Index to Volume 15 (1925 - 1926) - University Newscuttings Books
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American anthropologists visit aboriginal camp, 4 , 5 , 11
Dr Herbert Basedow researches aboriginal religious beliefs, 11
Professor Edwin R. Embree visits Tarcoola Aborigines, 12
Sir Joseph Verco recalls Aborigines in Botanic Park, 5
origins of Aborigines, 4 , 5
Dr Thomas Draper Campbell on dental caries among Aborigines, 169
Royal Society of South Australia meeting paper on Aborigines, 188
Dr Campbell’s book titled Dentition and Palate of the Australian Aboriginal, 169
dental caries among Australian Aborigines, 169a
Accountancy & auditing, Study of,
1925 examination results, 9
Adams, Rev. Reginald Keith Sorby,
ordination at St Peter's Cathedral, 146 , 147 , 150
Adams, Alfred John,
lecturer at Roseworthy Agricultural College, 196
Adelaide Bach Society,
to perform with South Australian Orchestra, 100
Adelaide Repertory Theatre,
Adelaide University Magazine, 112
Agriculture, Study of,
agricultural high school to be built at Urrbrae, 96
Altmann, Dr. Herbert Franz,
appointed Officer of Health to the Freeling Board of Health, 100
Allen, Miss Eleanor Alice,
delegate at the 10th International Woman Suffrage Alliance in Paris, 189
Allen, Charles,
addresses students on education and duties of secretaries, 75 , 77
Allen, Sir Harry,
obituary of pathologist and dean of Melbourne University, 79 , 82
Alexander Clark Memorial Prize,
awarded to Joyce Elizabeth Watson, 12
Andrew Scott Prize for Latin,
to Frederic Stephen Hodby, 12
Angus, Dr. William Roy,
acting for Dr Ryan at Nhill in his absence, 64
Anthoney, Ernest, MP,
the need for a wider vision on forestry issues, 55
on forestry, 135
Anthropology, study of,
see also Aborigines
The Natives of the Purari Delta by Francis Edgar Williams, 16
Rev F W Brasher reports of the medical campaign in Papua by Australian officers, 16
Annual report,
Art works,
23rd anniversary of the unveiling of the Elder statue, 196
Arts, Study of,
regulations changed, 6
1925 examination results, 7 , 8 , 12 , 13 , 21
Ashhurst, Thomas W.,
Rhodes Scholar now in Sydney, 164
progress at Oxford, 9
returns from Oxford, 60
Athletics Club annual sports day results, 118
Inter-University Athletic Championships to be held in Adelaide, 122
Inter-University Sports won by Melbourne, 136
Australian Association for the Advancement of Science,
book of 1924 Science Congress held in Adelaide available shortly, 120
18th meeting to be held in Perth, 58 , 59
Ayres, Ivy,
appointed teacher of aural culture and musical appreciation, 45 , 80 , 81 , 82
Baines, Stanley,
Baker, Thomas,
gift of £20,000 to Biochemistry Department, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, 50
Barnard, Howard,
to commence work in United Kingdom, 61
Barr Smith Prize for Greek,
to Harrold Burls Wilson, 12
Barwell, Sir Henry Newman,
biography, 62
to retain the "Honourable' title for life, 159
Basedow, Dr. Herbert,
researches aboriginal religious beliefs, 11
leader of new expedition to northern Australia, 116 , 118 , 119
invited to deliver a course of lectures at University of Hamburg, 119
to lecture at Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science in Perth, 143 , 146 , 168
Bayly, William Reynolds,
speaker at the conference of the Education Society, 154 , 155 , 157
Beard, Dr. Jack Roland,
returned to Adelaide, 52 , 58
appointed honorary assistant physician of the Infectious Diseases Block, Adelaide Hospital, 33
Beare, Professor Thomas Hudson,
knighted, 58 , 59
biography of first holder of the South Australian Scholarship, 162
Bequests, gifts & endowments,
Sir Langdon Bonython’s gift for endowing the Chair of Law, 79 , 81 , 82
Thomas Baker’s gift of £20,000 to Biochemistry Department, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, 50
1925 annual report, 67
Bergson, Professor,
invitation to French philosopher to lecture in Australia, 104
Berry, Frances Winifred,
on committee for the Education Society conference, 154 , 155
Betts, Dr. Lionel Oxborrow,
to report on treatment of crippled children in US, 177
leaving to study orthopaedic work in England, 190
Bevan, Frederick,
seriously ill, 25
farewell social, 47 , 49
writes from abroad, 141
Biaggini, Ernest Gordon,
lectures in Renmark for Workers Educational Association, 132
Bickersteth, Rev Kenneth Julian Faithfull,
Headmaster of St Peters College to travel to Great Britain, 12
Visiting schools in UK, 195
Biochemistry, Study of,
1925 examination results, 8
Bishop, John,
tribute to first public concert in Derby, 86 , 89
Bleby, Dorothy Aileen,
awarded John Howard Clark Prize, 12
Bonython, Hon. Sir Langdon, KCMG,
gift for endowing the Chair of Law, 79 , 81 , 82
on retirement age, 40
bust sculpture presented, 105 , 106 , 108
President of the South Australian School of Mines & Industries since 1889, 70
senior on the roll of South Australian Knights, 70
Booth, S. Russell,
profile of chairman of the Board of Commercial Studies, 76
Botany, Study of,
1925 examination results, 7 , 8
improvements at Flinders Chase of state’s flora and fauna, 6
Bragg, Sir William,
lecture to children in London, 57
recalls his earlier life, 130 , 157 , 163
member of the Library Board, 153
Brasher, Rev. F. W.,
the medical campaign in the territory of Papua New Guinea, 16
Brookman, Sir George,
resigns as chair of Finance Committee of Council, 162
Brose, Dr. Henry,
returned to South Australia, 68 , 69 , 93 , 95
1913 Rhodes Scholar, 164
Brown, Dr. Jethro,
Professor of Law for 10 years, 81
Browne, Clifford Harding,
appointed to lectureship in Commercial Practice, 24
appointed Secretary to the Paterson stabilisation scheme, 40
Bruce, Wallace,
Adelaide's Lord Mayor elect, 4
Physics and Engineering School recently completed, 159
Cairns, Dr. Hugh William Bell,
coverage of calendar of the University of Adelaide, 64
new term begins, 71 , 72
proposals to revise the calendar, 68 , 102
Campbell, Dr. Thomas Draper,
visit to Ooldea to collect data on the natives, 133
appointed Dental Superintendent of the Adelaide Hospital, 14
published a book called Dentition and Palate of the Australian Aboriginal, 169
Campbell, Professor Arthur Lang,
appointed Professor of Law, 45 , 51 , 56
to speak at League of Nations Union luncheon, 61
Cant, Leonard George,
Carey, Francis Clive Savill,
brought several operatic songs back from England, 65
comments on Australians as musically shy, 10
expertise in production of opera, 3 , 4
opera classes, 73 , 74
operas produced by Carey open, 1
President of Society for the Study and Revival of Folk Singing and Dancing, 168
recital broadcast throughout Great Britain, 61
to perform in Melbourne, 168
Carrington, Rev. P.,
special preacher St Peter's Cathedral, 38
Cartledge, Herbert Henry,
Ceremonies & celebrations,
photograph of King's Birthday Levee procession, 147
University Ball for Jubilee, 170 , 176
Christian Brothers' Old Scholars Annual Communion Breakfast, 123
Commemoration, 28 , 29 , 30
University Jubilee celebrations, 65 , 69 , 134 , 155 , 175
Chapman, Professor Robert William,
biography (photograph), 35
lecture on ‘Sounding the Depths of Stars’, 96
evidence to Commission on application of power to secondary industries, 91 , 92 , 93
representative at conference for all Australian universities, 126 , 129
seeks registration of municipal engineers, 149
Chapman, Robert Hall,
son of Professor Robert William Chapman, designed and built new Murray Bridge, 1
Chief Engineer for Railways going on business trip to United Kingdom and USA, 32
Charlesworth, Thomas William,
Chemistry, Study of,
1925 examination results, 7 , 9 , 13
Dr W A Hargreaves on alternative motor fuels, 108
experiments in wood alcohol abandoned, 181
Chinner, Dr. M. E.,
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital, 24
Christie, Dr. William,
appointed Medical Inspector of Schools, 56
Christie, Patrick Joseph,
admitted to degree of Bachelor of Laws, 31
biography, 61
Clark, Edward Vincent,
biography of lecturer in Engineering, 98
Classical Association,
paper given by David Henry Hollidge, MA, 140
Cleland, Professor Sir John Burton,
researching vocational diseases among timber workers, 98
results of enquiry into diseases from wood, 70 , 71 , 72
Clubs, societies and associations,
Adelaide University Commerce Students' Society, 85 , 121 , 125
Athletics Club, 118
Classical Association, 140
Commonwealth Institute of Accountants, 129 , 130
Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand, 176
Graduates Association, 23
Johnian Club, 157
League of Nations Union, 152
Poetry Society, 145
Royal Society of South Australia, 188
State Dental Society, 6 , 8
University Shakespeare Society, 1
Cockburn, Sir John Alexander,
biography, 70 , 73 , 190
to retain title of ‘The Honourable’, 159
Colebatch, Walter John,
absences of Roseworthy College Principal criticised, 145 , 196
photograph, 196
innovations in curriculum, 191
withdrawal from Roseworthy College, 196
Collins, J. R., CMG,
Secretary of the Federal Treasury, 73
Commerce, Faculty of,
appointments to Board of Studies, 34
Commerce Students' Society,
annual meeting, 85
annual dinner, 121 , 125
Commerce, Study of,
results, 9 , 12 , 21
position of commerce students in relation to representing university in sport questioned, 135
studies requisite to obtain diploma in commerce, 42
Professors Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, Darnley Naylor, McKellar Stewart and Mr Grenfell Price representatives on the joint committee for the W.E.A. tutorial classes, 161
Commonwealth Institute of Accountants,
Commonwealth Institute of Science & Industry,
see also research
University approached for closer cooperation, 137
Comparative Philology, Study of,
examination results, 12 , 13
Conferences and seminars,
delegates to the Australian State School Teachers' Federation leave for Hobart, 32
Australian Universities Conference held in Melbourne, 134 , 135 , 136
conference on cancer to be supported financially by Commonwealth Government to ensure uniform policy on prevention of cancer, 144
fifty students to attend conference in Berwick, Victoria, 80
Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science Conference in Perth, 143 , 146 , 161 , 168 , 173 , 189
Education Society Conference, 172 , 178 , 179 , 180 , 181 , 182 , 183 , 184 , 185 , 186
10th congress of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance held in London, 189
Continuing education,
Professor Darnley Naylor in the Riverland to address Worker's Educational Association, 132
Coombs, Mr H. I.,
Copland, Professor,
Professor from Melbourne University to represent the Laura Spelman Rockeller memorial in Australia, 85
report from his travels overseas on social science, modern business methods, 141
Cornish, Dr. J. R.,
appointed house surgeon at the Dreadnought Hospital, Greenwich, London, 35
Council, University of Adelaide,
new Council members elected, 6 , 10
regulations changed, 6 , 10
letter about number of judges on the council, 9
members may attend the levee at Government House, 136
council nominated Dr William Thornborough Hayward as its representative on the Medical Board, 132
council asked to nominate research workers for training abroad, 133 , 134
voted for the establishment of a Chair of Modern Languages, 161
University grant increased to enable provision of night lectures, 161
Sir George Brookman has resigned as Chairman, Finance Committee, 162
Creswell Scholarship,
awarded to Violet Agnes Watson, Vanda Dorothy Bailey, Rex Arden Higginbottom, 70
Crocker, Walter Russell,
first class result for Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts, 7
Curtis, Miss Daisy R.,
awarded Helen Spence Scholarship, 13 , 14 , 18 , 19
photograph, 18
transfers to Adelaide to pursue studies, 61
Davey, Dr. Constance,
address regarding provisions for the feeble minded, 110
David, Professor Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth, DSc,
book on geology delayed due to illness, 162
to publish a book on The Geology of Australia, 4 , 121
receives honorary Degree of Doctor of Science from Cambridge University, 57
wins Royal Geographical Medal, 85
David Murray Scholarship for Roman Law,
awarded to Kenneth Churchill Duffield, 12
David Thomas Scholarship,
awarded to Phillip Cornelius Hogan, 12
Davies, Dr. Harold, Mus. Doc.,
argues for music for children, 98
concert for school children, 166 , 167 , 168 , 169
comment on address to children on ‘What is music?’, 170
to conduct South Australian Orchestra, 92
suggests use of part of Government House grounds for concerts, 78
on the benefits of wireless for music studies, 164
organ recitals, 129 , 132 , 149 , 150 , 154 , 171 , 172
supports singing of “The Song of Australia” at football carnival, 137
celebrating 59th birthday, 189
short biography, photograph, 187
pleads for support for the South Australian Orchestra, 113
photograph, 63 , 113 , 187
addresses opening activities of 1926 year, 63 , 64 , 65 , 69 , 72
travels to Melbourne with string quartet, 168 , 190
Davies, Dr. Whitridge,
biography of son of Professor Harold Davies, 21
Dawson, Dr. J. B.,
appointed to be a member of the Board of Optical Registration, 47
annual commemoration, 25
conferring of degrees in Law, Science, Arts, Engineering, Applied Science, 123 , 124 , 125
Dental Society of SA,
annual dinner, 6 , 8
Dr Thomas Draper Campbell appointed dental superintendent at Adelaide Hospital, 14
conference on preparation of people to work in schools’ dentistry scheme, 60
registered dentists to oppose the idea of dental nurses becoming "school dentists", 159
H. Gill Williams on Industrial Dentistry at Rotary Club luncheon, 97
Dentistry, Faculty of,
allegations concerning examination papers, 32
alleged sale of examination papers in N.S.W., 39
Dr. T. D. Campbell, Dr. Arthur Chapman, Sir Joseph Verco to represent Adelaide University at dental conference in Melbourne, 121 , 125
appointment of lecturers, 34
Sir Joseph Verco attends national conference to discuss uniformity in dental courses, 133 , 135
regulations changed, 6
examination results, 4 , 16 , 21
Dodwell, G. F.,
Government Astrologer to visit Greenwich Observatory, 81
Doolette, D. L.,
Arts graduate obituary, 13
Duffield, Kenneth Churchill,
awarded David Murray Scholarship for Roman Law, 12
Stow Prize, 12
South Australian Orchestra performed modern works by Kenneth Duffield, 173 , 174
biography and photograph, 56
During, George Harold,
inventor of a petrol saver, 91
Economic History, Study of,
1925 examination results, 7
Economic Society of Australia,
meeting, 176
SA branch members submitting papers for publication, 52
W A K McKee appointed assistant secretary, 188
appeal for additional members, 101 , 102
Education Society,
conference on education for citizenship, 154 , 155 , 157
Education, Study of,
1925 examination results, 7
report of Minister of Education, 106
Edwards, Dr. H. T. J.,
appointed honorary dental surgeon, 14
Ekres, Theodora Allman Ekres,
awarded Scholarship for Theory of Music, 12
Elder Conservatorium,
performances of “ The Magic Flute” and "Dido and Aeneas", 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
concert by students and presentation of associates in music, 12 , 13
conferring of diplomas at final concert for the year, 15 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 21
term commencement, 56 , 58
opening of 1926 Session, 63 , 64
announcement of 1926 series of concerts, 69 , 72 , 73
opera classes in full swing, 74
Elder Conservatorium String Quartet, 78 , 89 , 92 , 96 , 100 , 104 , 151 , 153 , 154 , 168 , 190
first student concert, 81 , 82
music for children, 98
proceeds of community singing to aid Richard Watson, Elder Scholar, 196
manual of information available, 43 , 44
midday organ recital by Professor Harold Davies, 129 , 132 , 149
chamber music recital, 133 , 134
lunch time concerts, 137 , 138
staff perform in concert, 150 , 156
Elder Scholarship,
awarded to Richard Charles Watson, 14
Elizabeth Jackson Memorial,
Ellis, Arthur Benjamin, BA,
on committee of the Education Society, 154 , 155 , 157
Ellis, F. E.,
appointed assistant surveyor, Engineer-in-Chief's Department, 47
Ellis, J. B., BA,
elected secretary of the Institute of Associated Teachers, 72
Embree, Professor Edwin R.,
visiting American anthropologist, 4 , 5 , 6 , 12
Employment conditions,
employment bureau established in connection with the University, 170
problems in the UK coal industry, 106
time spent by University graduates obtaining a degree to be counted as time spent in the public service, 129 , 132
teaching institutions to cooperate in the training of public service officers, 62
Engineering, Faculty of,
new building for engineering section, 43 , 44 , 159
registration of engineers, 86 , 101 , 172
Engineering, Study of,
1925 examination results, 8 , 13
English Language & Literature, Study of,
1925 examination results, 7 , 12
Ethnology, Study of,
examination results, 12 , 13
Eugene Alderman Scholarship,
awarded to Hartley Williams, 12
Evans, Dr. H. M.,
Evening lectures,
teachers & college students able to attend night lectures next year, 160 , 161 , 188 , 195
Ewart, Professor A. T.,
appointed as delegate to Adelaide University jubilee celebrations, 116
entrance examinations for Public Service, 2
increased entries for intermediate, leaving and leaving honours examinations, 2
complaint about overloading of the school curriculum, 2
Intermediate Arithmetic examination complaint, 14
public school examinations at the University, 25
examiners of doctoral science theses appointed, 32
examiners of surveyors appointed, 32
Extension lectures,
Professor Sir Archibald Strong delivers a series of lectures on "Satire and some Great English Satirists", 146 , 152 , 158
series on "The New Physics and the New Astrology" by Professor Sir Kerr Grant, 153 , 166 , 167 , 177 , 188 , 189
NSW extension Lectures not well attended, 37
extension lectures arranged for June, 111
Fay, Professor,
unable to accept offer of a lecture tour, 79
Fenner, Dr. C. E., FGS,
Superintendent of Technical Education, photograph, 117 , 119
Fisher, Trythenia Ellen,
intermediate & leaving examinations passed with credits, 56
Florey, Dr. Howard Walter, MBBS,
Foale, Harold,
Elder Conservatorium student studying at the Leipzig Conservatorium, 137
Foote, W. H., ARCM,
views on training musicians, 116
The Need for a Wider Vision by E. Anthoney MP, 57 , 59 , 135
the Stringy Bark, valuable tree of commerce, 16
a lesson in forestry from India, 21
Minister Butterfield on comments on government policy, 52
International Forestry Conference to be held in Rome, 56
Forestry, School of,
little inducement for forestry graduates, 46
forestry scholarships, 58
Professor Mawson on lost possibilities with federal forestry school, 24
Professor N. W. Jolly to be principal of the Australian Forestry School, 20
first session of Australian Forestry School in Adelaide, 80
Victoria unhappy with temporary Forestry School in Adelaide, 69 , 83
success of Forestry School in Adelaide, 139 , 163
students staying at Kuitpo Forest, 119
Formby, Dr. Myles Landseer,
Rhodes Scholar, 164
selected for combined Oxford & Cambridge lacrosse team, 47
Fox, Dr. R. O.,
appointed resident medical officer at Adelaide Hospital, 43
French, Study of,
1925 examination results, 7
Fry, Dr. Henry Kenneth, BSc, MBBS,
Fyfe, Dorothy Mary,
awarded John Bagot Scholarship and Medal, 12
Gaetjens, Gertrude Vera,
awarded Roby Fletcher Prize, 12
Garnett Dr. A. C., MA, Litt.D,
the philosophy of New Year resolutions, 40 , 41
biography and photograph, 77
received degree of D. Litt, 35
neglected opportunities for access to higher education of the masses, 85
Gartrell, Dr. Eric Frank, MBBS,
married in England to Miss Ridpath, 89
arriving at Outer Harbour, 172
Gartrell, James,
health concerns, 21
obituary and photograph, 22
Geography, Study of,
1925 examination results, 9
Geology, Study of,
1925 examination results, 7 , 9
German, Study of,
1925 examination results, 7 , 8
Gibson, William,
bequeathed monies to fund a scholarship for medical women, 46 , 48
Gill, Hilda, AMUA,
performance at weekly organ recital in Elder Hall, 154
Gillam, D., MA,
on committee of the Education Society, 154 , 157
Girdlestone, Rev. Canon Henry, MA,
Glynn, Dr. R. McM.,
returns from post graduate studies in UK and Europe, 2
appointed ophthalmologist to the Adelaide Children's Hospital, 112
Glynn, The Hon. Patrick McMahon, LLB,
to retain "Honourable" title for life, 159
Goldsworthy, Geoffrey,
awarded an Elder scholarship, 82
Government relations,
unemployment in Great Britain, 12 , 13
government custom of filling important positions from interstate, 125
progress of new buildings for Technical College, Teachers' Training College, Engineering and Physics School and Adelaide Hospital, 83 , 84
appeals for Federal money for universities, 160
time spent by University graduates obtaining a degree to be counted as time spent in the public service, 129 , 132
Agricultural Graduates Land Settlement Act 1925, 86
Graduates Association,
Graduation ceremonies,
annual commemoration, 22
special congregation for conferring of degrees, 111
Grant, Professor Kerr,
lecture on ‘The Value of Wireless in the Laboratory’, 1
photograph, 55
on American invention of extinguishing fires, 55
appointed Honorary Government Astronomer, 88
lecture on ‘The New Physics and the New Astronomy’, 111 , 177
on recent discoveries in solar and stellar radiation, 147 , 148
tested the mica from recent deposits found in Northern Australia, 152
to address the Science Congress on ‘Atomic Transformation’, 168
Greek, Study of,
1925 examination results, 7 , 8
Greenham, A. H.,
appointed Accountant for the Agent - General, London, 120
Grigg, Bernard G., LLB
biography and photograph, 48
Grivell, Charlotte, C.,
studying at the Royal College of Music, London, 175
Groom, Sir Littleton,
resignation of Federal Attorney General, 36
University wanting to occupy the land recently vacated by the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society, 187
discussion on site for University, 150
work of groundsman J. Howlett, 37
Hackett, Sir Winthrop,
estate of Sir Winthrop Hackett bequest to University of Western Australia, 113
Hague, John Meyrick, LLB,
appointed Clerk of Arraigns in the Supreme Court Department, 177
Hall, Sir Daniel,
speaks on Agricultural Research and its relation to the Community, 142
Halley, Dr. Gertrude,
on committee of the Education Society, 154 , 155 , 157
Hamp, Dr. Marian,
Resident Medical Officer, Adelaide Hospital, 52 , 56
Hancock, G. A., MA, Dip. Ed.,
appointed resident teacher at Scots College, Warwick, Queensland, 35
Hancock, Professor William Keith,
appointed Professor of History, 45
to arrive in 1926, 15 , 64 , 69
biography, 60 , 73 , 74 , 75
photograph, 73
new publication on Ricasoli and the Risorgimento, 121
peace address to the League of Nations Union, 110 , 111
concern over lack of books for study, 94 , 98
Hannan, A. J.,
appointed Acting Crown Solicitor, 89
Hardy, Mabel Phyllis, BA,
appointed principal of Arthurs Seat Girls School, 154
Harmer, Bishop John Reginald, MA,
Harris, Clare Sparkes,
admitted to the Bar, 101
photograph, 102
Harrower, Dr. Henry,
visiting lecturer from California, 34
Harry, Geoffrey Harry, LLB,
biography and photograph, 57
Harvey, Faith,
success in music and photograph, 49 , 55
Haskard, G. H. B., BSc,
brief biography and photograph, 52
Hayward, Dr. William Thornborough, CMG, MRCS,
Council’s representative on the Medical Board of South Australia, 132 , 133
Haywood, E. L.,
admitted to Bar and photograph, 34
Health & safety,
Dr Smalpage's tubercular serum issued to all states for controlled experiment, 119
study of the effects of working conditions in the timber industry on workers, 62
Federal and State governments to cooperate in public health concerns, 100
Heath, Sir Frank, KCB,
Secretary of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, London, 24
photograph, 24
recommendations for reconstitution of the Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry, 78 , 90 , 91
luncheon address, 28
address to Advisory Council, 33
Heaton, Dr. Herbert
obervations on differences between Canadian and Australian climates and communities, 109
Helen Spence Scholarship,
awarded to Daisy R. Curtis, 14
Hicks, Dr. Cedric Stanton,
appointed lecturer in Applied Physiology, 45
due to take up lectureship in medicine, 80 , 85
biography, 49 , 51 , 97 , 98
photographs, 49 , 51 , 97
gift to university of colony of cancer animals, 51
Higginbottom, R. A.,
awarded Creswell Scholarship, 82
History, Faculty of,
Professor William Keith Hancock new Chair of History, 60
Professor Hancock disappointed at the lack of books for history study, 94
History, Study of,
Melbourne University the first to introduce a course in Australian history, 85 , 95
Holden, Edward Wheewall, BSc,
elected to City Council, 19
leaving for Britain by the Maloja, 60
biography, 66
returned from study of roads and car manufacturing in UK and USA, 164
photograh, 60 , 66 , 164
Hodby, Frederic Stephen,
awarded Andrew Scott Prize for Latin, 12
Hogan, Phillip Cornelius,
awarded the Davies Thomas Scholarships, 12
Hollidge, David Henry, MA,
reviews "The Catilinarian Conspiracy" at Classical Association, 140
speaker at the Education Society Conference, 154 , 155 , 157
Holmes, Edna Lucy, BA, LLB,
awarded Jefferis Memorial Medal, 12
Holtham, Richard, BA,
Honorary Secretary, Education Society, 154 , 155
Hone, Dr. Frank R.,
appointed honorary assistant physician, Consumptive Home, Adelaide Hospital, 81
Hone, Dr. Frank Sandland,
Sectional President at the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 143
speaker at the Education Society Conference, 154 , 155 , 157
on "Notification and its relation to the Prevention of Disease", 168
Hossfeld, P. S.,
presents paper with Professor Douglas Mawson on aboriginal occupation in the Olary district, 88
Howard, Dr. Standord,
Rhodes Scholar, 164
married Miss Thelma Lee in London, 108
Howchin, Professor Walter, FGS,
editor of "Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia" new edition, 34
biography and photograph, 43
presents paper to The Royal Society, "The Geology of Victor Harbor, Inman Valley, and the Yankalilla District", 148
work commended in report of the British Science Guild, 178
paper on extinct emu of Kangaroo Island, 88
Hughes, E. S.,
Imperial Debating Team, 120 , 121 , 123 , 124 , 125 , 126 , 127
Indigenous issues,
see also Aborigines
‘The tragedy of an extinct race’ by Frederick Wood-Jones, 139 , 140
Infectious Diseases Hospital,
doctors request urgent establishment, 146
Institute of Associated Teachers,
Institute of Engineers,
Irwin, R.,
awarded prize for best attendance in first year of Law, 81
Isbister, W. J., KC,
elected member of University Council, 9
leaves for England, 102
brief biography, 176
Isles, Keith Sydney,
awarded Tinline Scholarship, 12
Jackson, Elizabeth,
Elizabeth Jackson memorial, 2
Jackson, Joan,
tied winner of Tennyson Medal for English, 49 , 52
photograph, 52
Jauncey, Professor George Eric Macdonnell, DSc,
returning for jubilee celebrations, 132 , 133
visit cancelled, 178 , 179 , 183
Jay, Dr. Hubert Melville, MBBS,
appointed honorary oral surgeon, Adelaide Hospital, 153
Jeanes, W. H.,
appointed secretary of the Cricket Association, 196
photograph, 196
Jefferis, Arthur Tarlton, BSc,
State agricultural chemist and Superintendent of Science Laboratories, Roseworthy Agricultural College, 196
Jefferis Memorial Medal,
awarded to Edna Lucy Holmes, BA, LLB, 12
Jessop, C. L., LLB,
elected to the Adelaide City Council, 19
John Creswell Scholarship,
applications to be received, 46
John Howard Clark Prize,
awarded to Dorothy Aileen Bleby, 12
Johnston, Professor Thomas Harvey, DSc,
to deliver lecture at Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science Conference, 143 , 146 , 168
Jolly, Professor Norman William,
Principal of the Commonwealth School of Forestry, 12
leaves Adelaide, 45
students from all states come to Australian Forestry School, 163
Jones, Dr. A. T. Britten,
appointed Surgical Registrar, Adelaide Hospital, 64
Jones, Dr. Edmund Britten, MBBS,
Jones, Elizabeth May,
awarded the Robert Whinham Prize, 12
Jones, Professor Frederic Wood,
returns from UK and USA, 108
presents paper to the Royal Society on ‘Flight of Sea Birds’, 148
delivered annual Lister Oration on "Disease and the individual", 131
to address the Science Congress on, "The claims of the Australian Aboriginal", 168
work commended in the annual report of the British Science Guild, 178
involved with the management of Flinders Chase fauna and flora, 185
Joyce, Eileen,
talented 17 year old pianist, 112 , 114
Jubilee of University of Adelaide
Julius, G. A.,
appointed Chairman of the new Advisory Council of the Institute of Science and Industry, 77 , 91
Kangaroo Island,
scientific discoveries made at Flinders Chase, 50
Kearnan, Joseph Reginald, LLB,
Biography and photograph, 60
Kelly, William Raymond, LLB,
Mayor of Yorketown, photograph, 151
Kennion, Bishop George Wyndham, MA,
recollections of a pioneering bishop, 176
mentioned in St Peter's Cathedral Jubilee records, 165 , 166
photograph, 165
Kerr, Dr. Donald M. M., LLD,
biography and photograph, 46
Kerr Grant, Professor,
see Grant, Professor Kerr
Ketzel, Dr K.S.,
appointed temporary assistant physician at the Adelaide Hospital, 106
Kiek, Rev Principal Edward Sidney, MA,
opinions on Australian education,192
Kiek, Winifred, BA, BD,
accepted the charge of the Congregational Church at Colonel Light Gardens, 111
Koonamore Vegetation Reserve,
research of saltbush flora and rejuvenation of timber, 144
Korff, Adrian,
disappearance of student, 2
Kriewaldt, Martin Chemnitz, LLB,
biography and photograph, 58
Latham, J. G.,
new Federal Attorney General, photograph, 36
Lathlean, Cliff,
studying music in London under Mr Clay, 116
Latin, Study of,
1925 examination results, 7 , 8
Laver, Professor W. A.,
to conduct music examinations, 3
Ormond Professor of Music, Melbourne University resigns, 21
Law, Faculty of,
1925 examination results, 7 , 8 , 9 , 21
regulations changed, 6
exemption from rules for students Patricia Hackett and Claude J O Philcox, 25
appointment of E. W. Benham and R. N. Finlayson as lecturers, 34
students to hold debates similar to an appeal to the Privy Council, 111
graduates admitted to the Bar, 31 , 32 , 34 , 100 , 101 , 102
photograph of graduates, 102
‘Functions of a Law School’, address by Professor Lang-Campbell, 103
Law Society of South Australia,
appreciation of endowment of the School of Law by Sir Langdon Bonython, 100
Law Students Society,
League of Nations,
Professor Darnley Naylor on USA entrance into the League of Nations, 60
Sir Henry Lunn gives lecture on League of Nations as a force for Peace, 137
League of Nations Union,
address by Dr A C Garnett, 152
Professor McKellar Stewart address on the ideals of the League, 122
see also evening lectures, public lectures, extension lectures
A Grenfell Price on "Geographical economics", 103
"Australia as a Field for Overseas Settlers" by Professor A. E. W. Richardson, 11
Professor Kerr Grant on solar and stellar radiation in the Earth’s atmosphere, 147 , 148
Adelaide Diocesan Social Union arranging Sunday evening lectures, 196
Leitch, Dr. Oliver,
Lendon, Dr. A. A.,
re-appointed president of the Mental Board, 33
writes his ‘Impressions of Las Palmas’, 51
appointed member of the Medical Board of South Australia, 147
Lewcock, H. Kingsley, BSc,
studying fungal and bacterial destruction of prickly pear in America, 55 , 56
observations regarding eradication of prickly pear, 116 , 117
photograph, 116
Lewis, Dr. Aubrey J.,
visited Ooldea to collect data on the natives in that region, 133
appointed medical registrar, Adelaide Hospital, 64
Lewis, Dr. J. B.,
appointed honorary assistant opthalmologist, Adelaide Hospital, 153
Lewis, A. J., MBBS,
awarded Rockefeller Fellowship for study in psychological medicine, 50
profiles on some of the Public Library Board members, 153
Public Library monthly meeting minutes, 193
reorganisation of public library administration urged, 194
University students using the Royal Colonial Institutes library, 196
Lindon, Dr. Leonard Charles Edward, MBBS,
Lister Oration,
delivered by Professor F Wood Jones on ‘Disease and Individuality’, 131 , 132
Literary Societies Union,
annual debate "That banking and insurance in Australia should be controlled by the Commonwealth Government", 118
Lowrie Scholarship,
awarded to Maxwell Jacobs, 24
regulations changed, 6
MacFarland, Sir John,
Chancellor of Melbourne University returns from UK, 16
MacKay, Alexander Leslie Gordon, MA, MEc,
report on Premiers Conferences, 154
new thoughts for Empire Day, 123
future of the British Commonwealth, 149 , 156 , 162 , 174
comment on 1926 British Budget, 104
foreign policy of the United States of America in regard to the League of Nations, 158
Mackay, Donald,
equipping expedition to northern Australia, 116
Mackennal, Sir Bertram, RA,
first Australian artist to receive a knighthood, 58
Mackenzie, Dr. E. V. Y.,
visiting neurologist from Glasgow University, 36 , 37
McCarthy, Walter James, BA, BSc,
educating the young, 161
photograph, 161
McCoy, William Taylor,
to address conference of the Education Society, 154 , 155 , 157
photograph, 17b
McDonnell, J. C., MA,
biography and photograph, 95
McKechnie, Alan,
to work at British General Electric Company UK, 61
Madigan, C. J., MA, DSc,
paper describing organic remains found at Mypolonga, 119
Madigan, Cecil Thomas, BS, MA,
lecture on his time in the Sudan, 79
1911 Rhodes Scholar, 164
Madley, L. G.,
first principal of the Teacher's Training College, 144
photograph, 144
appointment in 1876, 65
Maegraith, Brian Gilmore,
awarded The Elder Prize, 12
Magarey, Dr. Rupert Eric, MBBS,
appointed Honorary assistant gynaecologist, Adelaide Hospital, 153
Maiden, J. H.,
tribute to botantist by Professor T. G. B. Osborn, 3
Mallon, Alice, AMUA,
chosen for Gilbert & Sullivan season in Melbourne, 50
photograph, 50
Mathematics, Faculty of,
Sir William Bragg recalling events as Professor of Mathematics and Physics, 157
1925 examination results, 8 , 13
see Public Examinations Board
Mawson, Sir Douglas,
interview on the eating of horse flesh, 16
critical of proposal for federal forestry school at Canberra, 24
aspects of forestry in South Australia, 26 , 27 , 31
reaction to address, 31 , 33
reafforestation, 36 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 56
Commander R E Byrd's pending air trip to the South Pole, 127
sectional President at the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Perth, 143
paper to Royal Society on "Varve Shales associated with Permo-Carboniferous Glacial Sediments of South Australia", 188
addressing The Science Congress on a brief survey of the present knowledge of igneous rocks of South Australia, 168
paper to Royal Society on "Additions to the South Australian Mineral Records", 119
endorses the hot springs at Parallana as a potential health resort, 107
paper on aboriginal occupation in the Olary district, 88
photograph of Parallana Hot Springs, 107a
Mayo, Dr. Helen, MBBS,
to speak at the conference of the Education Society, 154 , 155 , 157
Medicine, Faculty of,
regulations changed, 6
examination results, 14 , 15 , 17 , 20 , 21 , 77
hospital appointments, 24 , 33
appointment of lecturers, 34
list of legally qualified medical practitioners, 46
discussion at Anzac Doctors’ Dinner in London of post graduate placements for Australian medical graduates, 150
money received for the William Gibson research scholarship for medical women, 46
graduates registered as medical practitioners, 3
criticism of British medical ethical code, 35
Minister for Health announces an International Conference to be held on tropical diseases, 93 , 95
Meegan, Kathleen,
second violin in the Conservatorium String Quartet, 96
Melbourne University,
new Ormond professor, Bernard Heinze, arrives, 22
bequest for scholarship in Economics, 62
first university of make a separate subject of the history of the Commonwealth, 78
probable increase in fees, 24
Melville, L. G., AIA (London),
biography and photograph, 46
speaks on revising the calendar, 64
prepared mortality tables, 46
Mental Hospital, Parkside,
re-appointment of official visitors, 33
Menz, Anna Magdalene Augusta, BA,
delegate at the International Woman Suffrage Alliance 10th congress, 189
representative at Conference of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance, 68
photograph, 68
Methodist Ladies College,
R H Cotton, ACUA appointed secretary, 68
Miethke, Adelaide Laetitia, BA,
biography of Inspector of Girls' Schools and photograph, 147
speaker at the conference of the Education Society, 154 , 155 , 157
address to the Education Society on "Training for Girls for Citizenship", 190
Millhouse, E.,
brief biography of Crown Prosecutor and photograph, 77
asked to be Deputy Chairman of South Australian Football League, 81
Mitchell, Judge Samuel James,
Mitchell, Professor Sir William, KCMG, DSc, MA,
to leave Vancouver on his return to Adelaide by end of month, 150
appointed an examiner for the degree of doctor of letters, Melbourne University, 23 , 24
to deliver lectures at the University of Aberdeen, 32
Modern History, Chair of,
Professor William Keith Hancock, 16 , 17
Modern History, Study of,
1925 examination results, 7
Modern Languages, Chair of,
Council votes for the establishment, 161
Monfries, John William Elliott,
awarded degree of Doctor of Dental Science, Toronto, 143
Morey, A. W.,
Morris, Dr. B. H.,
appointed member of the Medical Board of South Australia, 147
Mortlock, J. T.,
Gift of £2000 to Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 46 , 47
Mott, Dr. John R.,
Chairman of the World's Christian Student Federation visiting Adelaide, 85
photograph, 85 , 87
on America’s Prohibition Law, 87
students and Christianity, 88
Murray, Chief Justice Sir George John Robert,
re-elected as Chancellor of the University, 67 , 70
photograph, 31 , 32 , 44 , 67 , 70
returning from Britain, 2 , 22 , 31 , 32 , 44
brief biography, 70
Music, Faculty of,
regulations changed, 6
change in regulations governing music scholarships, 10
history of the School and Chair of Music, 108
Music, Study of,
Professor W.A. Laver reports standard of music students to be very high, 3
scholarships awarded, 16
awarding of music degrees, 21
delegates to conference of Australian Music Examinations Board arrive, 102 , 103
arrival of Sydney Music Director, A. Orchard, 104
Australian Music Examination's Board results, 114 , 115
Musical productions,
opera class production of The Magic Flute, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
opera class production of Dido and Aeneas, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
riotous behaviour at annual student concert, 79
Conservatorium String Quartet concert, 94
promising new artists performances at conservatorium, 122
Conservatorium String Quartet to perform in Melbourne, 163
Conservatorium String Quartet played at Government House, 116
free organ recitals, 118 , 119
farewell concert for Mr Richard Watson, 118
Conservatorium students concert, 119 , 164 , 165
concert by The South Australian Orchestra, 140 , 141
organ recital by Professor Davies, 161
South Australian Orchestra concert for school children, 166 , 167 , 168 , 169
South Australian Orchestra performed modern works, 175 , 176
Napier, Dr. Alexander Disney Leith, MD,
obituary and photograph, 150 , 151
Naylor, Margaret Darnley,
Incident while travelling in Corsica, 60
Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley,
recent illness, 2 , 19
supports eating horseflesh, 16
photograph, 16 , 62 , 162 , 171
lectures in country towns, 132
acting Director of tutorial classes for 1926, 45
The Locarno Spirit address to YMCA, 73 , 75
Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science Conference, 143 , 146 , 168
inter-University Conference, 129
presided over League of Nations meeting, 137
addressed ANA meeting on "The Delights of the Dictionary", 150 , 151
speaker at the conference of the Education Society, 154 , 155 , 157
granted leave of absence in 1927, 162
"Blondes and Brunettes in Antiquity", 168
"Euripides" for the Poetry Society, 112
54th birthday, 62
address to Rotary Club on "Misuse of Words" and "Words and their Use", 80
"Why I Read Horace", 83 , 84 , 86
“The Horrors of War”, 136
response to letter regarding “Was Horace a Greek?”, 92
Newbigin, J. W. J.,
appointed to the executive of the Advisory Council of the Institute of Science and Industry, 91
Newland, Dr. H. Simpson,
retires as president of the Royal Society of St George, 81
Newland, Margaret,
tied winner of Tennyson Medal for English, 49 , 52
photograph, 52
Newland, Rev. R. W.,
Congregational Church to be erected in his honour, 70
Newlyn, Aileen Mary Teresa,
second candidate for Elder Scholarship, 14
Newman, George Gough,
letter in response to ‘Was Horace a Greek?’, 86 , 91 , 92
discussion on the teaching of mathematics, 160
report on "An Isolated Iconoclastic Innovator" read to the Johnian Club, 157
Newman, L. A., BSc,
passed forestry degree, 50
photograph, 50
Northey, Rev. J. D.,
to erect a new church in Rev R W Newland’s honour, 70
photograph, 70
O’Grady, Dr. J. J.,
appointed honorary assistant opthalmologist, Adelaide Hospital, 153
O'Halloran, T. S., KC,
elected president of the Law Society of South Australia, 67
photograph, 67
Oldham, Wilfred, MA,
address on "The Fourth of July" at Rotary Club, 173
Onesue, Mrs. Reginald,
pupils to give a recital, 106
Orchard, W. Arundel, Mus. Bac.,
discusses the New South Wales orchestra, 105 , 106
Osborn, Mrs. T. G., MSc,
to speak at the Education Society conference, 154 , 155 , 157
Osborn, Professor Theodore George Bentley,
lecture on "Plant Life in Arid Australia", 98 , 99
attended Vinegrowers dinner, 139
working on vegetation research at Koonamore Vegetation Reserve, 144
granted leave of absence to attend the Third Pan-Pacific Conference, 160
appointed to the Fauna and Flora Board of South Australia, 190
evidence on plant life in arid country to the Pastoral Commission, 192 , 193
University representative on the Flora and Fauna Board, 161
Australian delegate for the Pac-Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, 162
Palmer, Mrs Smedley (Miss Ethel Ridings, AMUA),
locum tenens for Mr Frederick Bevan's vocal section, 59
hot springs become a health resort, 107
photograph, 107a
Parkin, Sir George,
proposed memorial as part of the new Rhodes House, 56
Parsons, Harold Stephen, Mus. Bac.,
to perform in Melbourne as part of the Conservatorium Quartet, 168
took the cello part at the Organ Recital by Professor Harold Davies, 149
performance at weekly organ recital, 154
performed with the Elder Conservatorium String Quartet, 158 , 159
cello in the Conservatorium String Quartet, 96
Parsons, Mr. Justice Angas,
Paton, Dr. Adolph Ernest, BE,
member of the Library Board, 153
Peirce, Alan Wilfred, BSc,
assistant chemist, Roseworthy Agricultural College, 47 , 196
Pellew, Dr. H. E.,
resigned from Board of Optical Registration and medical inspector of schools, 47
Pellew, Dr. Leonard James, MBBS,
impressions of America and Europe following a recent tour, 140 , 142
Pharmacy, Faculty of,
1925 examination results, 10
E. F. Gryst’s positions within the Pharmaceutical Society, 46
criticism of pharmacy students working/study conditions, 172
valuable set of pharmaceutical specimens donated, 191
Philcox, C. J.,
leaving after 12 years as prosecuting officer, 96
Philosophy, Study of,
1925 examination results, 7
Phipps, Ivan F.,
studying methods of plant breeding, 143
awarded the Rockefeller Scholarship for agricultural research, 143
Physics, Study of,
1925 examination results, 7
Physiology, Study of,
1925 examination results, 8
Pick, Sidney,
awarded A. H. Peake Bursary, 40
biography and photograph, 47
Pickering, A. L., LLB,
biography and photograph, 49
Piper, A. W.,
President of the Law Society, photograph, 68
Piper, F. E., BA,
Chief Counsellor of the Girl Citizen Movement, photograph, 120
Piper, A. W., LLB, KC,
biography and photograph, 177
Piper, Clarence Sherwood, BSc,
agricultural chemist nominated to The Royal Society of South Australia, 188
Piper, Gordon Rudolph, BSc,
biography and photograph, 59
Pitt, George Henry, BA,
Plotz, Dr. Oscar Arnold,
Poetry Society,
lecture on "The Tragic Dilemma", 145
Poole, Canon Thomas Slaney, MA,
biography and photograph, 176 , 179
Poole, Justice Thomas Slaney, MA,
biography and photograph, 163
Poole, Rev. Frederick Slaney, MA,
‘Impressions of Adelaide, Sixty years ago’, 161
Prescott, Professor James Arthur,
delegate to Australian Association for the Advancement of Science meeting, 88
biography and photograph, 37
lecture on "The Soil, from the Physical, Chemical and Biological Points of View", 111
Price, Archibald Grenfell, MA, Dip Ed, FRGS,
biography and photograph, 47 , 93
Prizes and awards,
see also scholarships
Alexander Clark Memorial Prize won by Joyce Elizabeth Watson, 12
Andrew Scott Prize for Latin won by Frederic Stephen Hodby, 12 , 16
Barr Smith Prize for Greek won by Harrold Burls Wilson, 12 , 16
John Howard Clark Prize won by Dorothy Aileen Bleby, 12 , 16
Brian Gilmore Maegraith awarded the Elder Prize, 12 , 16
Elder Scholarship awarded to Richard Charles Watson, 14
Stow Prize awarded to Kenneth Churchill Duffield, 12 , 16
Roby Fletcher Prize to Gertrude Vera Gaetjens, 12 , 16
Tormore Prize to Barbara Kate Shorney, 12 , 16
Robert Whinham Prize to Elizabeth May Jones, 12 , 16
Jeffries Memorial Medal to Edna Lucy Holmes, 12 , 16
James Gartrell Prize, 22
new badge for Knights Bachelors, 141
Proud, Dorothea,
first appointment of Helen Spence Scholarship, 14
Psychology, Study of
1925 examination results, 7
South African industrial psychology bureau to test individuals for their fitness for industrial occupations, 111
Dr Davey recommends a special school for the mentally retarded child, 106
Public Examination Board,
Leaving Honours Examination results, 23 , 38 , 39 , 41 , 42
special February Leaving examination results, 65
Intermediate (including Commercial) results, 53 , 54
discussion of errors submitted exam papers, 70
evaluation of the Public Examinations Board Manual, 72
Leaving Examination 1925, 38 , 39
results, 38 , 39
Public Library Board,
report of meeting, 193 , 193a
Sydney Talbot Smith appointed Chairman of Board, 120
Puddy, Maude Mary, Mus. Bac.,
pianist in Elder Conservatorium string quartet recital, 116 , 151 , 153 , 158 , 159
Elder Conservatorium students concert, 164
to perform in Melbourne as soloist, 168
Pulleine, Dr. R. H.,
leaving for Tasmania for scientific research, 24
cultivating plants that have a detrimental effect on living insects, 138
article on the Pusonia Brunoniana or bird-catching tree, 152
appointed to the Fauna and Flora Board of South Australia, 190
Randell, Dr. A. S.,
appointed honorary dental surgeon, Adelaide Hospital, 153
Ray, Dr. William, BSc, MBBS,
1907 Rhodes Scholar, 164
Acting Dean in absence of Dr Swift, 104
Rayner, Dr. H. L.,
Read, A. R.,
awarded Creswell Scholarship, 82
Rees, Dr. H. M.,
appointed Honorary Medical Officer at Port Pirie Hospital, 100
Reid, F. W.,
Principal of the School of Mines, photograph, 61
Reimann, Arnold, BSc,
passed "cum lauda" for Doctor of Philosophy degree at Berlin, 66
photograph, 69
Reimann, Immanuel Gotthold,
reminiscences of music, 143
thanked by Leipzig Conservatoire, 137
Rennie, Professor Edward Henry, MA(Syd), DSc, FIC,
to attend science congress in Perth, 32
acting Vice-Chancellor, 45
President of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science meeting, 58 , 143 , 161
represents University of Adelaide at conference, 126 , 129
elected president of the Australian Chemical Institute, 64 , 69
photograph, 69 , 76 , 195
paper on the commercial exploitation of Australian plants, 168 , 195
biography, 76 , 178
honoured at SA branch dinner, 76
aboriginal religious beliefs, 11
Francis Edgar Williams publishes ‘The Natives of the Purari Delta’, 16
white mice and guinea pigs help Adelaide scientists fight disease, 48
Commonwealth Department of Science & Industry seeking University's cooperation in research and general scientific work, 112 , 136
anthropological data collected at Ooldea, 133
University to nominate four research workers for training abroad, 133 , 134
white mice bred for the University, 138
relationship of agricultural research to the Community, 142
methods of plant breeding, 143
cancer research, 67
research into increasing wool yield, 131
Council for Research in Science and Industry, 139 , 140 , 158
research at Koonamore Vegetation Reserve, 144
second reading of the Science and Industry Research Bill, 129
scientific expedition to northern Australia, 116
exchange of research workers proposed, 141
Research Fellowships for women, 57 , 60
Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry, 170 , 174 , 175
Reynell, Dr. W. R.,
Reynolds, John Heywood,
awarded proxime accessit the Tinline Scholarship, 12 , 16
Rhodes Scholarship,
no award for 1926, 12 , 15 , 18
list of SA winners, 15 , 164
no announcement to be made until examination results available, 2 , 3 , 4
progress of SA Rhodes Scholars, 9
why students do not apply, 14
conditions announced, 153
plans to build Rhodes House, 36 , 37 , 49
report of Trust 1924 - 1925, 37
annual dinner of Rhodes Scholars in London, 154
Rhodes lectureship announced, 154
Richards, Dr. F. W., KC,
appointed as Acting Judge of the Supreme Court, 83 , 89
photograph, 83
Richardson, Professor Arnold Edwin Victor, DSc(Melb), MA,
granted honorary commission, 2
to enquire into agricultural research overseas, 2
entertains Dame Clara Butt & Mr. Kennerley Rumford, 3
leaves on journey for research work, 20 , 36 , 39
requests 12 months leave of absence, 21
lectures on Australia's need for population, 11
on improving cultivation for wheat in dry years, 12
photograph, 20 , 25 , 39
Victoria regrets their loss of scientist, 46
to be presented at the King's levee, 134
the future of the sheep industry and crossing methods, 97
agriculture in South Africa, 69 , 73 , 75
lantern lecture on "Australia as a Field for Overseas Settlers", 6
Rischbieth, Dr. Harold,
resigned honorary appointments at Children's Hospital and Adelaide Hospital, 2
Rivett, Professor A. C. D.,
appointed to the executive of the new Advisory Council of the Institute of Science and Industry, 91
Robert Whinham Prize,
awarded to Elizabeth May Jones, 12
Roberts, William,
Robertson, Iris E.,
brief biography and photograph, 35
Robertson, Professor Thorburn Brailsford,
lecture at Australasian Association for Advancement of Science, 146
opinion on eating horse flesh, 15 , 17
brief biography and photograph, 66
lecture at the Science Congress on "The Duration of Life", 168
on the success of insulin treatment in diabetics, 153
appointed honorary bio-chemist. Adelaide Hospital, 153
nominee for the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, 154 , 155
conducting tests in connection with cancer using mice, 69 , 191
Robin, Rowland Cuthbert, BE,
return of Angas Engineer, 132 , 133 , 135
to become SA Engineer-in-Chief, 57
photograph, 57
Robinson, Roy Lister, BSc,
Roby Fletcher Prize,
awarded to Gertrude Vera Gaetjens, 12
Rockefeller Foundation,
plans for scholarships to be available to Australians for economic research, 46
Rogers, Dr. R. S.,
appointed member of the Medical Board of South Australia, 147
Roseworthy Agricultural College,
farmer’s winter school to be held, 191
Principal Walter John Colebatch transferred to Rural Settlement Commission, 196
criticism of Ministerial control, 143 , 145
Agricultural Graduates Land Settlement Act [1925], 86
Western Australian parent's disapproval, 136 , 137
Inter-'Varsity Boat Race in Tasmania, 106
University crew training at Mannum, 121
Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia,
University of Adelaide wanting to occupy the land vacated by RAHS, 187
Royal Geographical Medal,
conferred on Professor Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth David, 85
Royal Society of South Australia,
meeting paper on Aborigines, 188
Professor F Wood Jones gives paper "The Flight of Sea Birds", 148
Professor W Howchin delivers paper on "The Geology of Victor Harbor, Inman Valley and Yankalilla District", 148
Rudall, Reginald John, LLB,
Russell, Dr. H. H. E.,
appointed member of the Medical Board, 147
Russell, H. L.,
Dean of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin, 100 , 105 , 112
photograph, 105 , 110
Sandery, C. A.,
first Public Solicitor for free legal assistance to persons of limited means, 83 , 89
photograph, 89
Sandford, J. Wallace,
Sangster, Dr. W. C.,
appointed honorary assistant oral surgeon, Adelaide Hospital, 153
Saunders, Pepita Cerda,
to be formally admitted to the Bar, 17
seventh woman admitted to the bar in South Australia, 31
Schilsky, Charles,
talks of Australians as artists, 62
photograph, 62
re-appointed as violin teacher, 104
first violin in the Conservatorium String Quartet, 96
Schneider, Dr. M., MBBS,
appointed Honorary Anaesthetist, 136
appointed Officer of Health to the Local Board of Health for Colonel Light Gardens, 96
see also prizes and awards
Senate reviewed rules of scholarships, 3
Catherine Helen Spence scholarship, 13 , 14 , 18 , 19
David Murray Scholarship for Roman Law, 12
Davies Thomas Scholarship, 12 , 15
scholarships awarded in music, 16
Tinline Scholarship, 15 , 12 , 16
John Bagot Scholarship and Medal, 15
Lowrie Scholarship, 22 , 24
James Gartrell Prize, 22
Scholarship for Theory of Music, 12
Elder Conservatorium Scholarship, 13
scholarships for women, 57 , 60
Smith-Wylie Forestry Scholarship, 58
research scholarships in economics interchange between Australia & USA, 33
proposals for Rockefeller research scholarships in economics, 45
travelling scholarship to be awarded to a teacher of special ability, 196
School of Mines,
graduates and their positions, 61
Schulz, Dr. Adolf John
laying of foundation stone of teachers college, 11
Principal of Teacher's Training College, 144
photograph, 17b , 24 , 144
on committee of the Education Society, 154
brief biography, 24
return from official visit to Sydney, 112
commentary on an article published by Schulz in "The Education Gazette", 165
Science, Faculty of,
regulations changed, 6
regulations changed for surveyors, 4
examination results, 7 , 13 , 15 , 18 , 19
Mr Perkins and Professor Grant appointed examiners of doctoral theses, 32
meeting to address cheaper power, 91
mice are being bred by Mr J D Wilson for laboratory experiments, 146
bust of Sir Langdon Bonython presented to the University, 105 , 106
photograph, 108
Secondary education,
1925 Leaving Honours examination results, 26
teaching Esperanto in schools, 194
deputation regarding inclusion of League of Nations history in school curriculum, 195
Headmaster Moyle's annual report at Technical High School Speech Day, 20
Senate, University of Adelaide,
Shakespeare Society,
Sharman, Miss F., MA,
visiting other states and Canada and England to study education methods, 111
Shearer, Miss Ariel,
studying pianoforte in UK, 175
Sheridan Research Committee,
Dr William Ray to represent the faculty, 104
Shorney, Barbara Kate,
awarded Tormore Prize, 12
Shorney, Dr. Herbert Frank, FRCS,
appointed lecturer in opthalmology for 4 years, 24
Short, Bishop Augustus, MA,
pioneering Bishop, 176
photograph, 165
Smeaton, Dr. Bronte,
appointed member of the Adelaide Hospital advisory committee, 100
Smith, Dr. William Ramsay, DSc, MD,
City Coroner, brief biography, 92
elected president of the Lethian Club, 72
Smith, Sydney Talbot, MA, LLB,
appointed as President of the Public Library Board, 120
photograph, 120
Smith, Grafton Elliott, MD,
delivered Cavendish lecture on "Vision and Evolution", 193
Smith-Wylie Forestry Scholarship,
four scholarships for the promotion of forestry, 58
Societies & associations,
recital by The University Shakespeare Society, 1
South Australian Orchestra,
inaugurates season with a special concert, 92 , 99 , 100
South Australian Protestant Federation,
Southwood, Dr. A. R.,
awarded degree of Master of Surgery, 15 , 20 , 22
Speeding, Dr. K. R.,
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital, 24
Inter-University sports won by Melbourne, 136
probable exclusion of some commerce students from representing university, 135
Australian University Sports Council approves inter-university sporting fixtures, 192
W H Jeanes appointed secretary of the Cricket Association, 196
Sprod, Dr. Lica (nee Delprat),
biography and photograph, 193
St. Mark's College,
success of students, 15 , 16
Justice Poole speaks at opening, 96
requires an extension, 94
fete to raise funds, 81
St. Peters Cathedral,
Stanley, Laurence John, LLB,
Stapledon, Professor R. J.,
visiting agricultural researcher from Wales, 93
State Dental Society,
Professor A. E. W. Richardson on Australian population and industries, 11
Sterry, Agnes,
Stevens, E. L.,
appointed to the Crown Law Department, 83 , 85 , 89
photograph, 85
Stevens, Reverend Aubrey Clement, MA,
on education and training including the Montessori Plan, 194
Steward, Rev. Frederick John Harold, BA,
Stewart, Professor J. McKeller, MA, DPhil,
brief biography, 107
address to League of Nations luncheon, 117
to address conference of the Education Society, 154 , 155 , 157
Stirling, Sir Edward,
contributor to scientific literature, 153
Stirling, Sir Lancelot, KCMG,
elected President of the Royal Agricultural Society, 59
holds the Australian record for President of a House of Parliament, 70
photograph, 70
Stow Prize,
awarded to Kenneth Churchill Duffield, 12 , 15
Stribley, E. J., MA,
short biography and photograph, 52
Strong, Professor Sir Archibald Thomas, MA, D. Litt,
to resume as Professor of English Literature after leave, 18
photograph, 18
on his European travels, 64 , 66 , 69 , 137
brief biography and photograph, 35
lecture on “Great English Satirists”, 117 , 118 , 145 , 146 , 152 , 158
speaker at the conference of the Education Society, 154 , 155 , 157
encourages donations to the Allan Wilkie Shakespeare Company, 160 , 161
editorial on "Good Citizenship", 191
on the Australian accent, 74
lecture on Drama Abroad, 99
returning from British Isles, 62
Stuckey, Dr. Edward Joseph, BSc,
foreigners in China, 67
brief biography and photograph, 50
Student activities & protests,
student operas, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
concert postponed, 24
damage to Norwood Town Hall after concert, 99 , 100 , 119
British university debaters to visit Australian universities, 13 , 92 , 93 , 106 , 111 , 117 , 119 , 124
American training for debating, 112
University Students Law society debates, 111
Inter Australian University debates to be held in Melbourne, 196
student opera "Dido and Aeneas", 4
Professor J. B. Finley attacks American university students as lazy, 11
holiday employment for students, 36
free passages for students going overseas to further their studies, 104
meeting of The Economic Society of Australia & New Zealand, open to students, 132
Student services,
social facilities at the university, 120
new rates of student rail fares, 195
plans for a student common room, 82
Student Union,
Sumner, D. J. R.,
Surgery, College of,
proposal for Medical Congress, 82
Surveying, Study of
amendment to regulations to add surveying to BSc, 4
Swann, Dr. E. J.,
appointed Officer of Health, Local Board of Health at Jamestown, 56
appointed Officer of Health, Local Board of Health at Belalie, 70
Swift, Dr. Harry,
unnecessary operations at Children's Hospital, 2 , 3
Swift, Dr. Brian H.,
passed the examination for the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 61
Symon, Sir Josiah, KCMG,
the oldest Knight in South Australia, 70
brief biography, 73
Tate, Sir Ralph,
contribution to natural science, 153
Taunton, Dr. H. C. D.,
appointed honorary dental surgeon, Adelaide Hospital, 153
Taylor, Helene,
Teacher Training,
instruction in agriculture courses held for teachers, 121
Teachers' College,
invitations to laying of foundation stone, 11
opening of Kintore Avenue Teachers College, 17
illustration of Kintore Avenue Teachers College, 17a
laying of foundation stone (photograph), 17b
jubilee of teacher’s training college, 144 , 147
extract from 1926 annual report, 106
Technical High School,
Headmaster S. Moyle's annual report, 20
Tennyson Medal,
Joan Jackson & Margaret Newland tie for Tennyson medal, 49 , 52
Terrill, Dr. F. E.,
appointed Honorary Anaesthetist at the Adelaide Hospital, 136
Thomas, Dr. Arthur Nutter, MA,
Thompson, Harry, LLB,
Thrush, Rev. H. C., BA,
biography and photograph, 41
Thyer, Dr. Frederick Lewis, MBBS,
1924 Rhodes Scholar, 9 , 164
Tidemann, Frederick William, BE,
biography and photograph, 56
Tostevin, Dr. A. L.,
retirement from position of honorary surgeon, 112
Travers, J. L.,
Solicitor changing firms, 31
Tuck, Rev. Bernard Edward Charles, BA,
biography and photograph, 76
Tucker, H. Norman,
Tuckfield, Dr. W. J.,
arrival of editor of “The Australian Journal of Dentistry”, 6
Turner, Dr. C. T.,
honorary assistant surgeon, 43
Unaipon, David,
Universities, other,
comparison of University of Adelaide with Oxford, 71 , 72
proposed university for Canberra, 85 , 98 , 103 , 190
university delegation to attend Imperial Conference in Canada, 31 , 34
reciprosity proposals with Britain debated, 136
Oxford Rhodes lectureship to attract distinguished scholars from overseas, 153
University of Sydney to raise money for cancer research, 151 , 190
University Congress discusses relevance of residential universities, 190 , 191
Melbourne University finances in precarious position, 194
proposed "University at Sea" by Dr Frank Crane, 194
NSW extension lectures not well attended in towns, 37
Yale University increase in tuition fees, 93
Chair of Anthropology at Sydney University, 13 , 15
Western Australian University, 115
Jubilee celebrations of University of Adelaide, 183a
Verco, Dr. William Alfred, MBBS,
appointed Honorary Gynaecologist, Adelaide Hospital, 153
Verco, Sir Joseph,
recollections of early Adelaide and Royal Society of SA, 5
photograph, 5
fifty years since degree awarded in London, 43
at national conference to discuss uniformity in dental courses, 133 , 135
donates collections to the museum, 61
Sir Frank Heath on relationship between science & industry, 24
Professor E C Jeffrey of Harvard to consult with Professor T. G. Osborn & Sir Douglas Mawson, 2
Professor Edwin R Embree and Dr Clark Wissler here to study aborigines, 4 , 5 , 11 , 12
Wadham, Professor S H,
Professor of Agricultural Science, University of Melbourne, 32
Wainwright, J. W., BA, AICA,
to represent the Government on Public Service, Classification & Efficiency Board, 56
Waite Agricultural Institute for Research,
lack of apparatus for research into tomato "wilt", 43
possible results on increased wool yield, 131
agricultural experiments, 22
gift of £2000 from J T Mortlock, 46 , 47
Waite, Edgar R.,
Director of the Museum to study museums in Europe and America, 95
Waite, Peter
donor of land at Urrbrae for agricultural high school, 96
Walker, Dr. W. D.,
appointed resident medical officer, 43
Walters, J. Ward,
appointed technical assistant in the physiological research department, 104
Ward, Leonard Keith, BA, BE,
Watson, Joyce Elizabeth,
awarded Alexander Clark Memorial Prize, 12
Watson, Phebe,
appointed Women's Warden at Adelaide Teachers' College, 38 , 40
photograph, 40
Watson, Richard Charles,
Elder Scholarship winner, 13 , 14 , 15
photograph, 13 , 15 , 76 , 95
to sing in “The Messiah”, 76
benefit concert, 104 , 118 , 119 , 124
appeal by Dr Davies on Watson’s behalf, 80 , 81 , 120 , 122
Watson, Professor Archibald,
condition not serious, 60
Webb, Noel A.,
Deputy President of the Federal Arbitration Court with origins in Adelaide, 101
West, Rev. Arthur George Bainbridge, MA,
former Rector of St Dunstan's London, 193
photograph, 193
West, Mignon,
oboe player in SA Orchestra, 138
Western Australian University,
graduation ceremony, 115
Sir Winthrop Hackett bequest, 115
White Australia Policy,
Australia's need for population, 11
Whitham, Annie Beatrice, BSc, BA,
delegate at the Paris International Woman Suffrage Alliance, 68 , 189
Whitington, Archdeacon Frederick T., LLB,
visiting Adelaide, 172
biography, 176
author of "The Life of Bishop Short", 191
Whitington, Sylvia, AMUA,
performs at weekly recital in Elder Hall, 154
plays viola, 96
Whittell, Dr. Horatio Thomas, MD,
deceased member of the Library Board, 153
Wibberley, Rev. Brian,
biography and photograph, 62 , 66
Wicks, Dr. F. R.,
appointed honorary surgeon Murray Bridge Hospital, 112
Williams, Francis Edgar,
published "The Natives of the Purari Delta", 16
1915 Rhodes scholar, 164
Williams, Hartley,
awarded Eugene Alderman Scholarship, 12
promising violinist, 40
Williams, Dr. H. Gill,
appointed honorary dental surgeon, 153
Wilson, Dr. T. G.,
Wilson, Harrold Burls,
awarded Barr Smith Prize for Greek, 12
Wilton, Professor John Raymond,
Wissler, Dr. Clark,
visiting American anthropologist, 4 , 5 , 6 , 11
Women's Hospital,
tenders to be called; for the building of a women's hospital, 83
Women Students,
research fellowships for women, 60
International Federation of University Women, 79
graduates to be encouraged to look at opportunities offered by business, 151
Wood-Jones, Professor Frederick,
research grant, 135
fossil finds in caves at Kangaroo Island, 137
to be a sectional president at the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Perth, 143
appointment as honorary commissioner to enquire into fauna reserves, 3
biography, 45
article on “Lessons Learned Abroad, the spread of the Eucalyptus”, 114
Lister Oration on “Disease and Individuality”, 131
paper on "The Flight of Sea Birds", 148
Workers Education Association,
lecture on ‘The Human Factor in Economics’, by Rev. A. C. Stevens, 74
lecture on Australian Literature by A. E. M. Kirkwood, 75 , 77 , 78
summer school at Mount Lofty, 34 , 39 , 40 , 42 , 43 , 44
lecture on Australian Aboriginal by Dr. Ramsay Smith, 42
popularity of courses increasing, 99
lecture on the Sudan by C. T. Madigan, 79
ninth annual conference, 81 , 86
aims of association and program for the year, 58 , 69 , 70
annual report, 92
Wright, Rev. G. H., MA,
Wylde Harold,
surprise party before his departure for UK, 25
Yale University,
increase in tuition fees, 93
Young, William John, MA,
elected Chairman, Finance Committee, 162
Zoology, Study of,
1925 examination results, 8
Rat Kangaroos bred at University sent to enclosure at Flinders Chase, 6