archibald Grenfell Price, 191
- “Great Britain and France”, by Professor Archibald Thomas Strong, 44
- paper on "Power Factor and Tariff" by Edward Vincent Clark accepted for publication by Institute of Electrical Engineers (London), 114
- Professor Archibald T. Strong on Spain, 32, 33, 34
- Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson on marketing of wheat, 7
- Puddy, Maude,
- Quesnel, Mrs,
- profile of singing teacher, 25
- Reed, Geoffrey Sandford,
- appointed secretary of South Australian Law Society, 21
- Registrar,
- Frederick William Eardley, 163
- Reimann, Hilda,
- Rennie, Henry C C,
- photograph, 164
- death of professor’s son, 160, 164
- Research,
- agricultural research at Waite Research Institute, 46, 48, 91, 98, 167, 168, 169
- Dr. Constance Davey’s research on “retarded” children, 89
- Commonwealth grant for research into growth of living cells, 35
- details of medical research into diseases, 94
- Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson on agricultural research, 4, 5, 129, 170, 171, 172, 181
- Professor Frederic Wood Jones on birth process of kangaroos and wallabies, 60
- achievements of Professor Thornburn Brailsford Robertson, 6
- Hedley R Marston’s research into treatment of citrus fruit for export, 11
- Dr J B Dawson’s research in obstetrics, 187
- evidence on health research conducted in Adelaide given to Federal Royal Commission on Public Health, 63, 64, 67
- need for a closer relationship between School of Medicine and Adelaide Hospital for medical research especially maternity issues, 63
- Dr F LeMesurier on need for strict hygiene to reduce infant mortality, 81, 83
- Residential colleges,
- opening of St Marks College, 27, 28, 33
- growth of St Marks College, 187
- unsuitability of buildings at St Marks for the Australian climate, 191
- new buildings planned for St Marks College, 148
- proposal to establish a residential college for women, 53
- Rhodes Scholarship,
- university staff on selection committee, 134
- Adelaide Rhodes Scholar Donald Sumner in Oxford tennis championship, 27, 98
- debate on women being admitted as Rhodes Scholars, 16, 22
- Henry Brose awarded PhD at Oxford, 101
- qualities needed to win scholarship, 187
- Richardson, Professor Arnold Edwin Victor, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 56, 57, 98, 126, 126a, 127, 127a, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 144, 145, 146, 150, 151, 170, 171, 172, 181, 189
- Robertson, Professor Brailsford Thornburn, 6, 35, 114, 134, 136
- Roseworthy Agricultural College,
- annual re-union of old collegians, 172
- Walter Colebatch and R Baker on breeding dairy stock, 28
- Harry Kingsley Lewcock going to America to investigate eradication of prickly pear, 136, 137
- Principal Walter Colebatch to join advisory committee for Minister of Agriculture, 162
- Rutherford, Sir Ernest,
- nuclear researcher to give two lectures, 22
- to lecture in Brookman Hall, 147
- lecture on "The Structure of the Atom", 164, 165, 166
- reprint of article by Professor O. U. Vonwiller about Sir Ernest Rutherford, 174-leaflet
- School of Mines,
- extension to Bonython Laboratories, 43
- Secondary education,
- plans to establish an agricultural high school for boys at Urrbrae, 51
- new building for Teachers Training College planned, 43, 115
- success of Kuitpo forestry camps for high school students, 125
- Shepley, Leslie,
- Schultz, Frederick Balfour Mr,
- appointed third associate of the Supreme Court, 170a
- Somerville, Dorothy,
- co-founder of first women's legal firm in Commonwealth, 14
- South Australian Orchestra,
- conductor, William Henry Foote, 77
- Professor Edward Harold Davies fears disbandment, 163
- South Australian Public Teachers' Union,
- Sport,
- inter-varsity hockey tournament in Adelaide, 155
- effect of selection of colts on university cricket team, 164
- Staff,
- staff movements, 12
- applications called for a Demonstrator in pathology, 81
- vacancies in law, forestry and economics, 95
- Stanton Hicks, Cedric,
- appointed as Marks Lecturer in Applied Physiology, 37
- Storer, Dr R,
- to return to Adelaide, 25
- Strong, Professor Sir Archibald Thomas, 44, 81, 83, 158
- Student activities,
- Student statistics,
- expansion of the university in its first fifty years, 188
- Sumner, Donald James,
- wins Oxford tennis championship, 27, 98
- Taylor, Helene Miss,
- adopts stage name of Miss Adelaide Cardanelli, 126
- wins Pareparos Gold Medal, 126
- photograph, 126
- Teachers Training College,
- new building for teacher training, 43, 115
- Technology,
- lecture broadcast by wireless, 152
- evening concerts from Elder Conservatorium to be broadcast on wireless, 39
- Travel grants,
- university to provide three free passages to Europe for students, 97, 109
- Universities, other
- United States universities to require students to have a general degree before entering a professional one, 85
- Verco, Sir Joseph,
- 75th birthday and career summary, 134
- Veterinary science, Study of,
- qualifications for veterinary surgeons, 155
- Wainwright, J,
- secretary to the Royal Commission on the Thousand Homes Scheme, 143
- Waite Institute,
- gifts to the Institute, 18, 37, 101, 103, 135, 191
- important discoveries in the first six months, 167, 168, 169
- interstate praise for research done at the Institute, 22
- progress in agricultural research, 4, 5
- Wilton, Professor John Raymond,
- lecture on “Russian Problems”, 192
- Women students/graduates,
- applications called for Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship, 126a
- new admissions to the Bar includes two women, 42, 47
- Mary Kitson and Dorothy Somerville establish first female legal service, 49
- Dr Constance Davey's research on "sub-normal" children, 89
- discussion on women being admitted as Rhodes Scholars, 14, 22
- Gertrude Jude BSc appointed as delegate to National Council of Women at international conference in Washington DC, 26, 31
- pianist Maude Puddy, 37
- South Australian contralto Charlotte Grivell's success in London, 38
- first female lawyer to appear in the South Australian Industrial Court, 50
- violinist Hilda Reimann to return to Adelaide, 42
- Wood, Joseph Garnett,
- awarded science research scholarship to Cambridge, 102
- Wood Jones, Professor Frederic, 1, 20, 60, 186
- Workers Educational Association,
- programme, 22
- growth, 45, 86, 97
- Professor Henry Darnley Naylor appointed director, 178, 179, 185
- lectures for October, November, 185
- Zelling, Howard, 89
- Zoology, Study of,
- Frederick George Holdaway appointed assistant lecturer, 53, 104