Index to Volume 18 (1928-1929) - University Newscuttings Books
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Agricultural Science, Faculty of,
Council has announced the creation of a Faculty of Agricultural Science, 129
recommendation for establishment of a Chair of Agriculture, 72
Agriculture, Study of,
land at Fullarton to be used for an agricultural high school, 3
regulations relating to degree in agricultural science, 104 , 105
value of agricultural education lectures given at meeting of Teachers' College, 71
Alderman, Arthur Richard, MSc,
on a field trip to Tea Tree Creek, 78
to teach in the absence of Sir Douglas Mawson, 171 , 175
photograph, 182b
Allen, Dr Eleanor Alice, BA,
gave first of a series of lectures on Child Psychology, 62
to lecture on "Research Work in Psychology as Seen in London", 94
delivered the last lecture upon child psychology, 196m
Angas Engineering Exhibition,
won by Robert A Simpson, 126
Angas, Charles Howard,
obituary and photograph, 113
Angas Parsons, Philip Brendan, LLB,
admitted to the Bar, 115
conferred with Bachelor of Laws, 116
admitted as practitioner of the Supreme Court, 189
photograph, 189 , 196n
Appleby, Dr Harold Henry, MBBS,
studying in Edinburgh, 91
Archibald Henry Peake Bursary ,
awarded to Colin Grant, 122
Arts, Faculty of,
Professor John Raymond Wilton MA DSc appointed Dean, 108
lecture by Professor Robert William Chapman MA to the Astronomical Society, 65
Australian Music Examinations Board,
annual conference, 14
photograph of Board members, 15
board should be supported, 56
Professor W A Laver in Adelaide for examinations of Australian Music Examinations Board, 88
examination results have been released, 99
Australian School of Forestry,
Australian School of Forestry has been completed in Canberra, 81
Bagster, Professor Lancelot Salisbury, DSc,
awarded a grant for work on essential oils, 109
Bald, R C,
on "Cost of Books", 192c
lecture "Mistakes we Make Everyday", 192d
on "Beauty of Words", 192f
Barbour, Dorothy Jean,
in Final Students Concert, 109
Barwell, Sir Henry Newman, LLB,
Agent-General in England, 89
denies rumours that he was about to resign, 130
on ‘The Organisation and Administration of Public Health’, 167
Basedow, Dr Herbert., BSc PhD,
informed of the amount of radium received for cancer treatment, 90
Basnett, Olive, LRAM,
to teach singing at the Conservatorium, 14
photograph, 14
Bayly, William R, BA BSc,
elected vice president of the Classical Association, 31
has retired from the Council, 99
nominated and elected to senate, 104 , 107 , 109
resigns as Headmaster of Prince Alfred College, 127
appointed to the Advisory Council of Education, 177
photograph, 185
Beard, Dr Jack Roland Stanley Grose, MBBS,
appointed tutor in obstetrics, 126
Beare, Sir Thomas Hudson, BA BSc
brief biography and photograph, 89 , 166
Beare, Dr Frank Howard, MBBS,
reappointed honorary assistant physician, 196i
Becker, J H Dr, MDMS (Marburg)
credentials as a bone fide medical doctor questioned, 171
issues writ against Smith’s newspapers, 178
Begg, P Raymond, BDSc,
appointed Lecturer in Dentistry, 108
Bennett, Richard William, LLB KC,
obituary and photograph, 150
bequeathed £500 for annual prizes and a scholarship for students of the law school, 176
Bequests, gifts & endowments,
in annual report, 2
major gifts, 6
W J Young gives money for railings, 116 , 118
Edward Neale’s bequest for medical research, in particular cancer research, 5 , 118
Richard Bennett bequeathed £500 for annual prizes and a scholarship for students of the law school, 176
Sir Josiah Symons to bequeath his books to the public of Adelaide, 44
Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd donated £2,000 for research on wheat, 76 , 118
Koonamore Flora Reserve vested in the University Council for study of regeneration of the native flora, 88
Will of Ronald Lindsay Johnson, which benefits the University, brought before the courts, 92
The Carnegie Corporation gives $US5000 for co-operative adult education program, 108 , 118
Sir John Melrose gives £10,000 for laboratory at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 118 , 129
T E Barr Smith’s donation for library, 119
Sir Langdon Bonython’s gift to become available in 1930, 119
Empire Marketing Board and Council for Scientific and Industrial Research both give £3000 toward a laboratory for co-operative investigation on pasture and soil problems, 129
Percy Grainger gives a further £100 in aid of the SA Orchestra, 152
From “Fifty Years Ago”, Commercial Travellers' Association provides £150 for scholarship, 154
Darling family donates £10,000 for laboratories at Waite Institute for soil research, 155 , 156
Mrs G A Jury gave £12,000 in 1921 to create a Chair of Literature, 160
Dr William Ramsay Smith gives over 800 books to the library, 166
Mr Richard William Bennett, LLB KC bequeaths £500 to provide annual prizes and a scholarship for law students, 176
Berry, Frances Winifred, MA,
learning modern methods of education in UK, 160
appointed delegate to the British Commonwealth League Conference, 184
photograph, 184
Berry, Professor R J A,
expert in mental health holidaying in Adelaide, photograph, 126
Bickersteth, Rev Kenneth Julian Faithful, MA,
elected to the committee of the Classical Association, 31
appointed to the Advisory Council of Education, 177
photograph, 188b
Bills, James, BA,
appointed Headmaster of King's College, 25 , 36
photograph, 36
Birks, Walter Richard, BSc(Agric),
Writes on ‘Farming as a Profession’, 80
photograph, 80
Bleby, Dorothy Aileen,
1926 recipient of the Bundey prize, 12
Bleby, Thelma Evelyn, LLB,
1923 recipient of the Bundey prize, 12
to begin practice on her own, 90
Bonython Hall,
University negotiating with government for lands on which to build great hall, 130
Bonython, Sir John Langdon, BA(Cam),
brief biography and photograph, 95 , 188b
presentation at Council of the School of Mines, 102
Sir George Murray pays tribute to Sir Langdon Bonython for his gifts, 118
donated money for a great hall, 130
now the senior Australian knight, 175
at the Levee at Government House, photograph, 185
"A Distinguished Australian", photograph, 199
Booth, Sydney Russell, BA,
Chairman of SA branch of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 89
supports the creation of a Chair of Economics, 94
appointed chairman of the Board of Commercial Studies, 108
Bornstein, Peter,
Botany, Chair of,
Council has decided not to fill at present, 129 , 130
Bragg, Professor Sir William Bragg, DSc FRS KBE,
brief biography, 41 , 89
photographs, 41 , 77
encouraged Professor Richard Daniel Kleemann to attend the university, 70
Nobel prize, 44
congratulated on his presidency of the British Association, 118
addressed the British Association on role of research in supporting industry, 77 , 97, 98 , 99
Bragg, Professor William Lawrence, DSc FRS,
brief biography as part of an article "South Australians Abroad", 89
Nobel prize, 44
brief biography, 8 , 41
Bray, John J,
awarded a Government bursary to study law, 122
Brebner,Charles Cave, LLB,
appointed Lecturer in commercial law, 126
Broadbent (nee Chapple) Mrs Marian, BA,
daughter of Frederick Chapple, resides in Adelaide, 76
Bronner, Rudolph, MA,
left for Freiburg to write his doctoral thesis, 1
Brose, Dr Henry Herman Leopold Adolph, BSc,
brief biography as part of an article "South Australians Abroad", 89
Brown, Dr Gilbert,
appointed instructor in anaesthetics, 108
Brown, Professor William Jethro, LLD,
letter regarding Prof Herbert Woollard's lecture on genetics of the feeble minded, 55 , 59
presided over a meeting of the Economic Society, 67
President of the Economic Society, 89
believes creation of economics course of practical use to the business community, 94
photograph of erection of new science laboratory, 6 , 17
university looking to acquire new lands to extend buildings, 14
support for university eastern extension, 15
photograph of construction of Lady Symon Building, 17 , 133a
photograph of entrance to the University, 37 , 137
appeal for £20,000 for new chemistry building, 77 , 78
"Fifty Years Ago” all the tenders for the new buildings rejected, 125
Sir Langdon Bonython has provided funds for a great hall, 130
refectory for members of the student union has been finished, 132
Government preparing Bill to provide University with more land, 144 , 145a , 145b , 149
photograph of recently completed women’s changing rooms, 182a
Bundey Prize,
Burdon, Roy Stanley, BSc,
to deliver the physics lectures for the Workers' Education Association, 130
Burgess, Amy,
photograph of delegate to the Commonwealth League Conference, 184
Burston, Dr Samuel Roy, MBBS,
reappointed honorary assistant physician, 196i
Cairns, Dr Hugh William Bell, MBBS,
now assistant surgeon at a London Hospital, 129
Campbell, Professor Arthur Fitzgerald, MA,
elected vice president of University Graduates' Association, 56
Campbell, Dr Thomas Draper, DSc.,
at Koonibba Mission studying the lives of full-blooded aborigines, 70
will join a scientific expedition to central Australia, photograph, 179
Carey, Francis Clive Savill, BA MusBac,
responds to Maurice Besley's caustic criticism of Australians and their music, 94
Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship,
three Spence scholars, 135
founded 1912, 77
Casson, Leslie Frank, MA,
the J L Young scholar, 117
Ceremonies and Celebrations,
opening of Division of Animal Nutrition laboratory by the Prime Minister, Mr Bruce, 95
annual University concert and procession to be held in March, 113
Annual Commemoration Luncheon of the Graduates' Association, 117
Jubilee of the SA branch of the British Medical Association, 163 , 165
University Ball, 196j
Chamberlain, Reginald Roderic St.Clair, LLB,
appointed Crown Prosecutor, photograph, 76
Sir George Murray, photograph, 110
Sir George Murray presides at commemoration, 118
Chapman Professor Robert William, MA CMG,
honours conferred by the Governor, 27
biography, photograph, 27 , 103 , 144 , 188a1 , 188b
on reasons why the University is land for proposed expansion, 42
to represent the university at the conference of the Australian Universities, 59
to represent South Australian institutions at the Australian Library Conference, 64
lecture to the Astronomical Society, 65 , 69
addressed the Constitutional Club on "The University in Relation to Community Life", 68 , 69
on the success of Professor Richard Daniel Kleemann, 70
attended the break-up of the Workers' Education Association, 100
made a presentation to Sir Langdon Bonython, 102
awarded the Peter Nicol Russell memorial medal for engineering, 103 , 108 , 144
acting Vice Chancellor, 118
lecture on globular clusters, 149
selected as one of the engineers to enquire into the subsidence at Eildon Weir, 151
Chapple, Dr Harold, BSc,
son of Frederick Chapple is head gynaecologist at Guy's Hospital, 76
Chapple, Dr Phoebe, BSc MBBS,
daughter of Frederick Chapple, practising in Adelaide, 76
Chapple, Dr Frederic John, BSc MB ChB,
son of Frederick Chapple, practising in Adelaide, 76
Chapple, Alfred, BSc,
son of Frederick Chapple, lecturing at St John's College, 76
Chapple, Ernest, BSc,
son of Frederick Chapple, is manager of the British and Bombay Trading company, 76
Chemistry, Faculty of,
Dr A Killen Macbeth to take up the position of Professor of Chemistry, 3
Chinner, Norman,
awarded Elder Scholarship for organ playing, 3
Cilento, Dr Raphael West, MD,
appointed Chief Quarantine Officer and Director of the Division of Tropical Hygiene, 55 , 74
to undertake a medical survey of Melanesia, 82
returns from visit to leper colony, 125
Clark, Edward Vincent, BSc,
becomes Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 2
Cleland, Professor John Burton, MD,
on "Health Reflections on Dust, Flies, Mosquitoes, Hydatids and Milk", 54
at Koonibba Mission studying full-blooded aborigines, 70
appointed a Commissioner of the National Park, 178
joins a scientific expedition to central Australia, 179
photograph, 179
Close, Dr Walter John Westcott, MBBS MS,
currently studying overseas, 91
Close, Frank W,
awarded a Government bursary to study science, 122
Clubs, Societies & Associations,
Graduates Association welcomes two new professors, 12
Clubs, societies & associations,Classical Association, 31 , 66 , 149
Australasian Corporation of Public Accountants, 44 , 46
Graduates' Association, 56
Veterinary Association, 94
Commonwealth Club, 162
Royal Society, 174b
University Wives' Club, 176
Economic Society, 79
Commerce Students' Association, 38
Cockburn, Dr Malcolm Turner, MBBS,
currently studying overseas, 91
Cole, Cyril Richard, BSc,
appointed to the position of Forestry Officer at Canberra, 132 , 137
photograph, 137
Colquhoun, Colin Roy,
admitted to the bar, 115
admitted as practitioner of the Supreme Court, 189
photograph, 189
Colquhoun, Thomas Talbot, BSc,
appointed Assistant Lecturer and demonstrator in Botany, 126
Conferences & Seminars,
annual conference of the Australian Music examinations Board to be held in Adelaide, 8
list of delegates to Australian Universities’ Geologists’ Conference, 22
hoped Adelaide University will be represented at Canadian conference, 23
delegates to the conference of State Directors of Education visited the Waite Institute, 23
Empire representatives of Forestry Conference to arrive in Adelaide, 23
Forestry Conference, 43 , 53 , 54 , 60 , 69
Australian representatives to Empire Cancer Campaign, 51 , 53
Conference of the Australian Universities, 59 , 63 , 64 , 70 , 71
Australian Library Conference to be held at Melbourne University, 64
delegates to Congress of the Agricultural Bureau visit Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 86
State school teachers conference held in Sydney, 123
delegates to International Alliance of Women for Suffrage and Equal Citizenship, 127
Australian Medical Congress to be held in Sydney, 170
Report on geologists’ conference by Dr L Keith Ward, 196i
Photograph of participants at geologists’ conference, 196g
Cooke, Dr William Ternent, DSc,
issues raised on fuels at the International Chemistry Conference, 1 , 2
photograph, 1
article on the possible utilization of brown coal, 49
Coombs, Herbert, MA BSc,
1920 Rhodes Scholar graduates as Doctor of Philosophy at Cambridge, 69
Corbin, Dr Cecil, MBBS,
reappointed honorary surgeon, 196i
Cornish, Jack Rodolph, LLB,
admitted to Bar, 115
admitted as practitioner of the Supreme Court, 189
photograph, 189 , 196n
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research,
see Research Organisations
Courses, non-degree,
Diploma of Elocution to be included at the Elder Conservatorium, 16
proposed Diploma of Public Administration, 122 , 123 , 125 , 164 , 178
revised syllabus for the Diploma of Commerce, 126
first diploma course in commercial studies, 160
Cozens, Vida Victoria,
opened the students concert, 9
Associate in Music, 109
Crampton, Mary St Clair, MA,
passed examinations at the Sorbonne, 196l
Crane, Alexander Herbert, BSc,
selected as the Commonwealth Fund Service Fellow in Forestry, 150 , 151
Crocker, Walter Russell, BA,
gained a fellowship to study history at Stanford University, 20
Cudmore, Arthur Murray, MBBS FRCS,
to represent University at the first annual meeting of the College of Surgeons, 3
Cummins, Alice Mary, LLB,
first woman admitted to Bar, 128
admitted to Bar of the Supreme Court, 196n
photograph, 128 , 196n
Curriculum Development,
teaching Japanese at university should be considered, 43
recommendation agricultural studies be introduced from primary school upwards, 72
recommendation for the establishment of a Chair of Agriculture, 72
Curtis, Daisy R,
studying effects of drug taking and excessive alcoholism, 77
Darling, Harold,
donates £10,000 on behalf of Darling Family for soil research, 156
Davey, Dr Constance Muriel, MA,
discusses the psychological contribution to the treatment of practical affairs, 135
the second recipient of the Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship, 77
David, Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth, DSc (Oxon),
evidence suggests geological beginnings much earlier than supposed, 33 , 35 , 38
fossil discoveries in Adelaide Hills, 40 , 70 , 78
photograph, 40 , 170
will accompany Sir Douglas Mawson over some of the chief areas of remarkable ancient fossils around Adelaide, 111 , 114
has been in Adelaide and surrounds collecting fossils, 142
visiting Adelaide collecting material for his book, "Geology in the Commonwealth", 170
Davidson, Dr James, DSc,
appointed Head of the Entomological Department at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 23
photograph, 23 , 95 , 96 , 179 , 183b , 188b
arrived in Adelaide to take up his position, 95 , 96 , 129 , 183b , 184
public lecture on "Insect Life in Relation to Agriculture - Insects as a Menace", 175
Davies, Cecil Ernest, LLB,
admitted to the Bar, 11 , 12
Davies, Professor Edward Harold, MusDoc,
discussed the history of the South Australian Orchestra, 14
responds to letter re finances of South Australian Orchestra, 159
spoke of the impact of gramophone and wireless on music appreciation, 16
appointed one of the examiners at the University of Western Australia, 156
letter responding to Davies’ comments regarding South Australian organists, 175
resume, 175
photograph, 8 , 9 , 130 , 175 , 179
welcomed to students’ concert, 9
importance of training children to appreciate good music, 155 , 156 , 158
condemns popular taste for jazz, 155
presents case for paid organist, 170
has joined others at Koonibba Mission to make phonographic records of native songs, 70
will join a scientific expedition to central Australia, 179
writes to the Editor praising the production of "La Mascotte”, 37
returned from the far west coast of SA gathering information about aboriginal music, 76
discusses the coming season for the South Australian Orchestra, 150
enthusiastic regarding the appointment of a paid city organist, 170
outcomes of a recent study tour in London, 2 , 8 , 9
writes on broadcasting in England, 10
elected to the committee of University Graduates' Association, 56
discusses formation of an Australian Broadcasting Commission, 59
appointed Dean of the Faculty of Music, 108
writes on the status of arts as a community asset in "The Professional Musician", 121
to deliver his annual opening address, 130
at the annual conference of the Australian Music Examinations Board, 143
appointed to the Advisory Council of Education, 177
presentation of successful students to Davies at concert, 109
Davies, Dr Harold Whitridge, MBBS,
won the Parkin Prize, 137
on "Football Crowds" and "Letter to the Editor", 192d
on "Contemporary Literature", 192e
on "Literary Censorship", 192e
Davis, Mr John Alexander, BE,
conferred with Bachelor of Engineering, 164
Dawbarn, Mary Campbell, MSc,
thesis deemed acceptable, 76
has secured the Master of Science Degree, 77
second woman to gain a Master of Science degree at the University of Adelaide, 193
photograph, 193
Dawson, Dr Joseph Bernard, MD,
appointed tutor in obstetrics, Faculty of Medicine, 108 , 126
Deland, Effie Wyllie, BSc,
to deliver lectures in chemistry and physiology for the Workers' Educational Association, 130
Dentistry, Faculty of,
Dr Arthur Murray Cudmore appointed dean of faculty, 108
Dentistry, Study of,
first year Dentistry results, 133b
Denton, Harold,
new teacher of singing at the Conservatorium, 10 , 76 , 94 , 193
photograph, 10 , 193
Dix, Jessica Laura, Associate in Music,
principal subject, pianoforte, 109
Dorsch, Theodore S,
awarded a Government bursary to study arts, 122
Dowie, David L,
awarded a Government bursary to study science, 122
Duffield, Dr Walter Geoffrey, BSc, DSc,
investigating the transfer of Perth Observatory to the Commonwealth, 196k
Eardley, Frederick William, BA,
to meet with the proposed members of the Cancer Research Committee, 55
elected to the committee of University Graduates' Association, 56
only nomination for the office of Clerk of the University Senate, 104
photograph, 193
Earl, Professor John Campbell, DSc PhD,
appointed to the Chair of Organic Chemistry, University of Sydney, 4
awarded a grant to work on posidonia fibre and celluloses of other Australian plants, 109
Eckersley, Rev Percy Cyril Wheaton, BA,
assisted Prof David and Professor Howchin in search for fossils in the Adelaide hills, 70
Economics, Chair of,
Professor L G Melville began as Chair of Economics, 155
Council to establish Chair of Economics, 93 , 94 , 129 , 130
Edwards, Dr Hurtle Thomas Jack, DDSc,
appointed lecturer in prosthetic dentistry, 108
elected by the registered dentists to the Dental Board, 113
reappointed at the Adelaide Hospital, 196i
Elder Conservatorium,
photograph, 130
I G Reimann, Acting Director, has just completed 30 years of service, 3
Clive Carey returning to London, 4
meeting to discuss concerts for the coming year, 4
third Annual Meeting of the Elder Conservatorium, 5
organ program for first concert, featuring John Horner, 6 , 7
string quartet organising season of subscription concerts, 7
Harold S Denton is new teacher of singing, 10 , 76 , 94 , 193
students' concerts held, 17 , 61 , 75 , 98 , 109 , 138 , 176
chamber Music Concert, 22
organ recitals by John Horner, 32 , 36 , 38 , 43 , 49 , 54 , 56 , 58 , 63 , 65 , 156 , 171
review of John Horner’s concert: pianoforte concert, 35
opera class performance of "La Mascotte", 38
String Quartet recital, 39 , 75
photograph of staff and students at a reception for Russian pianist Shura Cherkassky, 74
discussions about the wearing at graduation of "Musical Caps and Gowns", 45 , 63 , 85
concerts by members of the staff, 95 , 137 , 152
Opera Class performance of "Lochinvar", 105
Professor W.A. Laver of Melbourne will conduct examinations today, 105
changes in staff at the Elder Conservatorium, 118
James Anderson appointed as teacher of elocution, 130
Signorina Masullo teaches Italian, French and German, 130
reopens with an address by Dr Harold Davies, 131
elocution curriculum extended, 143
pianoforte recitals, 156 , 162
Sylvia Whitington, leader of successful first recital of the String Quartet, 162
Peter Bornstein new violin teacher, 164 , 165 , 166
opera class gave a performance of "Iphigenia in Aulis", 175
Elder Scholarship,
Elder Scholarship for organ playing has been awarded to Norman Chinner, 3
Ellis, Dr Roy Gilmore, BDS,
secured top place in final examinations in Canada, 156
photograph, 156
appointed research fellow by at the University of Toronto, 171
Engineering, Study of
Eustace, John Leonard, BDS,
appointed Lecturer in dental materia medica and therapeutics, 108
Evening lectures,
to be continued due to popularity, 2
evening studentships awarded by Hon. M. McIntosh, Minister of Education, 8
Leaving Commercial Examination results 1928, 125
supplementary leaving examinations, 1 , 4
Public Examinations Board examiners on the unsatisfactory standard of English, 5 , 134
reply to "Fed Up" regarding comments on students paper, 16
opinion on the standard of teaching English, 35
letter regarding music examinations, 61
unrecognised companies conducting musical examinations in Australia, 63 , 69
William Taylor McCoy on suggested reforms to the secondary education system, 84
entries have closed for the public examinations, 92
twelve government bursaries will be given for leaving honours students, 92
last day of entry for degree and diploma examinations postponed, 93
examination results of the Australian Music Examinations Board released, 99
"Examination Time" for degrees and diplomas, 102 , 103 , 104
discussion of the examination system, 105 , 106 , 110
criticism of University examinations by C M Ward and replies to his comments, 17 , 18 , 18a , 18b , 20 , 21
letter complaining about the difficult test set for the Intermediate examinations, 108 , 109
editorial on "Speech Days and Examinations”, 115
Intermediate Certificate examination discussed in Sydney, 119
Leaving examination results to be announced later, 123
Interstate Teachers Conference discussed whether examinations should be abolished, 124
"Fifty Years ago Today", at matriculation examination candidates were all male, 132
Public Examination Board releases manual for 1929, 132
debate on text books set for geography examinations, 144 , 149
Extension lectures,
see also lectures, public lectures, evening lectures
Professor Herbert Henry Woollard on the science of anatomy, 47
Farr, Professor Clinton Coleridge, DSc,
elected to a fellowship of the Royal Society, 2
theories on chemical changes of petroleum origin, 65 , 66
Fenner, Dr Charles Albert Edward, DSc,
awarded a grant for physiographic studies, 109
paper on "A Geographical Enquiry into the Growth, Distribution and Movement of Population in South Australia 1836-1927” reproduced, 174a , 174b
the "Prosperity Graft" reproduced, 174a
expenditure on education queried by J Tassie of Taxpayers' Association, 127
income of the University for 1928, 130
Finlayson, Mr Frank Harvey, BE,
passed examination for Bachelor of Engineering and the Diploma of Applied Science, 96
Fisher, Harold,
Fitzherbert, Professor J A,
appointed to the Hughes Chair of Classics and Comparative Philology, 21
photograph, 21 , 74 , 75 , 188a1 , 188b
has arrived from England to take up the chair of Classics, 65 , 73 , 74 , 75 , 76
welcomed, 89
read paper on "Pindar the Thinker" at the Classical Association, 178
Fleming, Hugh Douglas, BE,
passed examination for Bachelor of Engineering and Diploma of Applied Science, 96
Florey, Dr Howard Walter, MBBS,
Rhodes Scholar awarded the Rolleston Memorial Prize, 122 , 123
Forestry, Australian School of,
Australian Forestry School's first year in its permanent building summarised, 5
photograph of new School of Forestry building in Canberra, 43
Forestry Conference, 195a1 , 195a2 , 195b , 195c
Forestry, Study of,
Russell Grimwade offers £5000 for study at the Imperial Forestry Institute, 129
Forgan, Frederick Robert, LLB,
admitted to the Bar, 11 , 12
Formby, Dr Myles Landseer, MBBS,
SA Rhodes Scholar has completed his course at Oxford, 76
member of the Oxford lacrosse team, 122 , 123
Fricke, E F, BAgSc,
appointed agronomist at the Waite Agricultural Research Centre, 130
Fry, Dr Henry Kenneth, BSc MBBS,
reappointed honorary assistant physician at the Adelaide Hospital, 196i
Fuller, George Rayner, BSc,
elected to the committee of University Graduates' Association, 56
Gardner Family,
Garnett, Dr A C, MA,
appointed to the Chair of Apologetics, the Butler University, Indianapolis, 38
has resigned as evening lecturer in logic, 60
photograph, 38
on "The Urge of Life", 196c
Gartrell, Herbert William, BA BSc,
part of a survey party at the Mount Painter radium field, 152
speaker on "Geophysical Prospecting", 166
Gender issues,
see also women; see also women students
Adelaide female lawyers regarding discrimination in their profession, 128
careers women choose, 159
Geology, Study of,
graduates in physics and geology required for field party, 21
C T Madigan and 25 students discovered significant fossils, 75
debate on text books set for geography examinations, 144 , 149
Gibb, Claude Dixon, BE,
appointed to the directorate of Parsons Ltd, in England, 153
Gillman, Phyllis Constance, BA,
elected to the committee of The Classical Association, 31
Goodhart, Mabel Flora, LLB,
practicing law in London, 128
Goodman, W G T,
elected to the University Senate, 104 , 107 , 109
Government relations,
Federal Public Service officers offered University courses funded by the government, 2
government subsidy for Shakespeare to be produced for English students, 125
levees held at Government House, 28 , 155 , 185 , 196h
Premiers conference to look at the control of medical practitioners by the Commonwealth, 154
photograph of graduates at Government House, 28
graduation ceremonies, 12 , 40 , 116 , 164 , 167
letters re the wearing of cap and gown by music graduates, 45 , 63 , 85
chancellor’s address, 118
degrees granted in absentia, 40
graduation ceremony for teachers, 117
list of students to receive degrees, 188a2
annual commemoration to be held, 110 , 114
debate about music graduates wearing caps and gowns to graduate, 51 , 62 , 63 , 68 , 70
Grant, Colin,
awarded the Archibald Henry Peake Bursary, 122
Grant, Professor Kerr, BSc MSc,
photograph, 160 , 173a , 196n
discusses projected balloon adventure, 160
foresees science replacing many natural things, 173a
appointed to the Advisory Council of Education, 177
joined search for a lost radium needle with an electroscope he made, 196n
methods of geophysical prospecting, 25
on "The Mystery of Light", 46
some views on radium, 56
on "Genesis of Petroleum", 65
on "Science and Measurement", 88
sceptical of claim to generate limitless power, 104
on the abolition of school examinations, 124
paid tribute to Dr Etienne S Bieler, 178
photographed at the Levee at Government House, 185
on "Supersonic Waves" and "New Discovery in Optics", 192a
on "What are Infra-Red Rays?", 192c
on "New Careers in Science", 192d
on "Nature of the World", 192e
Gray, E W,
Barr Smith Prize for Greek, Andrew Scott Prize for Latin and Stow Prize for Law, 116
will hold the Poole Prize for the second year to St Mark's College, 134
Gray, Frederick V,
awarded a Government bursary to study medicine, 122
Green, Lorna Mary Alexandra, BSc,
appointed demonstrator in biochemistry, 108
Greenland, Patrick Cecil,
winner of the Bundey prize for 1928, 12 , 13
photograph, 12
Gribble, Dr Albert Elijah,
Grosvenor, Cyril, BDS,
awarded the P&O free return passage to continue research work at Liverpool, 61
University has requested the Victoria Square railings to replace fencing on Victoria Drive, 70 , 73 , 93 , 102 , 115 , 116 , 132
photograph of Victoria Drive fence, 73
recommendations for the removal of the fence surrounding Parliament House, 61
photographs of the removal of the Victoria Square fence for relocation at the University photograph of railings, 133a , 136 , 183a , 184
land made available at Urrbrae for a University sports ground, 143
Halford, Professor George Britton, MD,
family members offer an annual oration in connection with the National Museum of Australian Zoology, 44
Hamilton, Dr Ian Ayliffe, MBBS,
awarded a P&O free return passage to do post graduate work in surgery overseas, 61
Hancock, Mary Frewin, Associate in Music,
Principal subject, violin, 109
Hancock, Professor George Alfred, MA,
says Australians not civilised, preoccupied with money, 151
criticisms of address on civilisation, pre-occupation with moneymaking, 151 , 152
photograph, 151
writes to the Editor claiming report on his lecture distorted, 152
appointed to examine candidates for the British colonial service, 164
Council's representative on the board of governors of the Public Library, Art Gallery and Museum, 99
on "Australia’s population problems", 42 , 44
on "Tuscany and Umbria", 196l
on "Nordic Superstition", 70
on "the French occupation of the Rhineland", 88
appointed to the Public Library Board, 103
on "Canberra", 192b
on "Books about America", 192b
on "Peopling Australia", 192b
on "Books about Australia", 192b
on "Nation Builders", 192b
on "French Revolution Books", 192b
on "Prizes in Education", 192c
Harford, Basil Beverley, LLB,
admitted to the Bar, 115
admitted as practitioner of the Supreme Court, 189
photograph, 189
Harris, Clare Sparkes,
member of law firm, Messrs Pinch, McCarthy and Harris, 128
Harry, Romilly,
member of student debating team, 60
Haslam, Joseph Auburn, BSc,
Hayward, Dr William Thornborough,
obituary, photograph, 116
Heaton, Herbert,
appointed Professor of Economics at Liverpool University, 155
Hetzel, Dr Kenneth Stuart,
appointed tutor in medicine, 108
Hicks, Professor Cedric Stanton, MSc,
awarded grant for investigations on thyroid glands, 109
on an expedition of investigation of the aborigines of Koonibba, 126
photograph at Koonibba, 189
on science and religion, 196j
Hill, Rev. Albert Charles, BA,
presented an address at the Governor’s levee, 196h
Hilton, Arthur Robert, BA,
to visit the USA to study agricultural education in the high schools, 101
Melbourne University competed with the lacrosse and men's hockey teams, 74
Hodby, Dr Lindley David, MBBS,
conferred at a ceremony at the University of Adelaide, 164 , 167
Holdaway, Frederick George, MSc,
to marry Ellen Dulcie Macklin, 193
Hogg, Dr,
Holden, Edward Wheewall, BSc,
elected President of University Graduates' Association, 56
Vice president, Economic Society, 89
retired from the Council of the Adelaide University, 99
appointed a member of the Advisory Council of Science and Industry, 101
nominated, elected to University Senate, 104 , 109
finds graduates valuable employees, 165
photograph, 188b
Hollidge, David Henry, MA,
elected president of the Classical Association, 31
Holmes, Edna Lucy, LLB,
at the office of Messrs Varley, Evan and Thompson, 128
Homburg, R,
nominated for University Senate, 104
Hone, Dr Effie J,
appointed demonstrator in pathology, 108
Hone, Dr Frank Sandland, BA, MBBS,
proposes a committee for research and treatment of cancer, 51
reappointed honorary physician at the Adelaide Hospital, 196i
Hore-Ruthven, Brigadier-General the Hon Sir Alexander Gore Arkwright, VC, KCMG, CB, DSO,
swearing in ceremony of new Governor, 19 , 20
visit to Waite Institute, 21
holds levees, 28 , 155 , 196h
value of laboratory at Waite Institute, 143
Horner, John, FRCO,
organ recitals, 32 , 36 , 38 , 43 , 49 , 54 , 56 , 58 , 63 , 65 , 171 , 189
review of pianoforte concert, 35
photograph, 7 , 66 , 189
Hossfeld, Paul Samuel, MSc,
selected as Federal geologist, 12 , 13
photograph, 12
Howchin, Professor Walter, FRGS,
geological formations in Mount Lofty ranges, 33 , 38
fossil discoveries in Adelaide Hills, 40 , 70 , 78
second part of book,"The Building of Australia and the Succession of Life", 54
field work at Tea Tree Creek, 78
resume, 124
photograph, 33 , 124 , 138 , 149 , 154
awarded the Verco Medal, 138 , 149 , 154
second edition of "The Geology of South Australia", 168
Hurst, Dr Harvey Herbert, MBBS,
conferred at a ceremony at the University of Adelaide, 164 , 167
Hyde, Miriam Beatrice, Associate in Music,
principal subject is pianoforte, 109
Indigenous issues,
photograph of members of an expedition to central Australia to collect data regarding the Arunta and Luritcha tribes, 179
Dr W S Walker's report on the aborigines, 187a , 187b
expedition of investigation of the aborigines of Koonibba, 126
photograph of expedition members at Koonibba, 189
photograph of native dwelling, 189
Ingleby, Aileen Constance, LLB,
has married and does not practise, 128
Isaachsen, Oscar C,
awarded a Government bursary to study law, 122
Isbister, William James, LLB,
University Council representative on the Board of Governors of the Public Library, Art Gallery and Museum, 99
photograph, 188b
Jauncey, Dr George Eric Macdonnell, DSc,
Professor of Physics, Washington University, St Louis, USA: "South Australians Abroad", 89
Jeffrey, George,
South Australia at conference on education to be held in Vancouver, 129
John Creswell Scholarship,
applications invited from sons of members of the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society, 127
John Melrose Laboratory,
almost ready for occupation, 126
Johnson, Dr Edward Angas, MB, ChB, MD,
reappointed honorary sanitary advisor at the Adelaide Hospital, 196i
Johnson, Rev. William Herbert, BA,
appointed to the Deanery of Newcastle, 15
Johnston, Athol Bertram, LLB,
admitted to Bar, 115
admitted as practitioner of the Supreme Court, 189
photograph, 189
Johnston, Professor Thomas Harvey, MA, DSc,
offered the honorary directorship of the South Australian Museum, 11
resume, 3
photograph, 11 , 179
nominated as representative of the University on the Fauna and Flora Board, 3
lecture on his recent travels looking for solutions to control prickly pear, 14
on the Blowfly Pest, 85
to lecture on "Aspects of Biology in Relation to Man" to Workers' Education Association, 130
delivered lecture on "Aspects of Biology in Relation to Man", 135
representative at the Australian Fisheries Conference, 178
will join a scientific expedition to central Australia, 179
address on "Insects and Disease", 192a
Jones, Dr Allen Thomas Britten, MBBS,
appointed honorary demonstrator in anatomy, 108 , 126
Jones, Thomas Henry, MusBac,
obituary for former city organist, 176
Jones, Professor Frederic Wood, DSc,
co-author of "The Matrix of the Mind", 8
accepted the Chair of Anatomy at the Melbourne University, photograph, 137
Jose, Dr Ivan Bede, MBBS, MS,
reappointed honorary assistant surgeon at the Adelaide Hospital, 196i
Joseph Fisher lecture,
will be given by Professor R C Mills, 152
Kaines, Dr Raymond Hannay, MBBS,
currently studying overseas, 91
Kelly, Dr Michael, MBBS,
conferred by the Chancellor of the University, 40
Kelly, Michael Lawrence, LLB,
Kelly, Thomas D,
awarded a Government bursary to study medicine, 122
Kemp, Frances Joseph Edmund, Associate in Music,
Principal subject is pianoforte, 109
Kenihan, Dr Raphael Leo, MBBS,
reappointed honorary anaesthetist at the Adelaide Hospital, 196i
Kennedy, Alexander Lorimer, BE,
Kiek, Edward Sidney, MA (Oxon),
to lecture in Modern World history for the Workers' Education Association, 130
Kirwood, Albert Ernest Maldon, MA,
to lecture for the Workers' Educational Association, on "Adult Education in Yorkshire", 130
Kitson, Mary Cecil, LLB,
first woman admitted to the Bar in South Australia, photograph, 128
Kleemann, Professor Richard Daniel, DSc,
from cooper to professor, biography, 70
brief biography, "South Australians Abroad", 89
Korff, Adrian Joseph,
1924 recipient of the Bundey prize, 12
Kriewaldt, Martin Rudolf Chemnitz, BA, LLB (Wisconsin),
biography and photograph, 52
elected secretary of Graduates' Association, 56
who qualifies to play for the University, 196c
Melbourne University competed with the lacrosse and men's hockey teams, 74
photograph of Melrose Laboratory at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 78 , 139b
laboratory of the division of animal nutrition to be opened by Prime Minister Bruce, 96 , 97 , 98 , 99
photograph of opening of laboratory for animal nutrition,100 , 101
photograph of visitors to laboratory for animal nutrition, 144
opening of the John Melrose laboratories at the Waite Agricultural and Research Institute, 139a
editorial on science helping rural industries, 143
call for a laboratory to study human nutrition, 143
Lady Symon Building,
Rev Brother Le Breton condemns careless use of the King's English by men in high places, 168 , 170
Laught, Keith Alexander, LLB,
admitted to the Bar, 11 , 12
Law, Faculty of,
Professor A L Campbell appointed Dean, 108
Law, Study of
Examination passed in order of merit, 133b
Laybourne-Smith, L.,
elected a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Architects, 58
photograph, 58
Leach, William Valentine, MA, DipEcon,
youngest Inspector of schools, 117
League of Nations Union,
summary of Professor Hicks address to the union, 106
lease for 21 years of nine acres of land in the North parklands, 91
Leaver, Edward, LLB,
admitted to the Bar, 11 , 12
see also evening lectures, public lectures, extension lectures
Sir Edward John Russell OBE, to lecture on agriculture, 10
Sir Archibald Strong on "Victorianism and Modernism in English Poetry”, 35
Sir Archibald Strong on the poetry of Thomas Hardy, 37
Sir ArchibaldStrong on some aspects of modern English poetry, 39
H Burton lectured on the Kellogg Peace Pact, 96
Joseph Fisher lecture in commerce to given by Professor R C Mills, 152
copies of the Joseph Fisher lecture are available, 161
Prof A Killen Macbeth on "Catalysis, the Acceleration of Chemical Reaction", 161 , 162 , 164
A L G MacKay will speak on "The Public Service as a Profession", 196i
Professor C F Hicks lecture "Our Responsibility", 192d
Lendon, Dr Alfred Austin, MD,
reappointed member of the Medical Board, 48
answers criticisms of a book entitled, "Cancer, the Surgeon and the Researcher", 75
member of deputation asking Government money for cancer-treating equipment, 84
explains campaign to educate people about cancer, 91
appointed director of cancer treatment and research, 95
to attend an education conference in Vancouver April, 113 , 121 , 129 , 171
received from England information about the use of radium in the treatment of cancer, 119
talks to the Royal Geographical Society (S A Branch) on the recent Vancouver Education Conference, 157
Letcher, Dr Herbert George, MBBS,
doing post graduate studies in Edinburgh, 91
Lewis, Arthur Sangster, BE,
Lindon, Dr Leonard Charles Edward, MBBS,
appointed tutor in surgery, Honorary demonstrator in anatomy, 108 , 126
reappointed honorary assistant surgeon, 196i
Ludbrook, Wallis Verco, BSc,
engaged by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 127
Macbeth, Dr Alexander Killen, DSc,
Angas Professor of Chemistry arrives, 3
appointed member of the advisory committee under the Food and Drug Act, 10
at Koonibba Mission studying the lives and habits of aborigines, 70
has filled the Angas Chair of Chemistry, 118
lectured on "Catalysis, the Acceleration of Chemical Reaction", 161 , 162 , 164
photograph, 188a1
MacKay, Alexander Leslie Gordon, MA,
On “Civil Service as a Profession” at Institute of Administration, 40
to complete research work overseas, 74 , 102 , 130
on “Economic conditions in Great Britain”, 92
at meeting to express approval of intention to appoint Professor of Economics, 94
to speak on 'The Present Economic Depression in South Australia, and the Way Out", 94
will speak on "The Public Service as a Profession", 196i
Macklin, Ellen Dulcie, MSc,
leaving for England soon, 193
Maddeford, Sheila Lamont, LLB,
the youngest practising woman lawyer in SA, 128
Madigan, Cecil Thomas, BSc, MA,
delivered a lecture on Central Australia, 22
interviewed regarding Italian explorers predicament in Antarctica, 36
photograph, 36 , 182b
has made a life study of radium, 56
discusses phases of volcanic eruption, 102
addressed the Rotary Club: "Future Exploration in the Antarctic", 103
to take a preliminary flight to view parts of unexplored Central Australia, 124
has returned from studying rock formations in Kangaroo Island, 131
photograph with A R Alderman, 182b
address on "Age of the Earth", 192a
Maegraith, B G,
awarded the residential bursary to St Mark's College, 134
Matters, Dr Reginald Francis, MBBS,
appointed assistant lecturer, demonstrator in physiology and pharmacology, 108
appointed tutor in obstetrics, 126
degree conferred, 164 , 165 , 167
at Koonibba to study aboriginal life, 126
Mawson, Sir Douglas BSc, DSc,
photograph, 21 , 90 , 93 , 104 , 121
photographed in his laboratory, 180
awarded Nachtigall Gold Medal, 21 , 118
returning to Adelaide, 48
planning for further expedition to Antarctica, 79 , 84 , 90 , 92 , 93 , 121 , 125 , 129 , 132 , 156 , 190a , 190a1 , 190a2 , 190a3 , 190a4 , 190a5 , 190a6 , 190a7 , 190a8 , 190a9
Kerr Grant on Mawson’s expedition, 161
photograph of the “Discovery”, which he hopes to use, 84
met and conferred with Polar explorer, Commander Byrd, 104 , 112
reviews Sir George Wilkins's flight, 120
Mayo, Dr Helen Mary, MD,
appointed representative for the Students' Union, 61
retired from the Council, 99
elected to Senate, 104 , 107 , 108 , 109
reappointed honorary bacteriologist, 196i
Mayo, Herbert, LLB,
appointed Lecturer in commercial law, 126
McBride, William John, BSc,
visiting Adelaide for metallurgical investigations, photograph, 101
McCoy, William Taylor, BA,
inspects land for an agricultural high school, 1
attended commemoration where many teachers presented for degrees and diplomas, 117
views on the decimal currency system, 122
photograph, 188b
McDonnell, John Carlile, MA,
to lecture in English literature to the Workers' Education Association, 130
McEwin, John Neill, LLB,
admitted to the Bar, 115
admitted as practitioner of the Supreme Court, 189 , 196n
photograph, 189 , 196n
a resident of St Mark's College has obtained the LL.B. degree, 116
McIntosh, Howie James, BE,
awarded a P&O free return passage to conduct research into engineering, 61
McKay, Alexander Leslie Gordon, MA,
repeated a lecture "The Public Service as a Profession", 49
addressed the Institute of Public Administration, 59
delegate to the World Conference on Adult Education, 130
McLaughlin, Dr Eugene, MBBS,
appointed Deputy Director of the Laboratory of Bacteriology & Pathology, 16
Medicine, Faculty of,
Dr A Watson Munro need to educate doctors to reduce infant mortality, 65
Dr Constantine Trent Champion De Crespigny appointed Dean, 108
Medicine, Study of,
Commonwealth Government has offered a supply of radium to the Adelaide Hospital for the treatment of cancer, 51 , 53 , 55
"Dr" J H Becker credentials as a bone fide medical doctor questioned, 171
examination results, 133b
Meegan, Kathleen, AMUA,
to continue to teach violin at the Conservatorium, 143
Mellor, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Reginald, LLB, OBE,
awarded Colonial Auxiliary Forces officers' decoration, 196h
Melrose, Alexander. LLB,
appointed to the Public Library Board, 103
to attend an education conference in Vancouver, 113 , 121 , 129
Melrose Laboratory,
photographs of opening, 140a , 141
aid to agricultural research, 142
Melville, Professor Leslie Galfreid, BEc,
appointed Chair of Economics, 131 , 132
photograph, 131 , 182a , 191
to help in the establishment of a Bureau of Economics, 168
lecture "The Economic Society", 192f
Menz, Anna Magdelene Augusta, BA,
secretary of the Women's Union, photograph, 186
Messent, Dr Philip Santo, MBBS, MS,
appointed lecturer in the faculty of Dentistry, 108
appointed honorary demonstrator in anatomy, 126
reappointed honorary assistant surgeon, 196i
Meyer, Stanley,
member of student debating team, 60
Mills, Mr Eric Baxter, BE,
passed examination for Bachelor of Engineering and Diploma of Applied Science, 96
Mills, Professor R C,
to give the Joseph Fisher lecture, 152 , 153
Mitchell, Donald Thomas, BE,
passed the examination for Bachelor of Engineering and Diploma of Applied Science, 96
Mitchell, Frank,
member of student debating team, 60
Mitchell, Mark, BSc,
photographed at Koonibba, 189
Mitchell, Professor Sir William, MA (Edin),
brief biography, 7
elected to the committee of The Classical Association, 31
writes to "The Editor" about music examinations, 61
in England supervising the publication of his "Gifford Lectures", 116
photograph, 127
recently returned from Great Britain, 128
Mitton, Ronald Gladstone, MSc,
currently studying for his PhD degree at Oxford, 92
photograph, 92
Rhodes Scholar for 1927, 117
Mollison, Thomas, LLB,
Moore, Dr Arthur Pariss Reading, DDSc,
appointed Lecturer in the faculty of Dentistry, 108
at Koonibba Mission studying the lives of aborigines, 70
Morey, Dr Geoffrey Wilson, MBBS,
currently studying overseas, 91
Morgan, Edward James Ranembe, LLB,
1921 recipient of the Bundey prize, 12
Morgan, William Matheson, BE,
passed the examination for Bachelor of Engineering and Diploma of Applied Science, 96
Morris, Dr B H,
reappointed member of Medical Board, 48
Morriss, Elsie, BA,
1925 recipient of the Bundey prize, 12
winner of the John Howard Clark prize, 117
Mounster, Valerie Luella, BA,
Muecke, Dr Francis Frederick, MBBS,
brief resume as part of the article: South Australians Abroad", 89
awarded a grant for work on the embryology of the chick , 109
Murray, Sir George John Robert, BA,
elected patron of the Classical Association, 31
patron of University Graduates' Association, 56
photograph, 100 , 188a1 , 188b , 196e
very popular Chief Justice of South Australia, 126
speech at opening of Parliament, 196f
at opening of research laboratory for animal nutrition, 98 , 99
Music, Study of,
examination results have been released, 99
presentation of successful students at final concert, 109
debate about music graduates wearing caps and gowns to graduate, 51 , 62 , 63 , 68 , 70
Musical productions,
students’ concerts, 109
concerts of the South Australian Orchestra, 14 , 169
organ recitals, 156 , 160 , 166
pianoforte recital, 162
Napier, Justice Thomas John Mellis, LLB,
presides over property dispute, 82
National Council of Education,
interest in broadcasting, 171
Naylor, Margaret Mary Jessie Darnley, B.A.,
an official of the League of Nations, 21
Naylor, Ruth Winifred, Associate in Music,
has won the Elder Travelling Scholarship, 107
performed solo aria at the Final students concert, 109
Naylor, Professor Darnley, MA,
adopted as prospective candidate, photograph, 127
delegate to the World Conference on Adult Education, 130
Neale, Edward, (formerly Edward Neale Wigg),
has bequeathed the residue of his estate for medical research, 118
Newland, Sir Henry Simpson, MBBS,
to represent University at the first annual meeting of the College of Surgeons, 3
made Knight Bachelor, brief biography, 24
photograph, 24 , 28 , 110 , 178 , 196g
at the Governor's levee, 28
one of new SA knights, 29
presented with letters patent of Knight Bachelor, 90
made a life governor of the Adelaide Children's Hospital, 110
Sir George Murray congratulates Sir Henry Simpson Newland, 118
has been made President of the College of Surgeons of Australasia for 1929, 178
resume, 196g
reappointed honorary surgeon, 196i
Newland, J C,
winner of the Creswell Scholarship, 134
Norman, Jean Margaret, Associate in Music,
principal subject, pianoforte, 109
Oliphant, Marcus Lawrence Elwin, BSc,
delegate to the World Conference on Adult Education, 130
awarded an 1851 Exhibition Senior Scholarship, 160 , 164
lecture "Economic Equilibrium", 192c
Osborn, Professor Theodore, George Bentley, BSc,
appointed Professor of Botany, University of Sydney, 3
studied regeneration of native flora and pasture at Koonamore, 88 , 120 , 130 , 178
Othams, H R,
clerk of public examinations, photograph, 193
Padman, John S,
awarded a Government bursary to study arts, 122
Parsons, Harold Stephen, MusBac,
plays in concert, 6
tribute concert held for his 21 years as professional musician, 13
Parsons, Justice Herbert Angas, LLB,
nominated and elected, Warden of The University Senate, 104 , 108 , 109
photograph, 188b
Pavy, Dr Emily Dorothea Pavy, BA, LLB, CBE,
admitted to the Bar, 11 , 12
managing clerk for her husband, 128
has written a book, "Welfare Work" to benefit post war women and young persons, 135
received the Order of CBE, 135
Penny, Hubert Harry, BA,
teacher gained a diploma in economics and political science, 117
Pennycuick, Stuart Wortley, BA (Camb),
doing chemical research at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 79
Pharmacy, Faculty of,
Dr J G Davies to lecture in pharmaceutical botany, 135 , 136
photograph, 136
Physics, Faculty of,
geophysical survey lecture by Dr E Bieler, 171
Pick, Sidney,
leader of student debating team, 60 , 62 , 196k
Piper, Clarence Sherwood, MSc,
co-wrote pamphlet on examination of soils, 96
Pitt, George Henry, BA,
biography of State Archivist and librarian, 5
photograph, 5
Pomroy, Dr Harry Roy, MBBS,
appointed honorary demonstrator in anatomy, 108 , 126
Poole, H G, MSc,
photograph of soil chemist at Waite Institute, 183a
Potts, Ethelwyn , BA,
returned after 18 months studying abroad, 21
Prescott, Professor James Arthur, BSc,
article published in The Economic Record, 23
on the importance of agricultural chemistry, 81
co-authored a pamphlet on examining soils, 96
in favour of closer co-ordination of the Development and Migration Commission and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 123
to lecture on science in gardening for the Workers' Education Association, 130
on developments in research at Waite, 162
study of soil problems aided by an aerial photographic survey, 166
lecture on " Soil Fertility and its Control", 192a
Price, Archibald Grenfell, MA, FRGS,
elected treasurer, University Graduates' Association, 56
officer of the SA branch of the Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand, 89
retired from the Council, 99
nominated and elected for University Senate, 104 , 107 , 108 , 109
questions centring celebration of centenary of South Australia around Sir John Hindmarsh, 122
lecture on "Australia and the Pacific", 192a
Prizes and awards,
best essay on the work of the League of Nations, 99
Schlich Memorial Prize established, 102
new statute regarding the Bonython Prize, 104 , 107
proposals of candidates for the 1929 Nobel Peace Prize due by February 1929, 104
Professor R W Chapman, MS, CMG, awarded Peter Nicol Russell Memorial, 144
Sir Joseph Verco Medal presented to Professor W Howchin, 139a , 149 , 154
Particulars of Garton Prize and Medal, 162
Proud, Dorothea, BA,
first recipient of the Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship, 77
Public lectures,
see also lectures, evening lectures, extension lectures
third series of public lectures by Professor John Aloysius Fitzherbert, M.A. (Camb) entitled "Plato and Socrates", 167 , 169
Public Teachers' Union,
photograph of teachers visiting Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 194
details of contents of issues of Commerce Students' Association magazine, 54 , 93
Scientific organisations seek funding from Federal Govt to publish large works, 114
May issue of the University magazine devoted the editorial to politics, 160
British Economic Mission, 'Big Fours' Report, 196o
Puddy, Maude, Associate in Music,
farewelled at re-opening of the Elder Conservatorium, 131
Pulleine, Dr Robert Henry, MB,
at Koonibba Mission studying full-blooded aborigines, 70
elected to serve on the Dental Board, 113
Ray, Dr William, BSc, MBBS,
reappointed honorary physician, 196i
photograph, 188b
Reed, Geoffrey Sandford, LLB,
appointed Lecturer in the law of evidence and procedure, 126
Reid, Frederick William, BSc,
appointed Lecturer in dental metallurgy, 108
Reiman, I G,
acting director’s 30 years service to the Conservatorium, 3
at meeting to discuss concert program for the year, 4
photograph, 3
with Professor Davies at annual meeting of Australian Music Examinations Board, 143
in music examinations, 156
radium research work to be done under supervision of Adelaide University, 51 , 52 , 53
review of use of radium in treatment of cancer, 36
university certifies SA radium to be used for hospital use, 149
Government being asked to assist in the methods of treating cancer, 86
scientists to investigate nutrition in sheep for wool-raising purposes, 16
how science helps, 27
editorial on need for research into cancer, 57
Dr F S Hone forms committee to recommend proposals for cancer research, 51 , 58
committee for cancer research and treatment has been enlarged, 79 , 84
Dr A Burrows to confer with Cancer Committee on radium treatment, 66 , 68
Sir Arnold Thieler to enquire into animal research in Australia, 69
science workers for research needed, 79
value of research work on diseases of plants recognised by farmers, 84
Government funding for cancer research, 88 , 89 , 91
activities of cancer committee, 91
letter denouncing the use of radium in the treatment of cancer, 91
Commonwealth Science and Industry Endowment Fund scientific research, 93 , 94
science research studentships not filled, 96
Australian investigators encouraged to apply for research positions in England, 106
Carnegie Corporation gives £5000/year for 10 years for educational research, 110 , 111 , 112
Science and Industry Endowment Fund offer a research studentship in soil biology, 151
Dr R J Tillyard FRS visits Waite Research Institute, 156 , 158
work on plant problems to be initiated by Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 167
account of research into soils published, 177
research into combating weed and insect pests, 196m
Dr Mary Glynne to investigate potato diseases at Waite Institute, 14
Research Grants,
Science and Industry Endowment Fund offers junior studentship in forest products work, 121
Minister of Agriculture offers a grant for veterinarian research in South Africa, 196n
Research Organisations,
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 8 , 59 , 152
Royal Society of London offers Foulerton Research Studentships, 2
Waite Research Institute is a perfect facility for agricultural research, 126
Residential Colleges
establishment of St Andrew's Residential College, 4
opening ceremony of St Andrew's College, 29
photographs of St Andrews, 28 , 31 , 32 , 111 , 196i
history of house which became St Andrews, 111
St Mark's College residents have done very well, 116
two £50 scholarships for students to reside at St Andrews Residential College, 130
St Mark's College Awards, 134
Reynolds, John Heywood, BA ,
1929 Rhodes Scholar, photograph, 109
Rhodes Fellowship,
L G Wickham Legg, appointee for Australia, 2
Rhodes Scholarships,
process of selection of suitable scholars, 99
new regulations proposed for selection of United States Rhodes Scholarships, 106
discussion whether or not Rhodes Scholarships are worth while, 114
celebrations of the 25th anniversary of foundation of the Rhodes Scholarships, 169
Richardson, Jack Avon,
Diploma in Commerce presented in absentia, 12
Richardson, Professor Arnold Edwin Victor, MA, BSc,
nominated member of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research for 3 years, 16a
on ‘Economic research and agriculture’, 67
photograph, 72 , 129 , 140a , 140b , 142 , 183b , 188a1 , 192f
research on soils and wheat breeds, 129
proposal for dairy research, 30
on arboretum at Waite Park, 66
on "The Objective and Methods of Agricultural Education", 71
on animal health, 71
discusses the far reaching effects of tests regarding farm crop diseases, 82
Vice President of the Economic Society, 89
on “Java and Japan", 90
on ancient and modern Agriculture, 91
attending a meeting of the Commonwealth Bureau of Science and Industry in Sydney, 95
appointed chairman of the committee to investigate the dairying industry, 140a , 140b , 142
gives evidence for proposed research laboratories for economic botany in Canberra, 157
mentioned in the Prime Minister's speech for his presidency of the butter committee, 166
at opening of research laboratory for animal nutrition, 98 , 99
address to Rotary Club, 192f
Ridley Memorial,
proposal to raise funds, 104
Robertson, Professor Thorburn Brailsford, DSc,
resigned from the advisory committee under the provisions of the Food and Drug Act, 10
discusses the rats and mice used for research, 15
will control investigations into the nutrition of sheep, 16a
photograph of new laboratory for research he leads, 17
welcomes use of radium to treat cancer, 54
to deliver lecture in Melbourne on "Growth and Longevity in Men and Animals”, 57
addressed the League of Nations on the co-operation of scientists, 75
reviewed the operations of Commonwealth Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, especially regarding animal nutrition, 76
investigates the nutritive values of fodders for sheep, 93 , 96
photograph at the opening of the new research laboratory, 100
on nutrition research, 102
pays tribute to Sir Baldwin Spencer, 176
at opening of research laboratory for animal nutrition, 98 , 99
photograph, 188a1 , 188b
Robinson, Roy Lister, OBE, BA, BSc,
Forestry delegate for Britain at the Forestry Conference, 36 , 53 , 60 , 61
former Adelaide Rhodes Scholar, 43 , 44 , 46 , 53 , 54
in Adelaide, 63
photograph, 49 , 55 , 63
‘Australia’s Beginning’, 113
Rochlin, Elijah, LLB,
admitted to the Bar, 11
degree presented by Professor A L Campbell, 12
Rogers, Dr Richard Sanders, MD,
reappointed member of the Medical Board, 48
Rose Grainger Fund,
received donations from Percy Grainger, 130
Roseworthy College,
teachers at the college and extension of curriculum, 16
possible new developments, 128
rowing championship held at Mannum, 25
Russell, Dr Herbert Henry Ernest, MD,
reappointed member of the Medical Board, 48
Saunders, Pepita Cerda, LLB,
managing clerk for Messrs. Fisher, Powers and Jeffries of Adelaide, 128
Savage, Dr Arthur Charles, MBBS,
conferred by the Chancellor, 40
Schilsky, Charles,
teacher of violin has resigned, 46 , 47 , 48 , 116
photograph, 116
Schneider, Dr Michael, MBBS,
to enquire into the effect of industrial occupations on eyesight overseas, 69
Elder Scholarship for organ playing awarded to Norman Chinner, 3
Archibald Mackie Scholarship has been awarded to Mervyn R. Freney, 6
offers of advanced training in research to seven graduates or people of equivalent training, 48 , 64
Council not to award the Angas Engineering Scholarship, 59 , 60
John Ridley Memorial Scholarship perpetuates his memory, 65
Elder Scholarship awarded to Ruth. W. Naylor, 103
music scholarships awarded, 104
scholarship for forestry for two years, 127
John Gordon scholarship awarded to A H Young and M L Limbert, 136
A E Hamilton scholarship awarded to M L Limbert, 136
M W Fletcher awarded the council scholarship at St Andrew's College again, 136
veterinarian scholarships offered to Adelaide students, 2
Schulz, Mr Ernst Adolph, BE,
passed examination for Bachelor of Engineering and Diploma of Applied Science, 96
Science and Industry Endowment Fund,
trustees offer a research studentship in forest products, 166
Science, Faculty of,
Professor Kerr Grant appointed Dean, 108
Scott, Dr Malcolm Leslie, MBBS,
reappointed honorary surgeon, 196i
Secondary Education,
English examiners criticised, 27
concern over failures in the leaving examination, especially English, 41 , 45
Director of Education proposes improvements to state education, 58
Minister of Education gives cost of primary, secondary and technical education, 162
C M Ashworth appointed headmistress of Methodist Ladies College, photograph, 196h
Senate, University of Adelaide,
meeting to fill the offices and members, 104
Warden, Clerk and members representing Council appointed, 108
Sharman, Florence Mary, MA,
reappointed at Acadia University, Nova Scotia, 8
leaving Adelaide, 66
Shorney, Dr Herbert Frank, MD,
reappointed honorary ophthalmologist, 196i
Simons, Lloyd Alfred Grigg, BA,
success of St Mark's College resident, 116
Smeaton, Dr Bronte, MBBS,
reappointed honorary surgeon, 196i
Smith, John J,
awarded a Government bursary, 122
Smith, Sydney Talbot, LLB,
sole survivor among, 47
promoters of the Jubilee, 55
photograph, 55
elected to the committee of Graduates' Association, 56
to represent South Australian institutions at the Australian Library Conference, 64 , 69
writes in praise of Charles Jury's poetry, 165
South Australian Orchestra,
"Music Lover" queries the financial position of the orchestra, 159
response by Howard Davies, 159
Southwood, Dr Albert Ray, MBBS, MD, DS,
appointed to Faculty of Dentistry, 108
elected to serve on the Dental Board, 113
appointed honorary demonstrator in anatomy, 126
Melbourne University competed with the lacrosse and men's hockey teams, 74
students to visit other states to participate in athletic contests, 65
State Advisory Council of Science and Industry,
annual meeting held at the office of the Premier, 117
Stewart, Professor John McKellar, MA,
elected to the committee of Classical Association, 31
photograph, 31 , 188b
elected to the committee of Graduates' Association, 56
to represent University at the conference of the Australian Universities, 59
council representative at Students' Union, 61
to represent South Australian institutions at the Australian Library Conference, 64 , 69
spoke at the annual break-up of the Workers' Education Association, 100
appointed to the Advisory Council of Education, 177
address "The Union of the English speaking people of the World", 192c
Stirling, Sir Edward Charles, MA, MD, DSc,
past honorary director of the South Australian Museum, 11
Stirling, Sir John Lancelot. LLB,
pays tribute to the late Mr Charles Howard Angas, 113
Strong, Sir Archibald Thomas, MA,
speaks at Royal Society of St George dinner, brief biography, 12 , 196d
elected to the committee of Classical Association, 31
lectured on "Victorianism and Modernism in English Poetry”, 35
lectured on “Twentieth century poets”, 37
lectured on “Thomas Hardy’s poetry”, 39
lectured on “Some aspects of modern English poetry”, 40
writes to The Editor, about Rupert Brooke and Tennyson, 39
discusses with teachers the failure rate of the leaving English exam, 41 , 46 , 48 , 49
to attend an education conference in Vancouver, 113 , 121 , 129
attended conference in Vancouver, 171
photograph, 182a , 197
addresses to Vancouver conference, 137 , 151 , 197
four articles from the Vancouver paper on Professor Strong's contributions, 150 , 151
reports on the Vancouver conference, 153
argues University needs new arts building, 159
wants speech in the new talkie movies to be censored, 159
spoke on Education and Politics, 163
colloquialisms in speech sometimes permissible, 168
on education in the east and Chinese educational matters, 177
lecture on "Education and Foreign Affairs", 192c
Student activities and protests,
negotiations for debating teams to visit, 6 , 55 , 58
detail of debates, 60 , 62 , 196k
Student Statistics,
careers women choose, 159
Student Union,
fund raising for building, 37 , 39 , 43 , 47
discussion of draft constitution, 45
drawing of proposed Union Building, 45
Council adopts constitution for the Student Union, 59
address of Governor to Union club luncheon, 172
students to visit other states to participate in athletic contests, 65
Sir Archibald Strong compared students from differing cultures reaction to failure, 177
hypnotism used by some students in Cambridge, 196m
undergraduate humour, 152
classes resume today with student numbers comparing favourably to those of last year, 131
list of evening studentships offered by the Education Department, 142
Swift, Dr Brian Herbert, MBBS,
appointed tutor in obstetrics, 108 , 126
Sydney University,
Undergraduates desecrate cenotaph, 185a
Symon, Oliver Jose Lewers, LLB,
admitted to the Bar, 11, 12
Symon, Sir Josiah,
to bequeath his library, 110
opened the Lady Symon Building, 134
photograph, 134 , 186
Tapp, Adrian Lynda, BA,
her history of Australian explorers used by the Education Department, 117
Taylor, Donald William, BE,
passed examination for Bachelor of Engineering and Diploma of Applied Science, 96
Tennyson, Lord,
death announced, 108
tribute by Chancellor, 118
Thomas Price Scholarship,
awarded to Stanley C Spargo, 130
Thomas, Dr Marjorie Phyllis Casley, MBBS,
appointed acting resident medical officer, 196i
Thomas, David John Saint, BE, 96
Thomas, Rev, Arthur Nutter, MA (Camb),
gave address at the Governor’s levee, 196h
Thomson, Harry, LLB,
nominated and elected to university Senate, 104 , 107 , 108 , 109
photograph, 188b
article on "Australia as the Laboratory of Socialism", 192a
on "Peace in Industry" and "The University", 192e
Thornber Bursary,
awarded to Joan Searcy, 6
Thornton, Walter Archibald, LLB,
admitted to the Bar, 115
admitted as practitioner of Supreme Court, 189
Thwaites, Dr Harold
has settled in practice, 91
Thyer, Frederick Lewis, MBBS,
received degree of medicine at Oxford University, 122 , 123
Tillyard, Dr R, FRS,
visits Waite Institute, 156 , 158
photograph, 156 , 183b
appointed leader of research unit of economic entomology, 196m
Tindale, N B,
awarded a grant for entomological investigations, 109
Tostevin, Dr Alfred Ladyman, MBBS,
taking course in London, 91
returned to Adelaide, 112
Treloar, Albert Edward Coran, LLB,
admitted to the Bar, 11 , 12
Tucker, Harold Norman, LLB,
brief biography and photograph, 170
Turner, Dr Charles Trevor, MBBS,
reappointed honorary assistant surgeon, 196i
Turner, Raymond Stanley,
awarded George Thompson Bursary in commerce, 3
Universities, Other,
radium for treatment of cancers to be distributed to Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, 21
Sir George Fuller spoke about Australian universities, 125
building a school of public health in Sydney, 35 , 96
Perth wants larger grant, 52
Edward Percival, B.Sc.takes Chair of Biology at Canterbury College, Christchurch, 63
George H. Bosch offers endowment at Sydney, 1 , 95
Registrar, Tasmania, appointed delegate to the Australian Music Examinations, 6
Hobart votes against lifting the prohibition of teaching theology, 16
Professor R S Conway lectures at Melbourne, Sydney and Perth Universities, 21
Melbourne University debates professors’ salaries, 57
Professor Griffith Taylor accepts position at Chicago University, 62
Melbourne University recommends provision of a public hospital as part of medical school, 74
chair of zoology, Sydney, accepted by Professor W J Dakin, 76
Perth establishing a diploma of commerce, 80
success of the Sydney University fund, 84 , 93
university in Canberra opposed, 85
cost of proposed Institute of Anatomy at Canberra cost increased, 86
Sydney's Cancer Research Committee to benefit from developments at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, 92
Rockefeller Foundation donates £700,000 towards library at Cambridge University, 93
University of Western Australia laying foundation stones of new buildings, 144 , 145a , 145b
photographs, 145a , 146a , 146b , 147
Fremantle university extension lectures syllabus completed, 145a , 145b
James Holmes appointed McCaughey Associate Professor of Geography at Sydney, 151
Oviedo University, Spain, closed owing to students' rebellious attitudes, 153
New York University has a Hall of Fame, 159
establishment of a National Research University discussed, 162 , 164 , 166
obituary for Dr Riley, Chancellor of the Western Australian University, 164
University colleges,
first annual dinner of the St Mark's College Old Collegians Association held, 24
University Council,
Harry Thomson elected, 110
University Oval,
application being made for a new lease, 90
University Foundation Stone,
Ure, Gwendolen Helen, LLB,
now Mrs J.C.E. McCarthy, practises law at Kadina, 128
Urrbrae Estate,
work has begun on establishing an arboretum, 40
Urrbrae High School,
Peter Waite has given land for the establishment of an agricultural high school, 168 , 176
Verco, Gladys Kathleen,
Associate in Music, principal subject, violin, 109
Verco, Sir Joseph Cooke, MD,
“Fifty Years Ago” brief resume, 1
resigned his seat on the Council, 91 , 96
photograph, 91
transcript of reply sent to Sir Joseph Verco on his resignation, 92
Chancellor pays tribute to Sir Joseph, 118
made the first presentation of the Sir Joseph Verco medal to Professor W Howchin, 150
Veterinary Scholarships,
offered to Adelaide students, 2
Visiting Lecturers,
Professor W F Osborn in Adelaide seeking delegates to Education conference to be held in Vancouver, 62 , 63 , 64 , 113 , 124 , 196k
Professor Thomas Turner, Birmingham, argued metallurgy part of engineering studies, 16
Professor Sir John Russell delivering lectures on agriculture, 16b , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 30 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 118 , 196g
Lord Clinton, Chairman of the British Forestry Commission, 62
Professor R S Conway, Chair of Latin, Manchester, 62 , 68 , 69 , 74 , 75 , 83 , 85 , 86 , 87 , 88
E Dugdale comments on Conway’s lecture on “Rome’s master mind”, 89
Professor R J A Berry on the needs of mental patients, photograph, 126
Professor Hugh MacLean, London, to lecture nationally, 178
Professor J E Russell lectured on contrasts between the American and Australian education systems, photograph, 11 , 196d
Dr Arthur Hill, Director, Kew Gardens, suggests an Herbarium be established in Canberra, 23
Visiting Students,
four British students visiting regarding the prospects of settlement here, 69
The Japanese Squadron visited the University, 39
Professor A D Ross visiting Adelaide en route to Canberra, 62
Sir Arnold Thieler to enquire into animal research in Australia, 71
Dr G F Finlay visited at the invitation of the Agricultural Bureau, 84
Dr J E Nichols, Edinburgh, impressions of South Australia's wool industry, 96 , 107
Commander Manuel de Mendivil with officers and 20 cadets visited the university, 110
Professor R S Conway recommends separate Chair of Latin at Adelaide University, 119
Dr G A Waterhouse visited Waite Research Institute, 126
R J Tillyard, visiting Commonwealth Entomologist, 183b
British scientists visiting the Great Barrier Reef, 196i
Sir Arnold Thieler says Australia lags in agricultural research, 196l
von Bertouch, Bernard, LLB,
admitted to the Bar, 11 , 12
Wagner, Mr Franz William, BSc,
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science presented by Professor Kerr Grant, 12
Wagner, Franz William, BSc,
1928 Rhodes Scholar, photograph, 14
leaving to study, 21
Wainwright, John William, BA,
committee member of the Economic Society, 89
Wait, Marthe Lucy, MA,
to commence post-graduate studies at the Sorbonne, 21
Waite Agricultural Research Institute,
soils being investigated, 69 , 96 , 129
photographs of plant investigations at Waite Institute, 83
photograph of Melrose Laboratory nearing completion, 50
new entomologist, 95 , 96
Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd discussing establishing a £5m plant to manufacture synthetic ammonia nitrates for fertilisers, 116
£2000 given by ICI for agricultural research, 76
John Melrose Laboratory foundation stone laid by his daughter, 118
Professor A E V Richardson discusses the improvement of soil and of breeds of wheat, 129
Science benefits rural industry thanks to Sir John Melrose and Peter Waite, 143
tenders called for new research buildings, 144
Harold Darling as given £10,000 for the development of a division of soil research, 161
dogs have killed sheep used for experiments, 178
photograph of a person testing for iron traces, 179
photograph of an attendant placing seeds in an incubator, 179
photograph of tomatoes being used in experiments to combat tomato wilt, 191
establishment of an arboretum at Waite Park, 66 , 68
photograph of Waite Research Institute, formerly Urrbrae House, 26
15 acres of Mr Peter Waite’s bequest to the Education Department will be given to the Waite Research Institute, 54 , 55
agricultural students from England visit, 72
photograph, 72
applications invited for the position of assistant chemist investigating soils, 76
British wool experts visit, 96
Sir Arnold Thieler visits, 69
Walsh, Frances M.,
awarded a Government bursary to study arts, 122
Ward, Dr Leonard Keith, BE, DSc (Syd),
appointed to the Royal Commission on the coal industry, photograph, 154
Ward, Leonard Rosslyn, BE,
passed examination for Bachelor of Engineering and Diploma of Applied Science, 96
Watson, Richard C,
performing in English opera roles, photograph, 63
Watson, Professor Archibald, MD (Paris),
Westgarth, Mr Walter Tebble, BA,
Diploma in Primary Education presented by Professor W K Hancock, 12
White, Isabel Christian, BA,
degree of Bachelor of Arts conferred, 164 , 167
Wilkinson, Herbert John, BA,
awarded a Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship, 58
Willing, Dr Charles Eric, MBBS,
Degree conferred by the Chancellor, 40
Willsmore Elsie Victoria, MusBac,
broadcast of her recital appreciated, 160
Wilton, Professor J R,
Winton, Louis Joseph, BE,
one of a survey party at the Mount Painter radium field, 152
see also women students
see also gender issues
twelve women have been admitted to the Bar, 128
a women’s executive formed to support the South Australian Orchestra, 138
‘the frocking’, descriptions of women’s attire at the Jubilee celebrations of the South Australian branch of the British Medical Association, 163
recreation activities of women students, 111
man arrested after thefts from girls lockers, 196i
careers women choose, 159
Women Students Union,
Lady Symon Building for use of Women Students' Union, 135
Wood, Joseph Garnett, MSc,
Master of Science degree presented by Professor Kerr Grant, 12
working on plant pathology research, 79
Woodman, Stanley Kenneth, BE,
passed examination for Bachelor of Engineering and Diploma of Applied Science, 96
Woollard, Professor Herbert Henry, MD,
new Professor of Anatomy at Adelaide University, 2
lecture at Worker's Educational Association on "Brain and Intelligence", 5 , 7
addressed Graduate Association on need for investigators of science, 12
discusses the mental capacity of apes indicating Darwin's views valide, 41 , 42
on the science of anatomy, 47 , 48
on "The Science of Dissection", 52 , 53
William Jethro Brown's comments on his lecture regarding genetics, 55
at Koonibba Mission on Eyre Peninsula studying lives and habits of aborigines, 70
to take study circles in human biology for the Workers' Education Association, 130
appointed to St Bartholomew's Hospital, and University College, London, 175
photograph, 175 , 182a
Workers Education Association [WEA],
Secretary returns from study tour, 103
11th annual conference, 7
12th annual conference, 136
program for the coming year, 130
lecture by Professor Harvey Johnston on pest control, 135 , 136
lecture by A Grenfell Price, 192a
lecture by H G Oliphant, 192c
lecture by R C Bald, 192d
Wright, Dr George Herbert, BA,
will give a lecture on "The Growing Problem of Leisure" at WEA, 130
invited to deliver the Drew Lecture on Immortality, 143
photograph, 143
Young, William John, MA, CBE,
gift of £1000 to dismantle railings at Victoria Square and re-erect them at the university, 116
appointed chairman of State committee of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 158
photograph, attending the Levee at Government House, 185
Young, Sir Frederick William., LLB,
Brief resume in “South Australians Abroad”, 89
Zoology, Faculty of,
biography of Professor Thomas Harvey Johnston, MA, DSc, Chair of Zoology, 3