Index to Volume 17 (1927-1928) - University Newscuttings Books
- Accommodation,
- St Andrew's College, 140
- “Strathspey” donated by as second men’s college, 112a, 112b. 112c, 113, 114, 166
- Rev Brian Wibberley raises possibility of a Methodist university college, 7
- Adams, Archdeacon, MA, 107
- Adams, Reginald Keith Sorby, 107, 119
- Adamson, Marjorie Dorothea, 79, 142, 152, 154
- Addison, Stanley Simpson, 127
- Adelaide Bach Society, 81
- Adelaide Electric Supply Company, 78
- Adelaide Glee Club, 84
- Adelaide Harmonic Society, 82
- Adelaide Teachers' College,
- report of the students' council for the previous year, 5
- new building opened by Premier with a brief history of the College, 20
- Agricultural Education Act, 192, 193
- Agriculture, Chair of, 87
- Alderman, Henry Graham, 31, 32, 35
- Allen, Dr Eleanor Alice, 108
- Allen, Leonard Nicholls, BA, 174
- Allen, Lois Waveney, BA, 108
- Allen, Mrs Charles, 29
- Allison, Ida, 154
- Anatomy, Elder Professor of,
- Dr Herbert Henry Woollard appointed, 19
- Anderson, Adrian Akhurst, 57
- Andersen, Clifford Werlin,
- proposed toast at dinner of Commerce Students' Association, 69
- spoke at the welcome to freshers, 15
- mace bearer for the graduation ceremony, 166
- Angas Scholarship,
- Herbert William Gartrell, 1904, 57
- Edward Vincent Clark, 1898, 57
- Angas, Charles H, 28, 54
- Animal Products Research Foundation, 90, 90a4, 91
- Anthoney, E,
- at the conferring of an honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- appointed to the University Council, 52
- supported the Agricultural Education Bill, 168
- Anthropology, Study of, 149
- Art works,
- portraits of Sir John Langdon Bonython, Mrs Jessie Frances Raven and Mr Peter Waite received, 79
- Associated Teachers' Association, 56
- see also Music Teachers Association
- Athletics, 52
- Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
- report of arrangements for 19th meeting, 14
- criticism of Dr Frank Hone’s paper on notification of diseases, 63
- Australian Dental Congress, 116
- Australian Forestry School,
- see also Forestry, School of
- description of new building, 50, 51b
- opened by the Governor-General, 141, 142
- details relating to the 1928 Conference approved, 148, 152
- Australian Music Examinations Board,
- music scholarships, exhibitions to be awarded, 22
- met to discuss examinations and syllabus, 45, 46, 55, 59, 63
- examination results, 45, 46, 55, 59, 63, 125, 126, 129, 130, 131
- lectures for music teachers at Conservatorium, 46, 49a
- I G Reimann on registration of music teachers and their rising status, 82
- increased number of entries for exams, 123
- musical perception, aural culture included in the syllabus successfully, 127
- report from Dr Edward Harold Davies and Prof Bernard Heinze on examining in Perth, 136
- Australian National Research Council, 103, 104
- Australian Pastoral Research Trust, 93
- Ayers, Ivy Victoria,
- to teach a course of music appreciation for teachers, 7
- gives course of lectures for music teachers, 13, 14
- played at concerts at Elder Conservatorium, 60a, 69, 71, 72, 109, 111
- accompanied three songs she composed, 107
- Back, Dorothy, 157
- Badman, A Oliver, 86
- Bagot, Walter, 166
- Bailey, Frederick Manson, 157, 163
- Bailey, J F, 165
- Bald, Robert Cecil,
- asks “Has Democracy failed?” and H L Mencken's book, 65
- on the effect and value of architecture, 135
- comments on his candidacy for the Professor of English in Melbourne, 149
- Bampton, Albert William, 39
- Bankers' Club of South Australia, 79
- Barbour, Dorothy Jean, 111, 131
- Barbour, R R P, MA (Oxon)
- appointed master of the new St Andrew's Residential College, 173, 192
- Barker, John, 105, 106
- Barnard, Howard Lucas, 135
- Barnes, Hilda, 157
- Barnett, Dr Samuel Powell, 167
- Barr Smith Library, 113
- new laboratories at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 127
- "Strathspey", affiliation to St Mark's College as St Andrews, 136, 137, 140, 166
- building progress in Sir George John Robert Murray's graduation address, 165, 166
- new nutrition laboratory, 173
- John Melrose Laboratory, 191, 192, 193, 194b, 194c, 194d
- Barry, Margaret Mary, 129, 152, 154
- Barwell, Sir Henry Newman, 5, 110
- Basedow, Dr Herbert, 128, 149
- Bayley, William Reynolds,
- attended lecture given by the Prime Minister, Stanley Melbourne Bruce, 82
- present at the conferring of honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- photographed at levee at Government House, 60b
- photographed in procession for graduation ceremony, 164a
- mentioned in an editorial on the necessity of examinations, 172
- Bean, Edgar Layton, MA, LLB,
- acting Parliamentary draftsman, 7
- nominee on Superannuation Board, 14
- appointed Parliamentary Draftsman, 30
- Beare, Sir Thomas Hudson, 78
- Beauchamp, Edward Benjamin, 169, 173
- Begg, Dr Percy Raymond,
- gave a paper at Australian Dental Congress, 116
- appointed demonstrator in Orthodontics, 173
- Bell, Rev Arthur Hammond, 57
- Benefactors,
- Tom Elder Barr Smith, 6, 163, 165, 166
- Peter Waite, 6, 8
- Joseph Fisher, 15
- Sir Josiah Henry Symon, 50, 197b
- benefactors of South Australian Orchestra, 54
- portraits of Sir John Langdon Bonython, Mrs Jessie Frances Raven and Mr Peter Waite received, 78, 79
- Sir Walter Watson Hughes, 94
- John Melrose, 94, 168
- graduation address listed major benefactors, 163, 165, 166
- John Andrew Tennant Mortlock, 168, 191, 192, 193
- Bennett, Richard William, 80, 84, 122
- Bequests, gifts & endowments,
- Sir Josiah Symon’s gift to build the Lady Symon building, 19, 50, 52, 66, 67, 101, 105, 105a, 106, 133c, 197b, 197c, 197d
- Pageant of Learning held to raise funds, 47, 48, 49b, 50
- Sir John Langdon Bonython donated £1000, 52
- Prof Edward Harold Davies lists donors to South Australian Orchestra, 54
- Sir George Brookman listed as benefactor at graduation, 162, 166
- John Melrose gift of £10,000, 90a2, 91, 92, 93, 94, 109, 165, 166, 168
- John Andrew Tennant Mortlock gave £2,000 to the Waite Institute, 91, 191
- project to build a Students' Union Building and a War Memorial, 101
- John Barker's daughter thanked for honouring his promise of £1,000, 105
- list of donations to the Students' Union Building and War Memorial Fund, 108, 111, 115
- Peter Waite’s gifts, 6, 8, 109, 166, 191, 192, 193
- Family of Sir John and Lady Duncan donate "Strathspey" and 19 acres for a residential college, 112a, 112b, 112c, 113
- donation of £20,000 by Tom Elder Barr Smith for the new Barr Smith Library building, 113
- donations towards the building of the John Melrose Laboratory, 191, 192, 193
- Berry, Frances Winifred, MA, DipEd, 85, 90
- Bert, Ernest Julius, 6
- Bevan, Clifford, 152, 154
- Bevan, Frederick Charles, 22, 84, 152
- Biaggini, Ernest Gordon, 15, 16
- Bickersteth, Rev Kenneth Julian Faithfull, 164a
- present at the conferring of an honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- attended the state funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- lecture to the Education Society on education ideals, 56
- attended the 1927 Joseph Fisher lecture, 82
- short biography for birthday, 84
- retiring member of council available for re-election, 134
- re-elected to council, 139
- Birks, Walter Richard,
- appointed Principal of Roseworthy Agricultural College, 52, 75
- arrived from Melbourne to take up position, 87
- biography, 52, 89
- welcome for, 91
- spoke at the Roseworthy Agricultural College Old Scholars' annual dinner, 123
- Bishop, Lionel Albert Jack, 145
- Black, John McConnell, 82
- Blackburn, VC, Captain Arthur Seaforth, 137
- Blake, Arthur, 20
- Blaskett, Sydney Norman, 136
- Board of Anthropological Research,
- exhibition of photos and film of a recent expedition to Central Australia, 79, 80
- Bonython, J Lavington Bonython, 69
- Bonython, Sir John Langdon,
- one of SA's oldest knights, 7
- to attend the conferring of an honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 28
- present at the conferring of an honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- photograph, 34, 38, 42, 60b, 127, 133a, 164a, 169
- donated £1000 for the Men's Union Building fund, 52
- attended a levee at Government House, 60b
- congratulated Prof. Robert William Chapman on his award of CMG, 64
- spoke of the work of Sir George Brookman, 71, 72
- portrait by W B McInnes to be hung in the Council room, 78, 79
- photograph of W B McInnes’ portrait, 85
- short biography, 127
- at the laying of the foundation stone of the Lady Symon Building, 133a
- mention in Sir George John Robert Murray's graduation address as benefactor, 163, 166
- Booker, Robert Franklin, 64
- Booth, Sydney Russell,
- attended the Joseph Fisher lecture, 82
- elected auditor of the Graduates' Association, 100
- to present candidates for the diploma in commerce, 159
- Boucaut, Douglas Le Rey, 28, 29, 90a3
- Boyce, Althea Enid, 47, 48, 50
- Boykett, K H, 34, 37, 40
- Bragg, Sir William Henry,
- short biography, present positions, 22, 46
- brief summary of key work, 97
- recommends appointment of Dr Alexander Killen Macbeth to Chair of Chemistry, 147
- Bragg, William Lawrence, 22
- Bray, Marmion Matthews, LLB, 76
- Brazel, James Francis, 28, 29
- Bridges, Sir George Tom Molesworth, 135, 153, 154
- Briskham, Alexander George Herbert, 172
- Brooke, Malcolm Archibald, 57
- Brookman, John Ragless, 28
- Brookman, Sir George,
- obituaries, 69, 70, 71, 72
- funeral report, 73
- sympathy of Council extended to his wife and family, 75
- his contribution acknowledged at School of Mines Students' Association, 114
- listed as benefactor by Sir George John Robert Murray at graduation, 162, 163, 166
- Brose, Henry Herman Leopold Adolph, 113
- Brougham, Leonard Arthur Morris,
- senior dental mechanic, 68
- appointed demonstrator in Dental Mechanics, 173
- Brown, Dr William Jethro,
- President of State Industrial Court, 1
- adjourned court on death of Mr Justice Thomas Slaney Poole, 35
- biographies on retirement, 96, 97
- speeches and presentation on his retirement, 128
- Brown, Gilbert,
- paper at Dental Conference, 116
- appointed instructor in Anaesthetics, 173
- Brown, Gwen, 50
- Bruce, Right Honourable Stanley Melbourne,
- to give the 1927 Joseph Fisher Lecture in Commerce, 7, 73, 77
- lecture on "The Financial and Economic Position of Australia", 82, 83
- letter to The News by "Onlooker" on Bruce's visit to the Waite Institute, 85
- supports the proposal to build a Students' Union Building, 101
- Bruce, Wallace, 32, 35
- Buildings,
- Student Union Building, 19, 81, 91, 104, 105, 107, 166, 197b, 197c, 197d
- Lady Symon building, 66, 67, 197b, 197c, 197d
- Pageant of Learning held to raise funds to furnish the Lady Symon Building, 48, 50
- Men's Union Building fund, 52
- Women's Union Building fund, 52
- Prof Edward Harold Davies on more land and buildings required in future, 59, 60a
- research laboratories for Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 85, 118, 124
- appeal to build Students' Union and War Memorial, 101, 103, 105, 105a, 106, 108, 111, 115
- residential college to be affiliated with the University, 112a, 112b, 112c, 113, 114
- Burdon, Roy Stanley, 14, 15, 54
- Burgess, Frederick Martin, 100
- Buring, Vida, 152, 154
- Burnard, David Alexander, 107, 159
- Burton, Isabel, 157
- Butler, Hon R L,
- paid tribute to Thomas Slaney Poole, 32, 35
- speaker at appeal launch for Students' Union Building and War Memorial, 101, 105, 106
- to make a donation to the Waite Institute, 105, 106
- Butterfield, Hon T, 168
- Buttrose, Murray, LLB, 94
- Byrne, Dr Alfred Dudley, 167
- Byrne, Mary Teresa, 129, 130, 152, 154
- Calder, Rex Finlayson Cormack, 64
- Calendar, 1927, 7, 8
- Cameron, Dr S S, 81
- Campbell, Dr Thomas Draper,
- superintendent of Dental Hospital used for training dental students, 68
- spoke on tribal distribution at the Anthropological Society, 84
- spoke on stone tools and their classification to the Anthropological Society, 125
- Campbell, Jessie, 50
- Campbell, Professor Arthur Lang,
- lectured Law Students' Society, 26
- admitted to SA Bar, 28
- presented HRH the Duke of York as a candidate for an honorary degree, 34, 37, 40
- supported students having a Union building, 91, 103
- replied to a toast at dinner of Law Students' Society, 101
- appointed to council for development of "Strathspey" as a residential college, 112b, 114
- to present candidates for law degrees, 159
- spoke at the Graduates' Association's annual luncheon, 161, 163, 168
- Cancer Research Fund, 8
- Career information,
- medicine as a career for girls, 25
- opportunities in music for girls, 29
- unsuitability of graduates, 33
- university trained men preferred by Railways Department, 110
- new agricultural policy to include graduate opportunities, 111
- Carey, Francis Clive Savill,
- opera performances proposed for students, 7
- returned from London with news of Australian students, music trends, 9, 10, 11
- to speak on English folk songs, 20
- resigning to return to work in England, 22, 123
- to sing at a chamber music concert, 24, 25
- unable to sing, 25, 26
- to assist with the "Pageant of Learning", 29
- sang at a chamber music recital, 56, 57, 101
- lectured on essentials of voice training, 59
- sang three Elizabethan songs, 60a
- directed opera class in "The Family Party" and "Prince Ferelon", 67, 69, 71
- sang at staff concert, 69, 71, 72
- presided over the Folksong and Dance Society meeting, 101
- directed opera class's performance of "Hansel and Gretel", 107
- review of the opera class's performances, 111, 116, 141, 152, 154, 157
- took Stella Sobels and Olive Dyer to sing before Dame Nellie Melba, 113
- gave some concerts in Sydney, 123
- to visit family in India and New Zealand, 127
- spoke on English folk dancing, 134
- farewelled by students, 158
- mention in Sir George John Robert Murray's address at graduation ceremony, 166
- Carter, Charles, 157
- Cartledge, Jack Pickering, LLB, 30, 57
- Caterer, Thomas Ainslie, 17, 90a3
- Cawthorne, Gus, 157
- Ceremonies and celebrations,
- Pageant of Learning, 47, 48, 49b, 50, 51a
- booklet of Jubilee addresses and proceedings, 19
- Chamberlain, Reginald Roderic St Clair, 39
- Chandler, Dr Arthur James, 167
- Chapman, Mrs R, 29, 50
- Chapman, Robert Hall, 39, 57, 58
- Chapman, Professor Henry G,
- letter to the editor about the Council's work and an appeal for donations, 103, 104
- now professor of physiology at Sydney University, 111
- Chapman, Professor Robert William,
- adjudicator of design competition for new Adelaide bridge, 2
- elected to Institute of Engineers council, 12
- spoke to the Astronomical Society on Sirius, 27
- at the conferring of an honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 28, 34, 37, 40
- attended funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- chaired talk by George Frederick Dodwell, 54
- bestowed a CMG in the Birthday Honours, 57, 58, 64
- photographs, 58, 60b, 64, 143, 164a
- attended a levee at Government House, 60a, 60b
- congratulated by Sir John Langdon Bonython, 64
- attended the funeral of Sir George Brookman, 73
- member of committee reporting on S.A. brown coal deposits, 78
- chaired meeting of the Astronomical Society, 116
- member of the SA Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, 135
- returned after attending general council of the Institute of Engineers of Australia, 138
- appointed acting Vice-Chancellor, 143
- present at the Graduates' Association's luncheon, 163, 168
- to attend meeting of Australian Association for Advancement of Science, 173, 178
- Chappel, Phyllis Harvey, 154
- Cheek, Alan Carvosso, 78, 79
- Chemistry, Professor of,
- staff and temporary lecturers to fill in until new appointment, 7, 9
- Chemistry, Department of,
- Cherry, Dr Percival Thomas Spower, 29
- Chettle, Walter Richard, 172
- Christie, Patrick Joseph, 28, 29
- Clark, Edward Vincent,
- attended the state funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- lecturer at the School of Engineering, 57
- fixed stage lighting problems of Elder Hall, 67
- Clarke, John Francis, 68
- Classics, Chair of,
- three lecturers to share duties while Prof Tucker is ill, 13, 14
- Cleland, Edward Erskine, 17, 28, 122
- Cleland, Mrs J B, 29
- Cleland, Professor John Burton,
- present at the conferring of an honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- attended the state funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- referred to in letter by Robert John Miller Clucas on the effects of dust storms, 53
- to celebrate 49th birthday, 71
- spoke on blood grouping at Graduates Association, 100
- chaired Ornithological Association, 124
- delegate to Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 124, 173, 178
- appointed president of the Royal Society of South Australia, 127
- short biography, 129
- studies on blood groupings, 152
- Cleworth, Minetta, 157
- Clubs,societies & associations,
- Student Accountants Association, 8
- Graduates Association, 91
- University Christian Union, 14
- Commerce Students Association, 15, 19, 69, 89, 124
- Law Students' Society, 26, 101
- Anthropological Society, 84, 100, 101, 125
- Shakespeare Society, 46, 58
- Classical Association, 59, 60a
- Elder Conservatorium Association, 15, 20
- South Australian Student Christian Movement, 44
- Clucas, Robert John Miller,
- attended the state funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- letter about the effects of recent dust storms, 53
- attended the Joseph Fisher lecture given by the Prime Minister, 82
- Cockburn, Julie, 154
- Cockburn, Sir John Alexander, 2, 3, 7, 11
- Cocks, Alec Douglas, 68
- Colebatch, Walter John,
- appointed member of the Irrigation Commission, 27, 61
- brief biography, 53
- retired from Principal of Roseworthy Agricultural College, 75
- Collisson, Miss, 29, 48, 50
- Commerce, Diploma in,
- revised prospectus issued, 179
- to be established, 140, 141
- new regulations, 144, 149
- Commerce, Chair of,
- editorial proposes a Chair of Commerce, 87
- Commerce, Study of,
- lecture to commerce students on duties of executors, 89
- Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, 1
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation,
- see also Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- research laboratories to be built at Victoria Drive, 85
- contract let and construction started on new laboratory, 124
- Coney, Leslie, 157
- Conferences & seminars,
- Imperial Conference on Education, 1, 2
- Cooke, Prof William Ernest, 91
- Cooke, Hon J H, 169, 170
- Coombs, Herbert Isaac, 12, 52
- Copland, Prof Sir Douglas Berry, 13
- Corbin, John, 173
- Cosh, Elma, 154
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research,
- see also Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- research into stock nutrition, 17, 18, 85
- conference on funding for agricultural research, 18
- pasture research to include wool quality, 18
- research work in irrigation, 20
- agricultural research institute proposed, 22, 23, 24
- report of conference in Melbourne, 23, 24
- research program on irrigation and soils begun, 25
- standing committee appointed, 52
- Prof Arnold E V Richardson appointed to executive committee, 57
- research in the pastoral industry, 74, 75, 76, 77
- new laboratory for research into animal nutrition, 85, 90, 173
- offering a further five studentships for training as researchers, 86
- Prof B T Dickson appointed chief mycologist, 90
- research into mineral deficiencies in fodder plants, 90, 91
- report on the work of the Council including projects with the Waite Institute, 93, 94
- Prof. Arnold E V Richardson on possible duplication of soil chemistry research, 103
- applications invited for training advanced research workers or for equipment, 115, 118
- Prof Theodore George Bentley Osborn to represent the CSIR at interstate conference, 117
- contract let for the building of nutrition laboratory on Victoria Drive, 118
- cause of "spotted wilt" in tomatoes discovered by H A Pittman, 118
- call for applications for assistant research officer to work on animal nutrition, 131
- Prof Arnold E V Richardson returns from Imperial Agricultural Conference in UK, 136
- Prof Thorburn Brailsford Robertson on need for training in experimental biology and chemistry, 137
- Dr R J Tillyard appointed to research entomological problems, 137
- Murray River district research, 147
- quarterly journal articles, 17, 152
- proposed co-ordinated research with UK and USA, 152
- first annual report tabled in Federal Parliament, 158
- mention in Sir George John Robert Murray's address at graduation, 166
- mentioned in the second reading of the Agricultural Education Bill, 168
- Council, University of Adelaide,
- vacancies filled, 21
- members at conferring of honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- members attended the funeral of Justice Poole, 39
- appointments, 52
- elections to be held to fill vacancies left by deaths, 62
- special meeting to confer degrees, 62, 63, 64
- members conferred with Premier on university requirements, 62
- members elected, 65, 66
- portrait of Sir John Langdon Bonython to be hung in Council room, 78, 79, 85
- appointed first council for development of "Strathspey”, 112b, 114
- members to retire and available for re-election, 134
- appointments to Public Library Board, 134
- statute for affiliation of "Strathspey" as a college approved, 136
- elections, 139
- reply to greetings sent by Council to the University of Louvain, 150
- Counter, Beryl Cole, 67, 69, 71, 131, 135, 147, 157
- Cowan, Dr Darcy Rivers Warren, 85, 173
- Cowan, Hon J,
- moved second reading of the Agricultural Education Bill, 169, 170
- laying of the John Melrose Laboratory foundation stone, 191, 192, 193, 194c
- Cowling, G H, 139, 146
- Crabbe, Dr Gavin Murray, 167
- Crane, Greta Ruby, 158, 159
- Cudmore, Dr Arthur Murray, 65, 66
- Cullen, Sir William Portus, 105
- Culshaw, George Vincent, 169
- Daenke, Dorothy Lucy, 51c
- Dalby, J, 159
- Davey, Dr Constance Muriel,
- spoke on "The education of the backward child", 122
- editorial about her talk on backward children, 123
- her work to establish 'opportunity' classes for children with special needs, 170
- to attend meeting of Australian Association for the Advancement of Science, 173, 178
- David Murray Scholarships, 140, 141
- David, Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth, 100, 104, 155, 159
- Davies, Dr James Griffiths, 179, 180
- Davies, Mrs Harold, 29, 50, 107
- Davies, Professor Edward Harold,
- optimistic for the year’s program, 7
- addressed Elder Conservatorium students, 16, 17
- elected president of Elder Conservatorium Association, 20
- spoke of value of performing at the Conservatorium's concerts, 23
- to assist with the "Pageant of Learning", 29
- organ recital at conferring of honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- at Beethoven Memorial concert, 43
- played at concert, 44
- SA delegate to Australian Music Examinations Board meeting, 45
- lectured on 'The Teaching of Harmony and Counterpoint', 49a
- illustrated lecture on the music of the aborigines, 54
- letter to the editor on South Australian Orchestra's funding problems, 54
- on the future of the University, 59, 60a
- attended opera class's performances, 67
- short history of Adelaide Bach Society, 81
- short biography, 86
- used recordings of aboriginal music in his address to Graduates' Association, 100
- to examine in Western Australia and leave for England, 123, 126
- to seek successor to Francis Clive Savill Carey while overseas, 127, 138
- reporting on music examinations in Western Australia, 136
- leaving for London, 140
- spoke of more liberal education, 197b
- Davis, Angelita Pintorcilla, 56
- Davis, Dr Harold Julian, 167
- Davy, Dr Ruby Claudia Emily, 129
- Dawbarn,Mary Campbell, BSc, 15
- Dawkins, Dr Alec Letts, 167
- Dawson, Dr Joseph Bernard, 54
- de Crespigny, Constantine Trent Champion, 85, 173
- de Crespigny, Mrs C T, 29, 50
- Degrees, ad eundum gradum,
- conferring degree on HRH the Duke of York, 4, 5, 28, 30, 31, 34, 37, 39, 40, 41a, 41b, 166
- Dr Arthur William Hill to be awarded Doctor of Science ad eundum gradum, 155, 157
- Denham, Prof H G, 186, 187
- Denny, William Joseph, 31, 33, 35
- Dental Hospital, 68
- Dentistry, Study of,
- three government scholarships announced, 41a
- alterations to regulations, 140, 141
- Dickson, Professor B T, 90
- Dix, Jessica Laura, 77, 79
- Dodwell, George Frederick,
- attended funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- spoke on value of astronomy, 54
- lectured on "The Course of the Stars", 108
- Donnithorne, William, 28, 29
- Downer, James Frederick, 39
- Duguid, Dr Charles, 154
- Dumas, Russell John, 57
- Duncan, Sir John,
- Dunn, Dr Talbot Lewis, 167
- Dunstan, Beryl Elvira Mercia, 158, 159
- Dyer, Olive, 152, 154
- Eardley, Frederick William, BA,
- returns after leave, 5
- at conferring of honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- at state funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- at the funeral of Sir George Brookman, 73
- to convey to Lady Brookman sympathy of Council, 75
- at the 1927 Joseph Fisher lecture given by the Prime Minister, 82
- elected to committee of Graduates' Association, 100
- replied to a published letter from "Hard-up Scholar”, 119
- short reply to published letters on examination fees, 123
- re-elected Clerk of the Senate, 139
- reply to "Medicus" on proposed changes to regulation VII, 156
- references to comments on changes to medical degree examinations, 160
- photograph of him in the procession into Elder Hall, 164a
- Eardley, Mrs Frederick William, 29, 50
- Eckersley, Rev Percy Cyril Wheaton, 11
- Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand, 92, 95, 96, 118, 119
- Education Department of South Australia, 116
- Education Society of South Australia, 56
- Edwards, Dr Hurtle Thomas Jack, 116, 141
- Edwards, Wanda, 29, 48, 50, 51a, 51b, 51c
- Elder Conservatorium Association,
- annual meeting to be held March 21, 15
- report of business of annual meeting, 20
- review of a performance of original compositions by members, 107
- Elder Conservatorium of Music,
- new term begins, 4
- organist and piano teacher appointment expected, 7
- student enrolments increased, 13, 14
- inaugural students addressed by Dr Harold Davies, 16, 17
- “Prince Fenelon” already in rehearsal, 17
- staff changes, 22, 127
- first student concert for 1927, 23, 24
- second concert to be chamber music by members of staff, 25
- career opportunities in music for girls, 29
- students and staff to participate in "Pageant of Learning”, 29
- free public lectures for music teachers, 46
- student orchestra and choir provided the music for “Pageant of Learning”, 48, 50
- review of concert given by students, 51c, 52
- Prof Edward Harold Davies' illustrated lecture on the music of the aborigines, 54
- I G Reimann on "Pianoforte playing and teaching", 55
- chamber music recital review, 56, 57
- new group called Adelaide Teachers' Association to give concerts, 56
- John Horner appointed teacher of organ and pianoforte, 58
- Francis Clive Savill Carey lectured on the essentials of voice training, 59
- review of concert, 60a
- Charles Schilsky lectured on violin teaching, 63
- reviews of opera class's performances, 67, 68, 69, 71
- attendance of school children at concerts beneficial, 68
- review of staff concert, 69, 71, 72
- student concert, 77, 78, 79
- Thomas Henry Jones resigned after 28 years of teaching, 79, 81
- review of first winter concert by the String Quartet, 86
- review of seventh concert, 94
- value of music degrees and qualifications, 99
- review of second chamber music concert, 101
- opera class to perform Humperdinck's "Hansel and Gretel", 102, 107
- review of ninth concert, 109, 111
- review of "Hansel and Gretel" and Act 1 of "Prunella", 111
- review of tenth concert, 114
- review of concert given by the ladies part-singing class, 115
- review of twelfth concert, 126
- concert to be given by William Silver's students and Charlotte Grivell, 129
- review of thirteenth student concert, 131
- Francis Clive Savill Carey spoke about English folk dancing, 135
- review of student concert, 135
- Immanuel Gotthold Reimann has arranged three student recitals, 136
- Prof Edward Harold Davies entertained the staff before his departure, 140
- review of Immanuel Gotthold Reimann's students’ concert, 147, 150
- review of final student concert, 152, 154
- reviews of concerts by the opera class, 157
- John Adam Horner to teach piano and organ, 193
- Elder Conservatorium String Quartet,
- Elder Scholarship,
- Betty Froome Puddy won for pianoforte, 141, 142, 152, 154
- John O'Connor McCabe won for violincello, 142, 152, 154
- Ethel Bradshaw (Peggy) Palmer to continue her piano studies in Leipzig, 144
- Elder Scholars Geoffrey Goldsworthy, Arnold Carey Farley and Katy Yoerger played at first student concert for 1927, 23, 24
- Katy Yoerger, Elder Scholar 1926, performed at concert, 51c, 52
- Geoffrey Goldsworthy, Elder Scholar for 1926, performed at student concert, 51c
- Elder, Sir Thomas, 166
- Elder, Smith and Company, 6
- Elford, Harold Stewart, BE, 100
- Ellis, Frank, MA, BE, 57, 60a
- Empire Marketing Board,
- funding jointly with CSIR for pasture deficiencies and stock nutrition, 17, 18, 90, 91
- soils and pasture research carried out under the auspices of the Board, 120, 121
- visitors from the Board at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 128
- plans for cooperative research with the Board, 152, 158
- Board provided funding for building at Waite Institute and pasture research, 168, 171, 187, 192, 193
- Engineering, Study of,
- Commentary on enrolments in the field, 149
- Engineers, Institute of, 12
- England, Harold Norman, 120
- English Speaking Union, 134, 154
- English, Study of,
- letters about compulsory pass in Intermediate English, 13, 15, 20
- Eric Smith Scholarship, 119
- Ernest Ayers Scholarship, 155
- Espie, Frank Fancett, 57
- Establishment,
- Eugene Alderman Scholarship, 51c, 52
- Eugenics,
- Prof. Thorburn Brailsford Robertson on eugenics and war, 53
- Eustace, John Leonard, 85
- Evening lectures,
- see also lectures, public lectures, extension lectures
- government grants enable extra evening classes in arts and science, 14
- 500 applications for night lectures, 20
- Ewens, John Qualtrough, 158, 159
- Examinations,
- letters about compulsory pass in Intermediate English, 13, 15, 20
- Principal of Training College and one University professor appointed to conduct Council of Education examinations, 118
- letters about examination fees, 119, 123, 124
- comments on the reports in the Public Examinations Manual, 19
- new syllabus for Public Service examination, 103
- examination results, 18, 19
- increased entries reported by Australian Music Board in recent exams, 123
- Australian Music Board results, 45, 46, 125, 126, 129, 130, 131
- Prof E Harold Davies views on Music Board examinations in WA, 136
- examiner's comments in the Public Examinations Board manual, 129
- in defence of examinations and the value of English, 131
- numbers of students sitting for degree and diploma exams, 136
- results for Faculty of Music, 137
- Prof William Keith Hancock on the value of examinations, 138
- intermediate, leaving and leaving honours examinations begin, 139
- the examination experience, 139
- dentistry examination results, 140
- photograph of candidates in Exhibition Hall, 142
- Faculty of Arts results, 143, 144
- letter on the poor results in teaching examinations, 145
- Faculty of Law results, 146
- Faculties of Science and Applied Science results, 147, 148, 149, 155
- Diploma of Commerce results, 148
- letter on problems with time limits, 150
- Doctor of Dental Science results, 153, 154
- change to regulation VII dealing with timing of examinations for medical degrees, 155, 156, 160, 165
- Leaving Honours Examination results, 161, 162, 167
- editorial on necessity of examinations, 172
- letter suggesting change to examinations, 174
- comment on leaving examination results, 175
- Leaving Examination Honors and Pass Lists, 176, 177, 178
- need for improvements in examination methods, 180, 181
- Intermediate (including Intermediate Commercial) Examination results, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191
- distribution of scholarships to candidates for qualifying certificate examination, 195
- Exchange programs,
- arrangements for economics students exchange programs, 13
- HRH the Duke of York suggested an exchange of professors, 45
- Exhibitions and displays,
- pageant of music and dances to be held, 29, 47, 48, 50
- Extension lectures,
- see also lectures, public lectures, evening lectures
- Professor William Keith Hancock on Florentine Renaissance, 61, 62, 72, 73
- Prof. Cedric Stanton Hicks on "The Discovery of Matter”, 89, 92
- Fairweather, Andrew, 57
- Farley, Arnold, 23, 24, 152, 154
- Farr, George Henry, 17, 90a3
- Federal Conference of Pastoralists and Wool Selling Brokers, 75, 76, 77
- Fees,
- letters about examination fees, 119, 123, 124
- Senate agreed to an annual student fee for maintenance of the Student Union, 141
- Senate increased fees for medical degrees, 140, 141
- Fenner, Dr Charles Albert Edward, 115, 173, 178
- Finance,
- government grants for higher education, 8
- financing of agricultural research and organisations, 79, 80
- proposed government financial support for agricultural research at the Waite Institute, 87
- Agricultural Education Bill to provide annual grants for research and education, 168, 169, 170, 179
- need for more finance for agricultural education, 180, 181
- list of grants, 182
- government financial support for University, 197d
- Findlay, Dr G. Marshall, 137
- Fisher, Helena Catherine, 107
- Fisher, Joseph,
- donated £1,000 in 1903 to promote the study of commerce, 15
- bi-annual Joseph Fisher lecture to be given by the Prime Minister, Mr Bruce, 62
- Fletcher, Elizabeth Duncan, 124
- Florey, Dr Howard Walter, 66
- Folksong and Dance Society, 101
- Foote, William Henry,
- to commence rehearsals with students, 7
- conducted the South Australian Orchestra for several concerts, 43, 61, 84, 94, 102, 114
- renewal of contract coming up, 28
- specially engaged from London, 54
- birthday and photograph, 107
- Forder, Howard Hamlyn, 136
- Fordham, Juanita Horwood, 158, 159
- Forestry,
- report of the Conservator of Forests Mr E Julius on South Australian forests, 160
- Forestry, School of,
- see also Australian Forestry School
- progress of building in Canberra, 5
- to open on April 11, 12
- C E Lane-Poole to be in charge, 23
- studies have commenced, 26
- C E Lane-Poole in favour of federal control of foresty, 121
- Formby, Myles Landseer, 5, 129
- Fowler, James Richard, 53, 135
- Francis, Bessie, 51c, 52
- Froggatt, Walter, 171
- Frost, Mary Millicent,
- role of Science in Pageant of Learning, 50
- secretary of Women's Union, 124
- proposed vote of thanks to Sir Josiah Henry Symon, 132c, 133c
- winner of John Howard Clark Prize, 158, 159
- to reply for the female graduates at lunch of the Graduates Association, 158
- replied on behalf of graduates at Association's lunch for new graduates, 161, 163, 168
- Fry, Dr Henry Kenneth, 60b, 84
- Fuller, George Rayner, 100
- Fuller, William,
- retirement after 47 years as lecturer in Histology, 136, 139, 156
- to be at the eighth annual lunch of the Graduates' Association, 158
- farewelled at luncheon of Graduates' Association, 161, 163, 168
- mention in Sir George John Robert Murray's address at graduation, 166
- Gallasch, Dr Frank Edward, 167
- Gardiner, Beauchamp Lennox, 57
- Gardner, George Gavin Forrest, 43
- Gartrell, Herbert William, 39, 57
- Gault, Dr Estelle Ruth, 124
- Gender issues,
- information on medicine as a career for girls, 25
- career opportunities for girls in music, 29
- comments on enrolment patterns of women students, 149
- Geoffrey, Samuel, 27
- Gibb, Claude Dixon, 57
- Gill, Hilda Beatrice, 25, 26, 44, 109, 111
- Gillespie, William Charles, 169
- Girdlestone, Rev. Henry, 90a3
- Glynn, Patrick McMahon, 7, 109
- Gmeiner, Clarice Haidee Beatrice, 22, 114, 129, 130
- Gmeiner, Muriel, 79
- Goldsworthy, Geoffrey, 23, 24, 51c
- Goode, Bruce Fleming, 90
- Goodhart, Mabel Flora, 146, 155, 169
- Goodman, William George Toop, 34, 37, 40, 82, 163, 168
- Goodrich, Prof Carter,
- compared American and Australian university students, 58
- spoke of labor and education in America and Australia, 59
- employment options for American graduates, 62
- gave a lecture on labour and unionism in America, 63
- Prof Thorburn Brailsford Robertson comments on statements, 64
- employment opportunities for graduates, 68
- Gordon, Charles, 157
- Gordon, Sir David, 169, 170
- Government relations,
- retirement of Deputy-President of Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, 1
- Institute of Pacific Relations hopes to form a committee in Adelaide, 7
- Federal Research Laboratory on human and animal diseases, 12
- Australian administration of New Guinea, 12, 13
- editorial on proposed research laboratory at Mount Gambier, 15
- SA Government to support research and use of science in agriculture, 61
- government's contribution to University, 105a, 106
- Science and Industry Endowment Act applications invited for training advanced research workers or for equipment, 115, 118
- State not to share Prof Arnold E V Richardson's expenses for attendance at conference, 132a
- Graduates,
- success of engineering graduates, 7, 57
- Graduates Association,
- entertained Prof. George Cockburn Henderson in the Prince of Wales lecture room, 75
- Education Minister (Hon M McIntosh) to give welcome address at annual luncheon, 141
- annual luncheon to be held in Botanic Park, 158
- report on luncheon for new graduates, 161, 163, 168
- photograph of luncheon under the plane trees, 165
- seventh annual meeting held, election of committee, 100
- Graduation ceremonies,
- special council meetings to confer degrees, 62, 63, 64
- annual ceremony, 166, 167
- conferring degree ad eundum gradum on HRH Duke of York, 4, 28, 30, 31, 37, 39, 40, 41a
- photographs of conferring of degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 41b
- commemoration ceremony to be held in Elder Hall, 155, 158, 159
- reports of ceremonies, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167
- photograph of Chancellor and Council members in procession, 164b
- photograph of distinguished graduates entering Elder Hall, 164b
- Grainger, Percy, 28
- Grant, Dr Richard Longford Thorold, 85
- Grant, Professor Kerr,
- Optometrist Association refers to his help in having optometry recognised, 54
- accepted position on Council of the School of Mines, 63
- to be absent in Europe and England, 124
- to return to Australia, 126
- spoke on recent advances in physics and political conditions in Europe, 181
- photograph, 181
- Gratton, Norman Murray Gladstone, 112b, 114
- Graziers' Convention, 74, 75, 76, 77
- Greenwood, Ethel, 157
- Groth, Fred, 154
- Grounds,
- floodwater problem and university’s need for more land, 66
- Adelaide City Council granted extra land to university, 124
- Hack, Jean, 154
- Hackett, Dr Cecil John, 167
- Hall, Georgina Delmar, 20, 107, 115
- Hall, Hubert Winsloe,
- elected vice-president of Elder Conservatorium Association, 20
- conducted performance of "The Family Party" and "Prince Ferelon", 67
- conducted Elder Conservatorium orchestra for second opera performance, 69, 71
- musical director for performance of "Hansel and Gretel", 107, 111
- conducted concert given by the ladies part-singing class, 115
- mentioned in review of final Elder student concert, 154
- conducted two concluding concerts given by opera class, 157
- Halley, Dr Gertrude, 48, 50
- Hamp, Dr Frances Marian, 1
- Hancock, Dr Percy Raymond Russell, 167
- Hancock, Mary Frewin, 131
- Hancock, Professor William Keith,
- lecture on "The danger of mediocrity" for the WEA, 15
- summary of lecture on "The Dangers of Mediocrity", 24
- wrote to The Register on the Public Library and its collection, 25
- to assist with the "Pageant of Learning", 29
- on the legend of St George and the Dragon, 30, 31
- youngest professor, 31
- present at conferring of honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- extension lectures on "The Florentine Renaissance", 52
- article on the first English communists, 55, 56
- extension lecture on Lorenzo De' Medici and the Florentine Renaissance, 61, 62
- the life and work of Savonarola and the Florentine Renaissance, 64
- on Leonardo da Vinci and "The Florentine Renaissance", 72, 73
- on French and German claims on the Rhine River and border security, 85
- on recent four and a half hour speech by Mussolini, 102, 103
- on chronicling tragedy and sensationalism in media, 127
- member of SA Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, 135
- on value of examinations in education, 138
- to attend meeting of Australian Association for Advancement of Science, 173, 178
- Hannan, Albert James,
- appointed Crown Solicitor, 30, 33, 131
- short biography, 33
- photograph, 33, 131, 136
- to represent State on legal business, 136
- Harbison, Dr Alan Thomas, 167
- Hardy, G, 85
- Hargreaves, Dr William Arthur,
- attended funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- one author of report on SA brown coal deposits, 78
- invented a new word "chemologist" to distinguish a chemist from a pharmacist, 80
- left to attend conferences in Melbourne on transport of explosives and dangerous goods, 150
- Harvey, Hon W H, 34, 37, 39, 40, 169, 170
- Harvey, Valda, 48, 50, 107, 157
- Health and Safety,
- fall from window of Darling Building, 134, 135
- Health Inspectors' Association, 117
- Heaton, Dr Herbert, 74, 78
- Heinze, Prof Bernard, 136
- Henderson, Henry Beecher, 39
- Henderson, Professor George Cockburn,
- researching history of several Pacific islands, 68
- entertained by the Graduates' Association, 75
- collected donations after the Armistice for the War Memorial scheme, 103
- thanked for his efforts to raise money for the War Memorial appeal, 105, 106
- Henderson, William, 5
- Henry, Gladys Amy Thelma, 131
- Heseltine, Frederick Augustus, 57
- Hewitson, Dr Thomas, 122, 128
- Hicks, Professor Cedric Stanton,
- to give lecture on "The source of vital energy", 15
- lectured on nutrition and 'sources of vital energy', 21
- present at conferring of degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- to give an extension lecture course on "The Discovery of Matter", 52
- attended the 1927 Joseph Fisher lecture given by the Prime Minister, 82
- appointed honorary clinical physiologist, 85
- lectures on "The Discovery of Matter", 88, 89, 92, 93, 96, 97
- spoke at the Workers' Educational Association student break-up, 135
- present at the Graduates' annual luncheon, 163, 168
- Higher education,
- SA Government’s grants for university education, 8
- Hill, Dr A W,
- director of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, to visit, 103
- to be awarded the degree of Doctor of Science ad eundum gradum, 155
- visiting Australia to see our flora and timber, 157
- photograph, 157
- warned of over-grazing, 159
- spoke at Graduates' Association lunch of the value of the Waite Institute, 161, 163, 168
- graduated as Doctor of Science ad eundum gradum, 163, 166
- commented on Victoria Park racecourse and proposed removal of elm trees, 165
- commented on the Botanic Garden, 165
- value of the research supported by the Empire Marketing Board, 171
- Hill, Dr Floy McCoy, 163, 168
- Hill, Hon Lionel Laughton,
- spoke in support of the Student Union Building and War Memorial, 197d
- opened Adelaide Teachers' College new building, 20
- reports 500 applications for night lectures at University, 20
- Hodge, Charles Reynolds, 11, 13, 39, 139
- Hogan, Philip Cornelius, 158, 159
- Holden, Edward Wheewall, 34, 37, 40, 106
- Holden, Mrs E W, 29, 50
- Hollidge, David Henry, 13, 14, 60a, 60b, 166
- Hollidge, Geoffrey David, 169
- Holman, Frank Reginald, 142
- Holmes, Edna Lucy, 158, 159
- Homburg, Hermann, 31, 32, 35
- Homes, Alma Ivy Penelope, 172
- Hone, Dr Frank Sandland,
- present at conferring of an honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- attended funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- member of the University Union building fund committee, 91
- spoke at student meeting supporting the proposed Student Union Building, 103
- to lecture on "Maternal and child welfare", 116
- lectured to the Health Inspectors' Association on bubonic plague, 117
- re-elected to the Senate of the University of Adelaide, 139
- photograph in the procession into Elder Hall for the graduation ceremony, 164a
- appointed lecturer in Public Health and Preventive Medicine, 173
- to attend meeting of Australian Association for Advancement of Science, 173, 178
- views on notification of diseases criticised, 63
- retiring member of council available for re-election, 134
- Hone, Effie J, 173
- Hooker, George, 154
- Hore-Ruthven, Major-General Alexander Gore Arkwright,
- Horner, John,
- appointed as teacher of organ and pianoforte, 58, 127
- photograph, 58, 158, 193
- expected to arrive in February, 158
- spoke of his career, the music scene in Glasgow, with comments on some modern composers, 193
- Hosking, Dr Herbert Champion, 12, 13
- Howard, T P, 33, 37
- Howchin, Professor Walter,
- short biography, 179
- photograph, 179
- theory of glacial action between Adelaide and Lake Eyre, 100
- read a paper by Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth David at Royal Society, 104
- discussed the Wagener continental theory at Astronomical Society, 116
- read a paper on the older tillite of South Australia to Royal Society,128
- Howse, VC, Sir Neville, 88
- Hughes, Sir Walter Watson, 94
- Hunkin, L C, 34, 37, 40
- Hunter, Oswald, 39
- Hutcheson, Lieut Commander George Ian Dewart, 8
- Hutchins, Harry, 152, 154
- Hyde, Miriam Beatrice, 107, 114, 129, 130
- Hyde, Muriel,
- see also Muriel Gmeiner, 78, 79
- Hyde, Pauline, 154
- Imperial Agricultural Research Conference, 124, 125, 131, 134, 147, 151, 152
- Imperial Conference on Education, 1, 2
- Ingleby, Rupert, 80, 84
- Institute of Pacific Relations, 7
- Institute of Science and Industry, 171
- Institutes Association of South Australia, 171
- International Federation of University Women, 14
- Irrigation and Drainage Commission, 27
- Isbister, Dr James Linklater Thomson, 84
- Isbister, William James, KC,
- present at conferring of an honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- photograph in procession at levee at Government House, 60b
- attended the 1927 Joseph Fisher lecture given by the Prime Minister, 82
- short biography for his 61st birthday, 84
- appointed to council for development of "Strathspey", 112b, 114
- reappointed by Council to the Public Library Board, 134
- photograph in the procession into Elder Hall for the graduation ceremony, 164a
- Ising, Ernest H, 173, 178
- Jack, Robert Lockhart, 39
- James, Wesley Hughes, 7, 10, 39, 45
- Jamieson, Neil Livermore, 158, 159
- Jarvis, H S C, 197b, 197c, 197d
- Jefferis, Arthur Tarlton, 119
- Jeffery, Mr F, 79, 80
- Jeffries, Shirley Williams, 161
- Jelley, Hon J, 169, 170
- Jenkinson, Herbert Gordon, 12
- Jessup, George Aubrey, 172
- John Bagot Scholarship for Botany, 155
- John Creswell Scholarship, 8
- Johns, Fred, 33, 37
- Johnson, Dr Edward Angas,
- elected Fellow of the Royal Institute of Public Health, London, 14
- photograph, 14, 107
- made ex-territorial Justice of the Peace for Tasmania, 52
- appointed chairman of the Board of Governors of the Botanic Gardens, 106, 107
- became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, 155
- Johnston, Frank, 157
- Johnston, Professor Thomas Harvey,
- present at conferring of degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- attended funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- read a paper on "New trematodes from an Australian Siluroid fish" to Royal Society, 90
- Jolly, Norman William, 97
- Jones, Professor Frederic Wood,
- leaves Adelaide to continue research in Honolulu, 2
- resigned from Flora and Fauna Board, 3
- suggested formation of Board of Anthropological Research, 79, 80
- mention in Sir George John Robert Murray's address at graduation, 166
- Jones, Thomas Henry,
- resigning from Elder Conservatorium, 22, 79, 81, 82, 97
- photograph, 81
- first graduate in music in an Australian university, 86
- Jose, Rev George Herbert, 9, 10, 14
- Joseph Fisher Lecture,
- bi-annual lecture to be given by the Prime Minister Stanley Bruce, 7, 62, 73
- lecture on the "Financial and Economic Position of Australia", 77
- summary of lecture, 82, 83
- printed copies of lecture available, 107
- Joyce, Katie, 56
- Joyner, Malcolm Stewart, 85
- Kemp, Francis Joseph Edmund, 51c, 52
- Kerr, Dr Donald, 11, 12, 74, 192
- Kessell, Stephen Lackey, 169
- Kiek, Edward Sidney, 15, 52, 129, 140, 171
- Kiek, Rev Winifred, 171
- King's College, 25
- Kirwood, Albert Ernest Maldon, 15, 39, 116
- Kleeman, Reginald Theodore, 57
- Koonamore Research Station, 157, 159
- Krahmann, Dr Karl, 101, 128, 129
- Krantz, Dr Sydney, 167
- Laby, Prof T H, 86
- Lady Symon Building,
- Pageant of Learning held to raise funds to furnish the building, 48, 50
- progress towards its construction, 66, 67, 124
- foundation stone, 17, 124, 132a
- photographs, 132b, 132c
- Laffer, Gwen, 154
- Laffer, Hon G R, 168
- Lane-Poole, C E, 23, 26, 120, 121, 141
- Lang, Eric, 7
- Lawrence, Dr Bruce Ernest, 167
- Lawrence, Edna, 157
- Lawson, Prof A G, 78
- Lawson, Prof Abercrombie Anstruther, 22, 23
- League of Nations, 5
- League of Nations Essay Prize, 134
- League of Nations Union, 126, 140
- Leeper, G W, 126
- Leitch, Peggy, 157
- Leitch, Phyllis, 157
- Lendon, Alan Harding, 158, 159, 161, 163, 168
- Lendon, Alfred Austin, 173, 178
- Lendon, Dr Alan Harding, 167
- Lindon, Dr Guy Austin, 115, 173
- Lewcock, Harry Kingsley, 86, 87
- Lewis, Stanley Heathcote, 28, 29
- Library Federation of Australia and New Zealand, 171
- Ligertwood, George Coutts, 26
- Lightfoot Refrigerating Company Limited, 86
- Lindon, Dr Leonard Charles Edward, 115
- Listerian Oration, 56
- London University, 75
- Love, Dr John Alexander, 12, 173, 174
- Love, Mrs. J A, 173
- Ludbrook, Wallis Verco, 158, 159
- Macbeth, Professor Alexander Killen, 147, 165, 166
- MacCullum, Sir Mungo William, 7, 8, 128
- MacIntosh, J H C, 166
- MacKay, Alexander Leslie Gordon,
- addressed Student Accountants Association, 8
- spoke on importance of the WEA, 13
- welcome address to Commerce Students Association, 15
- spoke to the 1927 WEA conference on trade unions and education, 16
- South Australian delegate to WEA federal council meeting, 56
- lecture on "The trend of Australian banking", 79
- attended the 1927 Joseph Fisher lecture given by the Prime Minister, 82
- reported on the current session of the WEA, 114
- to attend meeting of Australian Association for Advancement of Science, 173, 178
- Macklin, Ellen Dulcie, 115, 146, 155
- MacMillan, G A, 13, 14, 166
- Maddeford, Sheila Lamont, 146, 155, 169
- Madigan, Cecil Thomas,
- attended funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- photographed at levee at Government House, 60b
- secretary of appeal committee for funding the University Union building, 91
- chaired annual meeting of Graduates' Association, 100
- secretary of committee formed to raise funds for Union Building and War Memorial, 101
- support for proposed Student Union Building, 103
- spoke on geology of the Willunga scarp to Royal Society, 128
- member of Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, 135
- report of trip to Central Australia, 138
- on drought conditions in Central Australia, 156, 157
- photograph, 156
- Maegraith, Brian Gilmore, 158, 159
- Magarey, Dr Ivan Sandilands, 167
- Magarey, Dr Rupert Eric, 85
- Makin, Dr Frank Humphrey, 85
- Mander, Linden Alfred, 136
- Mangan, John Arthur Leslie, 101, 169
- Mann, Margaret Noble, 132c, 133c
- Marston, Hedley Ralph, 182
- Martin, John Claude, 30, 39
- Matters, Arnold Hatherleigh, 141
- Mawson, Lady, 29, 50
- Mawson, Professor Sir Douglas,
- return to Adelaide from Antarctic explorations, 7
- spoke of Australia's claim to Antarctic territory and the whaling industry, 16
- photograph, 16, 34, 38, 42, 192
- returns from overseas lecture tour, 21
- correcting an interview statement referring to South African politics, 23
- present at conferring of honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- comments about the effects of recent dust storms, 53
- proposed that postal voting be allowed for the election of Council members, 65, 66
- economic possibilities for Antarctica, 67
- hunting of possums in Adelaide Hills, 67
- contributed to report on SA brown coal deposits, 78
- attended the Joseph Fisher lecture given by the Prime Minister, 82, 83
- delegate to Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 90, 173, 178
- read a paper by Bruce Fleming Goode, 90
- advocated afforestation close to city, 102
- report of the trip to Central Australia, 138, 139
- met Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth David at Port Adelaide, 159
- presented with the Medal of the Societe de Geographie of Paris, 192
- Mayfield, Vera Selina Gwendoline, 131, 152, 154
- Mayo, Dr Helen Mary,
- to assist at conferring of honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 28, 34, 37, 40
- originator of the Pageant of Learning, 50
- appointment as lecturer on clinical diseases of children confirmed, 74
- attended the 1927 Joseph Fisher lecture given by the Prime Minister, 82
- elected to the committee of Graduates Association, 100
- council representative on committee of University Womens Union, 124
- photographed in procession for graduation, 164a
- Mayo, Herbert, 101
- McBryde, Frederick Balfour, 39, 44
- McCabe, James Ramsay, 115
- McCabe, John O'Connor, 142, 152, 154
- McCallum, Hon T, 169, 170
- McCarthy, Joseph Francis, 28, 29
- McCoy, William Taylor,
- SA delegate to the Imperial Conference on Education, London, 2, 162
- comments on the teaching of agriculture in schools, 154, 160, 180, 181
- photograph, 154, 162, 180
- mentioned in editorial on the necessity of examinations, 172
- McDonald, Cyril George Hugh, 57
- McDonnell, John Carlile, 15
- McEwin, John Neil, 101
- McGrath, Constance Cecily, 78, 79
- McInnes, Hon J, 12
- McInnes, W B, 78, 79, 85
- McIntosh, Hon M, 161, 163, 168
- McIntosh, J H C, 13, 14, 59
- McKail, Gertrude Mary, 100
- McKay, Dr Douglas Gordon, 167
- McKechnie, Alan Francis Clark, 135
- McKee, George Angas, 172
- McKee, William Albert Kenneth, 17, 69
- McLean, Albert Eric, 25
- McLean, Dorothy Alice, 48, 50, 124
- McLean, Leonard Allen, 158, 159
- McLeay, Marshall John, 28, 29
- Mead, Cecil Silas, 13, 14
- Medicine, School of,
- Dr Brian Herbert Swift reported on obstetrics teaching in UK and Europe, 7
- obituary of Dr Mark Johnston Symons, 9
- biography and photo of Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, Professor of Physiology, 11
- Medicine, Study of
- information on Medicine as a career for girls, 25
- statute alterations to subject pre-requisites, 140
- Dr Ray’s reply to letters on changes to medical degree examinations, 160
- Meegan, Alice, 78, 79, 86, 107, 111, 114, 115, 116, 131, 152
- Meegan, Kathleen Mary, 60a, 86, 101, 108, 124, 126
- Methodist Ladies College, 117
- Melba, Dame Nellie, 17, 114
- Melbourne, Henry Eoin Sydney, 57
- Mellor, Thomas Reginald, 17, 121
- Mellowship, Joan, 152
- Melrose, John,
- gift of £10,000 for the Waite Institute, 90a2, 91, 92, 93, 94, 109, 168
- photograph, 93, 194a, 194b, 194c
- brief biography, 91, 92
- named as benefactor in Sir George John Robert Murray's address, 163, 165, 166
- mentioned in second reading of Agricultural Education Bill, 168
- Melrose, Lily Margaret, 191, 192, 193, 194b, 194c, 194d
- Menear, Rev Ira, 175
- Messent, Frank Ashby, 172
- Millhouse, Eric William John, 31, 32, 35, 108
- Mills, Hon W J G, 169, 170
- Mines, School of,
- compulsory pass in Intermediate Certificate English as prerequisite for entry, 13
- Professor Kerr Grant accepted position on Council, 63
- appreciation of the work of Prof Edward Henry Rennie and Sir George Brookman, 114
- Mitchell, Professor Sir William,
- preface to Jubilee booklet, 19
- opening of the new Adelaide Teachers' College building, 20
- 66th birthday, 22
- conferring of an honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 28, 34, 37, 40
- photograph, 34, 38, 42, 43, 133a, 163, 164a, 172
- thanked helpers and donors for their part in the Pageant of Learning, 48
- tribute to Prof Robert William Chapman on his CMG, 57
- chaired a lecture by Prof Carter Goodrich on labour and unionism in America, 63
- replied to toast at dinner of Commerce Students, 69
- work of Sir George Brookman for university, 71, 75
- attended funeral of Sir George Brookman, 73
- 1927 Joseph Fisher lecture given by the Prime Minister, 82
- returned from Melbourne meeting of standing committee of Australian universities, 104
- laying of foundation stone of Lady Symon Building, 133a, 133b, 133c
- annual breakup of Workers Educational Association, 134, 135
- on new regulations for the Diploma of Commerce, 149
- winners of music diplomas and scholarships, 152, 154
- mentioned in Sir George John Robert Murray's address at graduation, 163, 166
- leaving for trip to England, 172
- to look for an entomologist for the John Melrose Laboratory during his overseas trip, 192
- Mitton, Ronald Gladstone, 5, 111
- Moore, Arthur Pariss Reading, 85, 173
- Moore, Bertie Harcourt, 3, 57
- Moore, Kathleen, 134, 135
- Morgan, Dr Alexander Matheson, 3, 124
- Morris, Hildred Ione, 48, 50
- Mortlock, John Andrew Tennant, 168, 191, 192, 193
- Moss, Ronald, 157
- Moyes, Archdeacon John Stoward, 136, 167
- Mudie, George Dempster, 17, 57
- Muirhead, Henry Mortimer SM, 31, 33
- Murray, Sir George John Robert,
- conferring a degree on HRH the Duke of York, 5, 28, 34, 37, 40
- on need for extra judicial assistance, 22
- attended student concerts, 23, 43, 67
- heard applications for admission to the Bar, 28, 29, 169
- death of Thomas Slaney Poole, 31, 32, 55
- photographs, 43, 104, 119, 132a, 133a, 153, 164a, 166, 194b, 194d, 194e
- attended the funeral of Sir George Brookman, 73
- presided over Joseph Fisher lecture given by the Prime Minister, 82
- elected patron of the Graduates Association, 100
- launch of Students Union Building project, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106
- welcomed Dorothy Christine Somerville as first lady barrister, 115
- 64th birthday, 119
- his hobby of stamp collecting, 123
- laying of the foundation stone of the Lady Symon Building, 132a, 132b, 132c, 133a, 133b, 133c
- member of the SA Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, 135
- sworn in as Lieutenant-Governor, 153, 155, 193
- farewell to Sir Tom Bridges, 153, 154
- to preside at graduation ceremony, 155, 159, 162, 165, 166
- mentioned in William Fuller's speech at the Graduates Association, 163
- laying of foundation stone for the John Melrose Laboratory, 191, 192, 193
- to preside over meeting about the Student Union Building, 197b, 197c, 197d
- Music Teachers' Association,
- see also Associated Teachers' Association, 17, 60a
- Music, Study of,
- career opportunities for girls, 29
- Nairn, Dr William Archibald Jock, 167
- Napier, Justice Thomas John Mellis, 28, 129
- Napier, Mrs Mellis, 29, 50
- National Council of Wool Selling Brokers, 93
- Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley, 5, 124, 166
- Naylor, Ruth Winnifred,
- sang in Elder second performance of "The Family Party", 69
- played in the sixth concert of the series, 78, 79
- in opera class's performance, 111
- in concert given by Francis Clive Savill Carey's pupils, 116
- sang at Francis Clive Savill Carey's student concert, 141
- sang in Gluck's opera "Orpheus" in second of two concluding concerts, 157
- Nelligan, Joseph William, 33, 35
- Newland, Dr Henry Simpson, 39, 60b, 173
- Newling, Dr P Ray, 145
- Newman, Edyth, 154
- Newman, George Gough, 131
- Norman, William Ashley, 195
- Nott, Dr Harry Carew, 85
- Nuyts, Pieter, 25
- O'Connor, Richard Joseph, 158, 159
- O'Halloran, T S, 32, 35
- Oliphant, Harold George, 16, 86, 124
- Oliphant, Marcus Lawrence Elwin, 86, 90, 103
- Oliphant, Roland Harry, 54
- Optometrist Association, 53, 54
- Ornithological Association, 124
- Orr, Gertrude, 152, 154
- Orr, John Boyd, 17, 90a4
- Osborn, Edith May, 17, 29, 48, 50, 124, 166
- Osborn, Mrs T G B,
- see also Osborn, Edith May
- Osborn, Professor Theodore George Bentley,
- to advise on research on pastures and stock nutrition, 17, 18
- conference on Commonwealth assistance to state agriculture, 21
- delegate to conference of Australian Association for the Advancement of Science, 23, 24
- conferring of an honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- appointed to CSIR standing committee on agricultural research, 52
- presided over meetings of the Royal Society of South Australia, 104, 115
- delegate to inter-state conference on plant quarantine, 117
- plant disease census to be prepared, 118
- photograph, 34, 38, 40, 42, 127
- appointed professor of Botany in Sydney, 127, 128, 174
- resignation, 146, 147
- visit to the Koonamore experimental reserve, 157, 159
- to present candidates for degrees in science, 159
- mentioned in Sir George John Robert Murray's address at graduation, 166
- to attend meeting of Australian Association for Advancement of Science, 173, 178
- Pacific Relations, Institute of
- Sir Mungo William MacCallum represents Australia, 7
- Pageant of Learning,
- pageant of music and dances held to raise money, 29, 48, 50
- photographs, 47, 48, 50, 51a
- Palmer, Ethel Bradshaw, 144
- Parsons, Harold Stephen,
- interview with "Adelaide's premier 'cellist", 17
- photograph, 17, 109
- concerts by Elder Conservatorium String Quartet, 25, 26, 86, 108
- Beethoven Memorial concert, 43
- chamber music recital, 56, 57
- Ravel String Quartet at Elder Conservatorium, 60a
- Elder Conservatorium concerts, 69, 71, 72, 126, 152
- second chamber music concert, 101
- appointed choirmaster and organist of the Pirie Street Methodist Church, 109
- concert by South Australian Orchestra, 114
- organist for concert by ladies part-singing class, 115
- played cello part in Beethoven's Trio in B flat, 124
- played for the graduation ceremony, 165, 166
- Parsons, Hon Justice Herbert Angas,
- present at conferring of degree on HRH Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- elected to the University Senate as Warden, 65, 66, 139
- overseas trip, 2, 12
- took seat on the Bench, 11
- member of council, 134, 139
- heard applications for admission to the Bar, 28, 169
- brief biography, 53
- photographs, 53, 65, 66, 154, 164a,
- attended the Joseph Fisher lecture given by the Prime Minister, 82
- speaker at meeting to launch Students Union Building and War Memorial, 101
- presided over annual dinner of Law Students Society, 101, 105, 105a, 106
- re-elected President of the English Speaking Union's Adelaide branch, 154
- mentioned in Sir George Murray’s speech at graduation ceremony, 166
- presided over special Senate meeting, 165
- appointed vacation judge, 169
- Parsons, Philip Brendon Angas, 101
- Pascoe, Hon T, 34, 37, 40, 169, 170
- Patchell, Mary Emma, 172
- Paton, Walter DC, 136
- Pearce, George,
- plays at Conservatorium concerts, 24, 25, 26, 108, 109, 111, 114, 126, 131, 152
- played at concert in aid of the SA Student Christian Movement, 44
- to marry Sylvia Muriel Whitington, 140
- a student of his played in final 1927 Elder student concert, 152
- Pennycuick, Dr Stuart Wortley,
- short biography, 88
- photograph, 88, 174
- Fellow of the Royal Society of South Australia, 90, 104
- commented on report from Germany on the production of benzine from coal, 155
- to attend meeting of Australian Association for Advancement of Science, 173, 178
- awarded a Rockefeller fellowship in chemistry, 174
- awarded grant from the Commonwealth Government's Science and Industry Endowment Fund for chemical research, 182
- Pennycuick, Mrs, 29, 50
- Perkins, Horace James, 29, 107
- Perkins, Professor Arthur James, 21, 23, 24
- Peters, Dr Geoffrey Ernest, 167
- Pether, Lilian Gertrude Elizabeth, 43
- Pettersson, Dr Hans, 181
- Phipps, Ivan Francis, 120
- Pierce, Ray, 157
- Pilgrim, Mrs F F, 29, 50
- Piper, Clarence Sherwood, 120, 122
- Piper, Flora Elizabeth, 50
- Piper, Justice A W, 61, 65, 66
- Pittman, H A, 118, 122, 152
- Polack, Dr J, 145
- Poole, Canon Frederick Slaney, 4, 39, 60b, 86
- Poole, Dr Frederic St John, 39
- Poole, Justice Thomas Slaney,
- health has improved, 5
- death announced, 29, 55
- funeral, 31, 35, 39
- obituaries, biographies, tributes, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37
- photograph, 31, 32, 34
- mention in Sir George John Robert Murray's graduation address, 162, 163, 166
- Powell, Dr Henry Arthur, 56
- Prescott, Professor James Arthur,
- research on pastures and stock nutrition, 17, 18, 20
- conference on Commonwealth assistance to state agriculture, 21
- delegate to Australian Association for Advancement of Science conference, 23, 24, 90
- research studies on irrigation and soils, 25, 27, 62, 158
- present at the conferring of an honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- appointed to the CSIR standing committee on agricultural research, 52
- showed delegates of Pastoralists and Wool Selling Brokers through soils laboratory, 76, 77
- attended the 1927 Joseph Fisher lecture given by the Prime Minister, 82
- lecture on "The Law of Diminishing Returns and Crop Production", 84, 92, 95, 96, 119
- paper on "The Reaction of South Australian Soils" to Royal Society, 115
- report of progress of first three years of the Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 117
- photograph, 119
- in charge of Waite Agricultural Institute while Prof Arnold E V Richardson away, 120
- "Manuring as a factor in the production of increased crops", 121, 122
- showed farmers attending the Agricultural Bureaus conference around Waite Institute, 122
- welcomed new Roseworthy Principal Walter Richard Birks at old scholars dinner, 123
- showed Col Huxley and Mr Amery around Waite Institute, 128
- Waite Institute was likely to be involved in Murray River district research, 147
- showed Dr Arthur William Hill over Waite Institute, 165
- mentioned in Sir George John Robert Murray's address at graduation, 166
- meeting of Australian Association for Advancement of Science, 173, 178
- at the laying of the foundation stone of the John Melrose Laboratory, 191, 192, 193
- Price, Archibald Grenfell,
- to teach a WEA class in economic geography, 15
- illustrated lecture on River Murray history to the Historical Society, 16
- present at conferring of an honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- attended state funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- member of the University Union building fund committee, 91
- elected treasurer at annual meeting of the Graduates Association, 100
- spoke at meeting supporting the proposed Student Union Building, 103
- "A casual geography of the world" now in its 8th edition, 115
- to attend meeting of Australian Association for Advancement of Science, 173, 178
- Price, Mrs A Grenfell, 29
- Priest, Gwen, 157
- Prince, Muriel Marjory, 44, 78, 79, 111, 115, 131, 152, 157
- Public Examinations Board,
- supplementary Leaving Examination pass lists, 9, 10, 11
- comment on 1927 PEB manual, 19
- letter to 'The News' on mistake in mathematics examiner's comments, 129
- Leaving Honours examination results, 17, 162
- Public lectures,
- free public lectures for music teachers, 46
- Listerian Oration given by Dr Robert Marshall on "The future of obstetrics", 56
- bi-annual Joseph Fisher Lecture by Prime Minister Stanley Bruce, 62, 82, 83
- fifty years ago Prof Ralph Tate arranged 12 botanical demonstrations, 128
- Publications,
- first edition of magazine "Commerce" published by Commerce Students' Association, 124
- Puddy, Betty Froome, 141, 142, 152, 154
- Puddy, Maude Mary,
- soloist at Beethoven Memorial concert, 43
- played in staff and student concerts, 69, 71, 72, 77, 78, 79, 84, 101, 109, 111, 124
- accompanied Francis Clive Savill Carey's singing, 107
- her student, Ethel Bradshaw (Peggy) Palmer, to study in Leipzig, 144
- teacher of student who performed in concert, 152
- Pulleine, Dr Robert Henry,
- future meetings of Anthropological Society to be held at the University, 84
- discussed aboriginal fishing methods and games and amusements, 100
- presided over meeting of the Anthropological Society, 125
- present at Graduates' Association's annual luncheon, 163, 168
- Raven, Jessie Frances, 78, 79
- Ray, Dr William,
- member of the recent expedition to Central Australia, 79, 80
- Chair of Board for Anthropological Research, 79, 80
- present at conferring of honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- attended the 1927 Joseph Fisher lecture given by the Prime Minister, 82
- appointed to a committee to cooperate with Council and the Adelaide Hospital Board, 85
- comments on research into causes of cancer, 90
- to present candidates for degrees in medicine and surgery, 159
- changes to medical degree examinations, 160
- Ray, Mrs William, 29
- Reed, Eileen Ruth Lathlean, 6
- Reed, Geoffrey Sandford, 168, 173
- Registrars,
- Charles Reynolds Hodge, 11, 13, 39, 139
- Frederick William Eardley, 5, 34, 37, 39, 40, 73, 75, 82, 100, 119, 123, 156, 160
- Reid, Janet, 157
- Reimann, Immanuel Gotthold,
- to preside over annual meeting of Elder Conservatorium Association, 15
- comment on registration of music teachers, 80, 82
- arranged three student recitals, 136
- reviews of concert given by his students, 142, 147
- letter thanking music critic for positive notices on three student concerts, 150
- presented winners of music diplomas and scholarships to the Vice-Chancellor, 152, 154
- as acting dean, presented final student concert, 17, 152, 154
- spoke of William Silver's long career, 157
- will present David Alexander Burnard for degree of bachelor of music, 159
- gave a lecture on "Pianoforte playing and teaching", 55
- Rennie, Professorr Edward Henry,
- staff and temporary lecturers to fill in until successor is appointed, 7, 9
- former president of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 14
- Dr Leonard Keith Ward spoke in appreciation of the work of Prof. Edward Henry Rennie, 114
- mention in Sir George John Robert Murray's graduation address, 162, 163, 166
- Research,
- Federal Research Laboratory on human and animal diseases to be established, 12, 15
- plans for CSIR and University joint project on pasture deficiencies and stock nutrition, 17, 18
- conference with states and universities on plans for agricultural research, 18
- report on conference on Commonwealth assistance to state agricultural research, 22
- research by University scientists on plants and animals of islands in Nuyts Archipelago, 25
- Animal Products Research Foundation reports, 90, 91
- work of Waite Institute reported, 120
- Adelaide Council not to urge for the establishment of cancer research organisation, 123
- Residential Colleges,
- report of two years of progress for St Mark’s College, 53
- Sir John and Lady Duncan's gift of "Strathspey" for a residential college, 112a, 112b, 112c, 113, 114, 166
- St Mark's College report to Synod, 115
- Walter D C Paton appointed secretary to new Presbyterian College, 115
- R R P Barbour appointed master of new St Andrew's Residential College, 173
- Rhodes Scholarship,
- Myles Landseer Formby, 5
- Herbert Isaac Coombs, 12, 52
- Dr Howard Walter Florey appointed Huddersfield lecturer, 66
- annual dinner held in Oxford attended by several Australian scholars, 75
- Norman William Jolly, first SA Rhodes Scholar, 97
- Ronald Gladstone Mitton, 111
- Henry Herman Leopold Adolph Brose, 113
- Dr Frederick Lewis Thyer, 1, 127, 134
- nominations for South Australian scholarship, 128, 135
- Franz William Wagner, 146, 149
- applications called for the position of keeper of the new Rhodes House library in Oxford, 163
- reports for academic year 1926-27, 174, 175
- Richards, Justice Frederick William, 21, 22, 28, 29
- Richardson, Dr Arnold Edwin Victor,
- spoke on benefits of science and education applied to agriculture, 2
- to investigate mineral composition of Australian fodder plants, 18
- conference on Commonwealth assistance to state agriculture, 21
- Dr S S Cameron writes preface of Dr Richardson's contribution to Victoria's agriculture, 22
- delegate to Australian Association for Advancement of Science conference, 23, 24
- spoke at the Central Agricultural Bureau on agricultural research, 26
- to collaborate with Irrigation Commission on soil research, 27
- present at conferring of degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- appointed to CSIR, 52, 57, 89
- photograph, 57, 92, 151
- introduced delegates to Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 76, 77
- reported the funds and financing of agricultural research and organisations overseas, 79, 80
- support from Country Party for his proposed agricultural research, 82
- attended the Joseph Fisher lecture given by the Prime Minister, 82
- showed the Prime Minister, Senator and Premier over the Waite Institute, 84
- to leave on mission to London, 85
- A Oliver Badman support on value of agricultural research, 86
- to investigate mineral deficiencies in fodder plants, 90, 91
- to attend Imperial Conference for the co-ordination of agricultural research, 92
- delighted with "magnificent gift" from John Melrose, 93
- short biography, 94
- spoke at Roseworthy Winter School, 95, 96
- detailed report of address on wheat production given to farmers, 98, 99
- leaving for Melbourne and London, 103, 104
- commented on soil chemistry research, 103
- left to attend an Imperial Conference on Agricultural Research, 107
- report on progress of Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 117
- to attend conference of the Commonwealth Research Council in London, 118, 120
- Imperial Agricultural Research Conference, 124, 125, 126, 134, 136, 147, 149, 151, 152
- comments on research at Rothamsted Low temperature Research Station, 131
- State not sharing expenses for his attendance at the Empire Conference, 132d
- reports on research into mineral deficiencies of pasture, 152
- mentioned in Sir George John Robert Murray's graduation address, 166
- Agricultural Education Bill, 168, 179
- praise for his work with the Waite institute, 169
- comment on the proposed visit to Australia of Sir John Russell, 178
- work mentioned by Prof H G Denham, 186, 187
- mentioned in reports of laying of foundation stone of John Melrose Laboratory, 191, 192, 193
- Riddle, Wynne St Clare, 158, 159
- Roach, Esma, 152, 154
- Robertson, Iris Esther, 114
- Robertson, Professor Thorburn Brailsford,
- short biography, 11
- photograph, 11, 66
- sceptical on gland rejuvenation, 12
- to lead joint research project on stock nutrition, 17, 18
- on vitamins and health, 27
- present at conferring of honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- on war and eugenics, 53
- co-operation between pure science and industrial development essential, 64, 65
- elected to Council, 65, 66
- instrumental in forming an employment bureau to benefit students and industry, 68
- attended funeral of Sir George Brookman, 73
- addressed Graziers' Convention, 74
- spoke at conference of National Woolgrowers' Council of Australia, 75, 76, 77
- on the value of scientific research, 78
- Prof T H Laby's comments on inadequate support for research in physics, 86
- on recent research into causes of cancer, 88
- spoke about pastures, animal nutrition and selective breeding, 90, 91
- on the "Age of Biology", 100
- soils and pasture research carried out with the Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 120
- on "Our System of Education", 126
- on need for courses and training in experimental biology and chemistry, 137
- relationship between smoking and alcohol and cancer of the mouth and throat, 150
- part of proposed co-operative research with UK and USA, 152
- CSIR's first annual report comments on his work on animal nutrition, 158
- mentioned in Sir George John Robert Murray's graduation address, 166
- mentioned in article on value of research into agricultural problems, 171
- Prof H G Denham to confer, 187
- Robertson, Sydney Clifford, 114
- Robinson, J Emlyn, 174
- Robinson, Roy Lister, 17, 57
- Rogers, Dr Richard Sanders, 115, 173, 178
- Rogers, Leslie Sanders, 17, 85
- Rollison, Gerald Dominic, 28, 29, 101
- Ronald, Stuart Douglas, 31, 32, 35
- Rose Grainger Orchestral Fund, 17, 28
- Roseworthy Agricultural College,
- Walter John Colebatch, principal, 27, 52, 75, 87
- a social and dance to farewell H C Pritchard and welcome Walter Richard Birks, 91
- Prof Arnold E V Richardson spoke at Winter School, 95, 96, 98, 99
- mentioned in editorial on benefits of agricultural science, 109
- research into salinity problems, 119
- annual reunion dinner of old scholars, 123
- photograph, 90a1
- Rossiter, James Leonard, 17, 111
- Roupell, Arthur Norton, 33, 103, 173
- Rowing,
- Dr Frederick LewisThyer, Rhodes Scholar, on rowing in Oxford, 1, 134
- University's team gone to compete in the Australian championships, 52
- Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, 144
- Royal Society of South Australia,
- new fellows admitted, 90
- Dr Karl Krahmann, Berlin University, to give a lecture on geophysics, 101
- report of meetings, 104, 115
- Prof John Burton Cleland appointed president, 127
- report of annual meeting, 128
- review of Prof Rudolf Krahmann's lecture, 129
- Royal Society of St George, 33, 37
- Rudall, R T, 135
- Russell, Dr Henry Herbert Ernest, 56
- Russell, Sir John, 178
- Rutherford, Sir Ernest, 181
- Rynpam,
- the Rynpam or 'floating university' arrived in Naples, 7
- Sabine, Ernest Maurice, 1, 12
- Samuel, Geoffrey,
- experiments on tomato wilt, 27
- reports loss of wheat through preventable diseases, 61
- working with H.A.Pittman on tomato wilt, 120, 122
- discussed tomato wilt with Dr Arthur William Hill, 165
- mention in Sir George John Robert Murray's address at graduation, 166
- mentioned in report of laying of foundation stone of John Melrose Laboratory, 191, 192, 193
- Sandery, Charles Arthur, 31, 32, 35, 39
- Sangster, Dr John Clive, 167
- Saunders, Pepita Cerda, 50
- Schilsky, Charles,
- to perform at a chamber music concert, 25
- performed in staff concerts, 25, 26, 56, 57, 60a, 69, 71, 72, 86, 101, 108, 124, 126
- public lecture on violin teaching, 63
- his pupil, Harry Hutchens, praised, 116, 152
- Scholarships,
- John Creswell Scholarship awarded to Dorothy Maud Wright, 8
- Council established two annual music scholarships and two annual exhibitions in music, 22
- three scholarships for Bachelor of Dental Surgery, 41a, 45
- Sir Thomas Hudson Beare, holder of first South Australian Scholarship, 78
- Marcus Lawrence Elwin Oliphant awarded Exhibition Science Research Scholarship, 86
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research offering five scholarships, 86
- free return passages awarded annually by shipping lines to, 19
- university students, 90, 101
- St Mark's College report to Synod appeals for scholarship endowments, 115
- SA Commercial Travellers' Association scholarship proposed in 1877, 119
- report by Joseph Garnett Wood on his Jubilee Exhibition Fund scholarship research, 121
- four Australian Forestry School research scholarships available, 141, 142
- Schulz, Dr Adolf John, 20
- Science and Industry Endowment Act, 115, 118
- Scollin, Mollie, 154
- Scott, Dr Malcolm Leslie, 112b, 114, 173
- Scott, Ronald Melville, 57, 135
- Segnit, Ralph Walter, 15
- Senate, University of Adelaide,
- fifty years ago the Senate was inaugurated, 13, 33
- Hon Justice Herbert Angas Parsons elected as Warden, 65, 66, 139
- alterations to statutes and regulations for St Mark's College and "Strathspey", 137
- Frederick William Eardley re-elected Clerk, 139
- report of meeting, elections and alterations to regulations and statutes, 140, 141
- special meetings to consider change to regulation VII, 155, 160, 165
- photograph, 162
- Sharp, Canon William Hey, 17
- Shepherd, E J, 34, 37, 40, 52, 168
- Shepley, Arthur Raymond, 57
- Shorney, Mrs H F, 29, 50
- Short, Dr Augustus, 10
- Siegale, Mabel, 152, 154
- Silver, William, 69, 71, 72, 77, 78, 79, 129, 152, 157
- Simpson, A A, 144
- Sinclair, Jean Lily, 50, 141, 157
- Sir Samuel McCaughey Bequest, 169
- Skinner, Mostyn, 157
- Skipper, Eleanor, 154
- Smeaton, Lieutenant Colonel, 66
- Smith, Dr William Ramsay, 138
- Smith, Gordon Wearing, 14
- Smith, Imelda, 77, 78, 79, 154
- Smith, Louis Laybourne, 192, 197b, 197c, 197d
- Smith, Mrs Viner, 29
- Smith, Robert Barr, 166
- Smith, Roy Frisby, 72, 84, 96, 97
- Smith, Sydney Talbot, 100
- Smith, Tom Elder Barr,
- progress of Elder, Smith & Co, 6
- present at the conferring of an honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- attended funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- appointed to the first council for development of "Strathspey", 112b, 114
- donated £20,000 for the new Barr Smith Library building, 113
- retiring member of Council available for re-election, 134
- re-elected to Senate, 139
- listed as benefactor in Sir George John Robert Murray's graduation address, 163, 165, 166
- Sobels, Stella, 157
- Solomon, Dr George Herbert, 167
- Solomon, Ella, 154
- Somerville, Dorothy Christine, 115
- South Australian Commercial Travellers' Association, 119
- South Australian Dental Association, 116, 145, 157
- South Australian Music Teachers' Association, 82, 99
- South Australian Orchestra,
- funding problems and appeals, 28, 54, 55
- Beethoven Commemoration concert, 43
- reviews of concerts, 61, 84, 102, 114
- attendance of school children at concerts very beneficial, 68
- co-operated with Adelaide Bach Society in many concerts, 81
- Mignon Weston, formerly principal oboist, now performing and lecturing in Melbourne, 91
- conductor William Henry Foote to celebrate birthday, 107
- South Australian Scholarship, 78
- South Australian School of Mines and Industries, 69, 70, 71, 72
- South Australian Student Christian Movement, 44
- Southwood, Dr Albert Ray, 85, 116
- Sowden, Sir William, 171, 173, 178
- Sport,
- report of Adelaide Teachers College student council detailing sport successes, 5
- Adelaide City Council granted extra land for university sport provisions, 124
- Sprod, Mrs Milo, 29, 50
- St Marks College, 53, 115, 150
- St Peters College, 17, 90a3
- Staff,
- staff and temporary lecturers to fill in until successor to Prof. E H Rennie appointed, 7
- organist sought, 7
- appointments and changes for first term, 13
- Harold Eustace Wylde' replacement to be appointed, 22
- members of staff to assist with the "Pageant of Learning", 29
- staff present at the conferring of an honorary degree on the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- staff attended the state funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- staff attended a levee at Government House, 60b
- staff attended the funeral of Sir George Brookman, 73
- staff attended the Joseph Fisher Lecture in Commerce given by the Prime Minister, 82
- new appointments in Faculties of Medicine, Law and Dentistry, 173
- several staff to attend the nineteenth meeting of the CSIResearch in Hobart, 173, 178
- State Government, 110
- State Library of South Australia, 25
- Statistics, 7, 136
- Statutes, 140, 141
- Sterry, Agnes, 14
- Stevens, Edgar Loveday, 39, 44
- Stevens, Rev Aubrey Clement, 15, 39, 60b, 82, 164a
- Stewart, Professor John McKellar,
- university contact for proposed WEA courses, 13
- 49th birthday, 31
- present at conferring of degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- attended funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- attended lecture by the Prime Minister, 82
- elected to the committee of Graduates' Association, 100
- appointed to first council of "Strathspey", 112b, 114
- spoke on need for quality tutors in extension study opportunities, 135
- photographed in procession into Elder Hall for graduation, 164a, 164b
- Stirling, Sir John Lancelot, 7, 51b
- Stow, Francis Leslie, 74
- Strehlow, Theodor Georg Heinrich, 145, 158, 159
- Streich, Dr Carl Ivo, 1, 29
- Strong, Professor Sir Archibald Thomas,
- present at conferring of degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- gave lecture on “The Wooden O” to Shakespeare Society, 46
- on Australian poetry, 50
- attended a levee at Government House, 60a, 60b
- photograph, 60b, 134
- spoke on folk ballads and broadside ballads, 101
- wrote poem "Australia, 1905", 116
- reappointed by Council to Public Library Board, 134
- spoke to the English Speaking Union on his recent trip to India, 134
- comments on holiday reading, 150
- Stuart, Noel Harry, 124
- Stuart, Walter Leslie, 21, 22, 29, 31
- Student Accountants Association, 8
- Student Activities & Protests,
- student enthusiasm at conferring of an honorary degree on HRH the Duke of York, 39
- inter-university debating competitions, 62, 81
- reports on student pranks, 105a, 106
- Student Union,
- University Union building to begin, 81
- meeting supported proposed Student Union Building and voted for voluntary levy, 103
- Senate agreed to annual student fee for maintenance of Student Union, 140
- Sir George John Robert Murray's address at graduation ceremony, 166
- public meeting about the Student Union Building, 197b, 197c, 197d
- Students Christian Movement, 165
- Students' Union Building and War Memorial Fund, 108
- Supreme Court of South Australia, 28, 29
- Swan, Frank Martin, 85
- Swift, Dr Brian Herbert, 7, 39
- Swift, Harry Houghton, 2, 57
- Symon, Lady, 133a
- Symon, Sir Josiah Henry,
- short biography on 81st birthday, 119
- photograph, 119
- SA's oldest knight, 7
- tribute to Mr Justice Thomas Slaney Poole, 37
- gift to build Lady Symon building, 19, 50, 52, 66, 67, 101, 105, 105a, 106, 133c, 197b, 197c, 197d
- public meeting for Students' Union Building and War Memorial, 101, 103, 104, 105, 105a, 106
- laid foundation stone for the Lady Symon Building, 132a, 132b, 132c, 133a, 133b
- mention as benefactor, 166
- Symons, Dr Mark Johnston, 9, 11
- Symons, Reginald Albert, 169
- Tassie, Hon H, 145, 157
- Tassie, Robert Wilson, 57
- Tassie, Winifred, 154
- Tate, Professor Ralph, 31, 123, 128
- Teacher training, 118
- Taylor, J K, 120
- Theology, Faculty of, 52, 114
- Thieler, Sir Arnold, 17, 90a4
- Thomas, Dr Arthur Nutter, 10, 12, 149
- Thomas, Sylvia Caroline Curtis, 126
- Thomson, Harry, 135
- Thyer, Dr Frederick Lewis, 1, 127, 128, 134
- Tidemann, Ernest Phillips, 154
- Tidemann, Harold, 157
- Tillyard, Dr R J, 137, 186
- Tindale, Norman B, 84
- Tinline, George, 171
- Tonkin, Phyllis Anna, 17, 50, 157
- Torr, Dr William George, 117
- Trades and Labor Council, 16, 33, 37
- Trüdinger, Dr Malcolm August, 167
- Trüdinger, Dr Ronald, 157, 160
- Trumble, Hugh Christian,
- showed delegates around the Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 76
- nominated a fellow of Royal Society of SA, 90
- short biography, 94
- photograph, 94
- elected a fellow of Royal Society of South Australia, 104
- research on botanical changes in pasture, 120
- discussed local grasses, fodder plants and pasture with Dr Arthur William Hill, 165
- given leave to visit UK for research, 191
- Tryon, Henry, 171
- Tucker, Professor Thomas George, 9, 13, 14
- Universities, other,
- University of Sydney, 66, 84
- London University, 9, 17, 46, 75
- University of Queensland, 86
- proposed establishment of a national university, 128, 131
- new University to be built in Perth, 136
- reply to greetings sent to University of Louvain on 500th anniversary, 150
- University of Western Australia, 160
- applications called for the position of keeper of the new Rhodes House library, 163
- School of Tropical Medicine, 175
- University Choral Society, 84
- University Students Council,
- discussion on funding the University Union building, 91
- Ure, Constance Douglas, 17, 48, 50, 124, 157
- Vardon, Dorothy, 157
- Vardon, E C, 52
- Verco, Gladys Kathleen, 17, 78, 79
- Verco, Sir Joseph Cooke,
- short biography, 5
- present at conferring of degree on HRH the Duke of York, 34, 37, 40
- attended a levee at Government House, 60b
- photograph, 60b, 164a
- celebrates his 76 birthday, 97
- congratulated Prof Theodore George Bentley Osborn, 127
- replied to Dr P Ray Newling's criticism of the training of local dentists, 145
- to present the candidates for degrees in dentistry, 159
- Virgo, Jean Ysobel, 142, 150, 152, 154
- Visiting lecturers,
- Prof Carter Goodrich, 59, 62, 63, 68
- Dr Rudolf Krahmann, 128
- Wadey, Walter Henry, 39
- Wagner, Franz William, 146, 149
- Wait, Yvonne Lois, 90
- Waite Agricultural Research Institute,
- research on pasture deficiencies, 17, 18
- irrigation research by CSIR and Waite Institute, 20, 25, 27
- Dr Richardson's contribution as the new Director of the Waite Institute, 22
- position vacant for soil survey officer, 25
- experiments on tomato wilt, 27, 122
- greater use of science in agriculture to be encouraged, 17, 61
- Prof. James Arthur Prescott presented report on soil survey, 62
- delegates to Federal Conference of Pastoralists and Wool Selling Brokers visited, 76, 77
- visit of the Prime Minister, Senator McLachlan and Premier, 84
- letter by "Onlooker" on Mr Bruce's visit to the Waite Institute, 85
- government financial support for agricultural research proposed, 87
- gift of £10,000 from John Melrose, 90a2, 91, 92, 93, 94
- funds made available for extensions at the Institute, 91, 92, 93
- report by CSIR on joint research with Waite Institute, 93
- need for agricultural education and scientific research, 95, 96
- soil chemistry research in co-operation with CSIR, Merbein, 103
- mentioned in editorial on benefits of agricultural science, 109
- launch by State Government of new agricultural policy including grants to Waite Institute, 110
- work of Institute on plant diseases, 115
- working to obtain an entomologist to do research into fungus and insect pests, 117
- article reporting the progress of the first three years, 117
- insect proof glasshouses used in experiments, 118, 120
- farmers visit the Institute, 122
- successful tenderer for new laboratories is H S C Jarvis, 127
- Col Huxley and Mr Amery of the Empire Marketing Board visit, 128
- likely to be involved in Murray River district research, 147
- CSIR's first annual report includes comments on Waite Institute, 158
- Dr Arthur Hill praises Waite Institute, 161, 163, 165, 168
- Bill proposes enlargement of work of Institute and increased grant of money, 161
- wheat crops at Urrbrae yielding 40 to 50 bushels per acre, 167
- Agricultural Education Bill, 168, 169, 170, 179
- proposed visit of Sir John Russell, 178
- Prof H G Denham shown over Waite, 186, 187
- Foundation stone for John Melrose Laboratory, 191, 192, 193, 194a, 194b, 194c, 194d, 194e
- Waite, Peter,
- gifts, 6
- bequest establishes Urrbrae Agricultural High School, 8
- portrait hangs in the Council room, 78, 79
- listed as benefactor in Sir George John Robert Murray's graduation address, 166
- laying of the foundation stone of the John Melrose Laboratory, 191, 192, 193
- Wallace, Prof R S, 66
- Walsh, Marjorie, 152, 154
- Ward, Dr Leonard Keith,
- attended funeral of Thomas Slaney Poole, 39
- commented on scientific prospecting for ore, oil and coal, 73, 74
- reported on S.A. brown coal deposits, 78
- lectured on the evolution of continents and oceans, 86
- spoke of the work of Prof. Edward Henry Rennie and Sir George Brookman, 114
- Watkins, Daisy Eileen, 48, 50
- Watson, H R, 157
- Watson, Joy, 157
- Watt, Fanny Eileen, 124
- Way Memorial College, 117
- Way, Sir Samuel James, 51b, 94
- Webb, Irene Margaret Thomson, 152, 154
- Webb, Noel Augustin, 1, 39, 128
- Weeks, Mrs Norley, 29
- Wehrstedt, Rev Walter Franz, 3, 4
- Wells, Kiwi, 157
- Wemyss, Eleanor Evelyn Beatrice, 171
- West, J E, 68
- West, Reginald Arthur, 109
- Weston, Mignon, 91
- White, Jean, 152, 154
- Whitham, Annie Beatrice, 14
- Whitington, Louis Arnold, 37, 115
- Whitington, Sylvia Muriel,
- to perform at a chamber music concert, 25
- principal violinist at Beethoven Memorial concert, 43
- played in a chamber music recital, 56, 57
- played the Ravel String Quartet, 60a
- principal violinist with South Australian Orchestra, 61, 84, 102, 114
- leader of orchestra for the opera class's performances, 67, 69, 157
- played in Elder Conservatorium String Quartet performances, 25, 26, 86, 108
- played at second chamber music concert, 101
- played in Elder Conservatorium's ninth concert, 109, 111
- review of third recital in which she played the viola part in Mozart's Minuetto in D, 124
- played the viola in twelfth Elder Conservatorium concert, 126
- to marry George Pearce, 140
- her students mentioned in review of student concert, 152
- Wibberley, Rev Brian, 7
- Wiebusch, Adele Maria Dorothea, 147
- Williams, Hartley, 51c, 52, 114
- Williams, J H, 157
- Willsmore, Elsie Victoria, 20
- Wilson, Dr Thomas George, 56, 85, 173
- Wilton, Prof John Raymond, 34, 37, 40, 100
- Windle, Flora, 154
- Winwood, William Weston, 57
- Women,
- information on Medicine as a career for girls, 25
- CSIR has position vacant for female statistical recorder, 25
- career opportunities in music for girls, 29
- enrolment patterns for women students, 149
- a scholarship for the Bachelor of Dental Surgery to be reserved for women, 41a, 45
- Pageant of Learning held to raise funds for Lady Symon Building, 29, 48, 50
- Women's Non-Party Association, 14,15, 24
- Wood, Joseph Garnett, 52, 121, 123, 182
- Wood, Sir Henry, 17, 60a
- Woodruff, Prof A H, 75, 76, 77
- Woods, Nelly Hooper, 158, 159
- Woolcock, Dr Rosslyn James, 167
- Woollard, Dr Herbert Henry,
- appointed Elder Professor of Anatomy, 19
- arrived from England, 108
- licensed to practise anatomy, 115
- nominated for membership of the Royal Society, 115
- comments on blood groups and blood tests as a test for paternity, 152
- speaker at annual lunch of Graduates' Association, 158, 161, 163, 168
- graduated Doctor of Medicine ad eundum gradum, 163
- mentioned in Sir George John Robert Murray's address at graduation, 166
- appointed honorary consulting anatomist, 172
- review of his new book "Recent Advances in Anatomy", 172, 173
- Workers Educational Association [WEA],
- A.L.H.Mackay spoke of WEA studies and students as classes resumed, 13
- Educational Conference at Gawler, 15, 16
- offers tutorial classes in co-operation with University, subjects and tutors, 20
- Professor Cedric Stanton Hicks lectured on nutrition and 'sources of vital energy', 21
- Professor William Keith Hancock lectured on "The Dangers of Mediocrity", 24
- 10th annual report, 24
- federal council meeting held in Melbourne, 56
- G W Gibson lectures on the Colwyn and Blanesboroug reports, 94, 100
- report by Alexander Leslie Gordon MacKay on current session, 114
- members of public speaking classes visited Parliament House, 128
- six free public lectures to be given by Principal Edward Sidney Kiek, 129
- report of annual break-up, 135
- Wright, Dorothy Maud, 8
- Wright, Dr George Herbert, 15
- Wunderly, Dr H W, 167
- Wylde, Harold Eustace, 7, 22, 127
- Yoerger, Katy, 23, 24, 51c, 52
- York, HRH the Duke of,
- arrangements for the Royal Visit and conferring a degree ad eundum gradum, 4, 5, 28, 30
- no provision for music in royal visit official program noted, 17
- The News denies The Register's report on alterations to conferring honorary degree, 31
- received honorary degree of Doctor of Laws, 34, 37, 40, 41a, 41b
- photographs, 34, 38, 42, 43, 44
- report on the royal visit, 40
- suggested an exchange of professors, 45
- description of the Duke's opening of Federal Parliament, 198b, 198c, 198d, 198e
- Young, Gavin David, 78, 79
- Young, Walter James, 34, 37, 40, 139, 194b