Index to Volume 19 (1929-1931) - University Newscuttings Books
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Academic Matters,
candidates credit pass at Grade I Practice of Music Examination to use letters (A Mus A) Associateship in Music, Australia, 24 , 26
candidates who pass the Licentiate Examination to use letters (L Mus A) Licentiateship in Music, Australia, 24 , 26
Senate to consider amendments to regulations of Diploma of Commerce, Diploma of Public Administration, 29 , 32
Senate approves special course of instruction for the Public Service leading to AUA, 46
proposed tax on books to impact on education, 36 , 155
calendar information for intending students now available, 48
university term begins, 50
university terms for 1931, 101
comments on university education and its costs, 111 , 112
comments on 'genius is inborn', 113
perceived unsympathetic attitude of University towards State School teachers, 127
unlikely Adelaide students will copy Melbourne students in wearing academic gowns, 129
comments by Professor Sir William Mitchell on entrance standard for degrees, 135
responses to University’s view of high schools prepared by Teachers' Union, 141 , 142
difficulties in attracting highly qualified scholars to professorships in Australia,142
Sir William Mitchell says duty of university is to provide professional men, 144
comment on value of a university by Brother Purton, 144
Accommodation ,
early lectures held in Morialta Chambers, 39 , 40
Adams, Harry,
awarded 1931 Joseph Fisher Medal, 162
Adamson, Gwen,
performed at an Elder pianoforte recital, 92
Adamson, Marjorie Dorothea,
accompanist and performer at Elder pianoforte recitals, 88 , 92
Adcock, John Bartlett,
seeking admission to the Bar, 159
Addison, Stanley Simpson,
former graduate appointed Assistant Registrar of the University of Melbourne and other distinguished roles, 86
photograph, 86
Adelaide Hospital,
English medical students to be encouraged to apply for vacant staff positions, 26
enough medical students to meet current demand for doctors, 33
Dr Bertram Speakman Hanson appointed Registrar of Cancer Clinic, 97
endowment for research from Mrs A.M. Simpson, Miss Keith Sheridan,100
endowment for research from Georgina Maud Dowling, 100 , 101
installation of a deep x-ray plant, 101
appointments to Adelaide Hospital, 126 , 133
Adey, William James,
the man expected to be next Director of Education,10
photographs, 10 , 16 , 158 , 183
appointed Director of Education, 16 , 18
nominated for vacancy on Council, 29
elected to Council, 32 , 33 , 34
present at laying of foundation stone of laboratory at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 57
attended funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
reports on expenditure on education of soldiers’ children, 158
comments on public examinations, 163
his views mention in discussion of public examinations, 164
comments on Lord Baden-Powell's criticism of modern methods of educating children, 176a
Affiliated Institutions,
State Library, 11
School of Mines & Industries, 14
Public Library Board, 19 , 22 , 86
Australian Council of Educational Research, 48
Board of Governors of the Public Library, Art Gallery and Museum, 86 , 114 , 115 , 156
Anthropological Society, 155
Board of Governors of the South Australian Museum, 106
Alderman, Arthur Richard,
paper on rock formations near Mannum, 5
preliminary survey of Henbury meteorite craters area, 135
Alexander Clark Scholarship,
awarded to Gwendoline Gladys Koch, 158
Allen, Dr E A,
appointed Honorary Psychologist to Children's Hospital, 30
Allen, Sir Hugh P,
Director of Royal College of Music attends Elder student concert, 65
Allin, Thalia,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 162
Alpers, Dr P J,
awarded an Additional Diploma, 140
welcome by graduates for Professor Herbert John Wilkinson, 84
Anatomy & Histology, Chair of,
applications have closed, 40 , 41
appointment not yet made, 46
Dr Herbert John Wilkinson appointed, 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 52
photograph of Professor Herbert John Wilkinson, 189
resignation of Professor Herbert Henry Woollard, 37 , 40 , 41
Anatomy, Study of,
shortage of sources of bodies for dissection purposes, 52
history of vivisection, 114
Andersen, C W,
Chairman of the University Men's Union Committee on serving of liquor at Faculty function, 62
Andrew Scott Memorial Prize for Latin,
awarded to John Henry Church, 97
awarded to Eric William Gray, 159
Andrews, E C,
address at Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science predicted eventual penetration of meaning of things, 64
Angas Engineering Scholarship,
Reginald James Bridgland awarded 1929 Angas Engineering Scholarship, 5
1930 award to Charles Mosse Sprigg, 72 , 97
Angas, Hon. John Howard,
Benefactor of university, 22
Angel, Jean,
performed at Elder student concert, 126
Angel, L M,
woman student representative on Union Committee for 1930-1932, 120
Angel, N,
Treasurer of new Economic Club, 110
Angwin, H,
Chief Engineer of Harbours Board, 119
Annual Report,
1929 Annual Report, 46
1930 Annual Report, 101
Anthoney, E, MP,
appointed to Council of the School of Mines & Industries, 94
elected member of Council, 64
advocates restoration of Forestry school to Adelaide, 119
Anthropology, Study of,
scientists from Museum & University to study Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 129 , 142
Professor Edward Harold Davies to study aboriginal song, 1
scientific study of physique, blood grouping, music & psychology of Australian Aboriginal people, 2 , 3 , 13 , 15 , 37
Appleby, Ronald D,
awarded an evening studentship, 106
Peter Bornstein appointed violin instructor, 20
Professor Leslie Galfried Melville appointed Professor of Economics, 37
Dr Charles Albert Edward Fenner appointed lecturer in Geography, 40 , 41
Dr Herbert John Wilkinson appointed Elder Professor of Anatomy & Histology, 48 , 49 , 50 , 51
Professor Sir William Mitchell, Professor Robert William Chapman & Edward Wheewall Holden appointed to Board to bridge gap between students and employer, 56
Mary Hope St Clair Crampton appointed assistant lecturer in French, 60 , 61
appointment of a Jury Professor of English Language & Literature not expected in 1930, 84
appointment of a new Librarian not expected in 1930, 84
Sir Charles James Martin appointed Chief of the Animal Nutrition Division of the Commonwealth Council for Scientific & Industrial Research & Professor of Biochemistry, 87
new Bachelor of Economics & Bachelor of Science degrees do not need new staff, 95
Professor Kerr Grant appointed honorary associate astronomer, 97
Dr Bertram Speakman Hanson appointed Registrar of Cancer Clinic, 97
Executive Council appointments to Adelaide Hospital, 126
Arden, Felix Wilfred,
awarded 1930 Dr Davies-Thomas Scholarship, 97
awarded a Sports Association Blue (Hockey), 81c
Art Works,
bequest by Miss J T Ridley of the silver Ridley Candelabrum, 63
Graduates' Association role in construction of the Cloisters as a War Memorial, 96
bronze memorial tablet in tribute to Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 144
photograph of gold miniature of John Ridley's original reaper surmounting Candelabrum, 183
Arts, Master of,
new clause was added to regulations, 94
Ashton, Kathleen,
performed at Elder concert by advanced students, 87
vocalist at lunch hour organ recital by John Adam Horner, 121
vocalist at Elder student concert, 126 , 162
Ashurst, Thomas,
Ashworth, Clarice Mabel,
admitted Bachelor of Arts (ad eundem gradum) in 1929, 38
Australian Government,
concern over question of Australian territorial rights in Antarctic, 187q
Prime Minister announces Federal Government's decision to continue exploration Australian sector of the Antarctic, 187q
Federal Government contribution to the BANZ. Antarctic Research Expedition, 187q
Commonwealth Government likely to support BANZ. Expedition, 187r , 187s
Ayers, Ivy,
Backhaus, Wilhelm,
notable visitor at Elder Student concert, 65
Badenoch, Joy,
vocalist at Elder advanced students concert, 57 , 58 , 115
Baden-Powell, Lord,
criticism of modern methods of children’s education, 176a
Badger, C,
member of team for debate with Oregon (USA) debating club, 139
Bagot, John Hervey,
seeking admission to the Bar, 159
Bachelor of Arts (ad eundum gradum) conferred, 162
Bagot, Walter H,
Architect conducts annual inspection of buildings, 93
architect of Barr Smith Library, 83 , 84
Bald, Dr Robert Cecil,
to lecture on Donne in English Literature, 117 , 127
to carry on work of Professor of English Language & Literature until new appointment, 86
Master of Arts (ad eundem gradum) conferred, 97
Bampton, Albert William,Brose, Dr Henry Herman Leopold Adolph,
reader in physics at University College of Nottingham, 31
1913 Rhodes Scholar translates a lecture by Professor Albert Einstein, 74
Brose, Henry Herman Leopold Adolph,
awarded Doctor of Science by Council, 117
appointed Professor of Physics at University College, Nottingham, 126
photograph, 126
biography, 126
Barbour, Dorothy Jean,
accompanist & member of Brahms Piano Quartet at Elder student concert, 162
Barbour, Jean,
accompanist at Elder student concerts, 17 , 25 , 57 , 58 , 61 , 65 , 73 , 87 , 93 , 95 , 115 , 140
speaker on music as vocation for women, 139
Barbour, Robert Roy Pitty,
President of Organising Committee for Exhibition & Students' Carnival, 112 , 116
Master of Arts (ad eundem gradum) conferred, 97
1920 Queensland Rhodes Scholar, 103
photograph, 183
Barker, A B,
on committee to investigate underground electrolysis in metropolitan Adelaide, 126
Barker, J E,
awarded a Sports Association Blue (Lacrosse), 81c
Barlow, Dr William,
great debt owed to university's first Registrar, 39
gift of law books to library, 3
Barnden, Vina,
soloist at Elder student concerts, 73 , 115
Barnes, Hilda,
vocalist at a lunch-hour organ recital, 66
vocalist at opera class performances, 74 , 142 , 188a
performance at annual Nunc Dimitis, 95
Barr Smith Library,
see also Library
gift from Tom Elder Barr Smith for construction, 2 , 2a , 3 , 24 , 46 , 83 , 84 , 101 , 160 , 167
sketch of proposed building, 2 , 2a , 3
gifts of books and other items for the library, 3 , 38 , 46 , 83 , 84
Bill in House of Assembly for university to acquire land for erection, 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 43
acquisition of land, 83
local materials to be used in construction, 60
progress on building, 46 , 51 , 156
details of building and contents, 156
photographs, 160 , 171 , 172 , 175 , 179 , 180a , 182
architects Woods, Bagot, Laybourne-Smith & Irwin, 60 , 61 , 160
contractor was H S C Jarvis of Croydon, 60 , 61 , 156 , 160
books to be shelved prior to an official opening in 1932, 162 , 167
laying of foundation stone, 83 , 84
photograph of laying of foundation stone, 178 , 182
Barr Smith Prize for Greek,
1930 award to Christopher Nutter Thomas, 97
Eric William Gray was 1928 prizeman, 159
Barr Smith, Mrs T E,
laid foundation stone of Barr Smith Library, 83
photograph, 182
Barr Smith, Robert,
gifts for books and equipment to university, 3 , 22 , 83
new library a memorial to him, 83 , 84 , 97 , 182
Barr Smith, Tom Elder,
gifts for construction of library, 2 , 2a , 3 , 22 , 24 , 37 , 38 , 46 , 61 , 83 , 84 , 101 , 160 , 167 , 178 , 182
photographs, 3 , 61 , 178
present at laying of foundation stone for John Darling Laboratory, 57 , 58
response on behalf of his wife following laying of foundation stone for Library, 84
regretted deaths of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson & Robert John Miller Clucas, 84
renominated for membership of Senate, 93
elected a member of Council, 94
Sir Walter James Young sought his advice prior to accepting Chairman of Advisory Committee on State Finance, 138
founded League of Nations Essay Prize, 156
Barrien, Beryl S,
awarded an evening studentship (Science), 106
Barter, Francis Charles,
awarded an evening studentship (Law), 106
seeking admission to Bar, 159
Bartholomaeus, Clifford Geoffrey,
graduated with degree of Bachelor of Engineering & Diploma in Applied Science, 67
Basedow, Dr Herbert,
lecture on Aborigines of Central Australia at Anthropological Institute, London, 160
in lectures in Paris predicted extinction of Australian Aborigines, 164 , 167
on derogatory influence of talkie pictures on English as taught in schools, 5
Batchelor, Florence Elizabeth Reine,
elected member of Women Graduates' Association, 29
Bayly, William Reynolds,
retired as Headmaster of Prince Alfred College, 1
present at laying of foundation stone for John Darling Laboratory, 57
Beard, Dr Jack Roland Stanley Grose,
appointed Tutor in Obstetrics, 163
Beare, Dr Frank Howard,
appointed an Honorary Assistant Physician, 126
appointed Honorary Assistant Physician, 133 , 134
admitted as Member of Royal College of Physicians, London, 133 , 134
Beare, Sir Thomas Hudson,
comments on early days of University, 80
credits his success to good training by John Anderson Hartley, 80
biography, 125
photograph, 125
Regius Professor of Engineering at University of Edinburgh, 112 , 151
Beerworth, W C,
elected member of the University Union committee, 107
men student representative (Law) on Union Committee 1931-1932, 120
Begg, Dr Percy Raymond,
appointed Lecturer in Orthodontics, 163
appointed Demonstrator in Orthodontic Technique, 163
Bell, Blanche,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 87
musical performance at graduates welcome for Professor Herbert John Wilkinson, 84
Bennett, Richard William,
death, 1
photograph, 1
legacy to provide a scholarship medal for law students, 1
Bensley, Joan,
pianist at student pianoforte recitals, 25 , 87 , 92
vocalist at student concert, 126
Bensley, Professor Edward von Blomberg,
University’s fourth Professor of Classics, 147
world-wide fame for Adelaide Professor, 116
Bequests, Gifts & Endowments,
legacy from Richard Willam Bennett to provide a scholarship medal for law students, 1
gifts by Tom Elder Barr Smith for construction of library building, 2 , 2a , 3 , 22 , 24 , 37 , 38 , 46 , 61 , 83 , 84 , 101 , 160 , 167 , 178 , 182
gift by Robert Barr Smith for books and equipment, 3
gift of law books by William Barlow, 3
gifts of books, bronze statuette & silverware by Rt Hon Sir Samuel James Way, 3
gifts by Sir Josiah Symon of early law reports & other legal books, 3
gift by Sir Joseph Cooke Verco of medical books, 3 , 162
gift of collection of books & periodicals by Dr Ramsay Smith, 3 , 46
gift by Darling Family for a new medical building (Darling Building), 3 , 57 , 58
Lady Symon Building erected following a gift by Sir Josiah Symon, 3 , 37
gift by Sir Walter James Young towards erection of boundary fence, 3 , 37
gift by Sir John Langdon Bonython for construction of Bonython Hall, 3 , 22 , 24 , 37
possible future bequest to be known as the Warwick Day Brown bequest, 4
bequest by Harold Fisher to St. Mark's College, 16
gift to establish John Melrose Laboratory, 19 , 22 , 29 , 37 , 39 , 54 , 57
donation from Harold Darling & Family for erection of a soil laboratory at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 19 , 29 , 37 , 39 , 46 , 57 , 58
gift from Mrs W B Poole of collection of photomicrographs of natural history specimens, 20
gift by Dr John Besley Gillen of original notebooks on native tribes of Central Australia, 20
gift by Sir John Langdon Bonython for erection of Bonython Hall, 22 , 24
bequests according to Commonwealth Year Book, 22
Sir John Langdon Bonython gives money for university’s general purposes, 46
Waite Agricultural Research Institute result of gift of Peter Waite, 34 , 36
gift by Lily & Eva Waite for planting university grounds, 37 , 46
expression of gratitude to Sir John Langdon Bonython & Tom Elder Barr Smith, 38
gift of 180 works books by Carnegie Corporation, 38
gift by Dr William Ramsay Smith of over 2,165 volumes, 38
bequest by Captain Ronald Lindsay Johnson to house School of Chemistry, 38 , 46
Commonwealth Bank of Australia towards erection of plant culture house & insectary, 46
endowment of Chair of Economics by George Gollin, 54 , 55 , 97
gift by E F Fricke of collection of grasses & fodder plants, 63
bequest by Miss J T Ridley of silver Ridley Candelabrum, 63 , 183 , 184
Dr William Ray's gift of apparatus to physics department, 78
gift for building of John Darling Laboratory, 81 , 82
gifts of books by Rt Rev Augustus Short, Rt Hon Sir Samuel James Way, Hon Sir Josiah Symon, Alfred Muller Simpson, Dr William Ramsay Smith & the Carnegie Institute, 83 , 84
gifts & endowments by Sir Walter Watson Hughes & Sir Thomas Elder, 84
Sir John Langdon Bonython presented a cheque for ₤40,000 for building of Great Hall, 96 , 97
subscription by friends of Professor Edward Henry Rennie to establish a memorial scholarship for research in chemistry, 96 , 97
trust for scientific research from estate of Georgina Maud Dowling, 100 , 101 , 162
endowment from Mrs A M Simpson & Miss Keith Sheridan, 100
endowment of Chair of Law by Sir John Langdon Bonython, 100
bequest by Mrs Elizabeth Macmeikan for Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 111 , 162
endowment of £12,000 for a separate Chair of English Literature to bear of G A Jury, 121
endowment of School of Music by Sir Thomas Elder, 148
William Clayton's gift of an historic document of 1470, 153
photograph of Waymouth Street property gifted by Captain Ronald Lindsay Johnson, 190
Berry, Frances Winifred,
appointed acting Headmistress of St Peter's Collegiate School for Girls, 26
photograph, 26
Berry, Miss W,
elected to committee of Graduates Branch, 84
Besanko, Enid,
cast member of comic opera 'Merrie England' by Opera Class, 188a , 188b
vocalist at Elder student concert, 17
Besanko, Maurice H,
awarded an evening studentship (Law), 106
Besley, Joyce,
awarded an evening studentship (Arts), 106
Best, Rupert Jethro,
discovered a more accurate method of estimating quantity of salt in soil, 122
photograph, 164
awarded Rennie Memorial Medal, 164
Beurle, Cecil,
cello soloist at organ recital by John Adam Horner, 137
Beurle, Rev Norman Louis,
awarded 1930 Bundey Prize for English Verse, 59
Bevan, Clifford,
pianist at Elder student concerts, 65 , 66 , 126
Bevan, Hopkin Llewelyn Willett,
degree Master of Arts (ad eundum gradum) conferred, 162
Bevan, Medhurst Llewelyn Willett,
seeking admission to Bar, 159
Biaggini, Ernest Gordon,
address at Workers' Educational Association annual student break-up, 90
acting Professor of Economics, 106
Bickersteth, Rev Kenneth Julian Faithfull,
officiated at funeral of William Tyler McCoy, 9
appointed to Council of St Mark's College & Education Committee, 48
memorial address for Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79b , 80
officiated at funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
comments on scheme for common standard of matriculation throughout Commonwealth, 99
granted leave of absence from St. Peter's College, 107a
photographs, 107a , 180b , 183
brief biography, 126
retired from Council, 156
comments on impost of heavier primage & sales tax on books & periodicals, 157
Bills, A M,
awarded a Sports Association Blue (Hockey), 81c
elected member of Union committee & Men's Union committee, 107
men student representative (Arts) on Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
leader for debate with Oregon (USA) debating club, 139
Biochemistry & General Physiology, Chair of,
appointment to be made shortly, 48
appointment not yet made, 46
Sir Charles James Martin expected to be appointed Professor of Biochemistry, 74
Sir Charles James Martin appointed Professor of Biochemistry, 87 , 106
Birks, Walter Richard,
elected Fellow of Royal Society, 75
Black, Jean,
pianist at Elder Conservatorium students' concerts, 25 , 65 , 91 , 93 , 140
member of pianoforte quintet at Elder students concert, 140
Black, John McConnell,
aka James John McConnell Black,
appointed by Council to represent University at Fifth International Botanical Conference at Cambridge, 44 , 74
recipient of Sir Joseph Verco Medal, 67 , 69 , 108 , 145
elected a Vice-President of the Royal Society of South Australia, 154
University representative at Fifth International Botanical Congress at Cambridge, 48 , 99
photographs, 48 , 69
brief biography, 48
elected an Associate of the Linnean Society of London, 74
Blair, J B,
Chairman of new Economic Club, 110
Bleby, Gordon Edward Harry,
seeking admission to Bar, 159
Bleby, Thelma Evelyn,
awarded 1929 Bonython Prize, 39
Bonnin, N J,
awarded Sports Association Blue (Boat), 81c
Bonython Hall,
proposed site with vista down Pulteney Street, 14
Bill in House of Assembly for University to acquire land, 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 43
gift by Sir John Langdon Bonython for erection of great hall, 22 , 24 , 96 , 97
money not available until next year, 46
building delayed pending final approval of plan, 162
Bonython Prize,
Bonython, Mrs. Lavington,
President of Ladies’ Auxiliary supporting South Australian Orchestra, 63
spoke on voluntary social service at vocation conference, 139
Bonython, Sir John Langdon,
gift for construction of Bonython Hall, 3 , 22 , 24 , 37 , 96 , 97
gifts to university and School of Mines, 96 , 97 , 153
gifts to other educational institutions, 153
retirement from Council, 22
dinner in recognition of services to School of Mines & Industries, 23
photographs, 23 , 82 , 97 , 153 , 185
nominated for vacancy on council, 29
elected to vacancy on Council, 32 , 33 , 34
congratulated on holding office of President of School of Mines & Industries for 40 years, 38
expression of gratitude for his liberality, 38
present at laying of foundation stone for John Darling Laboratory, 57
present at physics lecture theatre to hear conversations at opening of England-Australia telephone service, 59
attended funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
appointed to Council of School of Mines & Industries, 94
endowment of Chair of Law, 100
congratulates Professor Robert William Chapman on award of Kernot Memorial Medal, 127
announced that Professors Robert William Chapman & Kerr Grant will attend British Association for the Advancement of Science meetings, 134
Bonython, John Lavington,
present at laying of foundation stone of John Darling Laboratory, 57
present at physics lecture theatre to hear conversations at opening of England-Australia telephone service, 59
with wife sent floral tribute to funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
photograph of Lord Mayor at opening of John Darling Laboratory, 82
Booth, Stanley Russell,
claimed students had failed because of increased taxes on text books, 156
on influence of university education on British businesses, 39
on Cambridge University, 39
elected a member of Economic Society, 83
Bornstein, Peter,
appointed violin instructor at Elder Conservatorium, 20
biographies, 20 , 24
photographs, 20 , 24 , 51
on music as part of a general education, 20
first recital by Elder Conservatorium violin teacher, 24
performance on 'Classical Hour' series for Radio 5CL, 51
member of String Quartet at Elder concerts, 60 , 71 , 84 , 111 , 117
performed at concert by South Australian Orchestra, 72
violinist at a concert by staff, 78 , 121 , 132 , 146
attended funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
played in music recital in memory of Charles Schilsky, 153
Bosworth, Richard Charles Leslie,
accepted by Council for degree of Master of Science, 154
awarded 1930 David Murray Scholarship for Science, 99
Boulger, Professor Edward Vaughan,
third Professor of Classics, 147
second Professor of English Language & Literature & Mental & Moral Philosophy, 147
Bowen, Gordon Melville,
awarded 1930 Elder Scholarship for organ, 95
Bragg, Professor Sir William Henry,
presided 1909 meeting of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 14
second Elder Professor of Mathematics, 39 , 147
departure for Leeds University, 95
awarded Copley Medal by the Royal Society, London, 96 , 97
is Fullerian Professor of Chemistry, Royal Institution & Director of the Davy-Faraday Research Laboratory, an Honorary Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge & Director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 96
brief biography, 96
awarded Franklin Gold Medal by American Philosophical Society, 67 , 97
world-wide fame for Adelaide Professor, 116 , 131
awarded Order of Merit, 117 , 118
co-winner of 1915 Nobel Prize for Physics elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1907, 118
responsible for engineering matters before Chair of Engineering established, 123
photograph, 67 , 131 , 147
tribute to work of Michael Faraday, 134
thirty years earlier suggested teachers’ expertise be raised by admitting them to lectures & examinations free of charge, 142
talk by Chief Engineer for Railways at Rotary Club on the Braggs’ use of science in war, 142
condolence on death of Lady Bragg, daughter of Sir Charles Todd, 147
elected a Representative of Royal Society of South Australia on various scientific organisations, 154
Bragg, Professor William Lawrence,
Langworthy Professor of Physics at University of Manchester, 96 , 118
successor of Sir Ernest Rutherford in Chair of Physics at Manchester University, 131
talk by Chief Engineer for Railways at Rotany Club on the Braggs’ use of science in war, 142
co-winner of 1915 Nobel Prize for Physics elected Fellow of Royal Society, 118
Bray, John Jefferson,
Brebner, Charles Cave,
appointed Lecturer in Commercial Law I, Board of Commercial Studies, 163
Bridgland, Reginald James,
awarded 1929 Angas Engineering Scholarship, 5
photograph, 5
Bromley, Mr,
BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition meteorologist's contribution, 187r
photograph, 187r
Brookman, John Ragless,
engineer influential in Australian development, 119
Brose, Dr Henry Herman Leopold Adolph,
reader in physics at University College of Nottingham, 31
1913 Rhodes Scholar translates a lecture by Professor Albert Einstein, 74
awarded Doctor of Science by Council, 117
appointed Professor of Physics at University College, Nottingham, 126
photograph, 126
biography, 126
Brougham, Leonard Arthur Morris,
appointed Demonstrator in Prosthetic Technique, Faculty of Dentistry, 163
Brown, Dr Gilbert,
appointed an Honorary Anaesthetist, 126
appointed Instructor in Anaesthetics, Faculty of Medicine, 163
appointed Instructor in Anaesthetics, Faculty of Dentistry, 163
Brown, J A V,
appointed to Council of School of Mines & Industries, 94
Brown, Professor Alfred Reginald Radcliffe,
to edit 'Oceania' published by Australian National Research Council, 41
Brown, Professor William Jethro,
obituary, 62 , 63
photograph, 62
death mourned at Commemoration ceremony, 97
third Professor of Law, 148
Browne, Clifford Harding,
appointed Lecturer in Commercial Practice, 39
comments on overcrowding within Public Service, 54
photograph, 54
elected member of Economic Society, 83
speech on 'the Public Service from the standpoint of one outside it' at Annual Conference of South Australian Institute of Public Administration, 140
appointed Lecturer in Commercial Practice, Board of Commercial Studies, 163
address at meeting of Commerce students & lecturers, 51
sketch of proposed Library building, 2 , 3
gift by Darling Family for new medical building in memory of John Darling, 3 , 57 , 58
Lady Symon Building erected with gift by Sir Josiah Symon, 3 , 37
siting of proposed Bonython Hall, 3 , 14 , 37
gifts by Sir John Langdon Bonython for building Bonython Hall, 3 , 22 , 24 , 37 , 96 , 97 , 153
tenders called for erection of Barr Smith Library, 51
South Australian Chamber of Manufacturers objection to transfer of Exhibition Building property from to University, 12
problems with site for Barr Smith Library due to lack of space, 14
future erection of Arts Building contiguous to the Library, 14
proposal that Barr Smith Library main frontage will be to River Torrens, 14 , 24
Bill in the House of Assembly to acquire land for erection of Bonython Hall & Barr Smith Library, 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 43
Exhibition Building never intended as a permanent structure, 22 , 24
need for land abutting Frome Road for a medical school near hospital, 24
tenders called for John Darling Laboratory, 29
Messrs Cheary Bros successful tenderers for John Darling Laboratory, 34 , 42a , 42b , 42c
new plant culture houses & insectary at Waite Institute opened, 36 , 37 , 38 , 39
gifts by Tom Elder Barr Smith for Barr Smith Library, 2 , 2a , 3 , 24 , 37 , 38 , 46 , 83 , 84 , 101 , 160 , 167 , 182
bequest by Captain Ronald Lindsay Johnson for reconstruction of building to house School of Chemistry, 38 , 46
photograph of demolition of former powder magazine/military prison/anatomy room to the rear of Elder Conservatorium, 41
transformer station to supply electricity to University to be erected at rear of Elder Conservatorium, 41
plans & specifications being prepared for the Barr Smith Library building, 43
Bonython Hall to be built on North Terrace facing Pulteney Street, 43
progress on building of John Darling Laboratory, Barr Smith Library & Bonython Hall, 46 , 97
grant by Commonwealth Bank of Australia for erection of plant culture house & insectary, 46
foundation stone laid for John Darling Laboratory, 54 , 57 , 58 , 194
H S C Jarvis was successful tenderer for construction of Barr Smith Library, 60 , 61 , 160
Messrs Woods, Bagot, Jory & Laybourne Smith architects for Barr Smith Library, 60 , 61
local building materials to be used in construction of Barr Smith Library, 60 , 61
invitations issued for official opening of John Darling Laboratories, 76
Governor General, Lord Stonehaven, opened John Darling Laboratory, 81 , 82
photograph of John Darling Laboratory, 81a
foundation stone for Barr Smith Library laid by Mrs. Barr Smith, 83 , 84 , 93
Walter Hervey Bagot was architect for Barr Smith Library, 83 , 84
Council's successful approach to government for further land for Barr Smith Library, 83 , 84
annual inspection of buildings by Council members & University Architect, Walter Hervey Bagot, 93
Graduates' Association role in construction of Cloisters as a War Memorial, 96
Barr Smith library a memorial to Robert Barr Smith & his son Tom Elder Barr Smith, 97
photograph of Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 177
photographs of Barr Smith Library, 178 , 179 , 180a , 182
drawing of Library as it will appear when completed, 182
photograph of new plant culture houses & insectary, 194
Bundey Prize for English Verse,
1930 award to Rev Norman Louis Beurle, 59
Council not to award Bundey Prize for English Verse for 1932, 117
subject for 1930 prescribed, 44
Burdon, Roy Stanley,
provides scientific proof that Earth rotates, 61
public demonstration on electrons to be in aid of Sports Association funds, 86
photographed demonstrating a Dowling ultra-micrometer, 189
Burgess, Ada Adelaide,
awarded 1930 Theory of Music Scholarship, 95
Buring, Vida,
vocalist at Elder student concerts, 17 , 74 , 87
Burnard, Alexander,
on a concert by South Australian Orchestra, 72
articles on Elder student concerts, 73 , 74 , 88 , 95 , 126 , 162 , 170e , 170f1 , 188a
on concerts by staff of Elder Conservatorium, 78 , 121 , 146
on opening of Elder Conservatorium Concert season, 111
on concert of chamber music by Elder String Quartet, 117
on Elder Conservatorium chamber music concert, 132
Burnard, Dr Renfrey Gershom,
appointed Honorary Clinical Assistant, 133
Burnard, Richard Thomas,
mentioned in December 1877 first class matriculation list, 112
Burnell, Dr Glen Howard,
appointed Honorary Clinical Assistant to Surgical Section, 133
Burrows, Harold,
cast member of 'Maritana' by Elder Opera Class, 170b , 170d , 170e
cast member of 'Merrie England' by Elder Opera Class, 188a , 188b
performer in 'King Arthur, 142
Burston, Dr Samuel Roy,
appointed clinical lecturer in medicine, 111
appointed an Honorary Assistant Physician, 126
presented for degree of MB, BS, 67
Burton, Isabel,
vocalist at Elder opera class performance, 74
cast member of 'Merrie England' by Elder Opera Class, 188a , 188b
vocalist at student concert, 11
Butler, Marjorie,
pianist with Maude Mary Puddy at Elder student concert, 95
Butler, Miss M,
awarded Sports Association Blue (W Hockey), 81c
Byard, D J,
photograph, 75
comments on growing prevalence of misspelling, 75
Byles, Baldur Unwin,
return after studying on travelling scholarship, 80
Cairns, Dr Hugh William Bell,
1917 Rhodes Scholar is distinguished physician in England, 31
issue of 1930 Calendar, 53
Campbell, Dr Thomas Draper,
member of scientific group who studied Aboriginal people at Koonibba and Hermannsburg, 2 , 3 , 13 , 15 , 37
member of party to study Australian Aborigines in Macdonnell Downs, 74
member of party to study Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 136 , 142
gave life-like colouring to plaster casts of faces of Central Australian Aborigines, 145
member of party who studied Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 154 , 155
elected Member of Council of Royal Society of South Australia, 154
gave account of research work by party who studied Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 155
appointed Lecturer in Dental Anatomy, 163
Campbell, Flight-Lieutenant S A C,
member of second BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187l
photograph, 187l
Campbell, Lawrence,
to conduct examinations in elocution under Australian Music Examinations Board, 151
photograph, 151
Campbell, Professor Arthur Lang,
motion at Union meeting not to allow liquor to be served in refectory, 62
attended funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
recommended forming committee of graduates, 84
President of Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
representative of Teaching Staff on Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
comments on powers of Imperial Government over appointment of nominees of NSW Legislative Council, 128
photographs in procession at Commemoration, 175 , 191
Career Information,
opportunities for careers in political life, 10
Australian Federation of University Women conference on careers for girls, 139
Carey, Francis Clive Savill,
examiner for Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music & the Royal College of Music, 142 , 157
sent floral tribute for funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
photograph, 157
Carey, Les,
cast member in comic opera 'Merrie England' by Elder Opera Class, 188b
Carnegie Corporation of New York,
gift to Australian Institute for educational research & investigation, 30 , 32 , 48
gift of 180 works on education & psychology to library, 38
Dr Adolf John Schulz a delegate at meeting of Australian Council of Educational Research under auspices of Carnegie Corporation, 48
Australian Council of Educational Research inaugurated under auspices, 48 , 78
Andrew Carnegie's donations through Carnegie Institute, 83 , 84
gift of library books, 83 , 84
Casey, Major R G,
In photograph of members of Mawson Expedition committee, 172
Cash, Geraldine Margaret Mary,
awarded 1930 Elder Scholarship for singing, 33
photograph, 33
received music Diploma, 34
winner of Poetry Society Prize, 61
resigned 1930 Elder Scholarship, 103
Caterer, Thomas Ainslie,
first graduate & later Clerk of Senate, 112
Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship,
applications open, 4
scholarship to commemorate public service of Catherine Helen Spence, 31
Cavalier, Herbert Ramsden,
conferred with Master of Arts (ad eundum gradum), 162
Ceremonies & Celebrations,
Council to decide regarding serving of liquor at Faculty Dinners held in refectory, 62
Sir Alexander Hore-Ruthven, to attend University Exhibition & Students' Carnival, 112
Sir Alexander Hore-Ruthven attended University Exhibition, 116
program for University Exhibition, 116
Chadwick, Edith,
vocalist at Elder concerts, 57 , 95
Chamber of Manufactures,
tribute for Advisory Committee on State Finance and W.J.Young, 138 , 139
Sir George John Robert Murray, see under Murray, Sir George John Robert photograph of Sir William Mitchell with Sir John Langdon Bonython and Professsor John McKellar Stewart, 185
details of 1482 law book presented Library by Rt Hon Sir Samuel James Way, 11
Sir Richard Davies Hanson, 39
Right Rev Augustus Short, 39
Chancellor's Prize, 1903 award to John Frederick Ward, 1
Chapman, J D,
Assistant City Engineer, 123
Chapman, R H,
Chief Engineer for South Australian Railways, 123
Spoke to Rotary Club on the Braggs’ application of science to war, 142
Chapman, Professor Robert William,
inspection of work on North Shore Bridge, Sydney with students, 12 , 14
to act on committee of enquiry on embankment at Eildon Weir, Victoria, 15
presented gifts to A Wilson on his retirement as Caretaker, 20
appointed acting Vice-Chancellor during absence of Professor Sir William Mitchell, 33 , 34 , 37
report upon stability of Eildon Weir, 37
comment that Waite Agricultural Research Institute 'has made Adelaide University the envy of every other university in Australia', 39
pallbearer for Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 43
address at Rotary luncheon on 'The Sydney Harbour Bridge', 50
photographs, 50 , 119 , 123 , 171 , 177 , 183 , 190 , 192 , 193
member of Board to bridge gap between student and employer, 56
presented Clifford Geoffrey Bartholomaeus for degree of Bachelor of Engineering & for Diploma in Applied Science, 67
representative at biennial University Conference, 74 , 76
attended funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
member of Rhodes Scholar Selection Committee for 1931 award, 86 , 87 , 95
renominated for membership of the Senate, 93
appointed to Council of School of Mines & Industries, 94
elected member of Council, 94
proposed research scholarship in memory of Professor Edward Henry Rennie, 94
accepted vacancy on St. Mark's College Council, 99
64th birthday, 99
report on J K Rudolf's attempt to solve problem of perpetual motion, 108
to represent South Australia at Centenary Conference of British Association for the Advancement of Science, 112 , 129 , 131 , 134 , 135 , 136
awarded Kernot Memorial Medal for 1926 to 1930 by Melbourne University, 117 , 119 , 127
to give public lecture on 'The Sydney Bridge', 117
role in testing devices of inventors, 123
first Professor of Engineering at Adelaide, 123
member of Councils of the Institute of Mines & Industries (from 1917) & the University of Adelaide (from 1919) President of the Astronomical Society of South Australia & member of Marryatville Bowling Club, 123
public lecture on 'The Sydney Bridge', 127 , 128
tribute to work of Michael Faraday, 136
Chappel, Phyllis,
performed at Elder student concert, 87
Charleston, D M,
appointed to Council of School of Mines & Industries, 94
Charlesworth, G,
President of Teachers’ Union on costs of secondary and university education, 17
photograph, 17
Cheek, Alan,
vocalist at Elder students' concert, 65
Chemistry, Chair of,
endowed by John Howard Angas, 38
Chinner, Constance,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 95
Chinner, Norman,
Organist at Elder student concerts, 57 , 58 , 73 , 140
Christie, Dr William,
nominated for membership of Royal Society of South Australia, 5
member of Educational Committee of Institute of Public Administration, 132
appointed Principal Medical Officer in Education Department, 134
brief biography, 134
comments on competitive examinations as entry for Public Service, 140 , 143
Church, John Henry,
awarded 1930 Andrew Scott Memorial Prize for Latin, 97
Cilento, Gladys,
vocalist during organ recital by John Adam Horner, 118
Clark, Charles,
on December 1877 first class matriculation list, 112
Clark, E V,
elected acting clerk of Senate, 94
Clark, Marie,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 61 , 62 , 87 , 162
Clark, Robert J,
awarded an evening studentship (Law), 106
Clayton, William,
gift of an historic document on a gargantuan feast in 1470, 153
Cleland, Betty,
to propose toast to 'The University Women's Union', 96
Cleland, Miss E,
awarded a Sports Association Blue (W. Hockey), 81c
woman student representative (Science) on Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
Cleland, Mrs J B,
elected member of Women Graduates' Association, 29
Cleland, Professor John Burton,
member of scientific study of physique, blood grouping, music & psychology of Australian Aboriginal people, 2 , 13 , 15 , 37
to lead a party to study physical & physiological features of Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 136
conducted blood tests of Aborigines of Cockatoo Creek in Central Australia, 142
requested to provide help for diseased Aborigines, 11
sick, taking leave, 46
member of party to study Aborigines in Macdonnell Downs, 74
return from study of Aborigines in Macdonnell Downs, 80
wrote paper on pathological lesions of Australian Aborigines with Brian Gilmore Maegraith & Dr Henry Fry, 95
became member of Special Advisory Committee on State Finance & committee to report on catchment areas for water supplies, 97
photographs, 122 , 191
biography, 122
spoke to Anthropological Society on study of Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 155
Close, Dr Walter John Westcott,
appointed an Honorary Clinical Assistant, 133
appointed Honary Demonstrator in Anatomy, 39
Clubs, Associations & Societies,
paper by G A McMillan on 'Terence' at Classical Association, 20
annual meeting of Graduates' Association, 20
proposal that Graduates' Association amalgamate with University Union passed, 20
last annual luncheon of Graduates' Association, 38
Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson assisted formation of Graduates' Association, 42a , 42b , 42c
AGM of Commerce Students' Association, 51
C W Anderson, of Men’s Union Committee, in debate on serving of liquor in refectory, 62
Men's Swimming Club added to Sports Association, 81c
public demonstrations by Professor Kerr Grant & Roy Stanley Burdon to aid Sports Association funds, 86
Professor Sir William Mitchell on solutions to economic problems at Workers' Educational Association annual student break-up, 90
Graduates' Union lunch for new graduates, 96
Graduates' Association role in construction of Cloisters as a War Memorial, 96
annual dinner for Women's Union, 96
Sports Association selects a new design for blazer, 107
Men's Union decides that students should take greater interest in political, economic and social problems of Australia, 107
proposal for a 12 month suspension of inter-university sport, 108
Adelaide University Sports Union to consider 12 month suspension of inter-university sport, 108
at Men's Union, Sir William Mitchell urged members to study of current politics, 109
inaugural meeting of Economic Club, 110
Footlights' Club performed during University Exhibition & Students' Carnival, 112
Literary & Debating Society performed during University Exhibition & Students' Carnival, 112 , 116
Dance Club to organise activities during University Exhibition & Students' Carnival, 112
Women's Union caters for suppers during University Exhibition & Students' Carnival, 112
Footlights Club to organise activities during University Exhibition & Students' Carnival, 116
Sir William Mitchell on striving to leave University with a unified & well-balanced mind, 121 , 126
debate between Adelaide & Oregon (USA) debating clubs, 139
Professor William Keith Hancock on whether war can be abolished at International Club, 149
proposed formation of a Labor Club, 150
Men's Union has fostered a broad outlook & aids development of public leaders, 151
formation of International Club to study foreign affairs, 151 , 153
Women Graduates' Association & Graduates' Association at meeting to protest impost of heavier primage & sales tax on books & periodicals, 157
Eric William Gray, a President of the Literary & Debating Society, awarded 1932 Rhodes Scholarship, 161
Graduates' Union luncheon for new graduates, 162
University Repertory Theatre represented at funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Strong, 180b
photographs of a glider, made by Engineers' Glider Club, 184
photograph of engineering students W.R. B. White, Ray Duncan & F. W. Cropley constructing a glider for University Engineers' Gliding Club, 186a
photograph of engineering students J L Watkins, L R Ward & R A Duncan constructing a glider for University Engineers' Gliding Club, 186b
student members of University Engineers' Gliding Club constructing a primary glider, 184 , 186a
Clucas, Robert John Miller,
photograph, 80
obituary for university librarian, 80 , 81 , 81b
expression of condolence by Council, 84
death mourned at Commemoration, 97
Cockburn, Julia,
performed at Elder concert, 87
Cockburn, Sir John Alexander,
Cocks, Alec Douglas,
appointed Honorary Dental Surgeon, 128
Coffman, Professor Lotus D,
appointed Visiting Carnegie Professor, 158
on an educational tour of New Zealand & Australian universities, 161
photograph with Mrs Coffman, 161
lectured on 'High Education in America', 161 , 162
attended luncheon for new graduates, 162
attended1931 Commemoration Ceremony, 162
Colebatch, G T,
Elected member of Union committee, 107
student representative (Engineering) on Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
Commerce, Study of,
request by Commercial Travellers & Warehousemen's Association for a marketing & salesmanship course, 19
annual preliminary meeting of students & lecturers, 50 , 51
Adelaide was first Australian university to institute a commercial course, 167
members of Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
Commonwealth Research Studentships,
offer of studentships for training abroad in research work, 5
Commonwealth Science & Industry Endowment Fund,
Trustees invite applications for a studentship in animal genetics, 96
Coney, Leslie,
played a forester in comic opera 'Merrie England', 188a
Conferences & Seminars,
photograph of session of Australasian College of Surgeons, 190
Conversazione ,
opening day to be held on Oval for sporting contests, 111
demonstrations and students' carnival at Exhibition, 116
Cook, Jean,
soloist at Elder student concert, 73
Cooke, Dr William Ternent,
Cooke, Edith Agnes,
on December 1877 first class matriculation list, first woman, 112
Cooke, Peter Ternent,
awarded diploma from Australian Forestry School, Canberra, 163
Coombs, Herbert Isaac,
1920 Rhodes Scholar a scientific man, 31
Cooper, A R,
Secretary of new Economic Club, 110
Copland, Professor D B,
Professor of Commerce, Melbourne, puzzled by depression in South Australia, 6
photographs, 6 , 113 , 128
confirms report to Premiers' Conference recommends a 20% reduction in individual wages, salaries, pensions & similar payments by all government departments, 117
lecture on Central Banking System, 128 , 129
offers tribute to work of Economic Society of Australia & New Zealand, 129
Corbin, Dr John,
obituary, 45
photograph of late lecturer in Clinical surgery, 45
Cornish, Miss Elsie M,
speaker on gardening at vocation conference arranged by Australian Federation of University Women, 139
Cornish, Mrs Hansie,
violinist at Elder student concert, 162
Corry, P A,
President of State School Teachers' Association urged free education to university level, 100
photograph, 100
Council, University of Adelaide,
new library to be called Barr Smith Library, 3
resolution of sympathy for relatives of late William Tyler McCoy, 15 , 16 , 38
special meeting to wish Professor Sir Douglas Mawson & Professor Thomas Harvey Johnston a successful voyage to Antarctic, 17
received gift from Mrs W B Poole for university museum, 20
gift by Dr John Besley Gillen of original notebooks on native tribes, 20
election to fill vacancies, 22
election of Professor John McKellar Stewart & Robert Nickels Finlayson to Board of Governors of the Public Library, 22
Bill in House of Assembly for Council to acquire land, 23 , 24
awards for 1929 Music Exhibitions for Grades III & IV, 24
to consider tenders for John Darling Laboratory, 29
elections for vacancies, 32 , 33 , 34
staff appointments, 39
awarded 1929 Bonython Prize to Thelma Evelyn Bleby, 39
appointment of Dr Charles Albert Edward Fenner as lecturer in Geography, 40 , 41
applications received for position of Professor of Anatomy & Histology, 41
tribute to Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 43 , 44
John McConnell Black to represent University at Botanical Conference at Cambridge, 44
annual report for 1929, 46
annual report for 1930, 101
acknowledgement of endowment of Chair of Economics by George Gollin, 54 , 55
nominations called for vacancy following death of Professor Brailsford Robertson, 56
creation of appointments board to bridge the gap between student and employer, 56
nomination for vacancy is Professor Kerr Grant, 57
members of Council present at laying of foundation stone for John Darling Laboratory, 57
members heard conversations at opening of England-Australia telephone service clearly picked up by a set at physics lecture theatre, 59
Council to make decision regarding serving of liquor at Faculty Dinners in refectory, 62
expression of sympathy for Professor William Jethro Brown & Miss Dorothy Woods, 63
congratulations to Wilfrid Oldham on being awarded Rockerfeller Foundation Scholarship, 63
decision not to allow students to consume liquor at dinners held in refectory, 63
Messrs E Anthoney, E R Dawes & W J W Warne elected members, 64
1930 Angas Engineering Scholarship awarded to Charles Mosse Sprigg, 72
Dr William Ray's gifts apparatus to physics department, 78
members attended funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
condolences on deaths of Professor Sir Archibald Strong & Robert John Miller Clucas, 83 , 84
Margaret Anne Lunn awarded 1930 League of Nations Prize for essay on 'The Problem of Minorities', 83
placed Stanley Herbert Mayes second for 1930 League of Nations Prize, 83
approach for further grant of land to build Barr Smith Library, 83
decides on 10% staff salary reduction for all, 93
annual inspection of buildings by members & University Architect, Walter Hervey Bagot, 93
decided that there would be no award for Bonython Prize for 1930, 93
approved the awards for the Joseph Fisher Medal in Commerce, Elder Scholarships for Pianoforte & Organ, the Practice of Music Scholarship & Theory of Music Scholarship, 95
Premier expresses thanks for service given to State Government, 96
Sir John Langdon Bonython presented cheque for ₤40,000 for building a Great Hall, 96 , 97
appoints Board to co-operate with Government Astronomer, George Frederick Dodwell, 101
Sir George John Robert Murray re-elected Chancellor, 103 , 107
awarded Mavis Beryl Kekwick 1931 Elder Scholarship for Singing, 103
accepted nominations for bursaries and scholarships for John Creswell, St Alban & John Ridley Memorial Scholarships, Thornber & George Thompson Bursaries, 104
Chancellor introduces Sir Charles James Martin to Council, 107
awarded Ray Eldon Fox, an Elder Scholarship for violincello, 107 , 108
Archdeacon George Henry Farr was re-elected Warden of Senate, 109
Dr Samuel Roy Burston appointed clinical lecturer in medicine, 111
common standard of matriculation for Australia to be considered by Council, 111
awarded degrees to Dr Aubrey Julian Lewis & Dr Henry Herman Leopold Adolph Brose, 117
decided not to award Bundey Prize for English Verse for 1931, 117
Professor John McKellar Stewart & Dr Helen Mary Mayo Council representatives on Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
Professor Robert William Chapman was Council member from 1919, 123
history of negotiations between University and State Government over grant monies, 136
Professor Sir William Mitchell states that conversions in Government securities brought about loss in revenue, 142 , 143
Thirty years ago Professors Sir William Mitchell & William Henry Bragg suggested that teachers should be admitted to lectures & examinations free of charge, 142
accepted resignation of Professor Leslie Galfried Melville, 150
R C L Bosworth accepted for degree of Master of Science, 154
decided not to award League of Nations Essay Prize for 1931, 156
adopted reports on Master of Science theses for Beatrice Jean Murray & Mervyn Alexander Rankin, 156
council vacancies, 156
Professor Thomas Harvey Johnston & Ronald Nickels Finlayson re-elected as university representatives on Board of Governors of Public Library, Museum & Art Gallery of South Australia, 156
Fifty years ago scheme to training lawyers with Legal Association, 162
attendance at 1931 Commemoration Ceremony, 162
appointments of staff for Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Law & the Board of Commercial Studies, 163
Council members Sir Walter James Young & Sir William George Toop Goodman knighted in New Year's honours list, 165 , 166
photograph of members of the Senate & Council proceeding to Elder Hall for graduation ceremony, 191
Cowan, Dr Darcy Rivers Warren,
appointed Lecturer in Clinical Medicine, 163
Cox, Carlton Ingham,
awarded the 1930 John L Young Scholarship, 97
Cozens, Vida,
instrumentalist at an Elder Conservatorium concert, 58
Craig, Dr Gordon,
bequest to Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, 152
Cramp, Dr John Francis,
exonerated from charge of 'infamous conduct’, 1
Crampton, Mary Hope St Clair,
appointed assistant lecturer in French, 60
photograph, 60
comments on student life in Paris, 61
Crane, Alexander Herbert,
back in Queensland Forestry Department after study at Yale, 129
Crocker, Walter Russell,
publishes book 'The Japanese Population Problem', 131
Cropley, F,
photograph of engineering students constructing a glider, 186a
Crosby, Neil Daniel,
awarded the 1930 Elder Prize, 97
University to undertake research at Koonamore Vegetation Reserve, 14
will bear cost of equipment & upkeep of John Darling laboratory, 24 , 54 , 57 , 58
Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson's work for Council, 37 , 97
Professor James Arthur Prescott's work for Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, 37 , 45
Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson's work for Council, 37
Chief Executive here to discuss a successor for Professor T Brailsford Robertson, 44 , 45
research work of Council, 45
address by Professor James Prescott, Chief of Division on Soil Research in Mildura, 46
extension of work of division of animal nutrition, 46
no appointment yet for successor to Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 46
Sir Charles James Martin offered position of Director of Animal Nutrition Division, 49 , 50 , 87 , 97 , 99
agreement to establish a division of soils research with Professor James Arthur Prescott in charge, 54
Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson attends meeting in Melbourne, 57
opening of John Darling Laboratory, 81 , 82
Pastoral Research Fund's donation for pastoral research to be subsidised by Imperial Government, 83
Sir Charles James Martin to arrive, 87 , 93 , 98 , 99 , 102 , 103
Professor James Arthur Prescott to examine soils on King Island, 95
comments by Chief Executive on wool production and research in animal nutrition as discussed at Imperial Wool Research Conference in London, 99
reason for University seeking appointment of Sir Charles Martin, 100
work of Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson at Division of Animal Nutrition continued by H R Marston, 101
trustees of Endowment Fund invites applications for two senior research studentships, 102
gave Wallis Verco Ludbrook a studentship to study plant pathology at Wisconsin, 104
meeting of Executive Council to be held in Adelaide, 105
Federal Government cut funds, 114 , 115
Professor Theodore George Bentley Osborn studied of growth of saltbush flora, 120
research on chemical constituents of soil, 122
publishes two bulletins by Professor James Arthur Prescott, 128
research on nutritive value of various foods for sheep & requirements of the animal, 146
helped bring W Davies, Agronomist at Plant Breeding & Research Station, Aberystwyth, for research into dairying grassland, 159
effect of reduction of funds, 168k , 168l , 168m
Cudmore, Dr Arthur Murray,
renominated for membership of Senate, 93
elected member of Council, 94
Cuming, R Burns,
awarded Sports Blue (boat), 81c
Currie, James,
vocalist in 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy' by opera class, 142
cast member for 'Maritana' by opera class, 103 , 170b , 170e
unable to perform owing to illness, 170d
Custance, Professor John Daniel,
Fifty years since appointed Professor of Agriculture at Roseworthy Agricultural College, 115
Daenke, Lucy,
Dale MP, Mr,
appointed to Council of School of Mines & Industries, 94
Daly, Senator,
photographed as member of BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition Committee, 187p
Darling, Harold,
donation from Darling Family for erection of a soil laboratory at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 19 , 22 , 29 , 37 , 39 , 46 , 54 , 57
photograph, 58
Darling, John & Family,
gifts to University, 22 , 29 , 37 , 46 , 57 , 58
foundation stone laid for John Darling Laboratory, 54 , 57 , 58
opening of John Darling Laboratory, gift of family of John Darling, 81a , 82
Davey, Dr Constance Muriel,
photographs, 29 , 76
elected President of Women Graduates' Association, 29
appointed member of Programme Committee at Women's Pan-Pacific Conference, 76
David Murray Scholarships,
Eric William Gray awarded David Murray scholarship for his recent arts results, 161
1930 award to Ralph Meyrick Hague for Private International Law, 97
1930 award to Rupert Warre Prescot in Classics, 97
award to Gordon Kingsley Hughes in 1929 for science research, 39
1930 Science award to Richard Charles Leslie Bosworth, 99
David, Professor Sir Trannatt William Edgeworth,
suggested that a magnetic survey of Henbury meteorite craters area might disclose large mass of magnetic iron, 135
photograph, 55
in photograph of members of Mawson Expedition committee, 172
attended special meeting of Antarctic Expedition Committee, 187g , 187j , 187m , 187o
recommended Macpherson Robertson be elected Fellow of Royal Geographical Society, 187i
photographed as member of BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition Committee, 187p
at meeting of BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition Committee for second voyage, 187q
welcomes Mawson's expedition on return, 55 , 56
reminiscences of Professor Walter Howchin and others, 56
at special meeting of Antarctic Exploration Committee, 67
Davidson, Professsor Rev John,
first Professor of English Language & Literature & Mental & Moral Philosophy, 147 , 39
50 years since his death, 129
Davies, Dr Harold Whitridge,
appointed to Chair of Physiology at Sydney University, 21
photograph, 21
biography, 21
Davies, Dr J E G,
Davies, Professor Edward Harold,
travel to Central Australia to study aboriginal song, 1 , 13 , 14
member of scientific study of physique, blood grouping, music & psychology of Australian Aboriginal people 1 , 2 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 37
photographs, 10 , 47 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 70 , 73 , 130
caricature, 45
arranged first university musical production broadcast, 10
criticism of musical apathy of public, 16
explanatory remarks to accompany second concert broadcast, 16
comments on appointment process of a salaried City Organist, 17 , 19
returned from Western Australia after examining for Public Examinations Board, 26
permanent disc record of aboriginal songs of Central Australia, 34
discussed with Elder staff formation of Musical Association in South Australia, 39
continued supervision of concert broadcasts, 45
gramaphone records of Australian Aboriginal songs issued, 47
meeting with his son Professor Harold Whitridge Davies at Outer Harbour, 49
address on musical education & perception, 50
‘Classical Hour' series specially arranged for broadcasting, 51
suggested as conductor to prevent demise of South Australian Orchestra, 57
comments on future of South Australian Orchestra, 63
celebration of his 63rd birthday, 70
on 'Some Thoughts on Education' especially secondary education, 73
arranged music at welcome by graduates for Professor Herbert John Wilkinson, 84
departs for West Australia to conduct public music examinations, 84 , 86
conducted third year examinations for AMUA diploma, 93
on 'Ways of Study', 108
arranged syllabus for 1931 series of concerts, 110
composed 'Photo-Electric Anthem' for photo-electric organ demonstration, 116
played recordings of Aboriginal music, 116
brief biography, 130
attended funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
to examine final year diploma and Mus Bac Courses, 158
announces two performances of 'King Arthur', 170a
directed comic opera 'Merrie England’, 188a
Davis, Captain J K,
photographs, 56 , 187g , 187j , 187p
will not command further Antarctic voyages, 187g , 187j
dredged tiny shells of formaminifera during Antarctic Expedition of 1911-1914, 187p
resignation of Captain of 'the Discovery', 187p
stood on deck of 'Discovery' as she stood in dry dock, 187s
praise for Captain John King Davis by Antarctic committee, 55 , 56
Dawbarn, Richard Bunbury,
Awarded 1930 Joseph Fisher Medal in Commerce, 95 , 97
Committee member of new Economic Club, 110
Dawe, Lewis,
Bach Society Society’s tenor solo at Elder students recital, 20
Dawes, E R,
Elected member of Council, 64
Dawkins, Dr A,
attended conference of International Students' Service in Austria, 65
Dawkins, Dr Alec Letts,
photograph, 165
study, cricket & surgical appointment in United Kingdom, 165
Dawkins, Lindsay,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 115
cast member in ‘Maitana’, 103
performed in 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy', 142
performed in 'Maritana', 170b , 170d , 170e
Dawkins, L C,
awarded Sports Association Blue (Lacrosse), 81c
Dawson, Dr Joseph Bernard,
photograph, 113
appointed Professor of Midwifery & Gynaecology at University of New Zealand, Dunedin, 113
Day, Muriel,
vocalist at Elder student concerts, 61 , 62 , 87
de Crespigny, Dr Constantine Trent Champion,
presented graduands for degrees of MB, BS, 67
informed Senate of revised regulation concerning medical students, 94
appointed to Advisory Committee under Hospitals Act, 111
appointed Lecturer in Principles & Practice of Medicine, 163
Senate to consider amendments to regulations for Bachelor of Arts Degree, 29 , 32
Senate to consider amendments to regulations for Master of Arts Degree, 29 , 32
Senate to consider amendments to regulations for Bachelor of Science Degree, 29 , 33
Senate to consider amendments to regulations for Master of Laws Degree, 29 , 33
Senate to consider amendments to regulations for Bachelor of Dental Surgery Degree, 29 , 32
Senate to consider amendments to regulations for Music Degrees, 29 , 33
Senate approval for regulations providing for an Ordinary & Honours Degree of Bachelor of Economics, 94
Senate approval for new regulations for Master of Arts, Bachelor of Science, 94
first Australian university to provide for granting of degrees to women, 167
ad eundem gradum degrees granted, 38
ad eundem gradum degrees necessary to achieve 50 graduates to establish University, 39
Deland, Effie Wyllie,
paper with Professor Thomas Harvey Johnston on South Australian Acanthocephala & acensus of recorded pararites & hosts at meeting of Royal Society of South Australia, 5
photograph, 53
acting lecturer in Zoology, 53
Dental Hospital,
additional staff appointed to cope with increased work load, 107
Dental Science, Faculty of,
Dean of Faculty to be appointed Chairman of new Dental Board, 147
Dentistry, Study of,
argument that proposed Dentists Bill will lower standards, 29
history of dentistry entrance standards in SA, 33
university dental course established in 1919, 33
debate over preparation of and standards of entry for dentists, 33 , 87 , 88 , 89 , 90 , 91
debate over reconstitution of Dental Board and place of University and Dental Hospital in education and admission of dentists to registration, 87 , 88 , 89 , 90 , 91 , 92
State government equipped & maintains the Dental Hospital to ensure a maximum level of skill & technical training, 90
under new registration conditions of 1941 only persons holding degrees or diplomas granted by universities or medical boards would qualify for registration, 147
no forecast scarcity of dentists in Adelaide unlike in Melbourne, 152
pre-requisites and costs for entry to dentistry course, 157
Denton, Harold Samuel,
producer of a performance of 'Maritana', 103
vocalist at Elder concerts, 60 , 71 , 78 , 117 , 146 , 153
caricature of, 51
performance on 'Classical Hour' series, 51
producer of performance by Elder Conservatorium opera class, 74
attended funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
to assist Lawrence Campbell to conduct examinations in elocution, 151
vocalist at recital in memory of Charles Schilsky, 153
producer for Elder Conservatorium's 'Maritana', 170b , 170c , 170d , 170e , 170f1 , 170f2
photograph, 170f2
producer of comic opera 'Merrie England',188a , 188b
Dick, G S,
granted free passage is travelling to Liverpool to gain experience in cement manufacture, 163
Dix, Alfred James,
national & state academic success in annual essay competition, 20 , 21
photograph, 21
Dix, E V,
elected Fellow of Royal Society of South Australia, 75
Dix, Jessica,
pianist at Elder student concerts, 57 , 58 , 115 , 162
pianist at third of a series of free organ concerts by John Adam Horner, 111
Dix, Lionel S,
awarded an evening studentship (School of Mines Associate), 106
Dodwell, George Frederick,
expedition organised with Professor Kerr Grant to find location of meteorite, 96 , 122
Board appointed to co-operate with him in work of Observatory, 101
commented on light, noise & tremor phenomena associated with meteorite fall near Berri & Loxton, 122
Dolling, Mrs C E,
to propose toast to 'New Graduates' at dinner for Women's Union, 96
presided at vocation conference, 139
Dorsch, Magdalene Hedwig,
awarded travelling scholarship to study art & language, 2
Dorsch, Theodor Siegfried,
outstanding achievement for St. Mark's College student, 99
Downey, Donnell Raymond,
to be appointed Associate to Hon Mr Justice Herbert Angas Parsons, 100
photograph, 100
Doyle, Leo James,
lawyer seeking admission to Bar, 159
Dr Charles Gosse Medal for Ophthalmology,
1930 award to Wallace Wilson Jolly, 97
1930 proxime accessit was Brian Gilmore Maegraith, 97
Dr Davies-Thomas Scholarship,
1927 & 1929 awards to Brian Gilmore Maegraith, 95
1930 awards to Frederick Boyd Turner (second examination), Felix Wilfred Arden & Christopher Bagot Sangster (equal, third examination), 97
Duffield, Professor Walter Geoffrey,
death of Director of Commonwealth Solar Observatory, 1
photograph, 1
burial at Mount Stromlo, 2
Dumas, Russell John,
biography, 155
survey & construction work for locks on the River Murray & reservoirs in Western Australia, 155
Dunabin, Professor R L,
former Acting Professor of Classics visiting Adelaide, 100
Duncan, R A,
men student representative (Engineering) on Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
photograph, 186a , 186b
elected member of Union committee, 107
President of Engineers' Glider Club when club-built glider was tested, 184
Dunn, Lois,
vocalist at Elder student concerts, 22 , 73 , 95
cast member of 'Maritana', 170b , 170e
Eardley, Frederick William,
tour of University buildings, 3
photographs, 3 , 177
at funeral of William Tyler McCoy, 9
elected Clerk of Senate, 32
granted permission to take a holiday, 38 , 45
leaves Adelaide, 51
to return during December 1930, 81c
elected Clerk of Senate, 93 , 94
returns to Adelaide, 96 , 99
progressiveness of University of Adelaide, 98
comments on overseas universities, 98
addresses Legacy Club on progress of university, 112
announced a series of nine public lectures, 117
is a member of Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
comments on Perth University Senate's decision not to charge fees for lectures, 150
attended funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
comments on number of dental students at Adelaide & Melbourne, 152
secretary to Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee for 1932, 159
photograph of Eardley and wife on return from overseas, 177
Eardley, Hilda Cesina Franziska,
to be re-elected Secretary of Women's Union, 96
return to Adelaide, 96
photograph of Mrs Eardley and husband on return from overseas, 177
Eardley, Miss C M,
woman student representative (Science) on Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
Economics, Chair of,
establishment, 37
endowment of Chair of Economics by George Gollin, 54 , 55 , 96 , 97
Ernest Gordon Biaggini to be acting Professor of Economics, 106
Economics, Study of,
Senate approval for regulations for Ordinary & Honours Degree of Bachelor of Economics, 94
new degree will not necessitate the appointment of additional professors or lecturers, 95
Professor Melville criticises Australian economic policy to economic students, 51
comments by Professor Melville on state of economy during 1930's, 70
Labor Party Conference proposes that Members of Parliament must study economics, 106
influence of study of economics, 140
Edgeloe, Victor Allen,
elected Secretary of Economic Society, 83
Edison, Mary,
vocalist at students' concert, 65 , 66
vocal solo at student recital, 20
Education, Study of,
Adelaide offers lectures in education & grants a Diploma of Education, 158
Edwards, Dr Hurtle Thomas Jack,
appointed Honorary Dental Surgeon, 126
appointed Lecturer in Prosthetic Dentistry, 163
reappointed member of Dental Board, 101
Ekers, Theodora,
pianist at student concert, 87
Ekers, Theodora Allman,
accompanist at student concert, 162
Elder Conservatorium,
travel to Central Australia by Professor Edward Harold Davies to study aboriginal song, 1
lunch hour organ recitals by John Adam Horner, 4 , 5
recital by Elder string quartet, 5
chamber music concert by staff to be broadcast on radio for first time, 10
1929 concerts by Elder student orchestra, 11
1929 concerts by Elder students, 17 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 24 , 34
1929 concerts by staff, 15 , 26
second concert by staff to be broadcast, 16
first recital by Peter Bornstein, new violin teacher, 24
Professor Edward Harold Davies preparing novel musical features for concert broadcasts, 45
Professor Edward Harold Davies’ address on musical education & perception, 50
musical programme by Elder staff to be broadcast on Radio 5CL, 51
1930 concerts by students, 57 , 58 , 61 , 62 , 73 , 87 , 88 , 91 , 92
1930 concert by Elder Conservatorium String Quartet, 60 , 84
1930 concerts by staff, 63 , 78
Sir Hugh Allen attends Elder student concert, 65 , 66
chamber music concert by staff, 71
praise from Mrs Elma Hornemann, member of Royal Music Conservatorium of Denmark for chamber music concert by staff, 71
performance by opera class, 74
appreciation of John Adam Horner’s mid-day organ recitals, 75
1930 concert by Student Orchestra, 93
concert by students at annual Nunc Dimitis, 95
performance of opera 'Maritana' by Opera class, 103
1931 concert series program announced, 107
Professor Edward Harold Davies on 'Ways of Study' to music students, 108
series of 20 weekly midday free organ concerts begins, 110
syllabus for 1931 series of Elder concerts, 110
opening of 1931 concert season, 111
weekly midday free organ concerts by John Adam Horner, 110 , 111 , 112 , 117 , 118 , 121 , 126
concert by advanced students, 115
Professor Edward Harold Davies composed 'Photo-Electric Anthem' for a photo-electric organ demonstration, 116
concert of chamber music by Elder String Quartet, 117
pianoforte concerts to be given by staff covering syllabus of Australian Music Examination Board, 118
concerts by staff, 121 , 146
series of three recitals of pianoforte test pieces to assist teachers & students interested in University music examinations, 121 , 122 , 126
decrease in number of students studying at Conservatorium due to financial stress, 121
concerts by Elder students, 126 , 140 , 162 , 170f2
performance of 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy' by opera class, 142
late Charles Schilsky's work with Conservatorium String Quartet, 151
chamber music recital in memory of Charles Schilsky, 153
envelope containing cuttings relating to performances of 'Maritana', 170
two performances of 'King Arthur', 170a
performances of 'Maritana' by Opera Class, 170b , 170c , 170d , 170e , 170f1 , 170f2
protest over Federal Governments increased tax on imported books & periodicals, 176a
envelope of newspaper cuttings for opera 'Merrie England', 188
performances of opera 'Merrie England' by Opera Class, 188a , 188b
Elder Prize,
1925 award to Brian Gilmore Maegraith, 95
1930 award to Neil Daniel Crosby, 97
Elder Scholarship,
Ray Eldon Fox awarded an Elder Scholarship for violincello, 107 , 108
(organ), 1930 award to Gordon Melville Bowen, 95
(pianoforte), 1930 award to Winifred Louise Fisher, 95
1930 Elder Scholar wins Poetry Society Prize, 61
Geraldine Margaret Mary Cash awarded 1930 Elder Scholarship for singing, 33
examination of candidates for Elder Scholarship for Singing, 103
Geraldine Margaret Mary Cash resigned her 1930 award, 103
Elder, Sir Thomas,
gifts to University, 22 , 24 , 39 , 84
introduced camel to Australia as means of transport, 138
endowed School of Music, 148
Elliott, Ronald Donovan,
lawyer seeking admission to Bar, 159
Ellis, Dr Roy Gilmore,
return to Adelaide, 115
comments on dental research at Toronto University, 118
photograph, 118
Engineering, Chair of,
Engineering, School of,
community service role in testing new devices of inventors, 123
possible inclusion of first-aid as part of engineering courses, 71
annual survey camp at Kuitpo Forest, 102
prospecting tour by engineering students, 102
scheme for employing engineering graduates, 107
close association between University & School of Mines & Industries in training of many notable engineers, 119
early years of engineering at University, 123
photograph of students during an Engineering Survey camp, 173
photographs of engineering students constructing a glider, 186a , 186b
English Language & Literature, Chair of,
appointment of Jury Professor not expected in 1931, 84 , 86
endowment of £12,000 for a separate Chair of English Literature, 121
English, Study of,
Government applauds proposal to persuade censors to exclude talkie pictures likely to desecrate the King's English, 5
concern over probable effects of American talking pictures upon King's English, 6
Equipment & Furniture,
Dr William Ray's gift of apparatus, 78
impact of increased cost of books on education & research, 154 , 155
criticism by Professor William Keith Hancock of imposition of heavier taxes on books, 156
Ernest Ayres Scholarship in Botany & Forestry,
1930 award to Harold Cyril Gurney, 97
Errington, Edna J,
awarded an evening studentship (Commerce), 106
Establishment of University of Adelaide,
Rev Frederick Slaney Poole on the history of University, 39
Eugene Alderman Scholarship,
award recommended for Lyndall Maud Hendrickson (violin), 158
Eustace, Dr John Leonard,
concern over his proposal contained in Dental Bill, 91
appointed Lecturer in Dental Materia & Therapeutics, 163
Evan, Betty,
cor anglais solo at Elder student concert, 17
Evening Studentships,
awards for 1930, 51
approval for evening studentship awards, 106
Everard Scholarship,
graduation of James Hannibal Younkman, 1929 Everard Scholar, 37
1930 award to Wallace Wilson Jolly, 97
1931 award to Christopher Bagot Sangster, 162
Everett, Phyllis,
cast member of 'Merrie England', 188a , 188b
Ewart, Professor Alfred James,
proper place for a school of forestry is a university, 44
Ewens, L T,
awarded a Sports Association Blue (Lacrosse), 81c
committee member of new Economic Club, 110
treasurer of organising committee for Exhibition & Students' Carnival, 112
dates of 1929 Intermediate & Leaving examinations, 20
1929 results music examinations conducted by Australian Music Examinations Board, 24
criticism of mathematics examination, 27
Intermediate & Leaving examinations held at Victor Harbour, 28
examiners capable of making in errors in examination papers, 30
views of examiners taking examination questions from books other than set text, 30 , 34
concern over proprietary examining bodies and abuse of examination system, 50
last day of entry for examinations conducted by Australian Music Examination Board, 50
concern and counterclaim over recent examinations, both at school and university level, 81 , 82 , 83 , 84
entries close for degree and diploma examinations, 84
commencement of degree & diploma examinations, 93
candidate statistics, 93
secondary school leaving examination should be retained for those who wish to enter university, 98
criticism of public examination system, 98 , 100
Professor John McKellar Stewart says system of public examinations under review, 98
reasons for failure are available in South Australia on payment of a fee, 100
common standard of matriculation for Australia to be considered by Council and staff, 111
series of three recitals of pianoforte test pieces to assist teachers & students interested in University music examinations, 121 , 122
about 30 years ago, Professors Sir William Mitchell & William Henry Bragg suggested that teachers should be admitted to lectures & examinations free of charge, 142
disadvantaged children may receive assistance with examination fees, 148
claim that students had failed examinations because of cost of textbooks, 156
Professors W A Laver & Edward Harold Davies to examine final year diploma and Mus Bac Courses, 158
lecture rooms used for Intermediate, Leaving & Leaving Honours examinations, 159
Exhibitions & Displays,
exhibition of primary glider constructed by Engineers' Gliding Club, 186a , 186b
trip by Acting Professor Cecil Thomas Madigan & Professor James Arthur Prescott to Lake Eyre, 27
permanent disc record to be made of a selection of aboriginal songs recorded by Professor Edward Harold Davies during expeditions to Central Australia, 34
expeditions to the Antarctic by Professor Sir Douglas Mawson, 19 , 37 , 108 , 109 , 145 , 150 , 187 , 187a , 187b , 187c , 187e , 187f , 187g , 187h , 187i , 187j , 187k , 187l , 187m , 187n , 187o , 187p , 187q , 187r , 187s
geological survey by Cecil Thomas Madigan of west of south-eastern Northern Territory & Lakes area of South Australia using aeroplanes & cameras, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 8 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 37
scientific study of physique, blood grouping, music & psychology of Australian Aboriginal people by Professors T H Johnston, J B Cleland, E H Davies, Dr T D Campbell, Dr K Fry, Messrs H M Hale, N B Tindale & Brian Gilmore Maegraith, 2 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 37
Professor Sir Douglas Mawson leading student expedition to Flinders Ranges, 8 , 14
gramophone records made of Australian Aboriginal songs collected by Professor Edward Harold Davies, 34 , 47
expedition under direction of University Board for Anthropological Research to study the habits & characteristics of Aborigines in Central Australia, 72
return of expedition under direction of University Board for Anthropological Research to study aborigines and the data collected, 142 , 145 , 155
Cecil Thomas Madigan's plans private expedition to country east of McDonnell Ranges, 94
Brian Gilmore Maegraith member of 1929 anthropological expedition to Central Australia, 95
expedition organised by Professor Kerr Grant and George Frederick Dodwell to find the location of meteorite which fell at Karoonda, 96
American expedition to North Pole to study approach of a new ice age, 103
comments by Professor Kerr Grant & George Frederick Dodwell on coincidence of two printing of records of Professor Sir Douglas Mawson's 1911-14 Australian Antarctic Expedition, 150 , 164
photograph of members of Mawson Expedition committee, 172
photograph of meteorite found near Karoonda by Professor Kerr Grant's expedition, 183
Captain Hurley's pictorial record of 'Discovery' expedition to be exhibited in Australia, 187e
criticism of fund raising for Antarctic expeditions during a period of economic depression & financial stress, 187n
concern over question of territorial rights following Sir Douglas Mawson's hoisting of the British flag at a number of locations in the Antarctic, 187q
Extension Lectures,
Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong on 'Japanese Drama', 64 , 65
Professor L G Melville on the Strictures of Australian Finance and the faking of the books, 69 , 70 , 71
Fagge, C H,
Senior Vice-President of Royal College of Surgeons to present Great Mace to Australasian College of Surgeons, 138
to deliver Syme Oration, 138
Falla, R A,
on distribution & habits of Antarctic birds, 187o
Faraday, Michael,
work on principles of electric dynamo to be honoured, 112
persistent experiment uncovered properties of electro-magnetism, 162
Farr, Professor Clinton Coleridge,
1889 Angas Engineering Scholar elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, 118
Farr, Venerable George Henry,
in 1881 re-elected Warden of the Senate, 109
Featherstone, R,
awarded a Sports Association Blue (Hockey), 81c
criticism and rebuttal of criticism of teachers being trained at public expense while other professions have to pay own tuition fees, 59 , 60
doctors, lawyers & other professionals frequently in receipt of bursaries, scholarships or exhibitions, 59 , 60
question in parliament over Government's intention to extend free education to University, 63
suggestion of free education at schools & University for unemployed, 65
evasion of fees not a problem at University, 75
opposition to free education for all, including university studies, 125
University students pay in fees about a quarter of total cost of their education, 134 , 135
University granted free admission to all its examinations, lectures and degrees to any person connected with Education Department, 141
comments by Frederick William Eardley on Perth University Senate's decision not to charge fees for attendance at lectures, 150
Fenner, Dr Charles Albert Edward,
appointed lecturer in Geography, 40 , 41
photographs, 40 , 41 , 171
biography, 41
representative at Centenary Conference of British Association for the Advancement of Science, 112 , 129 , 134 , 135 , 136
publication of his book ' South Australia: A Geographical Study', 134 , 139
recipient of Syme Prize for Australian Geographical Research, 139
Ferres, Leslie William,
appointed Lecturer in Accounting III, 39
appointed Lecturer in Accountancy III, Board of Commercial Studies, 163
Empire Marketing Board grants to Australia approved, 29
SA Premier predicts reduced grants, 68
proposed reduction of University management expenses discussed, 86
proposed reduction in grant to University, 87
reduction in grant results in 10% reduction in staff salaries, 97
government costs per head of population for University is £0.1.7, 119
State Government grant to University for year ending 30th June 1930, 121 , 125
cuts in government expenditure will impact on grant, 122
F R Forgan, of South Australian Public Teachers' Union justifies cost of education, 127
criticisms and defence of university grant, 127
government subsidy to the University of Adelaide, 132
history of negotiations between University and State Government over grant monies, 136
conversion of University's holdings in Commonwealth Securities, 139
proportion of university’s annual government grant devoted to professional training, 140
University included in Education Department reductions in grant money, 142 , 143
Professor Sir William Mitchell proposed further reduction in salary due to losses in conversions of University's Government securities, 143
University receives most of fees charged for sitting intermediate & leaving examinations, 144
general sacrifice imposed by economic depression, reduction in grants, high rate of exchange & high cost of books, 162
impact of Budget and new taxation scheme on employers & employees, 176h , 176i , 176j , 176k , 176m , 176n
impact of budget on university grants, 176l
Professor Sir Wiliam Mitchell to the Premier on loss made by converting Government securities, 142 , 143
Finlay, Fred,
organ soloist at Elder student concert, 22
Finlay, Jean,
pianist at Elder student concerts, 57 , 58 , 87 , 115
Finlayson, Allan Harvey,
outstanding achievement by a St. Mark's College student, 99
awarded Sports Association Blue (Boat), 81c
elected member of Union committee, 107
men student representative (Engineering) on Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
Finlayson, Hedley Herbert,
leaves for field work on mammals in Diamantina District & in James Range, 161
Finlayson, Robert Nickels,
election to Board of Governors of the Public Library, 22
outlines impact on legal profession of heavier tax on books, 155
re-election as university representative on Board of Governors of Public Library, Museum & Art Gallery, 156
appointed to committee to act on heavy tax on books & periodicals, 157
Finnis, Rev H P,
assisted at funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
photographed at funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Strong, 180b
appointed to Council of St Mark's College & Education Committee, 48
Fisher, Dr H M,
brief biography, 123
awarded additional Diploma by Medical Board, 140
played cricket with Dr Alec Letts Dawkins at Carlton Cricket Club, 165
Fisher, Dr Harry Medcalf,
appointed Tutor in Obstetrics, 163
Fisher, Harold,
bequest to St Mark's College for scholarships, 16
Fisher, Helena,
soloist at Elder student concert, 61 , 62
Fisher, Winifred,
performed at Elder student concert, 87
Fisher, Winifred Louise,
awarded 1930 Elder Scholarship for pianoforte, 95
Fitzherbert, Professor John Aloysius,
on vacation leave, 46
attended funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
lectured on 'Virgil' to South Australian Poetry Society, 114
on 'The Life & Works of the Latin poet Virgil' to Classical Association, 153
Fletcher, Malcolm W,
awarded a scholarship for 1931 by the Council of St. Andrew's College, 100
Fletcher, Miss H,
awarded a Sports Association Blue (W Hockey), 81c
Fletcher, Rev William Roby,
appointed as Professor of English Literature until end of 1881, 136
Florey, Dr Howard Walter,
1921 Rhodes Scholar is in England doing good work, 31
Foote, William Henry,
conductor for concerts by Elder Conservatorium Student Orchestra, 11 , 93
Ford, Melba,
vocalist at welcome back for Registrar, Frederick William Eardley & wife, 99
Forestry, Bachelor of,
new clause for Bachelor of Science in Forestry introduced, 94
Forestry, School of,
established in 1911 in Adelaide, 116
South Australian School of Forestry should never have been taken away, 117 , 119
Council member advocates restoration of forestry school to Adelaide, 119
Forestry, Study of,
proper place for a school of forestry is a university, 44
problems within forestry industry, 44
closure of Adelaide forestry school after establishment of Forestry School at Canberra, 86
comments on removal of Federal School of Forestry from Adelaide to Canberra, 93 , 94
protest against continuance of forestry school in Canberra, 117 , 119
forestry subjects taught at Adelaide, 117 , 119
protest against continuing forestry school in Canberra, 119
Forgan, F R,
criticises Professor Kerr Grant's comments on education of young men, 110
statements by Secretary of South Australian Public Teachers' Union on education costs, 127 , 141 , 142
on suggested closure of Teachers' College, 157
replies to criticism of costs of pensions & teacher training, 176b , 176e
on lack of provision for teacher training at University, 176b
Formby, Dr Myles Landseer,
1925 Rhodes Scholar, 31
Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons, 63
photograph, 63
Foster, Miss,
speaker on policewomen at women’s vocation conference, 139
Fowler, James Richard,
member of Rhodes Scholar Selection Committee for 1931 award, 86 , 87 , 95
member of Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee for 1932 award, 159
Fox, Eldon,
soloist at Elder student concert, 22
performed at Elder student concert, 126
cellist at lunch hour organ recital by John Adam Horner, 126
Fox, Ina,
awarded a Thornber Bursary, 102
Fox, Ray Eldon,
awarded an Elder Scholarship for violincello, 107 , 108
photograph, 108
Francis, Bessie,
piano solo at Elder student concert, 17
Freeman, Ivy,
Associate in Music presented to vice-chancellor at Elder student concert, 162
Frewin, Dr Oscar Westcott,
appointed Honorary Clinical Assistant to Vaccine & Asthma Clinic, 112
Fry, Dr Henry Kenneth,
1909 Rhodes Scholar, 31
member of party to study Australian Aborigines in Central Australia, 74
appointed an Honorary Assistant Physician, 126
member of party to study Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 136
conducted special physiological & psychological observations of Aborigines of Cockatoo Creek, 142
spoke to Anthropological Society of research work among Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 155
appointed lecturer in Therapeutics & Materia Medica, 163
1909 Rhodes Scholar is a practising doctor in Adelaide, 103
member of scientific study of physique, blood grouping, music & psychology of Australian Aboriginal people, 2 , 13 , 15
gave 1485 book 'De Mundi et Sphere' by Canis Hyginus presented to University Library, 11
wrote paper on pathological lesions of Australian Aborigines with Professor John Burton Cleland & Brian Gilmore Maegraith, 95
Fuller, Dorothy,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 73
vocalist at second performance by the Elder Conservatorium opera class, 74
Fuller, George Rayner,
elected to committee of Graduates Branch, 84
Gaetjens, Gertrude Vera,
Roby Fletcher prizewinner awarded Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship, 31
photograph, 31
biography, 31
Catherine Helen Spence Scholar commissioned to enquire into vocational psychology & post educational facilities in Great Britain, 134
Gardiner, Balfour,
performed at Elder student concert, 126
Garrett, Stephen Denis,
elected Fellow of Royal Society, 75
Gartrell, Dr Eric Frank,
Appointed Honorary Clinical Assistant, 133
Gartrell, Herbert William,
inspection of work on North Shore Bridge, 12 , 14
granted leave of absence, 46
appointed honorary commissioner to enquire into & report on methods of testing & treating ores in Great Britain, Canada and USA, 59
return to Adelaide after six months abroad, 106
lectures on 'The Future of Mining', 117 , 131 , 133
on debasing effect of repetition work on craftsman, 133
claims that geological work in Australia is greatly hampered by lack of topographical map, 133
Gault, Dr Estelle Ruth,
appointed Honorary Clinical Assistant, 121
Gender Issues,
vocation conference for women, 139
career in dentistry for women, 157
Geographical Society of South Australia,
wives sent Christmas decorations & presents to BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187r
Geography, Study of,
first time geography in degree course at Adelaide, 40 , 41
meeting of geographical section of British Association for the Advancement of Science, 169c
Geology, Study of,
geological work in Australia hampered by lack of topographical map, 133
Professor Sir Douglas Mawson's research on geology of Antarctic, 47
most severe earth tremor for 29 years, 132
study of rocks and minerals by Sir Douglas Mawson, 187e
discovery of Karoonda Meteorite, 106
meteorite specimens held by Natural History Museum (London) & South Australian School of Mines & Industries, 106
world meteorite discoveries, 106
Karoonda Meteorite to be analysed at Adelaide, 106
George Thompson Bursary in Commerce,
nomination received for Ronald Beaumont Love, 104
George, Esmond
producer of performance of 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy' by opera class, 142
producer for Elder Conservatorium's two performances of 'King Arthur', 170a
speaker on journalism & library work at women’s vocation conference, 139
Georgina Dowling Research Fund,
Council to control trust for scientific research from estate of Georgia Maud Dowling, 100 , 101
Gibb, C D,
a director of Parsons Ltd, of turbine fame, 119
is an 'old boy' of Professor Robert William Chapman, 123
Gibbs, Alan,
cello solo at Elder student concert, 17
instrumentalist at Elder student concert, 57 , 58
Gibbs, James,
instrumentalist at Elder student concert, 57 , 58
Giblin, Professor L F,
to lecture on 'Subsidies to Production', 91
on expert committee to recommend on balancing government budgets, 113
photograph, 113
Gilbert, Dr Henry,
appointed Lecturer in Surgical Diseases of Children, 163
Giles, Rev Harold,
biography of 1910 Tinline Scholar & 1911 Roby Fletcher Prize, 132
Gill, Hilda Beatrice,
vocalist at Elder staff concerts, 15 , 26 , 84 , 111 , 121 , 132
assistant vocalist at recital by Peter Bornstein, 24
in broadcast performance of Elder staff, 51
organ soloist at Elder staff concert, 63
vocalist at recital in memory of Charles Schilsky, 153
Gillen, Dr John Besley,
gift of original notebooks on native tribes of Central Australia, 20
Gilruth, Professor J A,
attended unveiling of memorial tablet to Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 144
Glastonbury, O,
elected an Auditor of Royal Society of South Australia, 154
Glynn, Dr Robert McMahon,
appointed Honorary Curator to Ear, Nose & Throat Section of Pathological Museum, 133
Glynn, Patrick McMahon,
photograph, 156
obituary for one of founders of Federation in Australia, 156
Gmeiner, Clarice Haidee Beatrice,
played at Elder staff concerts, 5 , 26 , 132
instrumentalist at Elder student concert, 58
comments on decrease in number of students at Elder Conservatorium due to financial stress, 121
played at recital in memory of Charles Schilsky, 153
harp accompanist for Opera Class performances of 'Maritana', 170f1 , 170f2
Goldsworthy, Geoffrey,
performed at Elder student concert, 95
Gollin, George,
endowment of Chair of Economics, 54 , 55 , 96 , 97
testimony to a fine fellow, 56
Good, Gladys,
speaker on decorative, commercial & photographic art at women’s vocation conference, 139
Goodman, Sir William George Toop,
made Knight Bachelor in New Year's honours list, 165 , 166
photograph, 166
career highlights, 166
Gordon, Charles,
vocalist at midday organ recital by John Adam Horner, 74
vocalist at pianoforte recital by Elder students, 91
Gordon, C G,
awarded a night scholarship for study of Public Administration for 1931, 121
Government Relations,
comments on cost of education to government, 128
transfer of Jubilee Oval and part of exhibition grounds to University for building purposes, 2 , 3 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 37 , 38 , 43
educational institutions to pay land tax, 5
Government applauds proposal to persuade censors to exclude from Australia talkie pictures likely to desecrate the King's English, 5
need for Act of Parliament placing Jubilee Exhibition grounds under control of University, 14
cost of government grants to University, 17
Commonwealth Public Service Board annually offered free places for officers improve their qualifications, 20
deputation to urge that proposed dual position of Chairman of Central Board of Health & Children's Welfare & Public Relief Board be filled by medical man, 27
Commonwealth Public Service Board to offer careers for graduates, 39
concern over proposed increase in duty to be paid on books, 52 , 53 , 59
election of Cabinet, 58
question in Parliament over Government's intention to extend free education to University, 63
annual subsidies paid to University should not preclude introduction of free education, 63
50 years since third reading of Adelaide University Degrees Bill, 67
SA Premier predicts reduced grants in review of the State finances, 68
State Government grant to University in 1929, 75 , 76
questions in Parliament over high cost of education, 80
proposed reduction in government grants to institutions, 80
reduction in University grant, 83
successful approach to government for further grant of land for Barr Smith Library, 83 , 84
budget debate on proposed expenditure on education, 85 , 86
proposed reduction in university grant, 87
views of University on Bill to reconstitute Dental Board, 87 , 88 , 89 , 90 , 91
debate on Bill to alter Dental Board and to register dental assistants, 87 , 88 , 89 , 90 , 91 , 92
State government equips & maintains Dental Hospital to ensure a maximum level of skill, 90
second reading of Dental Bill passed, 93
proposed reduction in university grant results in proposed 10% cut to staff salaries, 93 , 97
Professor Leslie Galfried Melville made member of Special Advisory Committee on State Finance, 97
Professor John Burton Cleland made member of committee to report on catchment areas for water supplies, 97
at government request, University takes control of Observatory, 97
free education through to university level urged at conference of teachers, 100
increase in exchange rate increases cost of imported school books, 100 , 101
Board of Education advised that Imperial Education Conference not be held in 1931, 100
Archibald Grenfell Price on Australia's inflation crisis and warning lessons from Germany, 102
change in Federal Government portfolios, 106
proposal for Labor Party Conference that legislation be introduced to provide that Members of Parliament must take university course in economics, 106
Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson on increased costs imposed on farmers by Federal fiscal policy which increased cost of farm machinery, 110
rise in cost of education gives suggests that free education be for primary stage only, 110
Economy Committee discussions with Professor Leslie Galfried Melville on economic condition of Australia and financial position of State Governments, 111
enquiry into reducing expenditure on education for schools & soldier settlement, 111
Executive Council appointments to Advisory Committee under Hospitals Act, 111
criticism of Professor Kerr Grant's comment on modern education, 112 , 122
Federal Government cuts funds to Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, 114 , 115
concern about impact of Federal government cuts to scientific research, 115
report to Premiers' Conference on proposed 20% reduction in individual wages, salaries, pensions & similar payments by all government departments, 117
report of Committee of Under Treasurer on conversion loan, 118
State Government grant to University of Adelaide for year ending 30th June, 1930, 121 , 125
State Advisory Finance Committee's recommended cuts in will impact on University, 122
Professor John McKellar Stewart was member of Advisory Committee on State Finance to report on grants to education, 122 , 124 , 126
report of Education Committee has been presented, 127
reduction in government expenditure would not seriously disturb work of Education Department, 129
Education Committee's recommendations for cost cutting on education with reference to schools, the Public Library, Museum, Art Gallery, University, School of Mines & Industries & Teachers' College, 130
Members of Parliament want to make suggestions on cost cutting on education, 132
criticism by South Australian Public Teachers' Association of Professor John McKellar Stewart & Wallace Sandford proposed cuts to education expenditure, 134
government grants to University, 134 , 135
Advisory Committee on State Finance to be disbanded, 136
history of negotiations between University and State Government over grant monies, 136
motion in House of Assembly in appreciation of Sir Walter James Young for work as Chairman of Advisory Committee on State Finance, 139
University included in Education Department reductions in State funded grant money, 142
letter from Professor Sir William Mitchell to Premier about loss of income caused by conversions in Government securities, 142 , 143
Melbourne University considering national university protest about Federal book imposts, 145
Dental Bill to raise status of dental profession & consolidate existing law, 147
Dean of Faculty of Dental Science to be Chairman of new Dental Board, 147
under new registration conditions of 1941 only persons holding degrees or diplomas granted by universities or medical boards to qualify for registration as dentists, 147
disadvantaged children may receive assistance with examination fees and not be barred from sitting for University examinations, 148
problems over continued printing of records of Professor Sir Douglas Mawson's 1911-14 Australian Antarctic Expedition by New South Wales Government, 150
report of Education Committee to be shelved, 152
impact on education & research by Federal imposition of heavier primage & sales tax on books, 154 , 155 , 156 , 176a
heavier primage & sales tax on books to impact on publication of records of research works by Royal Society of South Australia, 155
impact on legal profession of more costly books, 155
criticism by Professor William Keith Hancock of greater cost of books, 156
South Australian Government approach to Prime Minister to duty on school books, 156
claim by Stanley Russell Booth that University students failed examinations because of their inability to buy textbooks due to higher costs, 156
Federal Government not to grant any exemptions with from higher book costs, 157
meeting of educational, professional, technical, social, political & religious bodies to protest at lack of exemptions for book and periodical costs, 157
Professor William Keith Hancock, Ronald Nickels Finlayson & Rutherford Purnell appointed to committee to take action over Federal decision not grant any exemptions to taxes on books & periodicals, 157
sacrifice imposed on University by economic depression, reduced government grants, high rate of exchange between Australia & London & high cost of books, 162
report of Education Committee presented by Professor John McKellar Stewart & J Wallace Sandford, 176a , 176e
congratulations to Sir Douglas Mawson from Governments of United Kingdom and Commonwealth of Australia on his achievements & safe return, 187e
offer of studentships to graduates from Trustees of Commonwealth Science & Industry Endowment Fund for training abroad, 5
good prospects in commercial life for graduates, especially Arts & Law graduates, 10
Professor John McKellar Stewart on the functions of a university in the community, 25
Sydney Russell Booth on influence of university education on British businesses with Cambridge university as an example, 39
first assembly of graduates took place in 1877 with 77 graduates, 39 , 40
W.H. Stanford on 'Is a University Training Essential for Administrators?”, 143
Professor Sir William Mitchell claims people do not appreciate the relevance of university, 144
Rev Br David Gabriel Purton disagrees with Sir William Mitchell's comments on community perception of relevance of University, 144 , 145
Graduation Ceremonies,
suggestions for caps & gowns for (A Mus A) Associateship in Music, Australia & (L Mus A) Licentiateship in Music, Australia, 26
graduation ceremony for 1929 to be held December 11th, 29
Elder Conservatorium graduation & final student concert, 34
1929 Annual Commemoration Ceremony, 37 , 38
Rev Frederick Slaney Poole on 'The University Commemoration - Then & Now', 39
annual commemoration to be held on December 10th, 1930, 94
1930 Commemoration ceremony, 96 , 97
nine degrees conferred, 124
1931 Commemoration Ceremony, 162
photograph of Sir George John Robert Murray, & Mace Bearer, Brian Gilmore Maegraith in procession to 1930 graduation, 175
photograph of Professors F L Wilkinson, Alexander Killen Macbeth, Arthur Lang Campbell, Messrs A A Simpson, E Anthoney, W H Harvey, J Anderson & F Bevan in procession to 1930 graduation, 175
photograph of some women graduates waiting to process into Elder Hall, 181
photograph of professorial staff waiting to process into Elder Hall, 181
photograph of Professors Alexander Killen Macbeth, Robert William Chapman & Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson, 190
photograph of members of Senate & Council of the University proceeding to Elder Hall, 191
photograph of mace-bearer, Lewis Charles Wilcher, 191
photograph of David Henry Hollidge, Mr Justice Herbert Angas Parsons & Professors John Burton Cleland, Arthur Lang Campbell, Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, Leslie Galfried Melville & Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson in academic procession, 191
Grant, Professor Kerr,
attended conference on mathematics, astronomy & physics at Melbourne University, 14
opposed to raising school-leaving age from 14 to 16 years, 25 , 26 , 28 , 30
responses to and debate of Professor Kerr Grant’s criticism of secondary education, 25 , 26 , 28 , 29 , 30
on qualifications for being a Governor of a British colony, 34
tribute to Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 43
pallbearer for Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 43
conducts weekly series of physics demonstrations for public, 53 , 54
on Marconi's discovery of wireless transmission of power over long distances, 53 , 54
photographs, 57 , 59 , 171 , 172 , 183 , 185 , 189
the one man nominated for vacancy on Council, 57
elected to Senate of University, 58
sceptical of Lord Birkenhead's claim that by 2030 babies will be developed in laboratories, 59
tuned a set in physics laboratory to clearly hear conversations at opening of England-Australia telephone service, 59
provides scientific proof at public lecture that Earth rotates, 61
appeals for funds to apply Steele-Grant Balance in research, 63
to give series of lunch-hour demonstrations in physical science, 65
on potential use of solar radiation to supply domestic power requirements, 68
attended funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
argues extraction gold from sea water is uneconomic, 86
public demonstration on electrons to be in aid of Sports Association funds, 86
appointed to Council of School of Mines & Industries, 94
introduced new clause for Bachelor of Science in Forestry, 94
organised expedition to find meteorite which fell at Karoonda, 96 , 122
appointed an honorary associate astronomer, 97
to devise a plant for drawing off radium emanations for cancer treatment, 97
mainly responsible for discovery of Karoonda Meteorite, 106
on education of modern young men, 108 , 109
response to his views on education of modern young men, 110
to speak to students on 'Recent Advances on the Frontier of Physical Science', 111
reported as saying that modern education was apt to quench spark of genius, 112
to represent South Australia at Centenary Conference of British Association for the Advancement of Science in London, 112
on the proposed development of electric power from water discharged at Mount Bold Reservoir, 112
on electrons & demonstration of a photo-electric organ at University Exhibition, 116
to give public lecture on 'Michael Faraday', 117
on astronomical time calculations to Astronomical Society, 121
explanation of interval between flash & the noise of a meteorite burst & its apparent fall near Berri & Loxton, 122
on coincidence of meteorite falls within same district, 122
on public expenditure on secondary education, 122
on progress in science, religion, politics & education system, 123
editorial on his comments, 124
Mr Ward's criticism of comments by Professor Kerr Grant on education and science, 125
Chairman of committee to investigate underground electrolysis in metropolitan Adelaide, 126
South Australian delegate to British Association for the Advancement of Science Conference, 129 , 131 , 134 , 135 , 136
lecture on Michael Faraday, practically pioneer of modern industrial electricity, 132
on Professor E O G Shann's question on whether expensively trained younger generations are capable of brilliant ideas, 133
elected a Representative of Royal Society of South Australia on various scientific organisations, 154
five articles written on 'Birth & Growth of Wireless', 181a , 181b , 181c , 181d , 181e
photographs, 172 , 173 , 183 , 185 , 189
proposed reduction in government grants to institutions, 80 , 129
study of physical & physiological features of Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek made possible by grant from the Australian National Research Council, 129
criticism of government grants to University, 134 , 135
criticism of cost of education including large grants to University, School of Mines & Industries, Technical, Observatory & pensions, 176b , 176d
Budget speech announced cuts for education, 176f , 176g , 176h , 176k , 176l , 176m , 176n , 176o , 176p , 176q , 176r , 176s , 176t , 176u , 176v , 176w , 176x
Gray, Eric William,
academic distinction by a member of St. Mark's College, 34
awarded 1932 Rhodes Scholarship, 159 , 161
photograph, 159
biography, 159 , 161
1932 Rhodes Scholar carried Mace at 1931 Commemoration Ceremony, 162
university success for 1931 David Murray Scholar, 1932 Rhodes Scholar & St. Mark's College student, 163
Gray, J H,
student member of scientific party to study Australian Aborigines in Macdonnell Downs, 74
member of scientific party to study Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 136
conducted anthropometric & anatomical observations of Aborigines of Cockatoo Creek, 142
Green, Evelyn,
pianist at Elder student concert, 140
Green, Lorna Mary Alexandra,
elected Secretary & treasurer of Women Graduates' Association, 29
Greenland, P C,
Secretary of Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
Member of Adelaide debating team for debate with Oregon (USA) debating club, 139
Gregory, C E,
elected member of Men's Union committee, 107
unsuccessful candidate for 1932 Rhodes Scholarship, 159
member of Engineers' Gliding Club construction of a primary glider, 186a , 186b
Gregory, Professor T E G,
copy of 1930 Joseph Fisher Lecture in Commerce on 'Current Problems in International Finance' given to university, 104
publication of lecture on 'Current Problems in International Finance', 106
second instalment of Joseph Fisher Lecture on 'Current Problems in International Finance', 179a
concluding section of Joseph Fisher Lecture on 'Current Problems in International Finance', 179b
first instalment of Joseph Fisher Lecture on 'Current Problems in International Finance', 179c
fourth instalment section of Joseph Fisher Lecture on 'Current Problems in International Finance', 179d
third instalment of Joseph Fisher Lecture on 'Current Problems in International Finance', 179e
Groth, Fred,
instrumentalist at Elder student concerts, 58 , 61 , 62
gift by Sir Walter James Young towards cost of erection of boundary fence on Victoria Drive, 3 , 37
need for Act of Parliament placing Jubilee Exhibition grounds under control of University, 14
School of Mines & Industries should not be isolated from University, 14
Bill in House of Assembly for University to acquire land for erection of Bonython Hall & Barr Smith Library, 21 , 22 , 23 , 24
Bill to give University land passed, 43
acreage & boundaries of university grounds, 22
land needed to accommodate future university expansion, 24
approach to Government to have part of Exhibition building site transferred to Adelaide City Council to allow continuation of Pulteney Street through to Victoria Drive, 26
photograph of demolition of former powder magazine/military prison/anatomy room at rear of Elder Conservatorium, 41
criticism of introduction of admission charges for entrance to University Oval for inter-varsity matches, 74
pilfering of collection of uncommon succulent plants, 129
Gryst, E F,
Guinard, Andrew Paul,
outstanding achievement for St Mark's College student, 99
Gurney, Harold Cyril,
awarded 1930 Ernest Ayres Scholarship in Botany, 97
Gurney, Harold Cyril,
on experiments at Waite Agricultural Research Institute with a rye-wheat hybrid discovered at Roseworthy Agricultural College, 167
Guthrie, Dorothy Loueen,
awarded1930 Practice of Music Scholarship, 95
H G Smith Medal,
awarded to Professor James Arthur Prescott, 164
Hackett, W C,
elected an Auditor of Royal Society of South Australia, 154
Hague, Ralph Meyrick,
1930 Stow Prizeman, 97
awarded 1930 David Murray Scholarship for Private International Law, 97
Hale, Herbert M,
member of scientific study of Aboriginal people, 2 , 13 , 15 , 37
member of scientific party to study Australian Aborigines in Macdonnell Downs, 74
member of scientific party to study Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 136
conducted plastic cast work & supervision of Museum activities in anthropological expedition to study Aborigines of Cockatoo Creek, 142
together with Norman Barnett Tindale prepared plaster casts of faces of Central Australian Aborigines, 145
President of the Anthropological Society & member of party who studied Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, Central Australia, 155
photograph, 155
elected member of Council of the Royal Society of South Australia, 154
Hall, Hubert Winsloe,
Conductor of performance of 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy' by Elder opera class, 142
director of Elder performances of 'King Arthur' & 'Maritana', 170a , 170b , 170c , 170d
photograph, 170f1 , 170f2
Director of comic opera 'Merrie England' by Elder Opera Class, 188a , 188b
Conducted performance by Elder opera class, 74
Hall, James S,
awarded an evening studentship (Engineering), 106
Hall, Mrs Georgina Delmar,
assisted Elder Conservatorium opera class, 54
photograph, 54
designed costumes for 'Maritana', 103 , 170f1 , 170f2
trained cast members for performances of 'Maritana', 170f1 , 170f2
supervised making of costumes for 'Merrie England', 188a
Halley, Dr Gertrude,
resigned as Principal Medical Officer in Education Department, 134
Hamilton, Dr Ian Ayliffe,
return to Adelaide after post-graduate study in surgery in England & Continent, 145
appointed Demonstrator in Pathology, 163
Hamilton, Tom,
played part of Big Ben in 'Merrie England', 188a
Hancock, Mary,
soloist in Elder student concert, 73
Hancock, Professor William Keith
to conduct year of research in Europe, 10
retirement from Board of Governors of Public Library, 22
granted leave of absence, 46
publication of Australia, 78 , 80 , 97 , 106
elected a Vice-President of Economic Society, 83
comprehensive review of Australia, 85
member of Rhodes Scholar Selection Committee for 1931 award, 86 , 87 , 95 , 159
1922 Victorian Rhodes Scholar is Professor of Modern History at Adelaide, 103 , 106
on national thrift in France, 106
on economic reconstruction in Europe, 107
photographs, 107 , 173
to give public lecture on 'The Australian Commonwealth & the British Commonwealth', 117
biography, 122
emphasises Australian nationalism in lecture on ' Australian Commonwealth & the British Commonwealth', 124
review article on Walter Russell Crocker's book The Japanese Population Problem, 131
on 'Has it been done before?' at International Club and whether war can be prevented, 149
critical of Federal Government's decision to impose heavier taxes on books, 156
to be speaker at meeting to protest at impost of heavier tax on books, 157
appointed to committee to take action on impost of heavier tax on books & periodicals, 157
speaks at meeting on impost of heavier tax on books & periodicals, 157
addressed Woodville District High School Parents' Association on tax on books, 161
degree Master of Arts (ad eundum gradum) conferred, 162
Hannon, Thomas Dennis,
appointed Honorary Dental Surgeon at Children's Hospital, 128
Hanson, Dr Bertram Speakman,
appointed Registrar for Cancer Clinic, 97
Hanson, Sir Richard Davies,
Harbison, W A,
awarded Sports Association Blue (Lacrosse), 81c
Hardman, Clement,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 140
Hardy, Marian,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 140
Hargrave, Phillip Douglas,
awarded 1929 Exhibition in Grade IV in Practice of Music, 24
Hargreaves, Dr,
retirement of Director of Chemistry noted for work on weevil plague, 159
Hargreaves, Master Philip,
scholarship holder for 1932 introduced to Vice-Chancellor at Elder student concert, 162
Harmer, Cassandra,
instrumentalist at Elder student concert, 22
Harris, Helena,
member of string quartet at Elder student concerts, 17 , 115
member of pianoforte quintet at Elder student concert, 140
Harris, Miss J,
awarded a Sports Association Blue (W Basketball), 81c
Hart, Iris Correll,
vocalist at Elder student concerts, 57 , 58 , 88 , 93 , 115
vocalist at lunch-hour organ recital by John Adam Horner, 65
highly commended by examiners for 1931 Elder Scholarship for Singing, 103
vocalist for the third of a series of 20 weekly midday free organ concerts, 112
Hartley Studentship,
obituary for Herbert James Priest, 1899 Hartley Student, 95
1900 award winner, John Frederick Ward appointed Headmaster of Prince Alfred College, 1
Hartley, John Anderson,
Sir Thomas Hudson Beare credits his success to training by John Anderson Hartley, 80
Harvey, Decima,
vocalist at performance by Elder opera class, 74
to be vocalist at performance of 'Maritana', 103
cast member of 'Maritana' by Elder Opera Class, 170b , 170e , 170f1
performed in 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy', 142
Harvey, M L C, Hon W H,
appointed to Council of School of Mines & Industries, 94
Harvey, A B,
resigned as Bursar of St Mark's College, 99
Harvey, Raymond H,
Awarded evening studentship (English), 106
Harvey, Valda,
vocalist in performance of Elder opera class, 74
was the May Queen in 'Merrie England', 188a
Haselgrove, Alan Halstead,
awarded1930 James Gartrell Prize for Elementary Comparative Philology equal with Jack Whitburn, 97
Hawker, Charles Allan Seymour,
appointed Deputy Chairman of Council of St Mark's College, 48
Hayward, J L,
elected member of University Men's Union committee, 107
Chairman of Men's Union Committee of Union Committee 1931-1932, 120
Heinicke, Hermann,
praise for his work for advancement of music in South Australia, 56
Henderson, Dr,
at special meeting of Antarctic Exploration Committee, 67
photographed as member of BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition Committee, 187p
Henderson, Henry Beecher,
Chief Clerk comments on students and staff of professors and lecturers for 1931, 106
Henderson, James,
in March 1877 first class matriculation list, 112
Henderson, Professor George Cockburn,
Adelaide's first Professor of Modern History, 147
published The Life of Sir George Grey', Governor of South Australia 1841-1845, 147
photograph, 147
Hendrickson, Lyndall Maud,
recommended for Eugene Alderman Scholarship (violin), 158
scholarship holder for 1932 introduced to Vice-Chancellor at Elder student concert, 162
Hetzel, Dr Kenneth Stuart,
appointed Honorary Commissioner to report on advances in medical diagnosis & medical education in Great Britain & Europe, 156
Hewitson, Dr Thomas,
retired as President of Industrial Court & President of the Board of Industry, 81
Hicks, Professor Cedric Stanton,
to visit Europe to conduct a year of research, 10
to depart Adelaide for England, 20
granted leave of absence, 46
return to Adelaide as Assistant Surgeon on the 'Jervis Bay', 77
attended funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
explains working of stomach camera which takes photographs of interior of human body, 101
lecture on 'How we Breathe' at Exhibition, 116
to give public lecture on 'The Tobacco Habit', 117
member of party of scientists to study Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 136
conducted basal metabolism & physiological work Aborigines of Cockatoo Creek, 142
on standards of medical education in Germany & South Australia, 145
member of scientific party which studied Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 155
Hill, Dr Florence McCoy,
conducting cancer research at Darling Laboratory, 97
Hill, Marjorie,
vocalist at final organ recital by John Adam Horner, 144
cast member of 'Maritana', 170b , 170d , 170e
Hilton, Arthur Robert,
1929 Carnegie Fellow appointed Headmaster at Urrbrae, 163
Hobbs, Dr Alan Frank,
appointed Honorary Clinical Assistant, 133
Hocking, Mrs Dulcie,
vocalist at Elder student concerts, 57 , 58 , 87
Hodge, Charles Reynolds,
photograph, 147
on 'Professors & their Ways', 147
second and third article on 'Professors & their Ways', 148
Hodgetts, H W,
appointed to Council of St Mark's College & House & Finance Committee & Education committee, 48
Hogarth, David Stirling,
lawyer seeking admission to Bar, 159
Holden, Edward Wheewall,
farewell luncheon for Chairman of Directors of Holden's Motor Body Builders Ltd, 41
commissed to report on industrial matters overseas, 41
appointed to Appointments Board to bridge gap between student and employer, 56
elected a Vice-President of Economic Society, 83
presided at graduates welcome for Professor Herbert John Wilkinson, 84
elected Graduates Branch committee, 84
on whether younger generations are capable of brilliant ideas, 133
resignation from Council, 156
Holland, Miss L,
awarded sports Association Blue (W Basketball), 81c
Hollidge, David Henry,
photographed with others in academic procession, 191
Holloway, E J,
photograph as member of Mawson Expedition committee, 172
Holmes, Edna Lucy,
awarded a travelling scholarship to philosophy, 2
Holtze, August,
on December 1877 first class matriculation list, 112
Hone, Brian William,
awarded 1929 Rhodes Scholarship, 33 , 37 , 38
member of St Mark's College, 34
success at Oxford University, 127
Hone, Dr Frank Raymond,
appointed Temporary Assistant Honorary Physician, 133
appointed Tutor in Medicine, 163
Hone, Dr Frank Sandland,
delegate to meeting of Advisory Council of School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine, 29
to deliver second annual Anne MacKenzie Oration in Canberra, 41
on progress on Chair of Obstetrics, 44
return from opening of School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine, 50
gave Second Anne McKenzie Oration on 'The Human Factor in Environment', 52
present at laying of foundation stone for John Darling Laboratory, 57
renominated for membership of Senate, 93
elected member of the University Council at annual meeting of Senate, 94
appointed to Advisory Committee under Hospitals Act, 111
appointed Honorary Physician at Northfield Consumptive Home, 162
appointed Lecturer in Public Health & Preventative Medicine, 163
Hooker, George,
1930 Elder Scholar (violin) received his music Diploma, 34
violin soloist at the 1929 final concert for students of Elder Conservatorium, 34
violinist at students' concert, 65 , 115 , 126 , 162
member of pianoforte quintet at student concert, 140
violin soloist at lunch time organ concert by John Adam Horner, 140
Hooper, Peter,
cast member of 'Maritana' by Opera Class, 170b , 170e
played part of Long Tom in comic opera 'Merrie England', 188a
Hore-Ruthven, His Excellency Sir Alexander,
opened Annual Congress of Agricultural Bureau of South Australia, 19
laid the foundation stone for John Darling Laboratory, 57
photograph, 57 , 182
attended laying of foundation stone for Barr Smith Library, 83
presided at meetings of Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, 84 , 94 , 95
member of Rhodes Scholar Selection Committees, 86 , 87 , 159
attended 1930 Commemoration ceremony, 96 , 97
to attend University Exhibition & Students Carnival, 112
attended University Exhibition, 116
Horgan, Maimie,
performed at pianoforte recital by advanced students, 88
Horner, John Adam,
lunch hour organ recitals, 4 , 5 , 65 , 66 , 68 , 74
comments on first radio broadcast of Conservatorium musical production, 10
accompanist at Elder staff concert, 15
performed on 'Classical Hour' series broadcast over Radio 5CL, 51
pianoforte soloist at Elder staff concert, 63
accompanist at a chamber music concert by staff, 71
appreciation of John Adam Horner’s mid-day organ recitals, 75
pianist at Elder staff concert, 78
brief organ recital at 1930 Commemoration ceremony, 96
series of weekly midday organ recitals, 107 , 110 , 111 , 112 , 113 , 115 , 117 , 118 , 121 , 123 , 126 , 131 , 134 , 137 , 138 , 140 , 144
organ soloist at a concert by Elder staff, 121
attended funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
pianist at Elder Conservatorium music recital in memory of Charles Schilsky, 153
photograph, 172
Hossfeld, Paul Samuel,
appointed Acting Commonwealth Geological Adviser, 49
photograph, 49
Howard, Dr Geoffrey Hardman,
appointed an Honorary Anaesthetist, 126
Howard, A,
photograph of the chemist & hydrographist for second BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187L
Howard, Stanford,
Howchin, Professor Walter,
photograph, 56
first recipient of Sir Joseph Verco Medal, 145
lectured in geology & palaeontology & was a diligent research worker, 148
elected Editor of Royal Society of South Australia, 154
Hubbe, Dr Edith Ulrica,
appointed Demonstrator in Biochemistry, 163
Hubbe, Edith Agnes, nee Cooke,
mentioned in December 1877 first class matriculation list, first woman to pass, 112
Hughes, Dr James Escourt,
success in primary examination for FRCS (London) degree, 162
Hughes, Gordon Kingsley,
awarded David Murray Scholarship for Science in 1929, 39
photographed with Messrs R R P Barbour & L T Ewens discussing arrangements for University Students' Carnival & Exhibition, 183
Organising Secretary for University Exhibition & Students' Carnival, 112 , 116
awarded Sports Association Blue (Baseball), 81c
elected member of University Men's Union committee (Science), 107
Hughes, Sir Walter Watson,
munificence to University, 22 , 24 , 39 , 84
Human, Florence,
performed at an Elder pianoforte recital, 92
Hunkin, L C,
Public Service Commissioner and member of State Finance Advisory Committee, 105 , 136 , 137 , 138 , 142
Hunt, M A,
academic success in annual essay competition, 21
photograph, 21
Hunter, Brian Oswald,
Hurley, Captain,
spoke to Rotary Club on missed opportunities in regard to whaling, 187b
on Mawson’s 1929 expedition, 187j , 187p
helped harpoon whale, 187i , 187j
photographer for 1929 expedition to Antarctic led by Professor Sir Douglas Mawson, 19
Hustler, Ruth,
Performed in 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy', 142
Hutcheson, Lieutenant-Commander George Ian Dewart,
promoted to Engineer Commander on 'Canberra', 72
Hutchins, Harry,
violinist in Elder student concerts, 65 , 95 , 126 , 162
violinist at the welcome back to Adelaide for the Registrar and his wife, 99
recommended highly commended for Eugene Alderman Scholarship, 158
violinist at lunch hour organ recital by John Adam Horner, 121
Hyde, Miriam Beatrice,
pianist at Elder students recital, 20
pianist at Elder advanced students concert, 61 , 65
accompanist at concerts by Elder students, 87 , 126
performed at Elder student concert, 95 , 126
awarded a Bachelor of Music & recommended for the Elder Scholarship, 160
Elder Overseas Scholar's performance at Elder student concert, 162
Hyde, Pauline,
violinist at concert by Elder advanced students, 87
Iliffe, Michael Isaac Glover,
photograph of Michael Isaac Glover Iliffe & H Oliphant testing a Geiger Muller electron counting tube to be used in experiments in penetrating radiation for the BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187L
Illingworth, Jeanne,
vocalist at lunch hour organ recital by John Adam Horner, 112
Indigenous Issues,
expedition under direction of Board for Anthropological Research to study the habits & characteristics of Aborigines in Central Australia, 72 , 74 , 129 , 136
University & Museum anthropological expedition returns from Central Australia, 142
lectures by Dr Herbert Basedow to Geographical & Anthropological Societies in Parispredicted extinction of Australian Aborigines within twelve years, 164 , 167
comments by Norman Barnett Tindale & Professor Frederic Wood Jones on Dr Herbert Basedow’s prediction, 164
editorial on research on Australian Aboriginal people, customs & beliefs, 167
travel to Central Australia by Professor Edward Harold Davies to study aboriginal song, 1
scientific study of physique, blood grouping, music & psychology of Australian Aboriginal people by Professors T H Johnston, J B Cleland, E H Davies, Dr T D Campbell, Dr K Fry, Messrs H M Hale, N B Tindale & Brian Gilmore Maegraith, 2 , 3 , 13 , 15
paper by C P Mountford on recently discovered aboriginal rock carving in Central Australia to Royal Society of South Australia, 5
recording the history & preserving relics of Central Australian natives, 15
permanent disc record of aboriginal songs recorded by Professor Edward Harold Davies, 34
Brian Gilmore Maegraith made a special study of blood pressure of Aboriginal people, 95
paper on pathological lesions of Australian Aborigines by Professor John Burton Cleland, Dr Henry Kenneth Fry & Brian Gilmore Maegraith, 95
Professor Thomas Harvey Johnston comments on exhibition of plaster casts of faces of Aborigines of Central Australia, 148
Innes-Morcom, Victor,
vocalist at performance by Elder opera class, 74
cast member of comic opera 'Merrie England', 188a , 188b
Isbister, William James,
retirement from Council, 22
retirement from Board of Governors of Public Library, 22
nominated for vacancy on Council, 29
elected to Council, 32 , 33 , 34
at laying of foundation stone for John Darling Laboratory, 57
photographed at birthday levee at Government House, 183
Ives, Professor Joshua,
first Professor of Music inaugurated public examinations in theory & practice of music, 148
first Professor of Music, 161
Jack, Dr Robert Lockhart,
Deputy Government Geologist appointed to Broken Hill Proprietary Company (BHP), 109
resignation as Deputy Government Geologist, 111
photograph, 86
awarded Doctor of Science, 86
Jackett, Howard,
Performed in 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy', 142
James Gartrell Prize,
Eric William Gray the 1929 prizeman, awarded the 1931 Rhodes Scholarship, 159
James Gartrell Prize for Elementary Comparative Philology,
1930 award to Alan Halstead Haselgrove & Jack Whitburn (equal), 97
Jeffrey, G,
appointed to Council of School of Mines & Industries, 94
Jennings, C B,
appointed Burser of St Mark's College, 99
John Bagot Scholarship & Medal,
1930 award to Roxy Sims, 97
John Creswell Scholarships,
nominations received for Alec J Ashton, J E Frayne & Leonard George Matthews, 104
John Darling Laboratory,
tenders called for erection, 24
cost of equipment & upkeep to be borne by CSIR, 24
Council to consider tenders, 29
Cheary Bros of Goodwood successful tenderers, 34
progress on building, 46
research conducted on chemical constituents of soil, fertilising problems & analysis of pastures, 122
John L Young Scholarship,
1930 award to Carlton Ingham Cox, 97
John Ridley Memorial Scholarship,
nominations received for Cedric Alfred Neal Smith & Thomas Oliver Mitchell, 104
Johnson Laboratories,
bequest by the late Captain Ronald Lindsay Johnson, 38 , 46
bequest to be applied towards reconstruction of anatomy building to house School of Chemistry, 38 , 46
photograph of Waymouth Street property (part Town Acre 200) bequeathed by Captain Ronald Lindsay Johnson, 190
kinsman of Hon. Mr. Justice Herbert Angas Parsons, 190
Johnson, Dr Edward Angas,
appointed to Advisory Committee under the Hospitals Act, 111
appointed Honorary Sanitary Advisor, 126
Johnston, Laurence Frederick John,
lawyer seeking admission to the Bar in South Australia, 159
Johnston, Professor Thomas Harvey,
member of scientific study of physique, blood grouping, music & psychology of Australian Aboriginal people, 2 , 3 , 13 , 15 , 37
report of expedition, 15
photographs, 2 , 15 , 59 , 187c , 187s
joint paper with Effie Wyllie Deland on South Australian Acanthocephala & a census of recorded parasites & hosts read to Royal Society of South Australia, 5
visit to South Pole, 10
special meeting of Council to farewell him and Professor Sir Douglas Mawson, 17
member of 1929 expedition to Antarctic, 19 , 37
due to return from Antarctic by end of March, 46
relocated 20 tons of specimens from the British, Australian & New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition to University, 56
sceptical of Lord Birkenhead's claim that by 2030 babies will be developed in laboratories, 59
need for Australia to establish meteorological stations in Antarctic, 61
public lecture on 'Plant & Animal Life in the Ocean', 73
member of party to study Australian Aborigines in Central Australia, 74
with Professor Sir Douglas Mawson's Antarctic Expedition, 93 , 97
elected to represent University of on the Board of Governors of Public Library, Museum & Art Gallery, 114 , 115
lecture on whales & whaling at University Exhibition, 116
member of party of scientists to study Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 136
to conduct blood tests with Dr John Burton Cleland on Aborigines of Cockatoo Creek, 142
as President of Royal Society of South Australia presented Professor Sir Douglas Mawson with 1931 Sir Joseph Verco medal, 144
Senior Vice-President of Royal Society speaks on work of Professor Sir Douglas Mawson in Antarctic, 145
comments at Royal Society exhibition of plaster casts of faces of Central Australian Aborigines, 145
elected President of Royal Society of South Australia, 154
critical of Federal Government decision to impose heavier primage & sales tax on books, 155
re-elected as representative on Board of Governors of Public Library, Museum & Art Gallery, 156
welcomes back Mawson's second BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187a
senior zoologist for Mawson's second BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187c
returned from Antarctic with specimens of marine life for research purposes, 187f , 187j , 187k
returned to after collecting specimens of plant & animal during the BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187q
collected marine life of Antarctic with other zoologists during BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187r
tribute to Sir Douglas Mawson as leader of the BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187s
entrusted with collection, preservation & storage of all plant & animal life from land & sea from Antarctic, sub Antarctic & off the coast of Tasmania, samples of which will be sent to Adelaide as well as the British Museum & New Zealand, 187s
Jo hnstone, P E,
appointed to Council of St Mark's College & Education Committee, 48
Jolly, Norman William,
1904 Rhodes Scholar is Head of Forestry Department of New South Wales, 31 , 119
Jolly, Wallace Wilson,
awarded 1930 Everard Scholarship, 97
awarded 1930 Dr Charles Gosse Medal for Ophthalmology, 97
awarded Sports Association Blue (Baseball), 81c
Jonas, John,
to sing in light opera 'Maritana', 103
sang in ‘Maritana’, 170b , 170d , 170e , 170f1 , 170f2
sang part of Walter Wilkins in comic opera 'Merrie England', 188a
Jonas, J C,
vocalist at performance by Elder Conservatorium opera class, 74
Jones, Dr Alan Thomas Britten,
appointed an Honorary Assistant Surgeon, 126
Jones, Dr Edmund Britten,
1912 Rhodes Scholar, 31
1912 Rhodes Scholar practising doctor in Adelaide, 103
Jones, Professor Frederic Wood,
appointed Professor of Anatomy at Melbourne University, 47
photograph, 47
scientific explanation of the birth of marsupials, 47
publication of the 'The Mammals of South Australia', 47
world-wide fame for University of Adelaide Professor, 116
elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, 118
comments on prediction by Dr Herbert Basedow of extinction of Australian Aborigines within twelve years, 164
Jose, Dr Ivan Bede,
appointed Honorary Surgeon, 126
appointed Lecturer in Regional & Surgical Anatomy, 163
appointed Lecturer in Clinical Surgery, 163
Joseph Fisher Lecture in Commerce,
Text of lecture given by Professor T.E.G. Gregory, 179a , 179b , 179c , 179d , 179e
1930 lecture by Professor T E G Gregory of the London University on 'Current Problems in International Finance', 76 , 77
published copy of 1930 Joseph Fisher Lecture in Commerce available, 104 , 106
Joseph Fisher Medal,
1930 proxime accessit was Norman Smith Young, 97
1931 award to Harry Adams, 162
1930 award to Richard Bunbury Dawbarn, 95 , 97
1929 award to Edith May Pentelow & Dorothy Maud Wright (equal), 38
Julius, Sir George,
photographed at opening of John Darling Laboratory, 82
Juncken, Carl,
vocalist at Elder student concerts, 93 , 95
Jury, Charles Rischbieth,
conferred with degree Master of Arts (ad eundum gradum), 162
Jury, Mrs. G A,
gift to University, 22
endowment of £12,000 for a separate Chair of English Literature to bear name of her husband, 121
Kay, Robert Pringle,
to attend engineering workshops in Switzerland & Great Britain, 44
Kekewick, Beryl,
vocalist in light opera 'Maritana', 103
Kekewick, Evelyn,
vocalist in light opera 'Maritana', 103
Kekwick, Beryl,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 140
performed in 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy', 142
cast member for 'Maritana', 170b , 170d , 170e
vocalist at performances by the Elder student opera class, 74
vocalist at pianoforte recital by advanced students of Immanuel Gotthold Reimann, 91
Kekwick, Evelyn,
Kekwick, Mavis Beryl,
awarded the 1931 Elder Scholarship for Singing, 103
Kelly, Professor David Frederick,
Adelaide's second Professor of Classics, 147
Kelly, William Raymond,
appointed President of Industrial Court & President of Board of Industry, 81
Kennedy, A L,
undertaking magnetic observations in Antarctica, 187k
returns to with several tons of specimens collected by the BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187s
appointed a member of Mawson’s scientific party to Antarctic, 89
determines that the South Magnetic Pole had moved steadily to the north-west during the past 20 years, 187f , 187s
Kenny, Hilda,
pianist at Elder student, 17
Kerr, Rear-Admiral,
photographs of members of Mawson Expedition Committee, 172 , 187p
at meeting of BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition Committee for 2nd voyage, 187q
Kiek, Edward Sidney,
on 'The League & the World Economic Crisis' at meeting of League of Nations Union, 111
King, Dorothy,
speaker on kindergarten opportunities at vocation conference for women, 139
King, R D,
awarded scholarship to study Public Administration by Council, 121
Kingsmill, Walter,
photograph and brief biography of new President of South Australian Senate, 8
Kirkwood, Albert Ernest Maldon,
granted leave of absence, 46
return to Adelaide, 106
to give public lecture on 'The Poetry of John Donne', 117
visit Europe to conduct a year of research, 10
with Robert Cecil Bald to carry on work of Professor of English Language & Literature until a new appointment made, 86
due to return in March, 86
public lecture on John Donne, 126
comments on changes to public examination system, 163
Klug, G C,
one of world's foremost mining experts, 119
Koch, Gwendoline Gladys,
awarded Alexander Clark Scholarship (singing), 158
scholarship holder for 1932 introduced to the Vice-Chancellor at student concert, 162
Koonamore Reserve,
A E Hamilton & Wilcox donated 1,500 acre reserve at Koonamore for study of arid flora, 145
Krantz, R,
awarded Sports Association Blue (Baseball), 81c
Kriewaldt, Martin Rudolf Chemnitz,
elected to committee of Graduates Branch, 84
Lademann, Elsa,
vocal soloist at student concert, 22
Laffer, M P,
appointed to Council of the School of Mines & Industries, 94
Lamb, Professor Horace,
first Elder Professor of Mathematics, 39
occasional contention between Professors Horace Lamb & Ralph Tate on the Professorial Board, 39
recalls early University days in temporary premises in Victoria Square, 80
elected Fellow of Royal Society, 118
first Professor of Mathematics & Physics, 147
elected a Representative of the of the Royal Society of South Australia on various scientific organisations, 154
knighthood and world fame for Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Manchester University, 131
Lamphee, Mary,
member of string quartet at student concerts, 17 , 65 , 66
member of piano quartet at student concert, 73
Land Holdings,
proposed transfer of portion of Jubilee Oval property to University for proposed Library, 2 , 3 , 37 , 38
land at Koonamore Station presented by Mrs Hamilton Wilcox for experimental purposes, 14
Messrs A E Hamilton & Wilcox have enabled University to establish 1,500 acre reserve at Koonamore for study of arid flora, 145
Lane, Alison,
vocalist at Elder student concerts, 73 , 74
cast member in 'Maritana' performed by opera class, 103 , 170b , 170d , 170e , 170f1 , 170f2
in musical performance to welcome Professor Herbert John Wilkinson on his return, 84
Language, Study of,
editorial on Americanisation of English with a comment by an Adelaide professor, 130
lack of knowledge of foreign languages a disadvantage in commercial transactions, 98
Laughton, R A,
appointed Honorary Consulting Metallurgist to Dental Branch, 126
Law, Faculty of,
recommended no award of Bonython Prize for 1930, 93
Law, Study of,
more graduate lawyers than there are work positions available, 159
Council to arrange a scheme to undertake training of lawyers, 162
Lawrence, Dr Gordon Ord,
appointed Demonstrator in Operative Dentistry, 163
admitted Bachelor of Dental Surgery - ad eundem gradum, 38
Lawrence, L P A,
awarded a Sports Association Blue (Lacrosse), 81c
Laws, Dr Keith William,
return after study & work abroad, 145
League of Nations Essay Prize,
‘The 1930 Hoover Plan for the Adjustment of International Debts' is subject for 1932 essay prize, 156
1930 award to Margaret Anne Lunn for essay on “The problem of minorities’, 83 , 97
Lewis Charles Wilcher 1930 Rhodes Scholar awarded1929 League of Nations Prize, 83
subject for 1931 prize is 'M Briand's Plan for European Federation', 83
Leask, John Hunter,
to attend engineering workshops in Switzerland & Great Britain, 44
Dr Fay Maclure delivered annual Lister Oration, 63
Melbourne Professor of Economics to lecture on 'Subsidies to Production', 91
publication of Macrossan lectures by Archibald Grenfell Price, 96
reminiscences on early University lectures, 112
Professor William Keith Hancock on 'Australian Commonwealth & the British Commonwealth', 124
Professors Sir William Mitchell & William Henry Bragg suggested teachers improve their literary attainments by being admitted to lectures free of charge, 142
Professor Lotus D Coffman of Minnesota on 'High Education', 161 , 162
photograph taken during physics lecture using a Kater's Reversible Pendulum, 185
Captain Frank Hurley speaks to the Rotary Club on Australia's opportunities in not developing a whaling industry in the Antarctic, 187b
photograph of two students demonstrating the Principle of the Cinematograph at free physical science lecture, 189a
envelope containing cuttings relating to Federal Grants & Debt Conversion Bill, 168
Debt Conversion Bill passed in House of Representatives, 168a , 168d , 168j , 168m
Finance Bill passed in Legislative Council, 168b , 168c
Premier's Conference considers plan proposed by economic experts, 168f , 168g , 168h , 168i
increase in Federal income taxation, 168m
Printing & Allied Trades Employers' Federation of Australia opposes proposed tariff of 45% on imported pencils, 168m
photograph of envelope containing newspaper cuttings for Taxation Bill & Budget & Education Report, 176
details of cuts under Financial Emergency Bill, 176c
protest at Federal Governments withdrawal of a subsidy & increased taxation on books & paper by Institutes' Association, 176c
Budget speech announced cuts for education, 176f , 176g , 176h , 176k , 176l , 176m , 176n , 176o , 176p , 176q , 176r , 176s , 176t , 176u , 176v , 176w
protest at Federal Government’s increased tax on imported books & periodicals by bookseller, literary societies, educational authorities, musical associations & readers, 176a
Leitch, Phyllis,
solo dancer at performance by Elder Conservatorium opera class, 74
solo dancer at second performance by Elder Conservatorium opera class, 74
arranged dances at performance of 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy', 142
arranged ballet for Elder Conservatorium's performances of 'King Arthur' & 'Maritana, 170a , 170b
arranged dances & ensembles for 'Maritana', 170c , 170d , 170e , 170f1 , 170f2
arranged dances for comic opera 'Merrie England', 188a , 188b
Lendon, Dr Alfred Austin,
Chairman of Medical Board, 64
public lecture on 'Cancer Treatment', 67
Lendon, Dr Guy,
appointed Tutor in Medicine, 163
re-appointed President of Medical Board, 164
Lennon, Vincent Francis Bennett,
presented for degree of MB, BS, 67
Leslie, Robert,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 87
Letcher, Dr Herbert George,
obtained the Diploma of FRCS (England), 159
Lewis, Arthur E,
awarded an evening studentship (School of Mines Associate), 106
Lewis, Dr A,
Representative of Royal Society of South Australia on various scientific organisations, 154
Lewis, Dr Aubrey Julian,
awarded Doctor of Medicine, 117
Lewis, Essington,
General Manager of Broken Hill Proprietary Co, 119
an 'old boy' of Professor Robert William Chapman, 123
Lewis, C G,
awarded members' section prize of Sir George Murray Essay Prize for essay on 'Radio in Education', 150
Leworthy, Miss,
speaker on accountancy, commercial & secretarial work at vocation conference for women, 139
see also Barr Smith Library
sketch of proposed library building, 2 , 2a , 3
gifts by Tom Elder Barr Smith for library building, 2 , 2a , 3 , 38 , 46 , 61 , 83 , 84 , 97 , 101 , 160 , 178 , 182
details of building designed by Messrs Woods, Bagot, Jory & Laybourne Smith, 3 , 61 , 83 , 84
Council named new library Barr Smith Library, 3
collection contains fine specimens of early hand-printed literature, 11
photograph of three specimens of literature dating from fifteenth century, 11
problems with site for building due to lack of space, 14
main frontage will be to the River Torrens, 14 , 24
gift of 180 works on education & psychology by Carnegie Corporation, 38
progress on building, 46
tenders called, 51
H S C Jarvis was the successful tenderer for construction, 60 , 61
Messrs Woods, Bagot, Jory & Laybourne Smith were architects, 60 , 61
local building materials to be used, 60 , 61
start of construction, 61
foundation stone laid, 83 , 84 , 93
a memorial to Robert Barr Smith and his son, 83 , 84 , 97
gifts of books by Rt Rev Augustus Short, Rt Hon Sir Samuel James Way, Hon Sir Josiah Symon, Alfred Muller Simpson, Dr William Ramsay Smith & the Carnegie Institute, 83 , 84
Council's successful approach to the government for a further grant of land, 83 , 84
appointment of a new Librarian not expected in 1931, 84
Barr Smith Library expected to be in use early in 1932, 101
impact of increased cost of books on education & research by decision to impose heavier tax on books, 154 , 155 , 156
criticism by Professor William Keith Hancock of heavier tax on books, 156
Law Library books to remain in University Building & Medical Library to remain in Darling Building, 167
brief history of library collection, 167
gift by Dr William Ramsay Smith of over 2,165 volumes, 38
Sir Joseph Vercoe presented his books to library, 162
Ligertwood, George Coutts,
1908, 1909, 1910 Stow Prizeman appointed a King's Counsel, 77
law career, 77
photograph, 77
Lindon, Dr Leonard Charles Edward,
1918 Rhodes Scholar lives in Adelaide, 31
elected to committee of the Graduates Branch, 84
1918 Rhodes Scholar a practising doctor in Adelaide, 103
appointed an Honorary Assistant Surgeon, 126
appointed Tutor in Surgery, 163
Lloyd, Thomas R V,
awarded an evening studentship (Engineering), 106
Longbottom, Mary Irene,
awarded 1929 Exhibition in Grade III in Theory of Music, 24
Lowrie Scholarships,
death of Gordon Rudolph Piper, 1928 Lowrie Scholar, 65
Ludbrook, Wallis Verco,
photograph, 104
gained M Sc in plant pathology under a Commonwealth Council for Scientific & Industrial Research studentship, 104
to study Plant Pathology at Wisconsin University, 40
Lunn, Margaret Anne,
awarded 1930 League of Nations Prize for essay on 'The Problem of the Minorities', 83 , 97
Macbeth, Professor Alexander Killen,
to deliver Liversidge Research Lecture at Sydney University, 61 , 97
comments on papers given at Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 64
lectures on 'The Relation of Research to the University' and 'Carbohydrate Chemistry’, 64
lecturer in Pharmacy, 70
attended the funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
demonstrated effect of liquid air on various items, 116
photographs, 175 , 190
MacDonald, K A,
elected member of University Men's Union committee, 107
MacDonald, Ramsay,
Message to Professor Sir Douglas Mawson from the British Prime Minister, 92 , 94
MacDonnell, John Carlile,
death announced, 53
photograph, 53
death mourned at Commemoration ceremony, 97
Mack, Hans Hamilton,
worked with Sir Thomas Hudson Beare and studied medicine in England, 80
graduated in medicine at London University, 101
awarded the 1876 University Scholarship equally with Percy Ansell Robin, 112
Mackay, Alexander Leslie Gordon,
letter of thanks to Institute of Public Administration for help given on recent trip to Europe, 37
granted an extension of leave, 46
comments on effects of age on the mind at Institute of Public Administration Conference in London, 78
Master of Letters conferred by University of Cambridge, 107
predicted not to return to Australia, 108
has done research in connection with Chair of Imperial Economics, 123
publication of 'Experiments in Freedom in Education', 123
appointed to the Chair of Economics at Rangoon University, 126
Mackenzie, Captain W,
success in steering Antarctic Research Expedition ship 'Discovery' through hurricane, 187i
on deck of 'Discovery' in dry dock at Williamstown, 187s
MacLean, Professor Hugh,
Professsor of Medicine at University of London in Australia to lecture in Adelaide, 2
photograph, 2
Macmeikan, Mrs Elizabeth,
bequest by Peter Waite’s daughter, 111 , 162
Maddeford, Jean,
instrumentalist at Elder students concert, 22 , 95
Madigan, Cecil Thomas,
conducted geological and mapping survey of west of south-eastern Northern Territory & Lakes area of South Australia using aeroplanes & cameras, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 8 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 37
photographs, 4 , 12 , 27 , 94 , 177
trip with Professor James Arthur Prescott to test centre of Lake Eyre, 27
1911 Rhodes Scholar is lecturer in geology, 31 , 103
gave lantern lecture on 'Aerial Surveys in Central Australia', 84
member of Rhodes Scholar Selection Committees, 86 , 87 , 95 , 159
plans for expedition to east of McDonnell Ranges, 94
comments on proposed American expedition to the North Pole, 103
to give public lecture on 'Geological Exploration of Central Australia', 117
representative of Teaching Staff on Union Committee for 1931-1937, 120
report of vibrations felt during an earth tremor, 132
lecture on 'Geological Exploration of Central Australia' is part of public lecture series, 138
visit to the Western McDonnell Ranges with Professor Sir Douglas Mawson, 138
talk to members of Institute of Public Administration on need for administrative posts in for graduates, 158
Maegraith, Brian Gilmore,
member of scientific study of Aboriginal people, 2 , 13 , 15 , 37 , 95
awarded 1931 South Australian Rhodes Scholarship, 95 , 96 , 99
photographs, 95 , 175 , 177
academic distinctions, 34 , 95 , 97
member of1929 anthropological expedition to Central Australia where he studied the blood pressure of aboriginal people, 95
paper on pathological lesions of Australian Aborigines written in conjunction with Professor John Burton Cleland & Dr Henry Kenneth Fry, 95
1930 proxime accessit for the Dr Charles Gosse Medal for Ophthalmology, 97
mace bearer for 1930 Commemoration ceremony, 97
first holder of bursary given by the late Harold Fisher, 99
appointed Assistant Surgeon on ship 'Hobsons Bay', 144
Magarey, Dr Ivan Sandilands,
appointed Honorary Clinical Assistant to Honorary Assistant Physicians at Children's Hospital, 121
appointed Acting Honorary Physician at Northfield Consumptive Home, 162
Magarey, Helen,
Magarey, Kathleen,
played part of 'Jill-all-Alone' in comic opera 'Merrie England' by members of the Elder, 188a
Mander, L A,
comments on educational conditions in Australia & America, 73
photograph, 73
Mander, Professor,
address on 'Some Problems of Anglo-American Relations', 80
Mann, A,
Gave talk on conditions for university students after international conference, 65
Marconi, Marchese,
wireless transmission of electric power from a yacht in the Mediterranean Sea to Sydney Town Hall, 53 , 54
Marks, Mrs Jane,
Gift of 30,000 pounds to university munificence to university, 22
Marston, Hedley Ralph,
likely to be appointed Deputy Chief of the Animal Nutrition of the Commonwealth Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, 49
photographs, 49 , 104
has continued research of Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 101
comments on research for improvement of Merino wool, 104
attended unveiling of bronze memorial tablet for Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 144
Martin, Frederick Clarence,
nominated for membership of Royal Society, 5
Martin, Professor Sir Charles James,
joined University staff as Professor of Biochemistry & General Physiology, 106
encouragement of scientific research at luncheon of the Commonwealth Club, 106 , 107
tribute to the late Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 106 , 107
photographs, 102 , 105 , 114
biography, 49 , 104 , 105 , 114
a man of no verbal memory, 114
comments on research on the nutritive value of various foods for sheep, 146
offered position of Director of Animal Nutrition Division of Commonwealth Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, 49
declined offer of position of Director, 51
expected to be appointed Professor of Biochemistry, 74
appointed Chief of Animal Nutrition Division of Commonwealth Council for Scientific & Industrial Research & Professor of Biochemistry, 87 , 97
to arrive early in new year, 93 , 98 , 99
former Director of the Lister Institute, 103
arrival, 102 , 103 , 104 , 105
research interests and activities, 103 , 104 , 105
delivered Annual Listerian Oration, 123
elected Fellow of Royal Society, 127
attended unveiling of bronze memorial tablet for Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 144
degree Doctor of Science (ad eundum gradum) conferred, 162
Masson, Sir David Orme,
praised by Antarctic committee for work on behalf of the Australian Antarctic expedition, 55
photographs, 56 , 172 , 187p
member of special meetings of Antarctic Exploration Committee, 67 , 187m , 187o
to confer with Sir Douglas Mawson on his return to Melbourne, 187i
chaired meeting of the BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition Committee, 187q
to farewell staff & crew of the 'Discovery', 187q
Mathematics, Study of,
criticism of mathematics examination, 27
Matison, Dr E A,
attended funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
continued acceptance of interstate matriculation certificates, 5
secondary school leaving examination should be retained for university entry, 98
review of public examinations, 98
Professor Sir William Mitchell drawing up standard for matriculation throughout Commonwealth, 98 , 99
Matters, Dr Reginald Francis,
appointed Assistant Lecturer in Human Physiology & Pharmacology, 39
appointed Honorary Assistant Gynaecologist, 133
member of a party to study Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 136 , 142
conducted research at Cockatoo Creek, 155
conducted research work at Melbourne University & Melbourne Hospital, 157
appointed Assistant Lecturer & Demonstrator in Physiology & Pharmacology, 163
appointed Tutor in Obstetrics, 163
Mattison, Dr E A,
appointed Honorary Surgeon for Ear, Nose & Throat at Parkside Mental Hospital, 126
Maughan, Milton Moss,
only First Class in first BA Exam, later Director of Education, 112
Mawson, Professor Sir Douglas,
leader of geology students' expedition to Flinders Ranges, 8 , 14
visit to the South Pole, 10
special meeting of Council to farewell Professor Sir Douglas Mawson & Professor Thomas Harvey Johnston a successful voyage to the Antarctic, 17
address on effect of Antarctic ice pack & currents on Australian weather, 18
expedition to Antarctic, 19 , 22
expeditions to Antarctic mentioned in Sir George Murray’s speech at graduation, 37
due to return from Antarctic by end of March, 46
direct wireless communication with the Antarctic Expedition, 46 , 47
Australian hero, 46
research on geology of Antarctic, 47
Antarctic weather effects on eggs, 52
reception for British Australian & New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition, 55 , 56
photographs, 56 , 63 , 86 , 92 , 109 , 172 , 187b , 187c , 187f , 187m , 187n , 187o , 187p , 187q
message of congratulation from His Majesty the King, 56
awarded Mueller Medal, 63 , 97
public lecture given at Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 64
donation by Mr MacRobertson towards expedition to the South Pole led by Professor Sir Douglas Mawson, 65
special meeting of Antarctic Exploration Committee to discuss the voyage of the 'Discovery', 67
public lecture on 'The Ocean - the Mother of Life', 71
public lecture on the Formation of the Ocean Bed, Life, Currents & Temperatures, 72
attended funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
to depart Hobart in the 'Discovery' on November 22nd for the Antarctic, 81c
about to leave for the Antarctic, 84
patented (in London) a secret method by which sulphate mineral deposits in South Australia can be commercially treated, 86
departs for Antarctic, 88 , 89 , 92 , 93
ad eundem gradum Degree of Doctor of Science conferred by University of Tasmania, 93
apparatus to be set up on 'The Discovery' to investigate rays emitted by sun, 93
farewell messages to Sir Douglas Mawson, 94
expedition to Antarctic with Professor Thomas Harvey Johnston, 97
discovered Adelie Land Meteorite, 106
return with scientific data & collection of specimens from ocean depths, 108 , 109
awarded a gold medal by Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, 108
comments on fishing grounds, water analysis, exploration in Antarctica, 109
map of route of Discovery, 109
informal lecture on life in the Antarctic at University Exhibition, 116
published first results in radio activity in Australia in 1904 with Professor T H Laby, 118
with Professor T H Laby discovered radium in mineral from Pilbara & Carcoar, 118
supported creation of a national reserve embracing meteorite deposit, 132
possibility of a more detailed survey of Henbury meteorite craters and comparison with Coon Butte meteorite crater, 135
awarded 1931 Sir Joseph Verco Medal by the Royal Society, 138 , 144 , 145
visit to Western McDonnell Ranges with Cecil Thomas Madigan, 138
talk by Professor Thomas Harvey Johnston on work of Professor Sir Douglas Mawson, 145
problems over printing of records of 1911-14 Australian Antarctic Expedition, 150 , 187b
records of 1929 Antarctic expedition to be published by generosity of Mr MacRobertson, 164
photograph of both sides of medal which to be presented by Royal Society, 172
envelope of newspaper cuttings for Sir Douglas Mawson's second BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187
welcome back after Sir Douglas Mawson's second BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187a
NSW Government discontinues printing of records of the Australian Antarctic Expedition (1912-14) following a dispute with Sir Douglas Mawson, 187b
Given international contention over continent of Antarctica, reproached Federal Govt for not taking continent under its protection, 187b
extols value of wearing woollen garments to combat cold weather, 187b
due back by end of March, 187c
comments on Antarctic whaling industry, 187f
attended a special meeting of Antarctic Expedition Committee, 187g , 187j , 187m , 187o
Macpherson Robertson elected a Fellow of Royal Geographical Society, London on recommendation of Professors Sir Douglas Mawson & Sir Trannatt William Edgeworth David, 187i
generous support will enable expedition to begin in November 1931, 187p
concern over question of territorial rights following Sir Douglas Mawson's hoisting of the British flag at different Antarctic locations, 187q
map of planned route of expedition, 187q
attended meetings of BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition Committee for second voyage to Antarctic, 187q , 187s
informed of a resolution in USA Senate urging claim to Antarctic lands recently discovered by Rear-Admiral Byrd, 187q
to join 'Discovery' in Hobart for BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187q
in Sydney following return of BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187q
comments on location of ice bergs on two previous expeditions and weather patterns, 187r
reply to Christmas greeting from Acting Prime Minister, 187r
comment that despite no decision by the Australian Government there was sufficient funds available for an expedition in November 1930, 187r
limited value of planes in Antarctic research, 187s
Maxwell, Clerk,
able to demonstrate mathematically wave theory of light & of electricity, 162
Mayes, Stanley Herbert,
second place for 1930 League of Nations Prize, 83
Mayfield, Vera,
vocalist at student concert, 25
Mayo, Dr Helen Mary,
to respond to toast at Women's Union dinner, 96
representative of Council on Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
appointed an Honorary Bacteriologist, 126
speaker on medicine, dentistry & dental mechanism at girls’ vocation conference, 139
retired from Council, 156
appointed Lecturer in Medical Diseases of Children, 163
Mayo, Herbert,
addressed preliminary meeting of commerce students & lecturers, 51
appointed a King's Counsel, 77
photograph, 77
appointed Lecturer in Commercial Law II, 163
McArthur, Colin,
was Merlin in 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy' by Elder opera class, 142
cast member for some performances of 'Maritana' by Elder Opera Class, 170b , 170e
McComas, R B,
photographs of Director of the Commonwealth Bank, 36 , 192 , 193
officially opened new plant culture houses & insectary at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 36 , 37 , 39 , 194
McCoy Scholarships,
South Australian Public Teachers' Union collects funds for two scholarships in memory of W T McCoy, 142
McCoy, William Tyler,
obituary, 7 , 8 , 9 , 15 , 16
funeral, 38
Council adopted resolution of sympathy for relatives, 15 , 16 , 38
death leaves a vacancy on Council, 22
advantages of secondary education, 28
McDonnell, John Carlile,
death of Master at St Peters, 53
photograph, 53
McEacharn, Dr Alistair Campbell,
in charge of King George Hospital, Ilford, England, 120
McGregor, Dorothy,
performed in Elder student concerts, 22 , 88
McIntosh, Howie James,
appointed to staff of electrical engineers, London, 156
McKail, Mrs A C,
elected to committee of Graduates Branch, 84
graduates representative on for 1931-1932, 120
McKay, Alexander Leslie Gordon,
review of his publication, Experiments in Educational Self-Government, 143
McKay, Dr Douglas Gordon,
gained FRCS, Edinburgh, 130
McKee, William Albert Kenneth,
elected a Vice-President of Economic Society, 83
McKenzie, Captain K N,
McKenzie, Robert B,
awarded an evening studentship (School of Mines Associate), 106
McLaughlin, Eric Enstone,
played at Elder student concerts, 115 , 162
McLaughlin, Len,
McMillan, Sir Robert Furze,
death of Chief Justice of Western Australia, 111
McNeill, J,
appointed Minister of Health & Repatriation in Federal Cabinet, 105
Medical Organisations,
prefix 'royal' approved for College of Surgeons of Australasia, to be known as the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, 100
Royal College of Surgeons of England to present Royal Australasian College of Surgeons with a mace, 100
Medicine, School of,
foundation of Medical School mainly due to Professor Sir Edward Charles Stirling & Sir Joseph Cooke Verco, 148
Medicine, Study of
insufficient number of medical students to meet the demand for doctors, 26 , 33
enough medical students to meet demand for doctors at Adelaide Hospital, 33
possibility of completing medical degree after age of 30 years, 94
Dr Constantine Trent Champion de Crespigny informed Senate of a revised regulation concerning medical students, 94
approval of prefix 'royal' for College of Surgeons of Australasia, 100
Professors William Wright (London Hospital Medical College) & G A Buckmaster (Bristol University) to conduct first examinations in Australia for the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons, 125 , 137
C H Fagge of Royal College of Surgeons to present Great Mace to Australasian College of Surgeons, 138
photograph of Professors William Wright (London Hospital Medical College) & G A Buckmaster (Bristol University) who are to conduct first examination for Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons, 171
Meegan, Alice,
accompanist at Elder student concerts, 11 , 17 , 57 , 58 , 65 , 73 , 87 , 95 , 115 , 126 , 140
Meegan, Kathleen Mary,
member of string quartet, performed in recitals of Elder Conservatorium, 5 , 26 , 60 , 71 , 78 , 84 , 111 , 117 , 132
leader in comic opera 'Merrie England', 188a , 188b
Meleng, F H,
representative of library organisations opposes imposition of duty on imported books and printed matter, 52 , 53 , 59
Mellowship, Joan,
pianist at concert by Elder students, 57 , 58
Melrose Laboratory,
research being conducted on the chemical constituents of the soil, fertilising problems & analysis of pastures , 122
Melrose, Sir John,
gifts to university and to establish John Melrose Laboratory, 19 , 22 , 29 , 37 , 39 , 54 , 57
in group photograph, 192
Melville, Professor Leslie Galfried,
article on 'What the Gold Reserve means to the man in the street', 35
appointed Professor of Economics, 37
address on Australian Economic Ways at annual preliminary meeting, 51
photograph, 51 , 59 , 66 , 67 , 68 , 71 , 77 , 105 , 113 , 150 , 168f , 174a , 176x , 191
address to Commerce students, 51
sceptical of Lord Birkenhead's claim that by 2030 babies will be developed in laboratories, 59
appointed to Government Committee to advise on financial position of South Australia, 66
lecture series on 'The Foundations of Prosperity & the Great Illusion', 67 , 68 , 69
extension lectures on the Strictures of Australian Finance and the faking of the books, 69 , 70 , 71
comments on evidence on the loss in National Income given to Board of Industry, 77
comments to the Board of Industry's hearing on the application for a revision of wages, 82
elected a Vice President of Economic Society, 83
to be in charge of new Economics course, 95
thanked for his service to the State, 96
made a member of Special Advisory Committee on State Finance & committee to report on catchment areas for water supplies, 97
to act in an advisory capacity for Commonwealth Bank Board, 105
resignation from State Finance Advisory Committee has not been received, 105
has resigned from Transport Control Board, 105
to spend a year in Sydney as economist on staff of Commonwealth Bank, 106
Economy Committee consultations with Professor Leslie Galfried Melville and others on economic condition of Australia and financial position of the State Governments, 111
member of an expert committee for balancing Commonwealth & State budgets, 113
member of Advisory Committee on State Finance which is to be disbanded, 136 , 137 , 138
member of Advisory Committee on State Finance will be interstate for a year, 142
attends meetings of Loan Council & Premier's Conference, 144
resigns in order to take position as Advisor in Economics to Commonwealth Bank Board, 150
biography, 150
in Adelaide on a short visit, 160
member of Committee of Economists & Under-Treasurers who reported to the sub-committee of Loan Council on Australia's finances, 168e
to work with Under-Treasurers as actuary for economics experts co-opted by Loan Council committee, 168f
envelope containing newspaper cuttings relating to membership of Transport Control Board, 174
appointed a member of Transport Control Board, 174a
is member of a Permanent Secretariat to deal with absorption of the workless in productive works, 176x
Menz, Mrs H V,
convener for sale of sweets and programmes for comic opera 'Merrie England', 188a , 188b
Messent, Dr Philip Santo,
reappointed a member of the Dental Board, 101
appointed an Honorary Assistant Surgeon, 126
appointed Tutor in Surgery, 163
appointed Lecturer in General Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, 163
Metallurgy, Study of,
close association between University & School of Mines & Industries in training of many notable engineers, 119
Meteorology, Study of,
Professor Kerr Grant's explanation of interval between flash & noise of meteorite burst, 122
Millard, H V,
awarded night scholarship to study Public Administration, 121
Mills, Edward Whitfield,
appointed Lecturer in Accounting I & II, 39
Milne, James,
on December 1877 first class matriculation list, 112
Mines & Industries, School of,
dinner in recognition of services of Sir John Langdon Bonython, 23
possible inclusion of first-aid as part of engineering courses, 71
appointments to council of School of Mines & Industries, 94
gifts by Sir John Landon Bonython, 96 , 97
possesses Murnpeowie Meteorite, 106
cooperation with University over Institute of Engineers’ scheme for employment of engineering graduates, 107
close association with University in training of many notable engineers, 119
Professor Robert William Chapman was a member of school’s Council from 1916, 123
Professor Robert William Chapman awarded Kernot Memorial Medal, 127
winner of first fellowship, Roy Lister Robinson, knighted, 127
Education committee suggests some fees for students of school too low, 130
details of Government grant and student numbers, 132
criticism of cost of grants to School, 176b , 176d
Minson, Charles S,
awarded an evening studentship (Economics), 106
Mitchell, Dr,
visited Sir Thomas Hudson Beare following retirement, 80
Mitchell, Professor Sir William,
photographs, 3 , 12 , 24 , 82 , 90 , 182 , 183 , 185
attended funeral of William Tyler McCoy, 9
presented a new system of matriculation examinations, 12
left Adelaide to deliver MacRossan lectures, 16
retirement from Council, 22
launches an impressive building programme, 24
travel to England on family matters, 25 , 37
nominated for vacancy on Council, 29
elected to vacancy on Council, 32 , 33 , 34
re-elected Vice-Chancellor, 33 , 34 , 37
delivered John Murtagh Macrossan Lecture, 37
appointed members to Board to bridge gap between student and employer, 56
present at laying of foundation stone for John Darling Laboratory, 57
present at physics lecture theatre to hear conversations at opening of England-Australia telephone service, 59
presided at 1930 Joseph Fisher Lecture, 76
attended funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
elected a Vice-President of Economic Society, 83
advice to students of Workers' Educational Association, 89 , 90
attended 1930 Commemoration ceremony, 96
drawing up scheme for common standard of matriculation throughout Commonwealth, 98 , 99
stated a need for students to undertake closer study of current politics, 109
presided at meeting of League of Nations Union, 111
his common standard of matriculation for Australia to be considered by Council and staff, 111
attended University Exhibition, 116
addressed students on leaving university with a unified & well-balanced mind, 121 , 126
to furnish statement on education costs, 130
comments on entrance standard for degrees, 135
made available summary of letter about university costs sent to Committee on Public Education, 136
letter to Premier pointing out that conversions in Government securities lost university revenue, 142 , 143
thirty years earlier Mitchell, suggested that to raise teachers’ expertise levels, they should be admitted to university lectures & examinations free of charge, 142
proposed further reduction in university salaries, 143
on communal lack of appreciation of value of university, 144
attended unveiling of memorial tablet to Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 144
appointed Professor of English Language & Literature & Mental & Moral Philosophy in 1894, held post for 28 years, 147
agreed that number of students tends to rise in bad times & fall in prosperity, 147
to submit a resolution at meeting to protest at Federal Government's decision not grant any exemptions to heavier primage & sales tax on books, 157
said impost of heavier primage & sales tax on books & periodicals a blow to education, 157
attended luncheon for new graduates, 162
proposed sweeping changes to system of public examinations, 164
name to appear on new maps following Sir Douglas Mawson's second BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187a
Mitton, Ronald Gladstone,
1927 Rhodes Scholar is at Oxford, 31
Mocatta, Dr Mildred,
sent a floral tribute for funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
Modern History, Chair of,
establishment of Chair of Modern History, 147
Professor William Keith Hancock is Professor of Modern History, 106
Modern History, Study of,
the subjects modern history & English Language & Literature were associated until 1902, 147
Moodie, Robert Beresford,
lawyer seeking admission to Bar, 159
Moore, Dr Arthur Pariss Reading,
President of Dental Association concern over proposed contained Dental Bill, 90 , 91 , 92
appointed Lecturer in Dental Surgery & Pathology, 163
Morcom, Victor Innes,
Morey, Dr Alan Wilson,
1914 Rhodes Scholar was killed in the war, 31
Morgan, Dr A M,
photographed at birthday levee at Government House, 183
Morley, Evelyn,
accompanist at Elder student concert, 17
Morphett, Leonard,
performed at organ recital by John Adam Horner, 131
Morris, Lyndall Erica,
to propose toast to 'The University' at annual dinner for the Adelaide University Women's Union, 96
Morris, Miss S V,
awarded a Sports Association Blue (W Hockey), 81c
Morris, L G,
elected Fellow of Royal Society, 75
Morton, Mary,
piano solo at Elder student concert, 17
pianist at Elder student concert, 61 , 95
an Associate in Music for 1931 introduced to Vice-Chancellor at Elder student concert, 162
Moulden, Dr Owen Meredith,
appointed Honorary Gynaecologist at Parkside Mental Hospital, 126
Mountford, C P,
Read paper on recently discovered aboriginal rock carving in Central Australia at meeting of Royal Society of South Australia, 5
Moyes, Bishop John Stoward,
biography, 132
photograph, 132
Moyes. Commander M H,
in charge of navigation & surveying for 1929 Mawson expedition to Antarctic, 19
Moyse, Gerald,
vocalist at Elder student concerts, 57 , 58 , 65
Mudie, Trude,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 22
played the Queen's jester in 'Merrie England', 188a
Muecke, R L S,
elected a member of Union committee, 107
men student representative (Medicine) onUnion Committee for 1931-1932, 120
Mulrooney, J L,
photograph of members Mawson Expedition committee, 172
Mummery, Nellie,
played Queen's jester in 'Merrie England, 188a
Murray, Beatrice Jean,
Council adopted report on Master of Science thesis, 156
Murray, Professsor Gilbert,
Regius Professor of Greek at Oxford University invited to visit, 40
declined invitation, 40
photograph, 40
Murray, Sir George John Robert,
tribute to Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 44
consulted on appointment of new chair of Bio-chemistry and Physiology, 48
donated prizes for Sir George Murray Essays Competition, 78
attended funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
photographs, 37 , 81 , 82 , 97 , 100 , 150 , 175 , 177 , 182
67th birthday, 83
invited Mrs Barr Smith to lay foundation stone of Library, 83 , 84
donations of books for library from various donors, 83 , 84
born in South Australia, 84
member of Rhodes Scholar Selection Committee, 86 , 87 , 95 , 159
letter to each staff member explaining Council decision to reduce staff salaries by 10%, 93
presided at 1930 Commemoration ceremony, 96 , 97
fifteenth anniversary of his appointment as Chief Justice, 100
re-elected Chancellor, 103
introduced Sir Charles James Martin to Council, 107
elected Chancellor for a fourth term, 107
to attend University Exhibition, 116
gave prizes for Sir George Murray Essay awards, 116 , 144
conferred nine degrees, 124
Patron of South Australian Institute of Public Administration, 140
unveiled memorial tablet at Animal Nutrition building as tribute to Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 144
endowed Tinline Research Scholarship in memory of mother’s family, 147
biography, 150
sent floral tribute for funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
attended 1931 Commemoration Ceremony, 162
his name to appear on new maps of Antarctic continent, 187a
at laying of foundation stone for John Darling Laboratory, 57
present at physics lecture theatre to hear conversations at opening of England-Australia telephone service, 59
Murray, Sir Hubert,
to lead Australian delegation at British Association for Advancement of Science meetings in London, 135
Music, Chair of,
endowment of School of Music by Sir Thomas Elder, 148
Music, School of,
history of founding, 148
endowment of by Sir Thomas Elder, 148
Music, Study of,
Professor Edward Harold Davies to study aboriginal song in Central Australia, 1
permanent disc record of some aboriginal songs recorded by Professor Edward Harold Davies, 34
gramophone records of Australian Aboriginal songs collected by Professor Edward Harold Davies on various expeditions, 47
concern over proprietary examining bodies and abuse of examination system, 50
last day of entry for examinations of Australian Music Examination Board, 50
criticism of university status of a diploma in music (AMUA), 70
examiners for Associated Board of Royal Academy of Music & Royal College of Music will be Dr Thomas Wood & Francis Clive Savill Carey, 142
Lawrence Campbell to conduct examinations in elocution under Australian Music Examinations Board, 151
Professors W A Laver & Edward Harold Davies to examine final year diploma and Mus Bac courses at Adelaide University, 158
Senate approves for regulations providing for prize for best South Australian candidate who passes as an executant with credit or honours in Licentiate Examination (Music), 94
Professor Harold Davies argues for a musical education that is both academic and comprehensive, 50
Musical Productions,
lunch hour organ recitals by John Adam Horner, 4 , 5 , 110 , 111 , 112 , 117 , 118 , 121
concerts by Elder Conservatorium string quartet, 5 , 60 , 84 , 117
chamber music concert by Elder Conservatorium staff to be broadcast for first time, 10
concerts by Elder Conservatorium Student Orchestra, 11 , 93
concerts by staff of Elder Conservatorium, 15 , 63 , 78 , 121 , 146
second series of concerts by staff of Elder Conservatorium to be broadcast, 16
concerts by students of Elder Conservatorium, 17 , 22 , 34 , 58 , 73 , 95 , 126 , 140 , 162
vocal & pianoforte recital by students of Elder Conservatorium, 20
vocal concert by students of Elder Conservatorium, 21
first recital by Peter Bornstein, new violin teacher at Elder Conservatorium, 24
series of pianoforte recitals by students of Immanuel Gotthold Reimann, 24
chamber music concert by staff of Elder Conservatorium, 26
Professor Edward Harold Davies supervision of Radio 5CL broadcast of concert series, 45
programme by Elder Conservatorium staff to be broadcast on Radio 5CL, 51
concerts by advanced students of Elder Conservatorium, 57 , 61 , 62 , 87 , 88 , 115
Sir Hugh Allen, Director of Royal College of Music attends students' concert, 65 , 66
chamber music concert by staff of Elder Conservatorium, 71
performance by Elder Conservatorium opera class, 74
appreciation of John Adam Horner’s mid-day organ recitals, 75
pianoforte recital by Elder Conservatorium advanced students of Immanuel Gotthold Reimann, 91 , 92
concert by students of Elder Conservatorium at annual Nunc Dimitis, 95
light opera 'Maritana' performance by Elder Conservatorium Opera class, 103
1931 Elder Conservatorium concert series programme announced, 107
syllabus available for 1931 concert series arranged by Professor Edward Harold Davies, 110
opening of Elder Conservatorium Concert season, 111
pianoforte concert by staff of Elder Conservatorium covering syllabus of the Australian Music Examination Board, 118 , 121 , 122
Performances of 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy' by Elder Conservatorium opera class, 142 , 170a
Elder Conservatorium chamber music recital in memory of Charles Schilsky, 153
performances of 'Maritana' by Elder Conservatorium Opera Class with two casts, 170b , 170c , 170d , 170e , 170f1 , 170f2
envelope of newspaper cuttings for opera 'Merrie England', 188
performances of comic opera 'Merrie England' by members of Elder Conservatorium Opera Class, 188a , 188b
Napier, Mr Justice Thomas John Mellis,
48th birthday, 87
photograph, 154
biography, 154
speaks at a Graduates' Union luncheon for new graduates, 162
Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley,
world-wide fame for University of Adelaide Professor, 116
Adelaide's fifth Professor of Classics, 147
Neales, William Lewis,
Mentioned on December 1877 first class matriculation list & later Director of Education in Tasmania, 112
Neill, A V E,
photograph of members of Mawson Expedition committee, 172
Nelson, Rita,
vocalist at organ concerts by John Adam Horner, 110 , 131
vocalist at Elder student concert, 140
Nettleton, Len,
played Silas Simkins in 'Merrie England', 188a
played Walter Wilkins in 'Merrie England', 188b
photograph, 188b
Newland, Sir Henry Simpson,
appointed Chairman of Council of St Mark's College & to House & Finance Committee, 48
member of Medical Board, 64
attended funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
appointed to Advisory Committee under Hospitals Act, 111
appointed an Honorary Surgeon, 126
photograph, 129
to deliver 1931 Halford Oration, 129
to travel to Canberra to deliver Halford Oration under auspices of Institute of Anatomy, 159
delivered the annual Halford Oration, 161
comments on Lord Moynihan's claim that surgery has almost reached its limit, 161
appointed Lecturer in Science & Art of Surgery, 163
photographed addressing a meeting of Australasian College of Surgeons, 190
Newman, Lolo,
Played at concerts by Elder students, 17 , 88 , 95
Nobel Literature Prize,
1930 award to Sinclair Lewis, 92
Nobel Peace Prize,
proposals for candidates for 1931 prize to be made before February 1931, 93
1929 award to F B Kellogg, 94
Nobel Prize for Physics,
1930 award to Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, Professor of Physics at Calcutta University, 93
Northmore, John Alfred,
appointed Chief Justice of Western Australia, 150
put motion that fees be introduced at University of Western Australia, 150
sworn in as Administrator of Western Australia, 120
Nott, Dr Harry Carew,
appointed Tutor in Radiology, 163
University has agreed to take over control of Observatory, 97
Professor Kerr Grant appointed honorary associate astronomer, 9
Obstetrics, Chair of,
Dr Frank Sandland Hone on progress made on establishment of Chair of Obstetrics following a report by Dame Judith Campbell, 44
Sir William Mitchell argues for establishment of endowment fund for Chair of Obstetrics, 100
O'Connor, R J,
elected member of Men's Union committee, 107
O'Donnell, Dr J,
attended funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
O'Grady, Maureen,
organ solo at Elder Students' concert, 65 , 66
Oldham, Wilfrid,
awarded a Rockefeller Foundation Scholarship, 63
Olifent, H G,
address on 'Economic Disturbance & Efficiency' at Institute of Public Administration, 5
protests mechanical classification in paper on a classification plan at the Annual Conference of the South Australian Institute of Public Administration, 140
Oliphant, Dr Marcus Lawrence Elwin,
elected to a Messel Research Fellowship, 132 , 144
visit to Adelaide, 138 , 144
photograph, 141
on life and research at Cambridge University, 141
researching properties of atoms of matter which carry electrical charges, 141
criticism of quality of Australian produce on sale in England, 144
return to Cambridge University, 144
Oliphant, H,
photograph of Michael Isaac Glover Iliffe & H Oliphant testing a Geiger Muller electron counting tube to be used in experiments in penetrating radiation for the BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187L
Osborn, Professor Theodore George Bentley,
photograph, 120
returns to Adelaide after study of growth of saltbush flora, 120 , 121
Other universities,
obituary for Herbert James Priest, former staff member at Brisbane University, 95
photograph of Herbert James Priest, 95
Padman, W D,
elected a member of Men's Union committee, 107
Painter, Jean,
accompanist at an Elder pianoforte recital, 92
accompanist at Elder student concerts, 93 , 140
Palaeontology, Study of,
Captain J K Davis dredged tiny shells of foraminifera during Sir Douglas Mawson's first Antarctic Expedition of 1911-1915, 187p
deep sea mud containing foraminifera & other organic life collected during Sir Douglas Mawson's second Antarctic Expedition, 187p
Paltridge, T C,
in charge of research laboratory established at Koonamore Vegetation Reserve, 14
Park, Mrs I,
speaker on domestic science at vocation conference arranged by Australian Federation of University Women, 139
Parsons, Harold Stephen,
performed in Elder String Quartet concerts, 5 , 26 , 60 , 71 , 84 , 111 , 117
photograph, 51
performance on 'Classical Hour' series broadcast over Radio 5CL, 51
performed at Elder staff concerts, 78 , 121 , 132 , 146
attended funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
member of Beethoven string quartet at the Elder chamber music recital in memory of Charles Schilsky, 153
Parsons, Hon Mr Justice Herbert Angas,
Proposed vote of thanks to Mrs Barr Smith for laying foundation stone of Barr Smith Library, 84
born in South Australia, 84
retired from Council, 156
elected Warden, 32 , 94
presided at annual meeting of Senate, 94
bequest by the late Captain Ronald Lindsay Johnson of property in Adelaide to be applied towards reconstruction of anatomy building as recommended by Mr Justice Herbert Angas Parsons & Lisle Johnson, 38 , 46
present at laying of foundation stone for John Darling Laboratory, 57 , 58
renominated for Warden of Senate, 93
attended 1930 Commemoration ceremony, 96
short biography, 115
photographed in academic procession for Commemoration Day, 191
Parsons, Rex Whaddon,
lecturer in Electrical Engineering at the School of Mines & Industries working in England, 154
Parsons, Stephen,
reminiscences on brilliant students of University, 101
Patrick, Christobel,
performed in 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy', 142
Patrick, F G,
Performed in 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy', 142
Paul, Gwen,
vocalist at Elder student concerts, 73 , 115 , 126 , 140 , 162
played at an Elder pianoforte recital, 92
accompanist at second of a series of midday free organ concerts by John Adam Horner, 110
accompanist at Elder student concert by advanced students of the Elder Conservatorium, 115
Paull, Alec Gordon,
elected a member Royal Society of South Australia, 5
Pearce, Doris,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 73
Pearce, George,
pianist at Elder staff concerts, 15 , 63 , 71 , 78 , 121 , 132 , 146
pianist at Elder student concert, 87
accompanist at opening concert of Elder season, 111
vocalist at concert of chamber music, 117
played at pianoforte concert by Elder staff covering syllabus of the Australian Music Examination Board, 118
demonstrated new technical requirements for University music examinations, 122
attended funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
accompanist at Elder chamber music recital in memory of Charles Schilsky, 153
Pearson, Mrs Eleanor,
photograph of woman who has willed her body for research purposes, 52
Pellew, L J T,
awarded a Sports Association Blue (Baseball), 81c
elected member of Men's Union committee, 107
Pennefather, Professor Frederick William,
first Professor of Law, 148
Penny, Kathleen,
vocalist at lunch hour organ recital by John Adam Horner, 113
Pennycuick, Dr Stuart Wortley,
tribute to Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 42a , 42b , 42c
wrote introduction to Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson's book 'The Spirit of Research', 152
Pentelow, Edith May,
recommended for Joseph Fisher Medal for commerce (equal) with Dorothy Maud Wright, 34
awarded 1929 Joseph Fisher Medal (equal) with Dorothy Maud Wright, 38
Pharmacy, Study of,
four-year diploma course in Pharmacy approved by University of Adelaide & the Pharmacy Board, 45
Diploma of Pharmacy course to be approved by Council of Pharmaceutical Society, 45
Diploma of Pharmacy course approved by Council of Pharmaceutical Society, 46
proposed complete composite pharmacy course by arrangement with Pharmaceutical Society of South Australia, 70
lecturers include Professor Alexander Killen Macbeth, Dr William Ternent Cooke, Dr J E G Davies & E F Gryst, 70
high cost of pharmacy course out of proportion to those charged for other courses, 91
Phillips, Sir Herbert,
to address at the annual preliminary meeting of economic students & lecturers, 51
Phillips, Walter Ross,
was in charge of Law School for 7 years (1882-1889), 148
Phillipson, Professor Coleman,
fourth Professor of Law, 148
Physics, Study of,
use of gauges and other measuring devices at free public demonstration, 53
measurement of time at free public demonstration by Professor Kerr Grant, 54
Piper, Gordon Rudolph,
death of 1928 Lowrie Scholar & Commonwealth Agricultural Research Scholar, 65
awarded studentship by Trustees of the Science & Industry Endowment Fund, 49
Pitt, Barbara,
speaker on engineering & architecture at vocation conference arranged by Australian Federation of University Women, 139
awarded an evening studentship (Engineering), 106
Polkinghorne, Miss K,
woman student representative (Arts) on the Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
Polson, Reginald Alexander,
appointment with Swedish General Electric Company in Sweden, 67
Pomroy, Dr Harry Roy,
appointed an Honorary Clinical Assistant to Surgical Section, 133
Poole, Rev Frederick Slaney,
articles on 'The University Commemoration - Then & Now', 39 , 40
photograph, 127
brief biography, 127
knew Horace Lamb in England, 131
Porter, Harold,
Porter, Rita,
performed at Elder student concert, 126
Postgraduate Studies,
Aberdeen, Blue Funnel, Orient & Peninsular and Orient Steamship Companies grant of 3 first-class return passages per annum to Adelaide students who continue post-graduate study abroad, 41 , 104
most postgraduate studies are undertaken at either Waite Agricultural Research Institute or at North Terrace Campus, 144
Postle, Rev Dr Herbert Thomas,
admitted to Bar of Supreme Court of Tasmania, 12
Practice of Music Scholarship,
1930 award to Dorothy Loueen Guthrie, 95
Preedy, Winifred Edna,
elected member of Women Graduates' Association, 29
Prescot, Rupert Warren,
Awarded 1930 David Murray Scholarship in Classics, 97
Prescott, Professor James Arthur,
trip with Acting Professor Cecil Thomas Madigan to Lake Eyre for tests, 27
work for Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, 37 , 45
on 'Soil Research in relation to the Citrus Industry' at Mildura, 46
co-operation with Dr Teakle of Perth to make soil survey more effective, 48 , 50
completed soil surveys in Renmark, Swan Hill, River Murray swamps, 48
CSIRO & University agree to establish division of soils research with Professor James Arthur Prescott in charge, 54
attended funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
involved in establishing of soil research centre, 81
to examine soils on King Island, 95
returns from Murrumbidgee Irrigation area, 111
photograph, 120
biography, 120
on necessity of accurate soil analysis prior to settlement schemes, 122
prepared a vegetation map of Australia & a map showing principal soil zones, 122
published bulletin on 'The Soils of Australia in Relation to Vegetation & Climate', 128
published bulletin on a soil survey in swamps of Lower Murray, 128
attended unveiling of bronze memorial to Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 144
awarded H G Smith Memorial Medal, 151 , 154
elected a Vice-President of Royal Society of South Australia, 154
Price, Archibald Grenfell,
book on early pioneers & founders of South Australia by Master of St Mark's College, 34
present at laying of foundation stone for John Darling Laboratory, 57
Master of St Mark's College favours permitting liquor at special functions, 62
returns from Brisbane where he delivered Macrossan Memorial Lecture on the 'History of the Northern Territory', 81
elected a Vice-President of Economic Society, 83
elected to committee of Graduates Branch, 84
gave address at Workers' Educational Association annual break-up, 90
published Macrossan lectures on 'The History and Problems of the Northern Territory, Australia', 96
presided at Graduates' Union lunch for new graduates, 96
invited to deliver John Murtagh Macrossan Lecture in University of Queensland, 97
supported comments made by E Stokes, Headmaster of Queen's College on crippling effect of examination system on education, 98
comments on public examination system, 99
on Australia's inflation crisis and warning lessons from Germany, 102
representative of graduates on Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
retired from Council, 156
presents Annual Report of St Mark's College to Council, 163
advocates women's organisations support economic expert's plan for Australia's finances, 168h
Prider, Jack,
vocalist in 'Maritana', 103
vocalist at Elder student concert, 126
vocalist at organ recital by John Adam Horner, 134
cast member in 'Maritana', 170b , 170e , 170f1
Priest, Herbert James,
obituary for 1899 Hartley Student, Edward Spice Scholar & former staff member at Adelaide & Brisbane Universities, 95
photograph, 95
death mourned at Commemoration ceremony, 97
Prince, Kathleen,
vocalist at organ recital by John Adam Horner, 138
Prince, Muriel,
accompanist at Elder student concert, 17
Prix Hunbert-Marie Jose,
International Institute of Agriculture of Rome to issue Agricultural Economy Prize, 113
Prizes & Awards,
offer by Messrs Hoffman, La Roche & Co to establish annual prize for pharmacology with the right to study free of charge at their research laboratories at Basle, 96 , 97
government bursaries tenable at Adelaide, 125
government scholarships & studentships tenable at Roseworthy Agricultural College, 125
Advanced School for Girls' Old Scholars' Association proposed establishment of University prize, 147
professors of political science, law, history & philosophy qualified to propose candidates for Nobel Peace Prize, 29
appointment of Professor Leslie Galfried Melville as Professor of Economics, 37
professors on establishment, 39 , 40
professorships named in honour of early benefactors, 39 , 40
Dr Herbert John Wilkinson appointed Elder Professor of Anatomy & Histology, 48 , 49 , 50 , 51
photograph of Dr Herbert John Wilkinson, 51
Sir Charles James Martin appointed Professor of Biochemistry, 87
new Bachelor of Economics & Bachelor of Science in Forestry degrees will not necessitate additional appointments, 95
problem of attracting scholars of highest qualifications to professorships in Australia, 142
Charles Reynolds Hodge on 'Professors & Their Ways', 147 , 148
Horace Lamb, Ralph Tate, Rev Henry Read & Rev John Davidson were Adelaide's first four professors, 147
Psychology, Study of,
doctor's opinion of the intelligence of average man, 1 , 4 , 7
Public Administration, Study of,
establishment of Diploma in Public Administration & Finance, 37 , 46
Council of Institute of Public Administration to consider applications for scholarships from public servants, 112
night scholarships for study of Public Administration for 1931 awarded by Council, 121
Diploma in Public Administration available at Adelaide, 140
Public Lectures,
weekly series of physics demonstrations gratis to the public by Professor Kerr Grant, 53 , 54
winter syllabus announced, 58
Professor Kerr Grant & Roy Stanley Burdon provide proof that Earth rotates, 61
'The Problems of Cancer' by Dr Alfred Austin Lendon, 67
Professor Sir Douglas Mawson on 'The Ocean - the Mother of Life', 71
Professor Sir Douglas Mawson on the Formation of the Ocean Bed, Life, Currents & Temperatures, 72
Professor Thomas Harvey Johnston on 'Plant & Animal Life in the Ocean', 73
public demonstrations on electrons by Professor Kerr Grant & Roy Stanley Burdon, 86
details of a series of nine public lectures given by Registrar, Frederick William Eardley, 117
Professor Herbert John Wilkinson on ' Architecture of the Brain', 121
Albert Ernest Maldon Kirwood on poet John Donne, 126
Professor Robert William Chapman on 'The Sydney Bridge', 127 , 128
Professor D P Copland on the Central Banking System, 128 , 129
Cecil Thomas Madigan on 'Geological Exploration of Central Australia', 138
photograph taken during a public lecture of Professor Kerr Grant demonstrating with the aid of a gyroscope that the earth revolves, 185
editorship of 'Varsity Ragge' by student of St Mark's College, 99
Eric William Gray, 1932 Rhodes scholar, sub-editor of University Magazine, 161
Eric William Gray, joint editor of University paper 'The Ragge', 161
Puddy, Albert F,
awarded an evening studentship (Law), 106
Puddy, Betty,
soloist at Elder concert, 61 , 62
pianist at Elder student concert, 140
an Associate in Music for 1931 introduced to Vice-Chancellor at Elder student concert, 162
Puddy, Maude Mary,
instrumentalist at Elder concert, 58
pianist at Elder staff concerts, 60 , 63 , 78 , 95 , 117 , 121
performance at a concert by staff of the Elder Conservatorium, 146
sent floral tribute to funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
pianist at Elder music recital in memory of Charles Schilsky, 153
Pulleine, Dr Robert Henry,
return from representing College of Surgeons of Australasia at Pan-Pacific Surgical Conference, 27
visited research institutes in California & Arizona where he obtained seeds of American desert plants which are to be used for experimentation by Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 27
special study of fodder plants for dry areas on a visit to Arizona, 27
pallbearer for Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 43
member of party to study Australian Aborigines in Central Australia, 74
member of party to study physical & physiological features of Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 136 , 146
spoke to meeting of Anthropological Society of research work on Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 155
Purnell, H F,
opposed to imposition of duty on imported books and printed matter, 52 , 53 , 59
photograph, 53
Purnell, Rutherford,
On committee to take action over Federal Government's decision not grant any exemptions on impost of heavier primage & sales tax on books & periodicals, 157
Purton, Rev Bro David Gabriel,
discusses Sir William Mitchell's comments on relevance of University to the people of South Australia, 144 , 145
photograph, 145
Raftery, John A,
awarded an evening studentship (Engineering), 106
Ramsey, Lawrence,
vocalist at concert by Elder Conservatorium Student Orchestra, 93
Rankin, Mervyn Alexander,
Council adopted reports on Master of Science thesis, 156
Rau, A,
Museum staff member of party of scientists to study physical & physiological features of Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 136
responsible for collecting & taxidermy during study of Aborigines of Cockatoo Creek, 142
Ray, Dr William,
retirement from Council, 22
nominated for vacancy on Council, 29
1907 Rhodes Scholar, 31
elected to Council, 32 , 33
Ray, Dr William,
gift of apparatus to the physics department, 78
appointed an Honorary Physician, 126
appointed Lecturer in Clinical Medicine, 163
1907 Rhodes Scholar a practising doctor in Adelaide, 103
appointed to Advisory Committee under Hospitals Act, 111
Ray, William Robert,
outstanding achievement for a St Mark's College student, 99
Rayner, Howard Luscombe,
Read, Professor Rev Henry,
Adelaide's first Professor of Classics, 39 , 147
Reed, Geoffrey Sandford,
appointed Lecturer in Private International Law, 163
appointed Lecturer in Law of Evidence & Procedure, 163
Reed, Rev Thomas Thornton,
resignation of resident tutor of St Mark's College, 163
appointed junior chaplain of Melbourne Grammar School, 163
admitted Master of Arts - ad eundem gradum, 38
Frederick William Eardley toured university buildings, 3
Frederick William Eardlely, photographs, 3 , 177
Frederick William Eardley represented University at funeral of William Tyler McCoy, 9
Frederick William Eardley said that Board of Examiners to be informed criticism of examiners who take examination questions from books other than the set text book, 30
Frederick William Eardley granted permission to take a holiday in 1929, 38 , 45
great debt of obligation to first Registrar, Dr William Barlow, 39
Albert William Bampton appointed Acting Registrar, 50 , 58
Frederick William Eardley leaves Adelaide, 51
photograph of Albert William Bampton, Acting Registrar, 58
Frederick William Eardley to return during December 1932, 81c
Acting Registrar, A W Bampton attended 1930 Commemoration ceremony, 96
Frederick William Eardley returns to Adelaide, 96
Frederick William Eardley’s claims for progressiveness of University of Adelaide, 98
comments on overseas universities by Frederick William Eardley, 98
Frederick William Eardley & Mrs Hilda Cesina Franziska Eardley return to Adelaide, 99
memories of complaints of escaped sulphuretted hydrogen in lectures by William Barlow, 112
Frederick William Eardley addressed Legacy Club on progressiveness of Adelaide, 112
holds the particulars of International Agricultural Economy Prize, 113
Frederick William Eardley announced series of nine public lectures, 117
Frederick William Eardley a member of Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
photograph of Charles Reynolds Hodge, 147
Charles Reynolds Hodge on 'Professors & Their Ways', 147 , 148
Frederick William Eardley on Perth University Senate's decision not to charge fees for attendance at lectures, 150
Frederick William Eardley attended funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
Frederick William Eardley on number of dental students at Adelaide & Melbourne, 152
Reid, Dr W L,
appointed Resident Medical Officer, 133
Reid, Dr William Lister,
registered as legally qualified medical practitioner in South Australia, 140
Reid, Mrs Gilmore,
speaker on massage & physical instruction at women’s vocation conference, 139
Reimann, Immanuel Gotthold,
pianist at concert by staff of the Elder Conservatorium, 15
series of pianoforte recitals by his students, 24 , 88 , 92
G de Cairos-Rego visited I M Reimann and Elder staff members to discuss forming a Musical Association in South Australia, 39
presided at meeting of music teachers about forming Musical Association of South Australia, 64
acting director of Elder Conservatorium while Professor Edward Harold Davie away, 84
will play at concert by staff covering syllabus of Australian Music Examination Board, 118
spoke on new technical requirements for University music examinations, 121
founded Adelaide College of Music. Role of Cecil James Sharp in foundation denied, 161
Rennie Memorial Medal,
awarded to Rupert Jethro Best, 164
Rennie Scholarship for Research in Chemistry,
new statute proposed by Professor Robert William Chapman after ₤320 was subscribed to found a research scholarship to preserve memory of Professor Edward Henry Rennie, 94
Professor John McKellar Stewart on suitable memorial at University, 38
subscription by friends to establish memorial scholarship for research in chemistry, 96 , 97
first Professor of Chemistry at Adelaide, 148
Renou, Jean,
accompanist at Elder student concerts, 57 , 58 , 65 , 95
applications sought for research grants from the Trustees of the Commonwealth Science & Industry Endowment Fund, 1 , 5
Carnegie Corporation scheme for establishment of an Institute for Research in Education in each Australian state, 10
land at Koonamore Station presented by Mrs Hamilton Wilcox to University for experimental purposes, 14
research laboratory established at Koonamore Vegetation Reserve, 14
research at Koonamore Vegetation Reserve in conjunction with Commonwealth Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, 14
regeneration of salt-bush flora at Koonamore Vegetation Reserve, 14
proposed erection of laboratories & administration block for Council of Scientific & Industrial Research in Canberra for economic botany & economic entomology research, 17
Dr Robert Henry Pulleine visited research institutes in California & Arizona, 27
need for entomology studies in Australian universities, 29
W R Dewell, Chief Research Chemist in Victorian Department of Agriculture, visited Waite Agricultural Research Institute's new laboratory, 29
permanent disc record made of aboriginal songs recorded by Professor Edward Harold Davies during expeditions to Central Australia, 34
new plant culture houses & insectary at Waite Agricultural Research Institute to research minimising toll by insect & fungus pests, 36 , 37 , 38 , 39
experiments on insect pest eradication at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 38 , 39
experiments on best cultural methods to maximise crop yields at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 38 , 39
visit by Senator J J Daly to Waite Agricultural Research Institute and an inspection of Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson's research on animal nutrition, 40
'Oceania' to publish research on native peoples, languages & cultures in Australia, New Guinea & Melanesia, 41
Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson's research on life and growth, 42a , 42b , 42c , 43
extension of Professor J A Prescott’s research in division of animal nutrition of Commonwealth Council for Scientific & Industrial Research with fodder plants & sheep foodstuffs, 46
reception for British, Australian & New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition to Antarctic led by Professor Sir Douglas Mawson, 55 , 56
request for funds to purchase radium for measurement with the Steele-Grant Balance, 63
value of pasture plants & top-dressing with artificial fertilizers to increase carrying capacity of pasture lands, 64
expedition to study Aborigines in Central Australia, 72
Professor Stapledon praises Waite Agricultural Research Institute's work on pastures, 72
grants available to experienced scientific researchers from Science and Industry Endowment Fund, 74
scientific party to study Australian Aborigines in Central Australia, 74
opening of John Darling Laboratory, a soil research centre, 81 , 81a , 82
Professors Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson & James Arthur Prescott's involvement in establishing of soil research centre at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 81
Pastoral Research Fund's donation for pastoral research in Australia to be subsidised by Imperial Government, 83
experiments in extraction of gold from sea water, 86
results of expedition to study aborigines & aboriginal songs to be presented at meeting, 87
preparations for departure of Professor Sir Douglas Mawson's Antarctic Expedition, 88 , 89 , 92 , 93
success of experiments into value of nitrogenous fertilisers on cereal & other crops merits another grant in aid by the Imperial Chemical Industries of Australia & New Zealand, 93
Professor Sir Douglas Mawson announces that apparatus to be set up on 'The Discovery' for investigating penetrating rays emitted by sun, 93
lower grants predicted for Imperial Scientific bodies, 94
research, farewell messages to Sir Douglas Mawson, leader of Antarctic Research Expedition, and from him, 94
subscription by friends of late Professor Edward Henry Rennie for memorial scholarship for research in chemistry, 96 , 97
Messrs Hoffman, La Roche & Co to establish an annual prize for pharmacology with right to study free of charge at their research laboratories at Basle, 96 , 97
work of anti-cancer research committee to combat or alleviate cancer, 97
cancer research at Adelaide Hospital with installation of a deep x-ray therapy apparatus & access to radium, 97
cancer research by Dr Florance McCoy Hill at Darling Laboratory, 97
Professor Kerr Grant to devise plant for drawing off radium emanations for medical use, 97
Frederick William Eardley claims that University of Adelaide is as progressive as those in Britain & Continent especially in agricultural research, 98
praise by Imperial Wool Research Conference for research at Animal Nutrition Laboratory at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 99
Council to control a trust for scientific research from estate of Georgia Maud Dowling, 100 , 101 , 162
invention of a stomach camera which is ingested and takes photographs of interior of human body, 101
trustees of Commonwealth Science & Industry Endowment Fund invites applications for two senior research studentships (plant genetics & Plant Physiology), 102
effects of a Pre Cambrian ice age on South Australia, 103
Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson's research at Animal Nutrition Laboratory, 103
Sir Charles James Martin's research for improvement of Australian wool, 103
Hedley Ralph Marston on research for improvement of Australian Merino wool, 104
Professor Sir Douglas Mawson on fishing grounds, water analysis, exploration on land and sea during second expedition in Antarctic seas, 109
Federal Government cuts grant for Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, 114 , 115
reduction in Federal government expenditure on scientific research, 115
Professor Theodore George Bentley Osborn’s study of saltbush flora, 120 , 121
role of Darling & Melrose Laboratories in research on chemical constituents of soil, fertilising problems & analysis of pastures, 122
scientists from Adelaide Museum & University to study Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 129 , 136
research on Henbury Station meteorite craters may be available to British Association for the Advancement of Science meetings in London, 135
Dr Marcus Lawrence Elwin Oliphant researching properties of atoms of matter which carry electrical charges, 141
Australian National Research Council through a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to cover expenses for anthropological expedition for scientific investigation of Aborigines of Cockatoo Creek in Central Australia, 142
Messrs A E Hamilton & Wilcox enabled University to establish a 1,500 reserve at Koonamore for the study of arid flora, 145
exhibition of plaster casts of faces of Central Australian Aborigines obtained during scientific investigation of Aborigines of Cockatoo Creek, 145
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research to ascertain nutritive value of various foods for sheep, 146
problems over continued printing of records of Professor Sir Douglas Mawson's 1911-14 Australian Antarctic Expedition, 150
account given to meeting of Anthropological Society of research work on Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 155
Dr Reginald Francis Matters conducted research at Melbourne University & Melbourne Hospital, 157
Australian & British researchers combining to solve dairying grasslands problems peculiar to each country, 159
Rennie Memorial Medal awarded to Rupert Jethro Best, 164
records from Professor Sir Douglas Mawson's 1929 Antarctic expedition to be published through generosity of Mr MacRobertson, 164
experiments at Waite Agricultural Research Institute with a rye-wheat hybrid discovered at Roseworthy Agricultural College, 167
effect of government decision to reduce funds to Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, 168l , 168m
photograph of Waite Agricultural Research Institute experiments to grow linseed profitably in South Australia, 169
since first meeting of British Association for the Advancement of Science there have been discoveries in Darwinian theory, astronomy & nature of the atom, 169e
photograph of Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson explaining results of experiments with grasses & fodders, 177
concluding article by Professor Kerr Grant on wireless - experiments, 181a
fourth article by Professor Kerr Grant on wireless, merits of the short wave length, 181b
third article by Professor Kerr Grant on wireless, discoveries which led to the perfecting of thermionic valve, 181c
first article by Professor Kerr Grant on wireless - earliest discoveries, work of Faraday, Maxwell & Hertz, 181d
second article by Professor Kerr Grant on wireless, Marconi contribution, 181e
photograph taken during physics lecture using a Kater's Reversible Pendulum and Guinea & Feather experiment to show that a heavy body & feather fall at same rate, 185
Sir Douglas Mawson's second BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition ship 'Discovery II' departs London, 187a , 187e , 187f
sea floor charted during Sir Douglas Mawson's Antarctic expedition, 187e , 187f , 187h
meteorological investigations by Sir Douglas Mawson's Second BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187f , 187r
research work on character of sea water at various depths by Sir Douglas Mawson's second BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187f
Professor Thomas Harvey Johnston returned from Antarctic with 30-40 tons of specimens of marine life for research purposes, 187f , 187j , 187k
observations by Sir Douglas Mawson on Penguin sanctuaries on Macquarie Island, 187h , 187i , 187j , 187k
Sir Douglas Mawson's second BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition departs Hobart, 187L
photograph of Michael Isaac Glover Iliffe & H Oliphant testing a Geiger Muller electron counting tube to be used in experiments in penetrating radiation by BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187L
second BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition's contribution to geographical, meteorological & other branches of science, 187q
data relating to temperatures, chemical characteristics, current movements & marine life accumulated during BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187r
Research Organisations,
gift by Lady Syme to Royal Australasian College of Surgeons for research endowment fund in memory of Sir George Syme, 100
Centenary of British Association for Advancement of Science, 169e
Residential Colleges,
bequest by Harold Fisher to St Mark's College for founding scholarship or scholarships of any nature, 16
impossible to have residential colleges sited on campus, 24
academic distinction by members of St Mark's College, 34
record number of students at St Marks, 48
appointments to Council of St Mark's College, 48
Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong was member of St Mark's College Council, 80
Brian Gilmore Maegraith, a former Fisher Scholar at St Mark's College, awarded 1931 Rhodes Scholarship, 95 , 96
Brian Gilmore Maegraith was tutor in botany & zoology at St Mark's College, 95
Master of St Mark's College, Archibald Grenfell Price, to deliver John Murtagh Macrossan Lecture at University of Queensland, 97
Master of St Mark's College, Archibald Grenfell Price supports comments on crippling effect of examination system, 98
report on 1930 academic year at St Mark's College, 99
Reynell, Walter Rupert,
Reynolds, John Heywood,
1929 Rhodes Scholar recently gone to Oxford, 31
1929 Rhodes Scholar a member of St Mark's College, 34
Rhodes Scholarships,
gift of letters by Cecil Rhodes presented to Rhodes House, 10
list of Rhodes Scholars for South Australia from 1904 to 1929 inclusive, 31
1924 Rhodes Scholar, Dr Donald James Robert Sumner says extra money provided to scholarship holders helps them fulfil their obligations, 34
Dr J C V Behan, Australian Secretary of Rhodes Trust Committee reports on developments overseas, 75
meetings of Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, 84 , 94 , 95
delay in announcement of new Rhodes Scholar, 86 , 87
members of Selection Committees, 86 , 87 , 159
formation of Australian Rhodes Scholars' Association proposed, 103
careers of ten of South Australia's Rhodes Scholars, 103
establishment of Rhodes Scholarship system, 103
financial hardships of Rhodes Scholars, 118
photograph of Rhodes Scholarship Committee, 177
Richards, Dudley Lewis,
seeking admission to Bar, 159
Richardson, Miss P,
awarded a Sports Association Blue (W Hockey), 81c
Richardson, Professor Arnold Edwin Victor,
Pall bearer for William Tyler McCoy, 9
photographs, 12 , 34 , 45 , 58 , 72 , 82 , 177 , 190 , 191 , 192 , 193
on 'production of new crop varieties & measures adopted by scientists', 12
on 'The Need for Increased Efficiency in Wheat Production', 19
advised Dr Robert Henry Pulleine to study fodder plants for dry areas in Arizona, 27
potential of new plant culture houses & insectary at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 36 , 38 , 39
in demand to work for Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, 37
pallbearer at funeral of Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 43
paper on 'Pasture Improvement & Sheep Diseases', 45
consulted over appointment of new Chair of bio-Chemistry & Physiology, 48
to attend Melbourne meeting of Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, 50 , 57
to attend opening of first portion of science block at Canberra, 50
at laying of foundation stone for John Darling Laboratory, 57 , 58
spoke of progress in feeding, breeding, soil and productivity at foundation stone laying, 58
on primary production as a pillar of prosperity, 64
inspected dairy farms in NSW at Grafton, 64
work on pastures praised by Professor Stapledon, 72
helped establish soil research centre at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 81
elected a Vice-President of Economic Society, 83
welcomed back to the Registrar, Frederick William Eardley and his wife, 99
welcomed Dr A.C.D. Rivett, 99
appointed to government committee to look at cutting costs in irrigation and soldier settlement schemes, 99
Waite Agricultural Research Institute a model for others to emulate, 99
conducted a tour of Waite Agricultural Research Institute by members of Federal Public Accounts Committee, 101
to give evidence to Federal Public Accounts Committee on disabilities suffered by South Australian under Federation, 101
on increased costs imposed on farmers especially cost of farm machinery, 110
claimed Australia led world in dry land farming, 110
delegate at the Centenary Conference of the British Association for the Advancement of Science & the British Universities' Conference in London, 112
mention of his research on analysis of pasture, 122
reappointed member of Advisory Board of Agriculture, 132
attended unveiling of bronze memorial tablet to Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 144
previously employed in Victoria, 146
Riedel, Meta,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 162
Rivett, Dr A C D,
photograph of members of Mawson Expedition committee, 172
in Adelaide to discuss a successor for late Professor T Brailsford Robertson as Chief of Animal Nutrition Division of CSIR, 44 , 45
on wool production and research in animal nutrition, 99
enthusiasm for Animal Nutrition Laboratory, 103
appreciated for gift to enable publication of records of Professor Sir Douglas Mawson's 1929 Antarctic expedition, 164
Roach, B S,
elected Treasurer of Royal Society of South Australia, 154
Robertson, Enid,
has free passage to continue Music studies in Great Britain, 74
Robertson, MacPherson,
photograph of members of Mawson Expedition committee, 172
generous contributor to Antarctic expeditions, 187k
attended special meeting of Antarctic Expedition Committee, 187m
photograph of members of the BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition Committee, 187p
guarantees £6,000 for BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187r
Robertson, Professor Thorburn Brailsford,
editorial on the Functions of Science, 6
photographs, 9 , 41 , 152
on hand-feeding of sheep during drought, 9
work on animal nutrition for the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, 37
Senator J J Daly visits Waite Agricultural Research Institute & inspects Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson's research on animal nutrition, 40
obituary, 41 , 42a , 42b , 42c , 43 , 44 , 45
instrumental in formation of Graduates' Association, 42a , 42b , 42c
research on life & growth & discovery of Tethelin, 43
research for the pastoral Industry, 43
use of insulin for treatment of diabetes, 42a , 42b , 42c , 43
author of books for children, 42a , 42b , 42c , 43
achievements of Past President of Graduates' Association, 96
untimely death, 97
praise for work on animal nutrition, 99
research with Animal Nutrition Laboratory, 103
his plan of research for animal nutrition to take several years to complete, 104
Professor Sir Charles James Martin's tribute to Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 106
student paper had been assessed by Professor Sir Charles James Martin, 114
world-wide fame for, 116
bronze memorial tablet in entrance of Animal Nutrition building, 144
Professor of Biochemistry & General Physiology, 148
publication of book 'The Spirit of Research', 152
book and journal publications, 152
editorial on work of, 153
Robin, Rowland Cuthbert,
appointed Lecturer & Demonstrator in Engineering, 39
Robinson, Sir Roy Lister,
1905 Rhodes Scholar is with British Forestry Commission, 31
appointed Commissioner of Forestry in London, 119
knighted, 127
Robinson, Sir William,
interest & influence of Governor of South Australia in founding of School of Music, 148
Roby Fletcher Prize,
V Gaetjens, Roby Fletcher prize winner awarded Catherine Helen Spencs Scholarship, 31
John Frederick Ward appointed Headmaster of Prince Alfred College, 1
Rockefeller Foundation,
financed expedition to study Aborigines of Central Australia, 2
supported Professor Edward Harold Davies in researching aboriginal songs, 1
Roennfeldt, Clifford,
instrumentalist at Elder student concert, 58
performed at Elder student concert at annual Nunc Dimitis, 95
member of piano quartet at Elder student concerts, 73 , 115
cello soloist at Elder student concert, 140
member of string quartet at Elder student concert, 65 , 66
performed at Elder advanced student concert, 87
member of Brahms Piano Quartet at Elder student concert, 162
Rofe, Joyce,
vocalist at organ recital by John Adam Horner, 115
vocalist at Elder student concerts, 126 , 140
Rogers, Dr R S,
member of Medical Board, 64
Rogers, R S,
reappointed Member of Board of Governors of the Public Library, Art Gallery & Museum, 86
Rolland, Dr James Alexander,
appointed an Honorary Clinical Assistant, 126
Rose Grainger Orchestral Fund,
endowment fund started by Percy Grainger administered by University, 61
Roseworthy Agricultural College,
Professor John Daniel Custance appointed Professor of Agriculture in 1881, 115
government scholarships & studentships tenable at Roseworthy Agricultural College, 125
seven students have been beneficiaries of disbursements made by the Soldiers' Children Education Board (SA), 158
experiments at Waite Agricultural Research Institute with a rye-wheat hybrid discovered at Roseworthy Agricultural College, 167
Rossiter, Dr James Leonard,
appointed Headmaster of Wesley College, Perth, 41
Roupell, Arthur Norton,
obituary, 127
replaces as member of the Educational Committee of the SA Group of the Institute of Public Administration, 132
Rudall, Reginald John,
member of Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee for 1931 award, 95
1908 Rhodes Scholar is a lawyer at Gawler, 31 , 103
member of Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee for 1933 award, 159
member of Rhodes Scholar Selection Committee, 86 , 87
Russell, Dr Herbert Henry Ernest,
member of Medical Board, 64
Russell, Dr Walter Henry,
Russell, Miss J,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 17
Ryan, Francis James,
SA Public Teachers' Union,
annual conference condemns Education Department cuts, 176c , 176x
criticism of proposed closing of high schools, 176e
Salmond, Professor Sir John William,
second Professor of Law, 148
Samuel, Geoffrey,
to attend Fifth International Botanical Conference at Cambridge, 65
to study plant disease problems in America, 65
published bulletin on 'Tomato Diseases in South Australia & how to Control them, with special reference to Glasshouse Tomato Culture', 119
spoke to people of Pinnaroo on his recent trip to America and research on tomato wilt, 140
Sanders, L,
vocalist at second performance by Elder Conservatorium opera class, 74
Sangster, Christopher Bagot,
Awarded1930 Dr Davies-Thomas Scholarship (third examination), 97
Awarded 1931 Everard Scholarship, 162
elected member of Union committee, 107
Vice-President of Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
men student representative (Medicine) on Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
unsuccessful candidate for 1932 Rhodes Scholarship, 159
Schapel, Beatrice,
soloist at Elder student concert, 73
performed at pianoforte recital by advanced Elder students, 88
pianist at Elder student concert, 162
Schilsky, Charles,
examination tour of Australian on behalf of Trinity College of Music, London, 54
obituaries, 151
photograph, 151
funeral, 151
Elder Conservatorium chamber music recital in memory of Charles Schilsky, 153
doctors, lawyers & other professionals were frequently in receipt of bursaries, scholarships or exhibitions and did not pay university tuition fees as did student teachers, 59 , 60
subscription by friends of late Professor Edward Henry Rennie to establish a memorial scholarship for research in chemistry, 96 , 97
trustees of Commonwealth Science & Industry Endowment Fund invites applications for two senior research studentships (plant genetics & Plant Physiology), 102
night scholarships for study of Public Administration for 1931 awarded by Council, 121
annual exhibitions & government bursaries paying fees to university, 154
South Australian branch of League of the Empire to establish a prize or scholarship in memory of Madeline Rees George to be known as M Rees George Memorial, 158
Schulz, Dr Adolf John,
delegate at Melbourne meeting of Australian Council of Educational Research, 48
Science in Forestry, Bachelor of,
new degree will not necessitate additional professors or lecturers, 95
Science, Study of,
papers on overseas settlement, unemployment, better organisation in agriculture & racial progress at conference of British Association for Advancement of Science, 169a
papers on man's evolution, future of world population & birth control at conference of British Association for Advancement of Science, 169b
Scott, Dr Malcolm Leslie,
death of lecturer in surgical anatomy, 157
Scott, Dr N L,
appointed an Honorary Surgeon, 126
Scott, R M,
engineer influential in Australian development, 119
Secondary Education,
its high cost has outstripped the growth of population in South Australia, 17 , 18
Professor Kerr Grant criticises existing secondary education system, 25 , 26 , 28 , 29 , 30
Harry Lancelot Ward on Professor Kerr Grant's criticism, 26 , 28
Cyril Michael Ward on Professor Kerr Grant's criticism, 28 , 30
C M Ward cites William Tyler McCoy on value of secondary education, 28
criticism of physics leaving examination paper, 30 , 34
criticism of intermediate geography paper, 30
criticism of examiners who take examination questions from books other than set text, 30
criticism of 1929 Leaving English examination, 34
criticism of 1929 Leaving Honours Maths II examination, 34
criticism off 1929 Intermediate Botany examination, 34
Professor Edward Harold Davies on 'Some Thoughts on Education', 73
editorial comments on importance of education, 75
annual conference for teachers, 75
questions in Parliament over high cost of education and proposal to charge parents whose children attend government high schools, 80
concern over low pass rate in an English examination, 83
concern over possibility of greater severity in marking, 94
Mr E Stokes, Headmaster of Queen's College comments on crippling effect of examination system on true education, 98
complaints about questions in Intermediate & Leaving French examinations, 99
F R Forgan on criticism of high cost of secondary education & scholarships, 119
C M Ward, Vice-Principal of Adelaide High School, on secondary education, 125
Parliamentary discussion on charging of fees for disadvantaged children for public examinations, 145
concern of charging of fees for disadvantaged children for public examinations, 146
opening of an agricultural training school at Urrbrae, 163
William James Adey, Director of Education & Albert Ernest Maldon Kirwood on presentation of public examinations, 163
periodical discussion on present system of public examinations, 111 , 164
comments by John Frederick Ward and Professor Sir William Mitchell on discussion of present system of public examinations, 164
comments by H L Ward on benefits of Public Examination system, 164 , 165
Segnit, Ralph Walter,
elected Secretary of Royal Society of South Australia, 154
critical of Federal Government decision to impose heavier primage & sales tax on books, 155
appointed Assistant Government Geologist by Executive Council, 111
Frederick William Eardley represented University at funeral of William Tyler McCoy, 9
meeting to elect two representatives on Public Library Board, 19
amendments to statutes & regulations regarding Tinline Scholarships, various degree & diploma courses, 29 , 32
annual elections, 29 , 32
one nomination for vacancy on Council is that of Professor Kerr Grant, 57
Warden of Senate present at laying of foundation stone for John Darling Laboratory, 57 , 58
Professor Kerr Grant elected to Senate, 58
Warden of Senate proposed vote of thanks to Mrs Barr Smith at laying of foundation stone of Barr Smith Library, 83 , 84
Nominations for Senate elections, 93
approval of regulations for Ordinary & Honours Degrees of Bachelor of Economics, 94
approval of regulations providing for prize for best South Australian candidate who passes as an executant with credit or honours in Licentiate Examination (Music), 94
annual meeting, 94
new statute proposed by Professor Robert William Chapman after ₤320 subscribed to found research scholarship in memory of Professor Edward Henry Rennie, 94
clause added to regulations for Degree of Master of Arts, 94
new degree of Bachelor of Economics approved, 94
clause for Bachelor of Science in Forestry introduced by Professor Kerr Grant, 94
Professor John Raymond Wilton stated that there would be both Ordinary & Honours degrees of Bachelor of Economics, 94
Archdeacon George Henry Farr re-elected Warden, 109
Senate attendance at 1931 Commemoration Ceremony, 162
photograph of members of Senate proceeding to Elder Hall, 191
Seppelt, I H,
elected member of Union committee, 107
student representative on Union Committee in 1931-1932, 120
Sharp, Cecil James,
biography to be written on founder of Government House Choral Society & co-founder of Adelaide College of Music, 161
conductor of Adelaide Philharmonic Society, 161
Sharpe, E J,
member of University Engineers' Gliding Club who constructed primary glider, 186a , 186b
Sheehan, J H,
photographed as member of BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition Committee, 187p
Shepard, Beatrice Joan,
recommended second for Eugene Alderman Scholarship, 158
Sheridan, Miss Keith, munificence to University, 22
one of two who gave principal endowment to research at Adelaide Hospital, 100
Shoebridge, Evelyn,
pianist in series of pianoforte recitals by students of Immanuel Gotthold Reimann, 25 , 91
accompanist at first of series of pianoforte recitals by students of Immanuel Gotthold Reimann, 25
member of piano quartet at Elder student concert, 115
pianist at concert by Elder Conservatorium Student Orchestra, 93
Shorney, Dr Herbert Frank,
appointed an Honorary Ophthalmologist, 126
sent floral tribute for funeral of Charles Schilsky, 151
Short, The Right Rev Augustus,
first Vice-Chancellor & second Chancellor, 39
donated books to university library, 83
Siegele, Mabel,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 17
Silver, William,
pianist at Elder staff concert, 15 , 78 , 111 , 121 , 146
on 'Classical Hour' series of broadcast music programs, 51
pianist at Elder student concert, 87
played at pianoforte concert covering syllabus of Australian Music Examination Board, 118 , 122 , 126
Simmers, R G,
photograph of meteorologist for second BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187L
Simpson, Mrs A M,
gift of library books in memory of her husband, 83
gifts to university, 22 , 100
Simpson, Alfred Muller,
gift of library books, 83
Simpson, A A,
name to appear on new maps of Antarctica, 187a
Sims, Miss R,
awarded Sports Association Blue for hockey, 81c
Sims, Roxy,
awarded 1930 John Bagot Botany Scholarship & Medal, 97
Sir George Murray Essay Prize,
Professor John McKellar Stewart to entries, 144
prizes awarded, 150
Sir Joseph Vercoe Medal,
photograph of both sides of medal to be presented to Professor Sir Douglas Mawson, 172
Slade, J H G,
awarded scholarship to study Public Administration by Council, 121
Smeaton, Dr Bronte,
appointed an Honorary Surgeon, 126
appointed Lecturer in Clinical Surgery, 163
Smith, Bessie,
vocal soloist at Elder student concert, 22
Smith, Dr Marjory,
elected to committee of Graduates Branch, 84
Smith, Dr Ramsay,
Chairman of Central Board of Health, 27
Smith, Dr Robert James Brazil,
appointed Instructor in Prosthetic Dentistry, 163
Smith, Dr William Ramsay,
gift of collection of books and periodicals to library, 3 , 38 , 46 , 83
Smith, Imelda,
performed at Elder student concerts, 22 , 61
Smith, Lieutenant-Commander W Berry,
promotion to Engineer Commander on cruiser 'Australia', 72
Smith, Professor Grafton Elliott,
photograph, 46 , 139 , 158
latest work ' Human History' contains theories on cradle of mankind located between the Himalayas and the heart of Africa, 46
elected a Fellow of Royal Society, 118
biography, 139
comments on Chinese report on 'Peking Man’, 158
Smith, Robert James Brazil,
appointed Honorary Dental Surgeon, 128
Smith, Sydney Talbot,
photographed at birthday levee at Government House, 183
Smuts, General J,
comments on role of science in world agricultural depression, 169d
Sobels, Stella,
vocalist at second performance by Elder opera class, 74
performed in 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy', 142
cast member of comic opera 'Merrie England', 188a , 188b
Solomon, Betty,
pianist at Elder student concert, 57 , 58
Solomon, Ella,
instrumentalist at Elder student concert, 57 , 58 , 126
Southwood, Dr Albert Ray,
reappointed a member of the Dental Board, 101
appointed an Honorary Physician, 126
appointed Lecturer in General Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, 163
appointed Chairman of Board of Central Board of Health, 167
appointed Chairman of Advisory Committee under Food & Drugs Act, 167
appointed Acting Chairman of Central Board of Health, 133
Sparbler, H,
tympanist in performance of 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy', 142
Sparrow, Lorna Discombe,
to respond to toast to 'New Graduates' at annual dinner of University Women's Union, 96
criticism of introduction of admission charges for entrance to University Oval for inter-varsity matches, 74
Men's Swimming Club recent addition to amalgamated Clubs of Sports Association, 81c
Sports Association,
awarding of Sports Association Blues, 81c
Sprigg, Charles Mosse,
awarded the 1930 Angas Engineering Scholarship, 72 , 97
St Alban Scholarship,
nomination received for B M Jolly, 104
St Mark's College,
bequest by Harold Fisher for founding scholarships of any nature, 16
academic distinction by members, 34
record number of students, 48
appointments to council, 48
liquor served at several dinners at St Mark's College, 62
fourth St Mark's College student to receive Rhodes Scholarship in last three years, 99
tutors role in outstanding achievements of students, 99
students sporting achievements, 99
editorship of 'Varsity Ragge' by student of St Mark's College, 99
death of Council member Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 99
memorial service for Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 99
Professor Robert William Chapman accepted vacancy on St Mark's College Council, 99
C B Jennings was appointed Bursar, 99
Archibald Grenfell Price on public examination system, 99
Archibald Grenfell Price on Australia's inflation crisis and warning lessons from Germany, 102
Archibald Grenfell Price representative of graduates on Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
biography of Rev Kenneth Julian Faithfull Bickersteth, foundation fellow, 126
brief biography of Lloyd Alfred Grigg Symons, former member of St Mark's College, who has been appointed to staff of Marlborough College, England, 137
Archibald Grenfell Price retired by time from Council, 156
Eric William Gray awarded 1932 Rhodes Scholarship, 159 , 161
Eric William Gray was Rhodes Scholar from St Marks College in four years, 159
inaugural Poole Prizeman, Eric William Gray, 161
Eric William Gray, Harold Fisher Bursary winner, 161
Eric William Gray, president of St Mark's College Wranglers' Club, 161
Archibald Grenfell Price's Annual Report to St Mark's College Council, 163
reduction of grants to universities to affect staff, 68 , 83
10% staff salary reduction for all staff decided by Council, 93
further salary cuts required, 117
5% further reduction in salary to total of 20% required, 143
sacrifice by staff of salary, 149
early staff, comments by Rev F Slaney Poole, 39
first four professors, 147 , 148
early staff members, 147 , 148
photograph of Professor Archibald Watson, 148
Professor Joshua Ives first Professor of Music, 161
Status of Australian professors, 142
impact on research collections because of book taxes, 155
candidates for examination, 93
successful students of St Mark's College, 99
patients statistics at Dental Hospital, 107
revisions and new clauses in Senate statutes, 94
Steen, Robert,
played Sir Walter Raleigh in Elder performances of 'Merrie England', 188a , 188b
photograph, 188a
Stephens, Noel,
vocalist at Elder pianoforte recital, 92
Stephenson, Captain,
photographed as member of BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition Committee, 187p
Stevens, Rev Aubrey Clement,
comments on doctor's opinion of intelligence of average man, 4
Stewart, Professor John McKellar,
photograph, 19
to deliver Dr John Smyth Lecture at Melbourne University, 19
retirement from term of office on Council, 22
elected to Board of Governors of Public Library, 22
on functions of University and Community, 25
nominated for vacancy on Council, 29
elected to vacancy on Council, 32 , 33 , 34
delivered John Smyth Memorial Lecture, 37
proposed toast to 'The Graduates Elect' at Graduates' Association luncheon, 38
comments on suitable memorial for Professor Edward Henry Rennie, 38
refuses motion to allow liquor to be served at Faculty Dinners in refectory, 62
Adelaide representative at biennial University Conference in Sydney, 74 , 76
judge for Sir George Murray Essays Competition, 78 , 144 , 150
attended funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
caricature of, 81c
urged all graduates to join Union, 84
states that system of public examinations under review, 98
announced scheme for common standard of matriculation throughout Commonwealth to be drawn up by Professor Sir William Mitchell, 99
appointed to assist Finance Advisory Committee enquiry into education costs, 99 , 122 , 124 , 126 , 130
stated that common standard of matriculation to be considered by Council and staff, 111
resigns as representative of University of Adelaide on Board of Governors of Public Library, Museum & Art Gallery, 115
representative of Council on Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
criticism of his appointment to Committee to consider cuts to education, 128 , 134
on how University can help in professional training, 140
on 'University and the Public Service' at Annual Conference of the South Australian Institute of Public Administration, 140
responded to toast to 'The Visitors' at Annual Conference of South Australian Institute of Public Administration, 140
criticism of Professor John McKellar Stewart & Wallace Sandford as members of Advisory Committee on State Finance, 141
presented report of Education Committee, 176a , 176e
photographed with representative citizens at a birthday levee at Government House, 183
photograph of Professors John McKellar Stewart & Sir William Mitchell with Sir John Langdon Bonython at levee at Government House, 185
Stirling, Professor Sir Edward Charles,
world-wide fame of Adelaide Professor, 116
elected a Fellow of Royal Society in 1893, 118
first Professor of Physiology, 148
Stirling, Sir John Lancelot,
82nd birthday of President of Legislative Council, 157
photograph, 157
Stoate, Theodore Norman,
successful applicant for travelling scholarship in forestry, 67
Stocker, E O,
cinematographer member of party to study Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 136 , 142
Stokes, E,
Headmaster of Queen's College on crippling effect of exams on true education, 98
Stow Prize,
1930 awards, 97
Prize winner H Thomson appointed King's Counsel by Executive Council, 77
Prize winner, George Coutts Ligertwood, appointed King's Counsel by Executive Council, 77
Prize winner Eric William Gray awarded 1932 Rhodes Scholarship, 159
Strachan, F,
photograph of members of Mawson Expedition committee, 172
Strong, Professor Sir Archibald,
Aylmer Strong presented University with Professor Sir Archibald Strong’s library, 162
photograph of funeral procession, 180b
photographed in academic procession, 191
on 'Impression of Japanese Drama' at Graduates' Association, 20
represented Adelaide at International Conference of Education at Vancouver, 37
on vacation leave, 46
return from Melbourne, 50
series of extension lectures on' Japanese Drama', 64 , 65
illness, 78
obituaries, 78 , 79 , 79a , 79b
his position unlikely to be filled this year, 84
photographs, 78 , 79
death of president of Repertory Theatre, 78 , 79
funeral, 79 , 80
member of St Mark's College Council, 80
expression of condolence by Council, 83 , 84
untimely death, 97
death of St Mark's College Council member, 99
memorial service by St Mark's College, 99
application by Elder's Trustee & Executor Co Ltd for letters of administration of estate, 100
estate valuation, 106
Stuckey, R R,
Student Statistics,
student numbers for 1929, 46
student number at St Mark's College in 1930, 99
for 1930, 101
Chief Clerk comments on student attendance for 1931, 106
decrease in students studying at Elder Conservatorium due to financial stress, 121
2085 students at Adelaide, 132
student statistics for St Mark's College, 163
Student Union,
Council to decide on serving of liquor at Faculty Dinners in refectory, 62
grant of three first-class return passages per annum to Adelaide students who continue postgraduate study abroad, 41
information for intending students on entry dates, courses, night & day lectures, timetables & calendar, 48
decision by Council not to allow students to consume liquor at dinners in refectory, 63
conference of the International Students' Service in Austria, 65
comments on consumption of alcoholic liquor in higher educational establishments, 67
voluntary attendance at first-aid courses by engineering students, 71
performances by medical, science, law, engineering & dental students during the University Exhibition & Students' Carnival, 112 , 116
success of free 'money' during Students' Carnival, 116 , 117
address to students on developing a principle in order to leave the University with a unified and well-balanced mind, 121 , 126
unlikely that Adelaide students will copy Melbourne University students in wearing academic gowns on campus, 129
University students pay in fees about a quarter of total cost of their education, 134
claim that students had failed their examinations because of inability to buy textbooks heavier impost & sales tax on books, 156
have been beneficiaries of disbursements made by Soldiers' Children Education Board (SA) from munificence of Sir Samuel McCaughey, 158
photograph of Messrs R R P Barbour, G K Hughes & L T Ewens discussing arrangements for Students' Carnival & Exhibition showing students at work and play, 183
photograph of students W R B White, Ray Duncan & F W Cropley constructing glider for Engineers' Gliding Club, 186a , 186b
photograph of students J L Watkins, L R Ward & R A Duncan constructing glider for Engineers' Gliding Club, 186a , 186b
photograph of two students demonstrating the Principle of the Cinematograph at a free physical science lecture, 189
Summerton, Maurine,
awarded 1929 Exhibition in Grade III in Practice of Music, 24
Sumner, Dr Donald James Robert,
1923 Rhodes Scholar is in England, 31
returns to Adelaide, 34
is practising doctor in Adelaide, 103
Swan, Frank Martin,
reappointed member of Dental Board, 101
Swanson, Thomas B,
awarded an evening studentship (Science), 106
Swift, Dr Brian Herbert,
appointed Honorary Curator to Gynaecological & Obstetrical Sections of Pathological Museum at Adelaide Hospital, 133
appointed Tutor in Obstetrics, 163
world recognition when disease erythroderma designated Swift's Disease, 132
Symon, Hon Sir Josiah,
gift of library books, 3 , 83 , 84
gift for construction of Lady Symon Building, 3 , 37
munificence to University, 22 , 37
biography and photograph, 150
Symons, Lloyd Alfred Grigg,
biography of former member of St. Mark's College, 137
Tassie, Hon H,
on Bill to reconstitute Dental Board, 87 , 88 , 89 , 90 , 91
Tate, Professor Ralph,
first Professor of Natural Science, 39 , 147
occasional contention between Professors Horace Lamb & Ralph Tate, 39
comments on his lectures, 112
lectured on geology, palaeontology, botany, chemistry & conchology & made investigations at Hallett Cove, 148
Taylor, D W,
member of Engineers' Gliding Club for construction of a primary glider, 186a , 186b
Taylor, R H G,
gained degree of DDS with Honors at Toronto University, 127
Teacher Training,
future suspension of probationary studentships by Education Department, 15
criticism of well-paid teachers being trained at public expense, 59 , 60
moves to balance supply & demand for teachers to avoid closure of South Australian Teachers' College, 102
suggestion to encourage university graduates with specified literary qualifications to apply for teaching positions, 102
Professors Sir William Mitchell & William Henry Bragg suggested that teachers be admitted to University lectures & examinations free of charge, 142
problem of too many newly trained teachers for positions available, 158
Mr Adey, Director of Education, on need for a Teachers' College, 158
criticism of Education Department's expenditure on pensions & teacher training, 176b , 176e
question by F R Forgan, General Secretary of the SA Public Teachers' Union, on the provision for teacher training at University, 176b
Teichelmann, Ebenezer,
on December 1877 first class matriculation list, 112
Theory of Music Scholarship,
1930 award to Ada Adelaide Burgess, 95
Thomas, Christopher Nutter,
awarded1930 Barr Smith Prize for Greek, 97 , 99
Thomas, D,
tested Engineers’ Club glider over Tapley's Hill, 184
Thomas, J,
elected member of Men's Union committee, 107
Thomas, W J S,
academic success in annual essay competition, 21
photograph, 21
Thompson, Gweneth,
accompanist at Elder student concerts, 17 , 126 , 140
piano soloist at Elder student concert, 17
cello soloist at organ recitals by John Adam Horner, 69 , 117
performed at Elder student concerts, 87 , 95 , 126
Thomson, H,
appointed to Council of St. Mark's College & House & Finance Committee, 48
Thomson, Harry,
1910 Rhodes Scholar is well known Adelaide lawyer, 31
appointed King’s Counsel, 77
photograph, 77 , 102
member of Rhodes Scholar Selection Committees, 86 , 87 , 95 , 159
elected President of Law Society of South Australia, 102 , 103
retired by effluxion from the Council of the University of Adelaide, 156
Thompson, J,
engineering student to study at Royal Air Force College, Cranwell, 157
Thomson, Lois,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 87
Thornber Bursary,
nomination received for Ina Alice Owen Fox, 104
Thyer, Dr Frederick Lewis,
Tiddy, Joan,
vocalist at a concert by Elder student concert, 95
Tidemann, Harold,
vocalist at a pianoforte recital, 25
Tilbrook, Isabel,
organ solo at Elder student concert, 17
Tilley, Dr Cedric Edgar,
appointed Professor of Mineralogy & Petrology at Cambridge University, 140
Tindale, Norman Barnett,
member of scientific study of physique, blood grouping, music & psychology of Australian Aboriginal people, 2 , 13 , 15 , 37
museum authority member of party to study Australian Aborigines in Central Australia, 74
Museum staff member in party to study physical & physiological features of Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 136 , 142
with H M Hale prepared plaster casts of faces of Central Australian Aborigines, 145
spoke to meeting of Anthropological Society of research on Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 155
comments on lectures by Dr Herbert Basedow predicting extinction of Australian Aborigines within twelve years, 164
Tinline Scholarship,
establishment of research scholarship in Modern History by an endowment by Sir George John Robert Murray in memory of the family of his mother, 147
proposed change to award system for scholarship endowed in memory of his mother’s family by Sir George John Robert Murray, 29
Senate passed changes, 32
Tonkin, E W,
Secretary to Vice-President of Federal Executive Council photographed as member of the BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition Committee, 187p
Torr, William George,
on December 1877 first class matriculation list, 112
Tostevin, Dr Alfred Ladyman,
appointed an Honorary Clinical Assistant, 126
Trew, Ruth,
pianist at Elder student concert, 140
Tuck, Bernard G,
awarded an evening studentship (Law), 106
Tuesner, Berthold Herbert,
lawyer seeking admission to Bar, 159
Tuncks, Flora,
Associate in Music for 1931 introduced to Vice-Chancellor at Elder student concert, 162
Turner, Dr Charles Trevor,
appointed an Honorary Assistant Surgeon, 126
Turner, Frederick Boyd,
awarded 1930 Dr Davies-Thomas Scholarship (second examination), 97
Turner, D C,
appointed to Council of St Mark's College & House & Finance Committee, 48
Turner, R F,
awarded Sports Association Blue for lacrosse, 81c
Turner. E R,
member of Gliding Club responsible for constructing a primary glider, 186a , 186b
Universities, Other,
conflict between Melbourne & Sydney Universities over matriculation standards, 4 , 5
graduates of English universities offered careers in Parliament, 10
proposed School of Forestry at Canberra for Bachelor of Science in Forestry, 11
Sir Michael Sadler, Master of University College, Oxford on impact of examination system on education, 13
Dr Harold Whitridge Davies appointed to Chair of Physiology at Sydney, 21
George Bernard Shaw says university education destroys original thought, 21
Senate of University of Western Australia to communicate with other Australian universities regarding Henry George Foundation essay prize, 22
bequests to Sydney University exceed those to University of Adelaide, 22 , 24
publication of magazine 'Oversea Education' by Oxford University Press, 22
acreage of Sydney, Melbourne & Brisbane universities, 24
criticism of proposed lectureship in forestry at Melbourne, 27
Western Australia to grant a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Forestry which includes two years at Australian Forestry School, Canberra, 29
opposition to lectureship in forestry at Melbourne, 29
schools of entomology in universities & agricultural colleges in USA, 29
School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine in Sydney was built & staffed by Commonwealth & Sydney University, 29
Melbourne has an organisation to assist students to find employment long vacation, 31
proposed University College at Canberra, 37
comments by Sydney Russell Booth on Cambridge University, 39
Isidore Goodman, Professor of Pianoforte at Sydney Conservatorium, to visit Adelaide, 40
Acting Professor T Hytten appointed to Chair of Economics in Tasmania, 43
Melbourne University Professor A J Ewart criticises removal of School of Forestry from Adelaide to Canberra, 44
Commonwealth Government back down on Chair of Public Health at Melbourne, 44
Commonwealth Government gives Chairs of Public Health & Anthropology to Sydney, 44
Melbourne Professor Alfred James Ewart claims that the place for school of forestry is university, 44
condolences from University of Western Australia on death of Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 45
new university college for Canberra, 45
first meeting of Canberra University College Council, 48
Dr Harold Dew appointed Professor of Surgery at Sydney, 48 , 49
first two university scholarships awarded at Canberra University College, 50
applications sought for Research Studentship at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 53
suggestion for working arrangement between universities & business community by Melbourne professor, 56
Professor Alexander Killen Macbeth to deliver Liverside Research Lecture at Sydney University, 61
invention of Steele-Grant Balance in 1909 at Melbourne, 63
Chair of Public Law endowed at Melbourne University, 63
Professor Alexander Killen Macbeth on 'The Relation of Research to the University', Sydney, 64
Professor Alexander Killen Macbeth on 'Carbohydrate Chemistry' at Sydney, 64
Professor Herbert John Wilkinson awarded Degree of Doctor of Medicine by Sydney University, 69
first-aid teaching part of engineering course at Melbourne, 71
Professors John McKellar Stewart & Robert William Chapman Adelaide representatives at biennial University Conference in Sydney, 74 , 76
probable reduction in State Government grant to Sydney University, 74
Melbourne university library poorly equipped, 81
Dr W G Price, Melbourne University, to conduct West Australian public music examinations with Professor Edward Harold Davies & Harold Eustace Wylde, 86
proposed University of London Hall of Residence for overseas male students to be called London House, 86
Stanley Simpson Addison, Assistant Registrar Melbourne, to deal with applications from Australia for appointments to colonial services, 86
University of Tasmania presented Professor Sir Douglas Mawson with Degree of Doctor of Science, 93
University of Chicago has adopted radical experiment in education, 94
Professor William Lawrence Bragg was Langworthy Professor of Physics at Manchester, 96
Macrossan lectures by Archibald Grenfell Price on 'The History and Problems of the Northern Territory, Australia' published, 96
comments on overseas universities by Frederick William Eardley, 98
examination for matriculation & university scholarship systems in England, 98
Professor R L Dunabin visiting Adelaide, 100
closure of Teachers' Training College in Perth, 102
opening of St. George's College in Perth, first College to be affiliated with Adelaide, 102
1929 lecture by Professor T E G Gregory of London University on 'Current Problems in International Finance', published, 106
Lord Baden-Powell received Doctor of Laws at Sydney, 106
Governor-General Sir Isaac Isaacs visualised an Australian National University, 107
student enrolments at Perth University, 107
Sydney University Sports Union to consider 12 month suspension of inter-university sport, 108
Professor L F Giblin of Melbourne appointed Acting Commonwealth Statistician, 109
Teachers' Union protest against Perth University proposal to take over teacher training, 111
Dr Edgar S T King of pathology, Melbourne, awarded Jacksonian Prize, 112
Dr Harold Dew of Sydney awarded Jacksonian Prize, 112
Melbourne University delegates to attend Centenary Conference of British Association for the Advancement of Science & the British Universities' Conference, 112
Professor D P Copland, Dean, Commerce, Melbourne to sit on committee for balancing Commonwealth & State budgets, 113
Professor Agar, president of professorial board at Melbourne, on Federal Government cut in expenditure on Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, 114
establishment of School of Forestry in Canberra, 116
Professor Robert William Chapman awarded Kernot Memorial Medal for years 1926 to 1930 by Melbourne for outstanding achievement in engineering, 117 , 127
William Lawrence Bragg is Langworthy Professor of Physics at Victoria University of Manchester, 118
Sir Douglas Mawson & Professor T H Laby (Melbourne University) published first results in radio activity in Australia in 1906, 118
Sir Douglas Mawson & Professor T H Laby (Melbourne University) discovered radium in mineral from Pilbara (WA) & Carcoar (NSW), 118
comments on dental research by Dr Roy Gilmore Ellis, dental researcher at Toronto, 118
Professor Theodore George Bentley Osborn undertook extended study of growth of saltbush flora, 120 , 121
Professor G S Peren, Principal of Massey Agricultural College Palmerston South NZ, in Adelaide, 126
Alexander Leslie Gordon Mackay appointed to Chair of Economics at Rangoon University, 126
Melbourne students to wear academic gowns on campus, 129
Professors E J Hartung, Skeats & Ewart from Melbourne to attend British Association for the Advancement of Science conference in London, 135
Professor Buckmaster (Bristol University) & Professor Wright to travel to Melbourne to conduct primary examinations in physiology & anatomy for Diploma of Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons, 137
Oregon University (USA) debating team in Adelaide, 139
Melbourne, Sydney & New Zealand successes at primary examination for degree of Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 139
success at Cambridge arises by teaching received but mainly from inspiration gained from dons, 141
Australians working in Cavendish Laboratories under Lord Rutherford & Dr Chadwick, 141
NSW government to charge for sitting intermediate & leaving examinations, 143 , 144
Alvarenga Prize awarded to Dr E S T King pathology lecturer at Melbourne, 144
many graduates from English & American universities have a career in business, 144
postgraduate studies in European & Scandinavian universities, 144
appointments to Canberra University College, 145
Professor Wadham, Dean of Agriculture, Melbourne, has received an offer from England, 146
Provision for Government endowment of Melbourne University's School of Agriculture to expire in 1936, 146
Western Australian professor noted that the number of students tends to rise in bad times & fall in prosperity, 147
voluntary sacrifice of salaries by staff of Melbourne, 149
Perth University Senate decision that attendance at lectures would continue to be free of charge, 150
increase from 5 to 6 years made to medical course of Melbourne, 150
decrease in number of dental students at Melbourne, 151 , 152
Melbourne University Labor Club desire to publish a magazine, 151
proposal to make Sydney University Senate more representative of 'modern democratic thought', 151
Sydney University Labor Club claim that the University is becoming more like Oxford, 151
role of Oxford University Union in moulding public men, 153
Sydney University's Labor Club to contest every seat in forthcoming union elections, 153
Professor S M Wadham, Professor of Agriculture at Melbourne visiting Adelaide, 154
Professor Grafton Elliott Smith, Professor of Anatomy at London, on Chinese report on 'Peking Man', 158
Professor S M Wadham, Professor of Agriculture at Melbourne, granted tenure, 158
Professor W A Laver, examiner for Melbourne, Adelaide & Hobart Universities, to assist in final music examination in Adelaide, 158
address at Sydney University by Dr Lotus D Coffman, President of University of Minnesota, 159
Dr Lotus D Coffman, President, University of Minnesota, visited Adelaide, 161
recommendation to Melbourne University to appoint paid full-time Vice-Chancellor, 161
President Nicholas Murray Butler, Columbia University, co-awarded 1931 Nobel Peace Prize, 163
annual graduation ceremony of Australian Forestry School, 163
Governing body of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, invited applications for research studentship, 164
University Building,
photograph of University Building (later Mitchell Building), 173
University Colleges,
record number of students at St. Mark's College, 48
St George’s College in Perth affiliated with Adelaide, 102
Upton, Alethea,
performed at Elder student concert, 162
Upton, Dr W C T,
appointed Honorary Clinical Assistant to Skin Section at Adelaide Hospital, 133
Urlwin, Mrs Margaret,
performed at pianoforte recital by Elder students, 91
Vardon, Leonard,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 126
Verco, Gladys,
member of string quartet at Elder student concert, 17
member of string quartet at Elder student concert, 115
member of pianoforte quintet at Elder student concert, 140
Verco, Mona Saxe,
awarded 1929 Exhibition in Grade IV in Theory of Music, 24
Verco, Sir Joseph Cooke,
gift of medical books to library, 3
munificence to University, 22
biography, 134
foundation of Medical School was mainly due to the efforts of Professor Sir Edward Charles Stirling & Sir Joseph Cooke Verco, 148
elected member of Council of the Royal Society of South Australia, 154
presented Library with medical books & a number of works in general literature, 162
gift of Law books to library by William Barlow, 3
photographs of Professor Sir William Mitchell, 3 , 12 , 24 , 82 , 90 , 182 , 183 , 185
Sir William Mitchell presented new system of matriculation examinations to Standing Committee of Australian Universities, 12
Professor Sir William Mitchell to deliver MacRossan lectures, 16
Professor Sir William Mitchell's retires from Council, 22
Professor Sir William Mitchell announces launch of building programme, 24
Professor Sir William Mitchell to travel to England on family matters, 25 , 37
Professor Sir William Mitchell re-elected Vice-Chancellor, 33 , 34 , 37
Professor Sir William Mitchell re-elected to Council, 32 , 33 , 34
Professor Sir William Mitchell delivered John Murtagh Macrossan Lecture, 37
Professor Sir William Mitchell appointed member of Appointments Board, 56
Professor Sir William Mitchell present at laying foundation stone for John Darling Laboratory, 57 , 58
Professor Sir William Mitchell present at physics lecture theatre to hear opening of England-Australia telephone service, 59
Professor Sir William Mitchell presided at 1930 Joseph Fisher Lecture, 76 , 77
Sir George John Robert Murray at funeral of Professor Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, 79
Professor Sir William Mitchell elected a Vice-President of Economic Society, 83
assistance with books for library by Rt Rev Augustus Short, 83 , 84
Professor Sir William Mitchell advised students of Workers' Educational Association to consider economic position, 89
address by Professor Sir William Mitchell on solutions to economic problems, 90
Professor Sir William Mitchell attended1930 Commemoration ceremony, 96
Professor Sir William Mitchell to draw up scheme for a common standard of matriculation throughout Commonwealth, 98 , 99
Professor Sir William Mitchell urges University Men's Union to study current politics, 109
Professor Sir William Mitchell presided at meeting of League of Nations Union, 111
common standard of matriculation for Australia drawn up by Professor Sir William Mitchell to be considered by Council and staff, 111
Professor Sir William Mitchell to attend University Exhibition, 116
Professor Sir William Mitchell tells students to develop principle to leave university with a unified & well-balanced mind, 121 , 126
Professor Sir William Mitchell to furnish a statement on education costs, 130
Professor Sir William Mitchell on entrance standard for degrees, 135
Professor Sir William Mitchell made available summary of a letter sent to Chairman of Committee on Public Education on university costs, 136
Letter from Professor Sir William Mitchell to Premier pointing out that conversions in Government securities lost University revenue, 142 , 143
Professor Sir William Mitchell proposed further reduction in staff salaries, 143
Professor Sir William Mitchell on lack of community appreciation of value of University, 144
Professor Sir William Mitchell attended unveiling of memorial to Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 144
Professor Sir William Mitchell appointed Professor of English Language & Literature & Mental & Moral Philosophy in 1894, held position for 28 years, 147
Professor Sir William Mitchell agreed that the number of students tends to rise in bad times & fall in prosperity, 147
Professor Sir William Mitchell to submit a resolution at meeting to protest impost of heavier primage & sales tax on books, 157
Professor Sir William Mitchell calls impost of heavier primage & sales tax on books & periodicals a blow to education, 157
Associates in Music for 1931 & scholarship holders for 1932 introduced at Elder student concert, 162
Professor Sir William Mitchell attended luncheon for new graduates, 162
Professor Sir William Mitchell proposed changes to system of public examinations, 164
Professor Sir William Mitchell's name to appear on new maps of Antarctic continent, 187a
Vincent, Harry,
awarded an evening studentship in Commerce, 106
Vincent, Mary,
awarded an evening studentship in Commerce, 106
Virgo, Jean,
pianist at Elder student concerts, 57 , 58 , 140
photograph of His Excellency Sir Alexander Hore-Ruthven at opening of John Darling Laboratory, 82
His Excellency Sir Alexander Hore-Ruthven attended 1930 Commemoration, 96 , 97
interest & influence of Governor Sir William Robinson, in founding of School of Music, 148
W R Dewell, Chief Research Chemist, Victorian Department of Agriculture to Waite Agricultural Research Institute's new laboratory, 29
G de Cairos-Rego visited Elder Conservatorium to discuss formation of Musical Association in South Australia, 39 , 40
Senator J J Daly to Waite Agricultural Research Institute and Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson's research on animal nutrition, 40
visit to Waite Agricultural Research Institute by members of Federal Public Accounts Committee, 101
Professor Lotus D Coffman, President, University of Minnesota, at 1931 commemoration ceremony, 162
photograph of His Excellency Sir Alexander Hore-Ruthven at foundation stone ceremony of Barr Smith Library, 182
Wagner, Franz William,
1928 Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, 31
to remain in England to continue studies, 146
Wainwright, John William,
member of State Finance Advisory Committee, 66 , 105 , 138 , 142
photograph, 66
elected member of the Economic Society, 83
Assistant Auditor-General is member of Advisory Committee on State Finance which is to be disbanded, 136 , 137 , 138
auditor for Executive of South Australian Institute of Public Administration, 140
Wainwright, Mrs Agnes,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 22
Wait, Miss M,
to respond to toast to 'The University Women's Union' at annual dinner, 96
Waite Agricultural Research Institute,
Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson on 'The Need for Increased Efficiency in Wheat Production', 19
gift by Sir John Melrose to establish Melrose Laboratory, 19 , 22 , 29 , 37 , 39 , 54 , 57
donation from Harold Darling for erection of a soil laboratory at Waite, 19 , 29 , 37 , 39 , 46 , 54 , 57
visit by Dr S S Cameron (Director of Agriculture in Victoria), 20
made possible by munificence of Peter Waite, 3 , 24 , 34 , 36 , 57
tenders called for erection of John Darling Laboratory, 24
Dr Robert Henry Pulleine's visit to research institutes in California & Arizona, 27
Council to consider tenders for building of John Darling Laboratory, 29
visit by W R Dewell, Chief Research Chemist in Victorian Department of Agriculture, 29
Messrs Cheary Bros of Goodwood win tender for Darling Laboratory, 34
new plant culture houses & insectary officially opened by R B McComas, 36 , 37 , 38 , 39
experiments on insect pest eradication, 38 , 39
experiments on best cultural methods to maximise crop yields, 38 , 39
Waite Agricultural Research Institute envy of every other university in Australia, 39
visit by Senator J J Daly includes inspection of Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson's research on animal nutrition, 40
Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson on 'Pasture Improvement & Sheep Diseases' at conference at St. Arnaud, 45
Professor James Arthur Prescott on 'Soil Research in relation to the Citrus Industry' at Mildura, 46
grant by Commonwealth Bank of Australia directors from Rural Credits Development Fund towards erection of plant culture house & insectary, 46
foundation stone laid for John Darling Laboratory, 54 , 57 , 58
agreement between CSIR & University to establish a division of soils research, 54
Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson at meeting of Council for Scientific & Industrial Research in Melbourne, 57
value to the field of scientific agricultural research, 57 , 58
Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson on improvements in feeding, breeding, soil and productivity at laying of the foundation stone for John Darling Laboratory, 58
Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson's inspection of dairy farms at chief dairying centre in NSW at Grafton, 64
Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson on ‘Primary production pillar of prosperity’, 64
Geoffrey Samuel plant pathologist to attend Fifth International Botanical Conference at Cambridge, 65
Geoffrey Samuel to study plant disease problems in America, 65
high praise for Institute's valuable work on pastures by Professor Stapledon of Wales, 72
Stephen Denis Garrett, plant pathologist, elected Fellow of the Royal Society of South Australia, 75
invitations issued for official opening of John Darling Laboratories, 76
Professors Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson & James Arthur Prescott's involvement in establishing soil research centre, 81
photograph of Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson at opening of John Darling Laboratory, 82
practical tests in field & with animals assisted by the Pastoral Research Fund's donation for pastoral research in Australia, 83
capable of scientific work for productive schemes on the land, 92
experiments into value of nitrogenous fertilisers on cereal & other crops merits another grant in aid by the Imperial Chemical Industries of Australia & New Zealand, 93
Professor James Arthur Prescott to examine soils on King Island, 95
erection of Darling Research Laboratory, 97
Frederick William Eardley claims University as progressive as those in Britain and on Continent especially in regard to agricultural research conducted at Waite, 98
praise by Imperial Wool Research Conference for research undertaken at Animal Nutrition Laboratory, 99
visit members of Federal Public Accounts Committee, 101
Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson on increased costs imposed on farmers as a result of Federal fiscal policy, 110
Professor James Arthur Prescott returns from Murrumbidgee Irrigation area, 111
bequest by Mrs. Elizabeth Macmeikan for Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 111 , 162
Geoffrey Samuel on 'Tomato Diseases in South Australia & how to Control them, with special reference to Glasshouse Tomato Culture', 119
biography and photograph of Professor James Arthur Prescott, 120
Professor James Arthur Prescott on necessity of accurate soil analysis prior to settlement schemes for prospective farmers, 122
Professor G S Peren, Principal of Massey Agricultural College Palmerston South NZ in Adelaide to inspect research institutions, 126
Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson reappointed member of Advisory Board of Agriculture, 132
most postgraduate studies in SA taken at Waite or University of Adelaide, 144
Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson attended unveiling of memorial tablet to Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, 144
Professor Sir Charles James Martin on value of research done in Adelaide by Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, 146
Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson was previously employed in Victoria, 146
suggested as Commonwealth Research Station, 150
Professor James Arthur Prescott awarded H G Smith Memorial Medal, 151
Australian & British researchers combining to solve dairying grasslands problems peculiar to each country, 159
experiment with rye-wheat hybrid discovered at Roseworthy Agricultural College, 167
photograph of experiments to grow linseed profitably in South Australia, 169
acquired great reputation abroad, 177
photograph of members of Federal Committee inquiring into South Australia's disabilities under Federation, 177
photograph of horses bring in harvest at Urrbrae, 190
photograph of R B McComas at opening of Plant Culture Houses & Insectary with Professors Robert William Chapman & Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson, 192
photograph of R B McComas, E Anthony MP, Professors Robert William Chapman & Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson & Mr J Cowan MP inspecting tomatoes in Plant Pathology Glass House at Urrbrae, 193
photograph of Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson speaking at opening ceremony for Plant Culture Houses & Insectary, 193
photograph of loading stooks from an experimental crop of oats, 194
photograph of new plant culture houses & insectary, 194
photograph of members of staff arranging exhibits for inspection, 194
gift by Lily & Eva Waite for planting escarpment and grounds north of Darling Building, 37 , 46
Waite, Peter,
bequest of Urrbrae Estate for establishment of Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 3 , 24 , 34 , 36 , 57
Walker, Christina A,
awarded an evening studentship (Law), 106
Walker, Dr William Delano,
photograph, 51
series of baby kangaroos of interest to Royal College of Surgeons Museum, 51
support for Rev. Flynn's aerial medical service, 51
awarded Royal Photographic Society's medal for photo-series on life of a kangaroo, 145
Walkley, Allan,
obtained second class in Honours Degree of BA (natural science tripos) at Trinity College, Cambridge, 65
Walsh, Marjory,
vocalist at Elder student concert, 115
Walter, Hilda Blanche May,
to be elected President of University Women's Union, 96
Chairman of Women's Union Committee for 1931-1932, 120
Wannan, Miss E,
awarded Sports Association Blue for hockey, 81c
Ward, Cyril Michael,
comments on Professor Kerr Grant's criticism of system of secondary education, 28 , 30 , 125
on secondary education by Vice-Principal of Adelaide High School, 125
Ward, Dr Leonard Keith,
elected Vice-President of Economic Society, 83
appointed to Council of School of Mines & Industries, 94
President of SA branch of Royal Geographical Society of Australasia received a letter from Antarctic by Sir Douglas Mawson, 187e
Ward, Harry Lancelot
on benefits of Public Examination system, 164 , 165
on Professor Kerr Grant's criticism of secondary education system, 26 , 28
Ward, John Frederick,
appointed Headmaster of Prince Alfred College, 1
presided at Graduates' Union commemoration luncheon for new graduates, 162
on discussion of present system of public examinations, 164
Ward, F W,
elected to committee of Graduates Branch, 84
Ward, L R,
Committee Member of the University Engineers' Glider Club when the club-built glider was tested over Tapley's Hill, 184
photograph of engineering students constructing glider, 186b
member of University Engineers' Gliding Club constructing a primary glider, 186a
Warne, W J W,
elected member of Council, 64
Watkins, J L,
photograph of engineering students constructing a glider, 186b
member of University Engineers' Gliding Club constructing a primary glider, 186a
Watson, L J,
awarded a Sports Association Blue for lacrosse, 81c
Watson, Phebe,
speaker on teaching at conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 139
Watson, Professor Archibald,
to arrive in Adelaide in February, 99
due to visit Adelaide in the spring, 114
world-wide fame for Adelaide Professor, 116
photograph of first Professor of Anatomy, 148
Watson, Rita,
vocalist at concert by Elder Conservatorium Student Orchestra, 11
vocalist at Elder student concerts, 61 , 62 , 65
vocalist at performances by Elder opera class, 74 , 162
played part of Queen Elizabeth in 'Merrie England', 188a
Way, Rt Hon Sir Samuel James,
gifts of books, bronze statuette & silverware to library, 3 , 83
gave 1482 law book written by the Emperor Justinian, 11
Webb, Miss R,
awarded a Sports Association Blue for tennis, 81c
Webb, Phyllis,
vocalist at lunch-hour organ recital by John Adam Horner, 65
vocalist at Elder student concert, 65 , 66
Welch, Dr Arthur,
Welch, A W,
performed in 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy', 142
Whitburn, Jack,
awarded 1930 James Gartrell Prize for Elementary Comparative Philology equal with Alan Halstead Haselgrove, 97
White, W R,
photograph of engineering students constructing a glider, 186a
Whitelaw, Albert James,
elected Fellow of Royal Society, 75
Whitford, Jack,
awarded evening studentship (School of Mines Associate), 106
Whitham, Annie Beatrice,
elected an officer of Women Graduates' Association, 29
Whitington, Frederick Taylor,
on the March 1877 first class matriculation list, later an Archdeacon in Hobart, 112
Whitington, Sylvia Muriel,
performed as member of Elder string quartet, 5 , 26 , 60 , 71 , 78 , 84 , 111 , 117 , 132
violinist at Elder staff concerts, 15 , 63 , 146
comments on possible demise of the South Australian Orchestra, 57
mentioned as member of South Australian orchestra which may collapse, 57
played in chamber music recital in memory of Charles Schilsky, 153
Wiebusch, Adele Maria Dorothea,
pianist in Elder student concerts, 25 , 88 , 91
pianoforte solo at Elder student concert, 65 , 66
organ solo at Elder student concerts, 73 , 93 , 115
Wigg, Dr Neil Thorburn Melrose,
appointed Honorary Clinical Assistant to Assistant Physicians at Children's Hospital, 121
appointed Honorary Clinical Assistant to Medical Section at Adelaide Hospital, 133
Wilcher, Lewis Charles,
awarded 1929 Rhodes Scholarship, 31 , 37 , 38
biography and photograph, 31
awarded 1929 League of Nations Prize, 83
awarded equal first place for Kingston Oliphant Prize at Oxford, 136
photograph of mace-bearer in Commemoration Day procession, 191
1929 Tindale Scholar & 1930 Rhodes Scholar member of St Mark's College, 34
Wilkinson, Miss,
speaker on pharmacy & veterinary science at women’s vocation conference, 139
Wilkinson, Professor F L,
photograph in procession prior to 1930 Annual Commemoration, 175
Wilkinson, Professor Herbert John,
arrival of new Elder Professor of Anatomy and Histology, 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 97
photographs, 51 , 52 , 189
biography, 52
registered as legally qualified medical practitioner in South Australia, 140
awarded Degree of Doctor of Medicine by Sydney University, 69
member of scientific party to study Australian Aborigines in Macdonnell Downs, 74
elected Fellow of Royal Society of South Australia, 75
welcome by graduates, 84
address at Workers' Educational Association annual student break-up, 90
showed moving picture of Aboriginal life near Macdonald Down Station at University Exhibition, 116
to give public lecture on 'Architecture of the Brain', 117
gave public lecture on ' Architecture of the Brain', 121
member of party of scientists to study Aborigines at Cockatoo Creek, 136
photographer for anthropological expedition for scientific investigation of Aborigines, 142
appointed Honorary Consulting Anatomist to Adelaide Hospital, 145
account given to meeting of Anthropological Society of research work on Aborigines, 155
Williams, Donald Carter,
Williams, Francis Edgar,
1915 Rhodes Scholar occupies official position in Pacific Islands, 31
obtained MA degree for thesis 'An Ethnolographical Report on the Orokaiva People of Papua', 31
Williams, Hartley,
member of string quartet at Elder student concert, 17
instrumentalist at Elder concert, 58
dual violinist at Elder student concert, 61 , 62
member of piano quartet at Elder student concert, 73
performed at Elder student concert, 87
Williams, Joseph,
photograph of carpenter for Sir Douglas Mawson's second BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 187n
Wilsmore, Professor,
comments on effect of financial stringency on scientific advancement at the Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 64
Wilson, Dr Thomas George,
appointed Lecturer in Gynaecology & Obstetrics, 163
Wilson, Malcolm,
vocalist at the first of series of 20 weekly free organ concerts by John Adam Horner, 110
Wilson, A,
retirement as Caretaker of University of Adelaide, 20
Wilton, Professor John Raymond,
opposition to imposition of duty on imported books and printed matter, 52 , 53
awarded degree of Doctor of Science by University of Cambridge for his published work in Higher Mathematics, 64 , 97
academic career, 64
Chairman of University Library Committee remembers the late Robert John Miller Clucas, 80
as Chairman of Library Committee seconded vote of thanks to Mrs Barr Smith for laying foundation stone of Barr Smith Library, 83 , 84
born in South Australia, 84
stated in Senate of University that there would be both Ordinary & Honours degrees of Bachelor of Economics in the Economics course, 94
Winton, Louis Joseph,
appointed Deputy Director of Mines by Executive Council, 111
Adelaide branch of Australian Federation of University Women held a conference on careers for girls, 139
University of Adelaide first Australian university to grant degrees to women, 167
photograph of some of women graduates waiting to process into Elder Hall, 181
Wood, Joseph Garnett,
visit to Koonamore Station, north of Yunta, 14
talk to Royal Society on regeneration of arid lands, 120
work with Professor Theodore George Bentley Osborn at Koonamore, 120
comments on arid flora of the Koonamore Reserve, 145
Wood, Sister Sinclair,
speaker on nursing at women’s vocation conference at University, 139
Wood, Dr Thomas,
appointed examiner for Royal Academy of Music & Royal College of Music, 142
Woods, Miss K D,
death mourned at Commemoration ceremony, 97
Woollard, Professor Herbert Henry,
appointed Professor of Anatomy at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, 10 , 97
photograph, 21
opinion on South African skull found near Cape Town, 21
resignation from Chair of Anatomy, 37 , 40 , 41
Woolnough, Dr Walter George,
visit to oil fields of USA, 49
Workers' Educational Association,
commencement of 1930 educational classes, 50
impact of rising cost of books on the community by imposition of heavier primage & sales tax on books, 154 , 155
protests at lack of exemptions from higher taxes on books and periodicals, 157
Wright, Dorothy Maud,
recommended for Joseph Fisher Medal for commerce (equal) with Edith May Pentelow, 34
awarded 1929 Joseph Fisher Medal (equal) with Edith May Pentelow, 38
Wright, Dr G H,
comments on address by Professor Kerr Grant at a meeting of the Charge Engineers' Association on progress in science religion, politics and the education system, 124
Wright, Leslie McL,
awarded an evening studentship (Law), 106
Wunderly, Dr H W,
Appointed Honorary Clinical Assistant to Medical Section at Adelaide Hospital, 133
Wylde, Harold Eustace,
departs for West Australia to conduct public music examinations, 84 , 86
organ accompanist at annual student Nunc Dimitis, 95
pianist at performance of 'King Arthur, or the British Worthy' by opera class, 142
Wyles, Mrs T A,
member of piano quartet at Elder student concert, 115
Wynes, William Anstey,
first Honour degree of Bachelor of Laws graduate, 162
Yates, Mr C,
member of University Engineers' Gliding Club, 186a , 186b
Yoeger, Katie,
violin solo at Elder student concert, 57 , 58
member of string quartet at Elder student concerts, 65 , 66 , 115 , 162
performed at graduate welcome for Professor Herbert John Wilkinson, 84
Young, Martin,
lawyer seeking admission to the Bar in South Australia, 159
Young, Norman Smith,
1931 proxime accessit for Joseph Fisher Medal, 97
Young, Sir Walter James,
made member of Economics society, 83
renominated and elected as membership of Senate of University, 93
photographed with representative citizens at birthday levee at Government House, 183
included in a photograph of R B McComas at opening of the Plant Culture Houses & Insectary, 192
gift towards cost of boundary fence on Victoria Drive, 3 , 37
consulted on appointment of new Chair of Bio-Chemistry & Physiology, 48
present at laying of the foundation stone for the John Darling Laboratory, 57
appointed to Government Committee to advise on financial position of South Australia, 66 , 67
photographs, 66 , 137 , 138 , 166
photograph at opening of John Darling Laboratory, 82
elected member of University Council, 94
Premier expressed thanks for service given to the State, 96
Chairman of State Finance Committee visits Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 101
reappointed chairman of State Committee of Science & Industry Research, 104
member of State Finance Advisory Committee, 105
Chairman of Advisory Committee on State Finance which is to be disbanded, 136
resignation of Chairman of the Advisory Committee on State Finance, 137 , 138
comments on function of the Advisory Committee on State Finance, 137 , 138
tribute for outstanding service to the Advisory Committee on State Finance, 138
consulted Tom Elder Barr Smith prior to accepting position of Chairman of the Advisory Committee on State Finance, 138
Council of the Chamber of Manufactures letter of appreciation of services as Chairman of the Advisory Committee on State Finance, 139
motion in the House of Assembly in appreciation of services as Chairman of the Advisory Committee on State Finance, 139
resigns from Advisory Committee on State Finance, 142
Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (Civil Division), KBE in New Year's honours list, 165 , 166
career highlights, 166 , 167
elected President of Economic Society, 83
Younkman, James Hannibal,
graduation of 1929 Everard Scholar, 37