Index to Volume 16 (1926-1927) - University Newscuttings Books
- Academic matters,
- details of Diploma of Commerce, 168
- proposal for Chair of Theology, 92
- massage diploma to be offered, 193
- Accreditation,
- new doctors accredited, 161
- Addison, Stanley Simpson,
- Agricultural Bureau Conference, 111
- Agriculture, Study of,
- address by G Samuel on "Fighting plant diseases", 115
- Allen, Eleanor Alice,
- passes examination for PhD in psychology at University of London, 85
- Angas Engineering Scholarship,
- awarded to Francis Henry Humphris, 28, 30
- Anthropological Association,
- addressed by Professor Frederick Wood Jones, 106
- meeting on Aboriginal occupation of Adelaide plains, 78
- meeting on Aboriginal burial customs, 146
- on smoke signals and message sticks, 127
- Arts Association,
- 15th annual dinner, 8
- addressed by Professor Sir Archibald Strong, 108
- ball to fund new union hall and boathouse, 25
- Australasian Association for Advancement of Science Congress in Perth, 66, 70, 72, 73, 76, 81, 84
- Ayers, Ivy,
- piano and vocal performance at Conservatorium, 119
- Barr Smith, Thomas Elder,
- £20,000 endowment for University library building, 180, 181
- Basedow, Dr. Herbert,
- lecture "scientific explorations in Australia", 122
- to run for Parliament, 181
- talk on the racial characteristics and trends needed to people northern Australia, 153
- Bequests, gifts and endowments,
- endowments, 38, 39
- £20,000 endowment for University library building from T E Barr Smith, 180, 181
- Bevan, Frederick,
- return from holiday, 111, 115
- recent trip to London, 102, 103
- Blaskett, Sydney Norman,
- going to United States for further engineering experience, 168
- Bonython, Sir John Langdon,
- retirement from Council, 127
- career summary and gifts to university, 119
- Booth, S Russell,
- appointed Chair of Board of Commercial Studies, 142, 143
- Bourke, George Herbert,
- Bragg, Professor Sir William,
- review of his book "Old Trades and new Knowledge", 177
- Brailsford Robertson, Professor Thorburn,
- to preside over Advisory Committee of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 52
- Brookman, Sir George,
- resigns from Council on health grounds, 126, 127
- services praised by Chancellor Sir George Murray, 155
- career summary, 128
- Brose, Dr H L,
- appointed to head physics research at University College, Nottingham, 154
- Brown, Dr Jethro,
- Buildings,
- opening of new physics and engineering building, 15
- growth in student numbers, 15
- editorial including references to new buildings, 155
- arrival of designs for the new university, 151
- new engineering and physics building opened by Premier Gunn, 14, 58
- offer of £10,000 by Sir Josiah Symon for a women's union building, 69
- address by Professor Kerr Grant at opening of new physics building, 62, 63
- early financial support from G Henderson for a Union Hall, 99
- Vice-Chancellor Mitchell on the proposed Student Union building, 69
- Campbell, Dr T D,
- talk on "The Aboriginal occupation of the Adelaide plains", 78
- member of expedition to research areas of aborigine life, 155, 160, 179
- Campbell, Professor Arthur Lang,
- talk on "international law" to Justices' Conference, 114, 115
- Photograph, 49a
- Carey, Clive,
- lecture on folk songs and dances, 100
- Ceremonies and celebrations,
- see also Fiftieth Jubilee Celebrations
- new ceremonial mace, 34, 35
- Chancellors,
- Chapman, Professor Robert William,
- learned professor, 74
- retires from council, 127
- member of Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 130
- Photograph, 49a
- Chapman, Robert Hall,
- reports on railway maintenance and construction overseas, 139, 145
- Classical Association,
- addressed by Professor Hancock, 17
- farewells Professor Darnley Naylor, 145
- Cleland, Professor John Burton,
- member of expedition to research areas of aborigine life, 155, 160, 179
- Photograph, 49a
- Clubs and associations,
- Anthropological Association, 78, 106, 127, 146
- Arts Association, 8, 25, 108
- Australasian Society for Advancement of Science, 30
- Classical Association, 17, 145
- Conservatorium Students' Association, 76
- Dental Association inaugural meeting, 130
- Economics Society of Australia & New Zealand, 115
- Graduates Association, 7, 8, 69, 94, 95, 156, 161, 163
- Law Students Society, 92, 99
- League of Nations Union, 1, 2, 115, 140, 146, 147, 151, 152
- Medical Students Association, 8
- Pharmaceutical Students Association, 26
- Poetry Society, 31
- Royal Society, 119, 122, 131
- Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 130
- Conferences and seminars,
- Australasian Association for Advancement of Science Congress in Perth, 66, 70, 72, 73, 76, 81, 84
- Agricultural Bureau Conference, 111
- Justices' Conference, 114, 115
- Conservatorium Students' Association,
- new local composers introduced, 76
- Cooke, Dr W,
- staff changes, temporary and permanent, 122
- Cooke, Professor W Ernest,
- Controversy over retirement as Government Astronomer, 89
- Council, University of Adelaide,
- appointment of E Holden as representative on council of St Marks College, 126
- deans and chairmen of faculties appointed, 142, 143
- farewells Professor Darnley Naylor, 142, 143
- photograph and list of Council members for 50th jubilee, 37
- resignation of Sir George Brookman, 126, 127
- retirements and resignations from Council, 127
- Sir Josiah Symon links with council, 104
- two council nominations to Public Library Board, 125
- Course information,
- details of Diploma of Commerce released, 168
- two year massage diploma to be offered by the University, 193
- Dalley-Scarlett, Robert,
- final composition presented and accepted for Mus Bac, 109
- Davies, Professor E Harold,
- concert by SA Symphony Orchestra, 28
- praise from composer Percy Grainger, 100
- anthropological research into aborigines, 156, 160, 179
- involvement with Percy Grainger concerts, 92, 99
- in list of noted professors, 74
- final student concert for the year, 151
- Photograph, 49a
- Degrees,
- three new theses accepted for higher degrees, 109
- Leonard Keith Ward awarded D Sc for thesis on "Geology of Central Australia", 150
- Thomas Le Messurier awarded degree of M Sc, 142, 143
- Dental Association,
- Dentistry, School of,
- history and work of the Dental School, 195
- proposal to train women to do minor dental work on school children, 125
- scholarships to be awarded to women to train in dentistry for country schools, 164, 165
- Dodwell, George,
- overseas research into use of wireless telegraphy in determining longitude, 160
- time at Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 121
- Donnithorne, William,
- graduates as oldest legal student, 156, 162
- Dorsch, Ida,
- speaker at Graduates Association luncheon, 161, 163
- Economics, Chair of,
- possible establishment of Chair of Economics, 155
- Economics Society of Australia & New Zealand,
- first annual meeting of SA Branch, 115
- Edgeloe, Victor Allen,
- Engineering, School of,
- testing of bricks used in State bank buildings,12
- Establishment, University of Adelaide,
- see also Fiftieth Jubilee Celebrations
- fixing of the site of the University, 15
- the University's earliest days, 7, 15
- Photographs, 49a
- Examinations,
- public exams, Intermediate, Leaving and Leaving Honours, held at the Exhibition and Brookman buildings, 137
- Australian Music Examinations Board results, 117, 120, 121
- dental exam results, 131, 137
- Diploma in Commerce results, 147
- in "50 years ago" column, names of top matriculants of 1876, 97
- in "50 years ago" column, 15
- students to sit university's exams for 1876, 152
- insufficient graph paper at a university exam held in Mt. Gambier, 149
- Intermediate Public exam results for 1926, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190
- Last exams for diploma in music, 133
- Leaving Honours public exam results, 158, 161
- Leaving Public exam results for 1926, 169, 173
- letter from student about noises from carpentry and music rehearsals during exams in Brookman building, 138
- medicine examinations results, 137, 151
- music exam results, 135, 138, 142, 151
- exam results for BA, B.Ec, Dip. Ed., 141
- law results, 145
- outstanding exam results by St Mark's College residents, 153
- photograph of students sitting for Leaving and Leaving Honours public exams, 144
- Public exam (Leaving Honours) 1926 results, 161
- results for Doctor of Dental Science results, 163
- science exam results, 148, 149, 153
- Extension lectures,
- lecture by Professor J Prescott on the chemistry of the soil, 23
- proposals for city and country classes for Workers Educational Association, 127
- Fiftieth Jubilee Celebrations,
- programme details, 9
- list of delegates to the Jubilee, 31, 32
- service at St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 22, 25, 30, 33, 44
- 50th jubilee service; "a citizen's impressions", 68
- address by Registrar of the University of Melbourne, 73
- "The spirit of university", 70
- Commonwealth Club luncheon for delegates, 66, 67
- concert by staff of Elder Conservatorium, 58
- dinner for delegates, 63, 64
- links with University of Western Australia, 65
- founding, growth and endowments of the university, 13, 15, 19, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49b, 49c, 49f, 49g, 50, 51a, 51b, 51c, 51d, 51e, 51f, 51g, 51h, 51i, 51j, 51k, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 131
- noted professors and their achievements, 74
- Chancellor Sir George Murray at jubilee, 75
- photograph of women graduates, 75
- university's new ceremonial mace, 34, 35
- photograph of Council members, 37
- Professor Prescott on research activities of Waite Institute, 67
- visit to Waite Institute, 65, 66
- Finance,
- university finances in good condition, 2
- Florey, Howard, MBBS,
- appointed to a fellowship at Cambridge, 154
- Foote, W H,
- praise from composer Percy Grainger, 100
- Forder, Howard,
- going to US for further engineering experience, 168
- Forestry, School of,
- N Jolly resigning as head of Federal school of Forestry, 108, 110
- visit by interstate students, 147
- Gartrell, H W,
- praise for metallurgical testing done by H Gartrell, 104
- Gluis, John, MA,
- appointed Headmaster of Woodville High School, 164
- Graduates,
- three new graduates admitted to the Supreme Court, 163
- luncheon welcome for over 100 new graduates, 161, 163
- Adelaide graduates among new magistrates and judges to be appointed, 134
- Graduates Association,
- addressed by Oxford physicist Dr H Brose, 69
- addressed by Professor Jauncey of Washington University, 94, 95
- addressed by Vice-Chancellor on proposed Student Union building, 69
- annual luncheon, 156
- lunch for over 100 new graduates, 161, 163
- speech by Professor W Hancock at annual general meeting, 7, 8
- Graduation ceremonies,
- 1926 graduation ceremony; speech "The external inheritance of man" by Professor Thornburn Brailsford Robertson, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160
- ceremony to be held on Dec 15, 1926, 151
- list of graduates for 1926, 154
- Grainger, Percy,
- concerts, 92, 99
- praise for Professor E. Davies and staff member W H Foote, 100
- Grant, Professor Kerr,
- member of Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 130
- in list of noted professors in Fiftieth Jubilee Celebrations, 74
- staff changes at Adelaide University, 122
- opening of new physics building, 62, 63
- speaks at opening of new physics building, 59
- Photograph, 49a
- Grounds,
- discussion on making Parkside Mental Hospital grounds available to the university, 150
- discussion over future use of Jubilee oval at back of university, 90
- motion in parliament to reserve grounds vacated by the Mental Hospital at Parkside for the University, 148, 149
- negotiations for land near Jubilee oval vacated by Royal Agricultural Society, 165
- Hackett, C J,
- member of University party doing anthropological research into aborigines, 179
- Hancock, Professor W K,
- gives speech on “national characteristics” to AGM of Graduates Association, 7, 8
- probably the youngest professor in the world, 100
- appointed Dean of Faculty of Arts, 142, 143
- "Ricasoli", a book on Italian history by Professor Hancock, 85
- articles by Prof Hancock on Mussolini's Italy, 94, 95
- in list of noted professors, 74
- talks on Germany's reception into the League of Nations, 97
- Photograph, 49a
- Hardy, Mabel, BA,
- new principal of Mt. Lofty boarding school, 118
- Hargreaves, Dr W, DSc,
- research into producing alcohol from straw, 102
- Haskard G H B, BSc,
- appointed to mathematics lecturer position at School of Mines, 193
- Haslam, Joseph Auburn,
- Haslam, L H,
- appointed a magistrate, 134
- Heaton, Dr Herbert,
- describes his life in Canada, 93
- Heggaton, Keith V,
- admitted to practice in the Supreme Court, 163
- Henderson, Professor G C,
- raises financial support for Union building, 99
- Henderson, Roland,
- admitted to practice in the Supreme Court, 163
- Hicks, Professor C S,
- talks on the value of student organisations, 146, 147
- Hitchcox, A C, BA,
- head master at Quorn High School, career summary, 177
- Holdaway, G F, MSc,
- appointed to travelling studentship, 77, 84
- to go to USA for scientific and industrial research, 106, 107
- Holden, E W, BSc,
- appointed University Council’s representative on council of St. Marks college, 126
- a ‘captain of industry’, managing director of Holden’s Motor Body Builders, 174
- Hone, Dr F S,
- advocates a TB clinic at the hospital, 104
- Howchin, Professor Walter,
- Humphries, F H,
- winner of Angas Engineering Scholarship, 28
- Hutchins, Harry Wellington,
- specially commended in announcement of music scholarships, 142, 143
- Isbister, W J,
- nominated by Council to Public Library Board, 125
- Jacobs, M R,
- holder of Lawrie scholarship undertakes soil analysis, 112
- Jauncey, Dr George E M,
- visit to Adelaide from Ass Prof of Physics at Washington University, 100
- Jeffery, F,
- member of University party doing anthropological research into aborigines, 179
- Jenkins, Merle Nona,
- awarded Robert Whinham prize for elocution, 142, 143
- Johnston, Professor T Harvey,
- involvement in prickly pear research, 193
- list of noted professors, 74
- Jolly, Professor Norman,
- appointed Commissioner of Forests for NSW, 73, 108, 110
- in list of noted professors and their achievements, 74
- staff changes, temporary and permanent, 122
- Photograph, 49a
- Jones, Professor Frederick Wood,
- elected President of Royal Society, 119
- awarded Mueller Medal, 71
- on "message sticks" and "smoke signals" at Anthropological Society, 107, 127
- on the dragons of Komodo, 106
- rumoured to have accepted a Rockefeller Foundation research position, 108
- reported on fauna conservation activities, 127
- resignation, 127, 128
- upon his resignation to go the University of Hawaii, 137, 140
- in list of noted professors, 74
- on the ethnology of contact of primitive with advanced societies, 89
- to conduct research into racial mixing in Hawaii, 138
- asked to make enquiries into administrations of fauna reserves, 122
- staff changes, temporary and permanent, 122
- on Kangaroo Island Caves, 163
- leaves Adelaide, 193
- speaks at 18th annual session of Australasian Association for the advancement of Science in Perth, 76
- Photograph, 49a
- Justices' Conference, 114, 115
- Kelly, W R,
- appointed stipendiary magistrate, 134, 135
- Kessell, S L, BSc,
- conservator of Forests, WA, 98
- Law, School of,
- alteration to requirements for law degree, 2
- admissions to the Bar, 9
- Law staff appointments, 167
- Law Students Society,
- debate on problem involving city by-law, 99
- to solve problem set by lecturer E. Benham, 92
- League of Nations Union,
- addressed by Professor Cedric Hicks, 146, 147
- addressed by Professor Darnley Naylor, 1, 2, 151, 152
- addressed by W. Oldham, 115
- farewells Professor Darnley Naylor, 140
- Le Messurier, Thomas Abram,
- awarded degree of M Sc, 142, 143
- Leach, William Valentine,
- appointed Inspector of Schools, 167
- Leader, Haynes,
- admitted to the Supreme Court, 163
- Lewcock, H R,
- details of research into prickly pear, 194
- Library,
- £20,000 endowment for library building by T E Barr Smith, 180, 181
- Mackay, Alexander Leslie Gordon, MA, MEc, DipEd,
- appointed director of tutorial classes in economics, 127
- tenure of land leases and future economic development, 135, 136
- Mawson, Professor Sir Douglas,
- in list of noted professors, 74
- new Antarctic expedition possible, 132
- Photograph, 49a
- Mayo, G Elton,
- publishes Democracy and Freedom, 135
- Mayo, Helen, MBBS,
- granted degree of MD, 126
- McCarthy, Walter James, BA, BSc,
- McLachlan, A J,
- acting Federal Attorney-General, 126
- Medical Students Association,
- Medicine, School of,
- skeletons of emus kept in medical museum, 41
- Drs S Newland and Bronte Smeaton on committee to set up Australian College of Surgeons, 76, 78
- praise from visiting Irish medical academic, 125
- new medical registrations, 178
- Melbourne, Henry Eoin Sydney, BE,
- Burnside council engineer, 153
- Menz, Anna, BA,
- representative at the meeting of International Federation of University Women in Amsterdam, 96
- Mitchell, Judge Samuel James,
- death of noted judge, 108
- Mitchell, Professor Sir William,
- Vice-Chancellor wrote to League of Nations, 122
- Vice-Chancellor addresses dinner for 50th Jubilee celebrations, 63, 64
- proposed Student Union building, 69
- awarded KCMG in New Years honours list, 165, 166
- Photograph, 49a
- Mitton, Ronald Gladstone,
- Modern Languages, Chair of,
- editorial on "university progress", 155
- Morris, M C, LLB,
- joins Methodist ministry, 154
- Mudie, G D, BE,
- appointed Town Clerk of Adelaide, 124
- Muirhead, H M,
- appointed to Police Court, 134
- Murray, Sir George, BA, LLB,
- 63rd birthday, 106
- addresses dinner for delegates to 50th Jubilee celebrations, 63, 64
- photograph, 75, 106
- Music, School of,
- letter from composer Percy Grainger, 100
- meeting of Conservatorium Students Association, 76
- Miss Mignon Weston resigns from Elder Conservatorium, 106, 111
- resignation of piano teacher Harold Wylde, 100
- Frederick Bevan returns from trip, 102, 103, 111, 115
- Musical productions,
- 10th concert of 1926 season at Elder Conservatorium, 89
- 12th concert of Elder Conservatorium season, 115, 116
- 13th concert of Elder Conservatorium season, 125
- 8th concert by the Student Orchestra, 22, 23
- chamber recital at Elder Conservatorium attended by Percy Grainger, 14
- 7th concert at Elder Conservatorium, 11
- concert at Elder Hall of original compositions, 85
- concert by South Australian Symphony Orchestra, 28
- concert by staff of Elder Conservatorium as part of the 50th jubilee, 58
- final orchestral concert for the year, 129, 132
- final student social for the year, 151, 152
- ladies part-singing concert at Elder Hall, 97
- Percy Grainger concert at Exhibition hall, 99
- performance of "Shamus O'Brien&qquot; by Conservatorium Opera Class, 135, 136, 139, 144
- piano and vocal performance by staff member Ivy Ayers, 119
- South Australian Orchestra programme, 70
- second recital by Elder Conservatorium string quartet, 30, 32
- staff concert at Conservatorium, 91, 96
- string quartet at Elder Conservatorium, 10
- student concert at Elder Conservatorium, 71, 121
- student operatic performance at Conservatorium, 33, 34
- vocal concerts by Conservatorium students, 100, 111, 124
- Napier, Justice T, LLB,
- 44th birthday and career summary, 125
- Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley,
- farewells for Professor Naylor, 130, 135, 140, 142, 143, 145, 147, 150
- summary of career as a singer, 145, 148
- article on evolution, 89
- final address before retiring to United Kingdom, 151, 152
- contribution on smoke signals and message sticks, 127
- editorials on his career, 132, 143
- returning to United Kingdom after 32 years, 91, 92, 128, 129
- resigns 3, 127
- staff changes, 122
- suggests the high school curriculum is over-loaded, 140
- in list of noted professors, 74
- address to Commercial Travellers Association, 28, 29
- Photograph, 49a
- Naylor, Ruth Winnifred,
- wins singing scholarship, 142, 143
- Nesbitt, Hubert Gordon Paris,
- appointed new stipendiary magistrate, 177, 178
- Newland, Dr H,
- orthopaedic advances in the Great War, 194
- Newland, Dr Simpson,
- lectures in clinical surgery, 76
- on committee to set up Australian College of Surgeons, 78
- Oldham, W,
- talks on slavery to meeting of League of Nations Union, 121
- Osborn, Professor Theodore George Bentley,
- to prepare report into plant disease research,103
- appointed chair of faculty of science, 142, 143
- editorial on arid land research by Prof Osborn, 97
- going to New South Wales to research plant problems, 166
- in list of noted professors, 74
- speaks at 18th annual session of Aust. Assoc for Advancement of Science, 81, 84
- research into uses of saltbush, 112
- Paine, Justice H K, LLB,
- appointed to Royal Commission into police bribery, 123, 124
- Parsons, Rex Whaddon, BE, MSc,
- thesis accepted for Master of Science degree, 109
- Pharmaceutical Students Association,
- Poetry Society,
- addressed by A Kirkwood, 31
- Poole, Mr Justice,
- presides over changes in regulations, 138
- re-appointed Warden of the Senate, 137
- Prescott, Professor J A,
- part of group investigating scientific problems of River Murray, 88
- explains research activities of Waite Institute, 67, 112, 116
- Photograph, 49a
- Professors,
- list of noted professors, 74
- Jethro Brown, 2
- Arthur Lang Campbell, 114, 115
- Edward Harold Davies, 28, 92, 99, 100
- Kerr Grant, 59
- W Keith Hancock, 17, 85, 97, 100
- Cedric Stanton Hicks, 146
- Walter Howchin, 175, 177
- Norman Jolly, 108
- Frederick Wood Jones, 71, 76, 89, 106, 108, 119, 122, 127, 137, 138, 140, 163, 193
- Sir Douglas Mawson, 132
- Henry Darnley Naylor, 1, 2, 3, 28, 29, 89, 91, 92, 106, 127, 128, 129, 135, 140, 151, 152
- Theodore George Bentley Osborn, 81, 84, 97, 103, 114, 166
- James Arthur Prescott, 1, 2, 12, 13, 67, 88, 112, 116
- Edward Henry Rennie, 30, 66, 84, 86, 138, 168, 175, 178
- Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson, 96, 133, 178
- Thornbury Brailsford Robertson, 52, 77, 78, 89, 91, 135, 167, 193
- Sir Archibald Strong, 106, 108, 124
- Archibald Watson, 9
- Public lectures,
- series of lectures on the properties of soil by Professor J A Prescott, 1, 2, 12
- lecture by Clive Carey on folk songs and dances, 100
- "The duration of life" by Professor Thornburn Brailsford Robertson, 77, 78
- Publications,
- "Ricasoli", a book on Italian history by Professor W Keith Hancock, 85
- Jubilee issue of Adelaide University magazine, 126
- review of Professor Sir William Bragg's book "Old Trades and new Knowledge", 177
- Ray, Dr W,
- member of University party doing anthropological research into aborigines, 179
- appointed Dean of Medicine, 142, 143
- Rennie, Professor Edward Henry,
- 74th birthday, 69
- address on religious science, 86
- presides over the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 30, 66, 70
- address to the Australasian Association for Advancement of Science, 72, 73, 84, 87
- death and career summary, 168, 173, 175, 176, 177, 191
- in list of noted professors, 74
- to open fete for Student Christian Movement, 138, 143
- Photograph, 49a
- Research,
- address by A E V Richardson on agricultural research, 196
- article by J A Prescott on research at Waite, 116
- article by Geoffrey Samuel on need for research into plant diseases, 8
- article on applied chemical research by South Australian Department of Chemistry, 21
- Professor T G B Osborn to report into plant disease research, 103, 166
- details of agricultural research at Waite Institute, 112
- research by H K Lewcock into prickly pear, 194
- editorial on arid land research by Professor T G B Osborn, 97
- expedition to research areas of aborigine life, 155, 160, 165, 179
- overseas research into use of wireless telegraphy in determining longitude, 160
- letter regarding Waite Institute research on plant diseases, 30
- Professor Frederick Wood Jones to conduct research into racial mixing in Hawaii, 138
- proposal for snake park near the University for research purposes, 126
- research by Chemistry Department into producing alcohol from straw, 102
- research into increased wheat yields by Dr A E V Richardson, 180, 181, 191, 192
- research into uses of saltbush by Professor T G B Osborn, 112
- Professor A E V Richardson arrives in USA for agricultural research, 110
- Waite Institute to be involved in research into tomato wilt disease, 103, 167, 168
- G. Holdaway to go to USA for scientific and industrial research, 106, 107
- Residential colleges,
- Richardson, Professor Arnold Edwin Victor,
- address to Rotary Club on agricultural research, 196
- research into increased wheat yields, 180, 181, 191
- to arrive in Adelaide after a year overseas, 178
- in USA for agricultural research, 110, 133
- in list of noted professors, 74
- on the need for more science spending on agriculture, 96
- member of Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 130
- Photograph, 49a
- Robertson, S C, BSc, BE,
- on staff of chief builder of Sydney Harbour Bridge, 177
- Robertson, Professor Thornburn Brailsford,
- member of Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 130
- discusses a cure for cancer, 193
- in list of noted professors and their achievements, 74
- opposes "dumping" of British mental defectives in Australia, 167
- discusses United States research into sea urchins, 193
- elected a foreign member of Reale Accademia Nazionale in Italy, 89, 91
- public lecture on "The duration of life", 77, 78
- to attend Council of Scientific and Industrial Research in Melbourne, 135
- speech on "The external inheritance of man", 157, 158, 159, 160
- Photograph, 49a
- Rooney, Patrick William, LLB,
- Royal Society,
- elects Professor Frederick Wood Jones as President, 119
- lecture by Dr H Basedow, 122
- meeting, 131
- Samuel, Geoffrey, MSc, BSc,
- thesis accepted for masters degree, 109
- gave address on fighting plant diseases, 115
- Sanderson, Kenneth Francis Villiers,
- appointed stipendiary magistrate, 134, 136
- Scholarships,
- scholarships available to children of the Commercial Travellers and Warehousemens Association, 123
- meeting of selection committee to be held, 131
- government funds for evening studentships, 179
- government bursaries awarded for study at the university, 165
- establishment of two Tinline scholarships, 123
- letter about recent awarding of music scholarships, 150
- letter claiming shortage of music scholarships, 152
- F Humphris winner of 1926 Angas Engineering Scholarship, 28
- winners of music scholarships announced, 142, 143
- Secondary education,
- photograph of students sitting for Leaving and Leaving Honours examinations, 144
- Darnley Naylor suggests the high school curriculum is over- loaded, 140
- Segnit, Ralph Walter, MA, BSc,
- Senate, University of Adelaide,
- changes in regulations, 137, 138
- new members elected, 137
- new statutes proposed, 133
- retirements and resignations from Council, 127
- Shanasy, W Bonwell, MBBS,
- death and career summary, 105
- Sharman, Florence, MA,
- appointed as instructor at Acadia University, Canada, 97
- Smeaton, Dr Bronte,
- on committee to set up Australian College of Surgeons, 76, 78
- Sport,
- 1926 dates for inter-university sport, 20
- details of matches to be held at University oval, 44
- intervarsity women's basketball, 71
- St Marks College,
- Council appoints E Holden to College Council, 126
- first three years of development, 179
- outstanding examination results by residents, 153
- Staff,
- list of noted professors, 74
- deans and chairmen of faculties appointed, 142, 143
- new Law appointments, 167
- photographs of prominent university staff, 49a, 49b, 49c, 49d, 49e, 49f, 49g, 51a, 51b, 51c, 51d, 51e, 51f, 51g, 51h, 51i, 51j, 51k
- staff changes, 122
- Statton, J W, BSc,
- takes up position as maths lecturer, 193
- Statistics,
- growth in student numbers, 15
- Statutes,
- alteration to statutes for law degree, 2
- reduced number of subjects needed for BA, 137, 138
- Senate to discuss new statutes, 133
- Stewart, Professor J McKellar,
- deans and chairmen of faculties appointed, 142, 143
- Photograph, 49a
- Strong, Professor Archibald,
- gives talk on "The tragedies of Swinburne", 124
- nominated to Public Library Board, 125
- in list of noted professors, 74
- gives lecture on poetry of William Morris, 106
- on impressions of post-war Europe, 108
- Photograph, 49a
- Student activities,
- annual student "procession" day, 161
- students to go fruit picking, 164
- decline of student procession, 149, 154
- trend to "cramming", 149
- trial debates to choose members of intervarsity debating teams, 12
- University Ball to be held in Elder Hall, 6
- Symon, Sir Josiah,
- 80th birthday and career summary, 104
- offers £10,000 for a women's union building, 69
- Tregenza, Sydney Lloyd, BA,
- appointed Headmaster of Pt Lincoln High, 164
- Tucker, Professor T G,
- appointed as acting Professor of Classics and Comparative Philology, 167
- Union,
- £10,000 offered by Sir Josiah Symon for a women's union building, 69
- University of Western Australia,
- early links with Adelaide University, 65
- University Rural Centres,
- letter calling for rural colleges as part of the university, 26
- Verco Sir Joseph,
- 75th birthday and career summary, 10
- appointed dean of Faculty of Dentistry, 142, 143
- inaugural meeting of Dental Association, 130
- retirement from Council, 127
- role in the history and work of the dental school, 195
- editorial refers to vice-chancellor Mitchell writing to the League of Nations, 122
- return of Vice-Chancellor Mitchell from United Kingdom, 12, 16
- Vice-Chancellor Mitchell's impressions of universities abroad, 17
- Vice-Chancellor William Mitchell awarded KCMG, 165, 166
- Waite Agricultural Research Institute,
- visit by 50th jubilee delegates, 65, 66, 67
- Professor Prescott on research at Waite, 112, 116
- opening of agricultural bureau conference, 111
- visit by State Governor Sir Tom Bridges, 99
- to do research into tomato wilt, 103, 167
- visit by party of British schoolboys, 101
- visited by members of Empire Parliamentary Delegation, 128, 129
- praised by Professor Stapledon, 104, 105
- Wallman, Reginald Horton, LLB,
- elected President of South Australian Rowing Association, 88
- Walsh, Margarey Cecilia,
- commended in competition for music scholarship, 142, 143, 144
- Ward, Leonard Keith,
- awarded DSc for thesis on "geology of central Australia”, 150
- congratulated by Premier Hill on his DSc, 160
- career summary, 150
- Watson, Professor Archibald,
- Wauchope, Mavis, BA,
- appointed infant mistress at Rose Park Public School, 167
- Weston, Mignon,
- to concentrate on orchestral work, 111
- Whitham, Annie B, BA,
- delegate to international conferences of Women's associations, 96, 175
- Willson, Arthur Roger,
- wins music scholarship, 143
- Wilton, Professor,
- appointed Chairman of Library Committee, 142, 143
- in list of noted professors, 74
- Photograph, 49a
- Women students,
- delegates to international conference of Women's associations, 96, 175
- Florence Sharman appointed as instructor at Acadia University, Canada, 97
- equal rights of women at the university from earliest days, 7
- M Wauchope appointed infant mistress at Rose Park Public School, 167
- £10,000 offered by Sir Josiah Symon for a women's union building, 69
- photograph of women graduates at 50th Jubilee celebrations, 75
- proposal to train women to do minor dental work on school children, 125, 164, 165
- thesis of Helen Mayo approved for degree of Doctor of Medicine, 127
- Wright, Dr G H,
- first person to gain DLitt from University of Western Australia, 122
- Yoerger, Katy,
- winner of music scholarship, 143, 144